Fox News Guest Sounds Alarm on ‘Environmental Disaster’ — Of Migrants Littering at Southern Border

Leftard Democrats don't really care about the environment, that was all an act. See how fast they were willing to compromise their own principles for the sake of throwing the borders wide open? And remember how they shrieked and howled because everyone wasn't wearing masks or weren't triple-vaxxed? You won't hear a single one of them express any trepidation about millions of unvaccinated and untested illegals coming across the border.

You'll never find a bigger bunch of two-faced disingenuous pricks than the good old American Democrats.
Yep, the Democratic Party cares nothing about the environment or the American people. That is totally obvious just by observing what they do. They care about votes and power. Period. They appear to be aligning themselves with China and do everything they can to make China stronger and America weaker.
"Unfortunately, I don't see it getting any better. I can't believe the American people are just sitting by watching this unfold. I've never been more disgusted in the direction of our country, almost to the point of homelessness," said Sewell, speaking from outside on his property near Uvalde."

Border residents express 'hopelessness' as migrants pour into Texas: 'Things are really going to go bad'​

Who cares about them?

They probably all voted for the evil Orange Man From Hell.

They get what they get and they don't get upset.

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