Fox News host Megyn Kelly says Jesus and Santa are white

Will Fox Do The Right Thing And Fire Kelly?

  • Yes, Fox is a legitimate network and will fire Kelly

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • No, Fox could care less and will let her stay

    Votes: 23 95.8%

  • Total voters
Why is it OK when other ethnic groups have their representation of Santa's and Jesus but not OK when Whites have their own?
Megan Kelly was agreeing with the black woman. She saw her point of view until the ridiculous commit about penguins.
Why didn't the Black Woman's family have images of a Black Santa like other Black Family have done?

Ethnic Santa's
Why is it OK when other ethnic groups have their representation of Santa's and Jesus but not OK when Whites have their own?
Megan Kelly was agreeing with the black woman. She saw her point of view until the ridiculous commit about penguins.
Why didn't the Black Woman's family have images of a Black Santa like other Black Family have done?

Ethnic Santa's

You forgot one


I don't know when I have heard a more convoluted explanation.

'It was a joke'--Megyn Kelly tried to explain that she was being facetious about the idea of Santa being a penguin/Slate article.

Maybe--it was--but it was adolescent type of humor.
News Flash

Santa's Still White

Get the fuck over it!

"If you like your White Santa, you can keep him. Period"
I don't know when I have heard a more convoluted explanation.

'It was a joke'--Megyn Kelly tried to explain that she was being facetious about the idea of Santa being a penguin/Slate article.

Maybe--it was--but it was adolescent type of humor.

And Aisha Harris who said that Santa should be a penguin wasn't?
How come no female Santas? How come no transgendered Santas or gay Santas buggering the elves?


My Santa.
Santa is a fictional character...describe him/her whatever you wish.

Jesus was (or is if you prefer) an actual person born in Bethlehem which is in Palestine. Highly unlikely he would have been white.

Again, none of this should matter. What's hilarious is the Fox culture that just automatically assumes any benefactory entity such as Santa for believers or Christianity for it's followers must be white.

This is where the problem lies. This commercialization of Christmas and it's atomization down to the level where Santa is, "whatever you wish", is destroying the traditional European heritage of Christmas in the way of feel good liberalism and corporate advertising convenience.
I don't know when I have heard a more convoluted explanation.

'It was a joke'--Megyn Kelly tried to explain that she was being facetious about the idea of Santa being a penguin/Slate article.

Maybe--it was--but it was adolescent type of humor.

And Aisha Harris who said that Santa should be a penguin wasn't?

As far as I am concerned the entire thing was ridiculous.

Race--always a good angle, I suppose.

Tired of it.

Megyn never really tried to explain the 'Jesus is white, too'. Or my attention had waned.

This sort of thing seems to happen a lot--meaningless dialogue.
Santa is a fictional character...describe him/her whatever you wish.

Jesus was (or is if you prefer) an actual person born in Bethlehem which is in Palestine. Highly unlikely he would have been white.

Again, none of this should matter. What's hilarious is the Fox culture that just automatically assumes any benefactory entity such as Santa for believers or Christianity for it's followers must be white.

What's hilarious are the people commenting on this topic who haven't seen the Kelly segment .
Kelly was responding to an article written by an african-american woman who lamented the fact that Santa is white.
Kelly and the african-american woman both agree that Santa is white.
This obviously makes sense since Santa is indeed white. Who says? Pop culture.
Some people on this site though have suggested that Santa can be any color you want him to be.
You can draw a picture of the Pink Panther and make him purple. Nobody cares.
You can put Speedy Gonzales in a kimono and make him asian. Nobody cares.
You can hang up a picture of Joe Biden's skull and draw a brain inside of it. Nobody cares.

I reiterate, an african american woman wrote an article lamenting the FACT that Santa is white. Kelly agrees with said african american woman that Santa is white. Yet, it's kelly who is accused of racial impropriety by some weird redefinition of racism. Shouldn't the african american woman also be subjected to the same brainless knee jerk reactionary overblown politically correct nonsense? It wasn't "Fox culture" that brought up Honkey Claus . It was the african american woman who wrote the article that was being discussed who brought up Honky Claus. Ho ho motherfu**ing ho.
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First the conservatives declare that "racism" is non-existence... and now they forcefully declare that Santa and Jesus are white!

Fox News host Megyn Kelly says Jesus and Santa are white

Fox News host Megyn Kelly has made herself the center of a racial controversy by declaring that Jesus Christ and Santa Claus are white.

Could you please give us a name of one conservative who says racism does not exist?

Conservatives Think Racism Is Dead. They’re Wrong.
Well, if I had seen Mommy kissing a Black Santa Claus under the mistletoe, I admit it, I would have been shocked...

[ame=]The Ronettes - I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus - YouTube[/ame]
"On Wednesday night, Kelly was responding to an article by Slate writer Aisha Harris, who wrote an article entitled “ Santa Claus Should Not Be a White Man Anymore .”


I guess it's better than talking about ObamaCare, NSA, IRS, or Obama blowing Raul Castro


"Obama blowing Raul Castro"...........


Are they both white?
Well, if I had seen Mommy kissing a Black Santa Claus under the mistletoe, I admit it, I would have been shocked...


I'm not going to ask what you would have been doing watching her with a White Santa.

First the conservatives declare that "racism" is non-existence... and now they forcefully declare that Santa and Jesus are white!

Fox News host Megyn Kelly says Jesus and Santa are white

Could you please give us a name of one conservative who says racism does not exist?

Conservatives Think Racism Is Dead. They’re Wrong.
Conservatives Think Racism Is Dead. Wrong. -- Daily Intelligencer

Conservative do not think that Racism is Dead.
Much improvements have been made but there is still some more to work on.
Conservatives want to have poor Black Children to have a good education, but lefties lies and propaganda about it have been believed by those that vote for the left.
It's like some on the left think that the left does not lie. That everything they say is true when it is not.
You all see the rights lies and propaganda but you don't see your own. They are lying to you too lefties.
It is the left who are making up too much false stuff in order to keep racism alive and well.
After all the Black Leaders are making themselves millionaires over it.
Santa is a fictional character...describe him/her whatever you wish.

Jesus was (or is if you prefer) an actual person born in Bethlehem which is in Palestine. Highly unlikely he would have been white.

Again, none of this should matter. What's hilarious is the Fox culture that just automatically assumes any benefactory entity such as Santa for believers or Christianity for it's followers must be white.

This is where the problem lies. This commercialization of Christmas and it's atomization down to the level where Santa is, "whatever you wish", is destroying the traditional European heritage of Christmas in the way of feel good liberalism and corporate advertising convenience.

Wow....the only way to respond is

Just out of morbid curiosity; why is it a problem if your neighbor, your friend, a stranger on the street or anyone else for that matter thinks Santa is Chinese? Does it change the way you feel about it?

Santa Clause is fictional; you understand that right?
Santa is a fictional character...describe him/her whatever you wish.

Jesus was (or is if you prefer) an actual person born in Bethlehem which is in Palestine. Highly unlikely he would have been white.

Again, none of this should matter. What's hilarious is the Fox culture that just automatically assumes any benefactory entity such as Santa for believers or Christianity for it's followers must be white.

What's hilarious are the people commenting on this topic who haven't seen the Kelly segment .
Kelly was responding to an article written by an african-american woman who lamented the fact that Santa is white.
Kelly and the african-american woman both agree that Santa is white.
This obviously makes sense since Santa is indeed white. Who says? Pop culture.
Some people on this site though have suggested that Santa can be any color you want him to be.
You can draw a picture of the Pink Panther and make him purple. Nobody cares.
You can put Speedy Gonzales in a kimono and make him asian. Nobody cares.
You can hang up a picture of Joe Biden's skull and draw a brain inside of it. Nobody cares.

I reiterate, an african american woman wrote an article lamenting the FACT that Santa is white. Kelly agrees with said african american woman that Santa is white. Yet, it's kelly who is accused of racial impropriety by some weird redefinition of racism. Shouldn't the african american woman also be subjected to the same brainless knee jerk reactionary overblown politically correct nonsense? It wasn't "Fox culture" that brought up Honkey Claus . It was the african american woman who wrote the article that was being discussed who brought up Honky Claus. Ho ho motherfu**ing ho.

Could care less how Ms. Kelly described Santa. He's fiction.

Automatically assuming a Palestinian baby is white is fine too if you're on The View or Good Morning Phoenix. When you try to pass yourself off as a serious becomes problematic.

I'm sure her career at Fox is well secure since the superstition and dogma of the "news" network is what it is. It would be just like Chris Matthews alleging Santa or Jesus was female. The former is "who cares", the latter is factually incorrect but the dogma/superstition is served by the moronic allegation.

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