FOX NEWS: DON TRUMP to announce today at 11 AM EST

Trump is alot like Eddy Gordo from Tekken. His ridiculous bullshit leaves people dazed and confused, which has helped him get "wins" through his life. But he's still just a fucking idiot.

Why are you libs always jealous of successful people?

You'll have to ask the liberals. As for me, I have no jealously of Trump's wealth. Just disdain for his stupidity.
Well, the whole thing lasted about 54 minutes and the Don's speech will go down in history as one of the more colorful ramblings ever!

I am sure that other Republicans are just delighted that Donnie Trump has joined the fray.
Source Trump to declare 9 billion in assets during expected presidential announcement Fox News
Trump has been suspected of trumping up his net worth in the past. He told a New York Times reporter in 2005 that he was worth "five to six" billion dollars, while three unidentified individuals with direct knowledge of The Donald's finances told the same reporter they believed his net worth was actually somewhere between $150 million and $250 million. To correct the record, Trump sued the reporter, Timothy O'Brien, and his book publisher, Warner Books, to the tune of $5 billion. Trump argued in that suit that his net worth was really $2.7 billion. The suit was later dismissed.
Here's a tidbit from the link that really makes my skin crawl.

I built a great company with very little debt.

The guy has declared bankruptcy 100 times. And he really wants to make statements like this? Trump is a fucking joke. I'll be happy when he self destructs again and clears the way for the real candidates.
You want to know something about casinos, showboating, and comb overs, Don is your go-to guy.

You want to know something about running a country, ask someone else.
Trump would probably be a good president. He understands how to run a business, how to deal with the Chinese and Russians, and how to balance a budget. He is also not a career politician which gives him more points over lifetime pols like HRC and Jeb.

Trump/Fiorina---------------that ticket would fix the US economy in 6 months.

Both have the distinction of driving businesses into bankruptcy.

Neither have succeeded at much of anything.

Again, sounds like you just described Hillary and the Clinton foundation. legalized bribery.

Now, would you care to give us a list of hillary's success stories? Hmmmmmm?

Sure can:

1. Got her Husband elected Governor of Arkansas.

2. Got her Husband elected to the White House not once but twice. ( Of Course with the help of Perot and weak GOP Candidates. )

3. Got elected to the Senate from a state that was not her birth state.

4. Ran for Presidential nomination on the Democrat ticket and came in second.

5. Got selected to be Sec. of State.

Now as you attempted to spin what I wrote please note you ask for her accomplishments and not how well she did at those things she accomplished, so now can you name one GOP woman that has accomplished as much as Hillary has?
Trump would probably be a good president. He understands how to run a business, how to deal with the Chinese and Russians, and how to balance a budget. He is also not a career politician which gives him more points over lifetime pols like HRC and Jeb.

Trump/Fiorina---------------that ticket would fix the US economy in 6 months.

Both have the distinction of driving businesses into bankruptcy.

Neither have succeeded at much of anything.

Again, sounds like you just described Hillary and the Clinton foundation. legalized bribery.

Now, would you care to give us a list of hillary's success stories? Hmmmmmm?

Sure can:

1. Got her Husband elected Governor of Arkansas.

2. Got her Husband elected to the White House not once but twice. ( Of Course with the help of Perot and weak GOP Candidates. )

3. Got elected to the Senate from a state that was not her birth state.

4. Ran for Presidential nomination on the Democrat ticket and came in second.

5. Got selected to be Sec. of State.

Now as you attempted to spin what I wrote please note you ask for her accomplishments and not how well she did at those things she accomplished, so now can you name one GOP woman that has accomplished as much as Hillary has?
Margaret Thatcher?
Well, It must be nice to be able to repeatedly declare bankruptcy and maintain your billions, I guess. But wait...he does know that declaring bankruptcy will not be an option of president, right?
Well, the whole thing lasted about 54 minutes and the Don's speech will go down in history as one of the more colorful ramblings ever!

I am sure that other Republicans are just delighted that Donnie Trump has joined the fray.
His running mate will be his comb over.
Trump would probably be a good president. He understands how to run a business, how to deal with the Chinese and Russians, and how to balance a budget. He is also not a career politician which gives him more points over lifetime pols like HRC and Jeb.

Trump/Fiorina---------------that ticket would fix the US economy in 6 months.

Both have the distinction of driving businesses into bankruptcy.

Neither have succeeded at much of anything.

Again, sounds like you just described Hillary and the Clinton foundation. legalized bribery.

Now, would you care to give us a list of hillary's success stories? Hmmmmmm?

Sure can:

1. Got her Husband elected Governor of Arkansas.

2. Got her Husband elected to the White House not once but twice. ( Of Course with the help of Perot and weak GOP Candidates. )

3. Got elected to the Senate from a state that was not her birth state.

4. Ran for Presidential nomination on the Democrat ticket and came in second.

5. Got selected to be Sec. of State.

Now as you attempted to spin what I wrote please note you ask for her accomplishments and not how well she did at those things she accomplished, so now can you name one GOP woman that has accomplished as much as Hillary has?
Margaret Thatcher?

Ummm, alrighty then...

I wrote GOP for a reason so no one would try to make a far reach, but alas someone did...

Hillary does conjure up Margaret to me but still the question was name one GOP woman with the same amount of accomplishment and not just any Conservative woman...
Trump would probably be a good president. He understands how to run a business, how to deal with the Chinese and Russians, and how to balance a budget. He is also not a career politician which gives him more points over lifetime pols like HRC and Jeb.

Trump/Fiorina---------------that ticket would fix the US economy in 6 months.

Both have the distinction of driving businesses into bankruptcy.

Neither have succeeded at much of anything.

Again, sounds like you just described Hillary and the Clinton foundation. legalized bribery.

Now, would you care to give us a list of hillary's success stories? Hmmmmmm?

Sure can:

1. Got her Husband elected Governor of Arkansas.

2. Got her Husband elected to the White House not once but twice. ( Of Course with the help of Perot and weak GOP Candidates. )

3. Got elected to the Senate from a state that was not her birth state.

4. Ran for Presidential nomination on the Democrat ticket and came in second.

5. Got selected to be Sec. of State.

Now as you attempted to spin what I wrote please note you ask for her accomplishments and not how well she did at those things she accomplished, so now can you name one GOP woman that has accomplished as much as Hillary has?
Margaret Thatcher?

Ummm, alrighty then...

I wrote GOP for a reason so no one would try to make a far reach, but alas someone did...

Hillary does conjure up Margaret to me but still the question was name one GOP woman with the same amount of accomplishment and not just any Conservative woman...
Ohhh, GOP. Golda Meir? The 'G' stands for Golda, right?
Both have the distinction of driving businesses into bankruptcy.

Neither have succeeded at much of anything.

Again, sounds like you just described Hillary and the Clinton foundation. legalized bribery.

Now, would you care to give us a list of hillary's success stories? Hmmmmmm?

Why so desperate to change the subject?

Stop trying so hard to make it about the Clintons and stay on topic.

You said that business failures, Trump and Fiorina would make good prez and veep. You said Trump would know how to deal with the Russians and Chinese.

Why in the world would anyone make such patently idiotic statements?

Because they are true. He dealt with them successfully in his own business where his own money was at stake and he could deal with them successfully as president.

As to idiotic statements, you are the sole winner in that category.

He developed real estate in New York City when it was uncertain if we were going to go the way of Detroit under Democrat stewardship.

He converted the near bankrupt Commodore Hotel into NYC's first Hyatt and build arguably the highest end residential property at the time, Trump Tower.

He tried to revive Atlantic City, but could not overcome the decades of neglect from the City and State.

He has a real background as a businessman in a brutally tough and competitive environment and a better resume than" Organized Communities in Chicago, wrote 2 autobiographies and went to Harvard Law and never heard about Judicial Review"
Believing a guy who is good at accumulating wealth can run a country is an Argument from Authority Fallacy.

We can clearly see Trump is really stupid about a lot of things.

Believing a guy who doesn't know how many states are in the USA to the Nearest 10 sure worked out well.

It's not a logical fallacy, it's called making an informed decision. Trumps background includes far more real work experience than Hillary or any Republican Senator can accumulate in 10 lifetimes

Trump developed in NY, what did Hillary do, trade Cattle futures?
Again, sounds like you just described Hillary and the Clinton foundation. legalized bribery.

Now, would you care to give us a list of hillary's success stories? Hmmmmmm?

Why so desperate to change the subject?

Stop trying so hard to make it about the Clintons and stay on topic.

You said that business failures, Trump and Fiorina would make good prez and veep. You said Trump would know how to deal with the Russians and Chinese.

Why in the world would anyone make such patently idiotic statements?

Because they are true. He dealt with them successfully in his own business where his own money was at stake and he could deal with them successfully as president.

As to idiotic statements, you are the sole winner in that category.

He developed real estate in New York City when it was uncertain if we were going to go the way of Detroit under Democrat stewardship.

He converted the near bankrupt Commodore Hotel into NYC's first Hyatt and build arguably the highest end residential property at the time, Trump Tower.

He tried to revive Atlantic City, but could not overcome the decades of neglect from the City and State.

He has a real background as a businessman in a brutally tough and competitive environment and a better resume than" Organized Communities in Chicago, wrote 2 autobiographies and went to Harvard Law and never heard about Judicial Review"
Believing a guy who is good at accumulating wealth can run a country is an Argument from Authority Fallacy.

We can clearly see Trump is really stupid about a lot of things.

Believing a guy who doesn't know how many states are in the USA to the Nearest 10 sure worked out well.

It's not a logical fallacy, it's called making an informed decision. Trumps background includes far more real work experience than Hillary or any Republican Senator can accumulate in 10 lifetimes

Trump developed in NY, what did Hillary do, trade Cattle futures?
"Real work experience" does not automatically translate to working with Congress to getting things done. It's an argument from authority fallacy.

Trump might know how to get a casino built, that does not mean he knows how to get Congress to pass a budget. Especially those of the opposite party, and especially since he can't fire them.

Zero government experience is a huge drawback. Just ask Obama.
Both have the distinction of driving businesses into bankruptcy.

Neither have succeeded at much of anything.

Again, sounds like you just described Hillary and the Clinton foundation. legalized bribery.

Now, would you care to give us a list of hillary's success stories? Hmmmmmm?

Sure can:

1. Got her Husband elected Governor of Arkansas.

2. Got her Husband elected to the White House not once but twice. ( Of Course with the help of Perot and weak GOP Candidates. )

3. Got elected to the Senate from a state that was not her birth state.

4. Ran for Presidential nomination on the Democrat ticket and came in second.

5. Got selected to be Sec. of State.

Now as you attempted to spin what I wrote please note you ask for her accomplishments and not how well she did at those things she accomplished, so now can you name one GOP woman that has accomplished as much as Hillary has?
Margaret Thatcher?

Ummm, alrighty then...

I wrote GOP for a reason so no one would try to make a far reach, but alas someone did...

Hillary does conjure up Margaret to me but still the question was name one GOP woman with the same amount of accomplishment and not just any Conservative woman...
Ohhh, GOP. Golda Meir? The 'G' stands for Golda, right?

Ten thousand comedian's out of work and I get one responding to me... Seth is that you?
Again, sounds like you just described Hillary and the Clinton foundation. legalized bribery.

Now, would you care to give us a list of hillary's success stories? Hmmmmmm?

Why so desperate to change the subject?

Stop trying so hard to make it about the Clintons and stay on topic.

You said that business failures, Trump and Fiorina would make good prez and veep. You said Trump would know how to deal with the Russians and Chinese.

Why in the world would anyone make such patently idiotic statements?

Because they are true. He dealt with them successfully in his own business where his own money was at stake and he could deal with them successfully as president.

As to idiotic statements, you are the sole winner in that category.

He developed real estate in New York City when it was uncertain if we were going to go the way of Detroit under Democrat stewardship.

He converted the near bankrupt Commodore Hotel into NYC's first Hyatt and build arguably the highest end residential property at the time, Trump Tower.

He tried to revive Atlantic City, but could not overcome the decades of neglect from the City and State.

He has a real background as a businessman in a brutally tough and competitive environment and a better resume than" Organized Communities in Chicago, wrote 2 autobiographies and went to Harvard Law and never heard about Judicial Review"
Believing a guy who is good at accumulating wealth can run a country is an Argument from Authority Fallacy.

We can clearly see Trump is really stupid about a lot of things.

Believing a guy who doesn't know how many states are in the USA to the Nearest 10 sure worked out well.

It's not a logical fallacy, it's called making an informed decision. Trumps background includes far more real work experience than Hillary or any Republican Senator can accumulate in 10 lifetimes

Trump developed in NY, what did Hillary do, trade Cattle futures?
It never ceases to amaze me how righties glom onto that 57 state gaffe. Which would be reasonable had they not twice elected the man for whom entire books were written, chock-full of gaffes. :ack-1:
Again, sounds like you just described Hillary and the Clinton foundation. legalized bribery.

Now, would you care to give us a list of hillary's success stories? Hmmmmmm?

Sure can:

1. Got her Husband elected Governor of Arkansas.

2. Got her Husband elected to the White House not once but twice. ( Of Course with the help of Perot and weak GOP Candidates. )

3. Got elected to the Senate from a state that was not her birth state.

4. Ran for Presidential nomination on the Democrat ticket and came in second.

5. Got selected to be Sec. of State.

Now as you attempted to spin what I wrote please note you ask for her accomplishments and not how well she did at those things she accomplished, so now can you name one GOP woman that has accomplished as much as Hillary has?
Margaret Thatcher?

Ummm, alrighty then...

I wrote GOP for a reason so no one would try to make a far reach, but alas someone did...

Hillary does conjure up Margaret to me but still the question was name one GOP woman with the same amount of accomplishment and not just any Conservative woman...
Ohhh, GOP. Golda Meir? The 'G' stands for Golda, right?

Ten thousand comedian's out of work and I get one responding to me... Seth is that you?
Which Seth?

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