Fox News host Megyn Kelly says Jesus and Santa are white

Will Fox Do The Right Thing And Fire Kelly?

  • Yes, Fox is a legitimate network and will fire Kelly

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • No, Fox could care less and will let her stay

    Votes: 23 95.8%

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First the conservatives declare that "racism" is non-existence... and now they forcefully declare that Santa and Jesus are white!

Fox News host Megyn Kelly says Jesus and Santa are white

Could you please give us a name of one conservative who says racism does not exist?

Conservatives Think Racism Is Dead. They’re Wrong.
Conservatives Think Racism Is Dead. Wrong. -- Daily Intelligencer

I find it interesting that the title of the less than truthful opinion hit piece you posted a link to is titled CONSERVATIVES THINK RACISM IS DEAD. THEY'RE WRONG, does not quote any conservatives saying that racism is dead. The title of the silly hit piece (by a self described liberal hawk) is not supported by the hit piece itself. So I ask again, can you name one conservative who thinks racism is dead?
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Santa is a fictional character...describe him/her whatever you wish.

Jesus was (or is if you prefer) an actual person born in Bethlehem which is in Palestine. Highly unlikely he would have been white.

Again, none of this should matter. What's hilarious is the Fox culture that just automatically assumes any benefactory entity such as Santa for believers or Christianity for it's followers must be white.

This is where the problem lies. This commercialization of Christmas and it's atomization down to the level where Santa is, "whatever you wish", is destroying the traditional European heritage of Christmas in the way of feel good liberalism and corporate advertising convenience.

Wow....the only way to respond is

Just out of morbid curiosity; why is it a problem if your neighbor, your friend, a stranger on the street or anyone else for that matter thinks Santa is Chinese? Does it change the way you feel about it?

Santa Clause is fictional; you understand that right?

Is "wow" really your response? I mean, surely, as an enlightened "liberal", you could come up with a more witty retort? I mean, you think some of the pithy material from the daily Show or Colbert report would rub off on you guys. I guess I am hoping for too much.

They can think whatever they want.

The question here is the cultural narrative. Of course Santa isn't real, but the cultural narrative behind Santa and behind Christmas is very real, and it is a European narrative, forged from Christian and Pagan traditions, entirely western in nature. It is very real to Aisha Harris as well, who wishes to destroy part of the European heritage behind Christmas because a White Santa makes her feel uncomfortable. So on one hand liberals are defending her when she says a White Santa is racist, and on the other hand, saying it doesn't matter what race you think Santa is.

So which is it? Does a White Santa matter or doesn't it?
Santa is a fictional character...describe him/her whatever you wish.

Jesus was (or is if you prefer) an actual person born in Bethlehem which is in Palestine. Highly unlikely he would have been white.

Again, none of this should matter. What's hilarious is the Fox culture that just automatically assumes any benefactory entity such as Santa for believers or Christianity for it's followers must be white.

What's hilarious are the people commenting on this topic who haven't seen the Kelly segment .
Kelly was responding to an article written by an african-american woman who lamented the fact that Santa is white.
Kelly and the african-american woman both agree that Santa is white.
This obviously makes sense since Santa is indeed white. Who says? Pop culture.
Some people on this site though have suggested that Santa can be any color you want him to be.
You can draw a picture of the Pink Panther and make him purple. Nobody cares.
You can put Speedy Gonzales in a kimono and make him asian. Nobody cares.
You can hang up a picture of Joe Biden's skull and draw a brain inside of it. Nobody cares.

I reiterate, an african american woman wrote an article lamenting the FACT that Santa is white. Kelly agrees with said african american woman that Santa is white. Yet, it's kelly who is accused of racial impropriety by some weird redefinition of racism. Shouldn't the african american woman also be subjected to the same brainless knee jerk reactionary overblown politically correct nonsense? It wasn't "Fox culture" that brought up Honkey Claus . It was the african american woman who wrote the article that was being discussed who brought up Honky Claus. Ho ho motherfu**ing ho.

Could care less how Ms. Kelly described Santa. He's fiction.

Automatically assuming a Palestinian baby is white is fine too if you're on The View or Good Morning Phoenix. When you try to pass yourself off as a serious becomes problematic.

I'm sure her career at Fox is well secure since the superstition and dogma of the "news" network is what it is. It would be just like Chris Matthews alleging Santa or Jesus was female. The former is "who cares", the latter is factually incorrect but the dogma/superstition is served by the moronic allegation.

Anthropologists have classified three races. Caucasian, Mongolian and Negroid. These classifications are centered on bone structure other that pigmentation of skin. According to anthropologists, Aryans, Hamites and semites are classified as caucasian.
Even though George Hamilton has tanned skin he is still classified as a caucasian (white). This seems to have confused a few people on this site. Jesus, indeed was white if one is looking at Jesus through the prism of science. Which is the classification I personally prefer. The dogma and superstitions come from people who attach their own anti-scientific definitions of race to substantiate a convoluted and politically motivated view of the world because facts don't conform to their opinions.
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What's hilarious are the people commenting on this topic who haven't seen the Kelly segment .
Kelly was responding to an article written by an african-american woman who lamented the fact that Santa is white.
Kelly and the african-american woman both agree that Santa is white.
This obviously makes sense since Santa is indeed white. Who says? Pop culture.
Some people on this site though have suggested that Santa can be any color you want him to be.
You can draw a picture of the Pink Panther and make him purple. Nobody cares.
You can put Speedy Gonzales in a kimono and make him asian. Nobody cares.
You can hang up a picture of Joe Biden's skull and draw a brain inside of it. Nobody cares.

I reiterate, an african american woman wrote an article lamenting the FACT that Santa is white. Kelly agrees with said african american woman that Santa is white. Yet, it's kelly who is accused of racial impropriety by some weird redefinition of racism. Shouldn't the african american woman also be subjected to the same brainless knee jerk reactionary overblown politically correct nonsense? It wasn't "Fox culture" that brought up Honkey Claus . It was the african american woman who wrote the article that was being discussed who brought up Honky Claus. Ho ho motherfu**ing ho.

Could care less how Ms. Kelly described Santa. He's fiction.

Automatically assuming a Palestinian baby is white is fine too if you're on The View or Good Morning Phoenix. When you try to pass yourself off as a serious becomes problematic.

I'm sure her career at Fox is well secure since the superstition and dogma of the "news" network is what it is. It would be just like Chris Matthews alleging Santa or Jesus was female. The former is "who cares", the latter is factually incorrect but the dogma/superstition is served by the moronic allegation.

Anthropologists have classified three races. Caucasian, Mongolian and Negroid. These classifications are centered on bone structure other that pigmentation of skin. According to anthropologists, Aryans, Hamites and semites are classified as caucasian.
Even though George Hamilton has tanned skin he is still classified as a caucasian (white). This seems to have confused a few people on this site. Jesus, indeed was white if one is looking at Jesus through the prism of science. Which is the classification I personally prefer. The dogma and superstitions come from people who attach their own anti-scientific definitions of race to substantiate a convoluted and politically motivated view of the world because facts don't conform to their opinions.

So, This person:


Is the same race as this person from Brazil?,


This person from Cuba:


This person from Europe:


This person from Egypt:

Guy, you know, when you are in a hole, it's usually best to stop digging.

I know no one has broken it to you that there is no Santa yet, but, gosh, guy, there really isn't.

So which is it an attack on all santa's or just an attack on Jesus?
Come on shit stain, show everybody just how bigoted liberals can be.

Guy, the point is, you need imaginary pixies to make your worldview works is kind of on you, isn't it.

There's no magic White Snow Pixie who is going to give you presents.

There's No magic White Sky Pixie who is going to give you an afterlife.

Deal with it.

santa could be a muslim
jc is a jew
the sugar plum fairy could be gay
leprechauns could be green
jack frost could be white
any of these statements could be true the only thing true about any of them is that they are all fiction
now go and find something useful to do
Could care less how Ms. Kelly described Santa. He's fiction.

Automatically assuming a Palestinian baby is white is fine too if you're on The View or Good Morning Phoenix. When you try to pass yourself off as a serious becomes problematic.

I'm sure her career at Fox is well secure since the superstition and dogma of the "news" network is what it is. It would be just like Chris Matthews alleging Santa or Jesus was female. The former is "who cares", the latter is factually incorrect but the dogma/superstition is served by the moronic allegation.

Anthropologists have classified three races. Caucasian, Mongolian and Negroid. These classifications are centered on bone structure other that pigmentation of skin. According to anthropologists, Aryans, Hamites and semites are classified as caucasian.
Even though George Hamilton has tanned skin he is still classified as a caucasian (white). This seems to have confused a few people on this site. Jesus, indeed was white if one is looking at Jesus through the prism of science. Which is the classification I personally prefer. The dogma and superstitions come from people who attach their own anti-scientific definitions of race to substantiate a convoluted and politically motivated view of the world because facts don't conform to their opinions.

So, This person:


Is the same race as this person from Brazil?,


This person from Cuba:


This person from Europe:


This person from Egypt:


Brazil has a lot of citizens who's ancestors were slaves so there was a lot of interbreeding. Just like in this country. So what? That doesn't change any anthropological fact. As for the rest of the folks on the list. Yes, of course they are the same race. It's not really debatable. I feel like I'm on The View.
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Anthropologists have classified three races. Caucasian, Mongolian and Negroid. These classifications are centered on bone structure other that pigmentation of skin. According to anthropologists, Aryans, Hamites and semites are classified as caucasian.
Even though George Hamilton has tanned skin he is still classified as a caucasian (white). This seems to have confused a few people on this site. Jesus, indeed was white if one is looking at Jesus through the prism of science. Which is the classification I personally prefer. The dogma and superstitions come from people who attach their own anti-scientific definitions of race to substantiate a convoluted and politically motivated view of the world because facts don't conform to their opinions.

So, This person:


Is the same race as this person from Brazil?,


This person from Cuba:


This person from Europe:


This person from Egypt:


Brazil has a lot of citizens who's ancestors were slaves so there was a lot of interbreeding. Just like in this country. So what? As for the rest of the folks on the list. Yes, of course they are the same race. It's not really debatable unless you are denouncing anthropology.

So you and Anwar Sadat (if you are white) are both of the same race. Fascinating.
So, This person:


Is the same race as this person from Brazil?,


This person from Cuba:


This person from Europe:


This person from Egypt:


Brazil has a lot of citizens who's ancestors were slaves so there was a lot of interbreeding. Just like in this country. So what? As for the rest of the folks on the list. Yes, of course they are the same race. It's not really debatable unless you are denouncing anthropology.

So you and Anwar Sadat (if you are white) are both of the same race. Fascinating.

Yes, Anwar Sadat and I are both caucasians. I'm also the same color as Adolf Hitler and Stalin. You got me. I hope I can get a passport before anybody finds out my race connection with Ossama Bin Laden!

I actually agree with the teacher being disciplined. Telling a black student that he can't dress like Santa because Santa is white is pretty pathetic.

was the student black--I would have assumed Hispanic. no clue to the teacher's ethnicity. perhaps has personal issues--

why would anyone say such a thing--particularly a teacher--to kids--the choices were Santa, elf or reindeer.

<The move came after students at Cleveland High School were told they could come to class dressed as Santa, an elf or a reindeer.

Michael Rougier said his ninth-grade son, Christopher, arrived wearing a Santa hat and beard, and the teacher asked the boy: "Don't you know Santa Clause is white? Why are you wearing that?"

The teacher's name was not released, and attempts by The Associated Press to reach school officials Saturday were unsuccessful.

Michael Rougier said the teacher's comments enraged him.

"There's no room for that in the classroom," he said. "Whether this teacher felt Christopher may have been wearing this out of context, there's no room for it. There's just no room for it."

<A spokesman for Rio Rancho Public Schools said the Cleveland High School teacher knows he made a "dumb" mistake and has since apologized to the Rougier family.

Michael Rougier said he still has concerns. "If he has that attitude, how is it affecting students, studies, grading habits, trending toward Caucasian kids?" Rougier said of the teacher.

The teacher still works at Cleveland, but Christopher has been removed from his class, KOB-TV reported.>

then the question--why was a high school sponsoring such an activity--in NM?

Who knows--I assumed schools across the nation were doing less celebrating of many holidays. This makes some sense to me---too many holidays to celebrate. I attended 'majority white schools' in the 50s/60s --in elementary school we certainly made Christmas decorations and all of that. By high school--not so much--certain the chorus and band gave Christmas concerts--probably some sort of after school dances--the celebrating was done at home. Never would we have had a day to wear costumes to school. Whatever.

Just turn race into an issue at every opportunity--it will not turn out well. jmo. Divisive--or just insane.
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I actually agree with the teacher being disciplined. Telling a black student that he can't dress like Santa because Santa is white is pretty pathetic.

why would anyone say such a thing--particularly a teacher--to kids--the choices were Santa, elf or reindeer.

Good question. I'm glad the teacher was disciplined. I personally would have added Grinch to the list.
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Brazil has a lot of citizens who's ancestors were slaves so there was a lot of interbreeding. Just like in this country. So what? As for the rest of the folks on the list. Yes, of course they are the same race. It's not really debatable unless you are denouncing anthropology.

So you and Anwar Sadat (if you are white) are both of the same race. Fascinating.

Yes, Anwar Sadat and I are both caucasians. I'm also the same color as Adolf Hitler and Stalin. You got me. I hope I can get a passport before anybody finds out my race connection with Ossama Bin Laden!

Well're attempt to legitimize what Ms. Kelly said has reached new heights in craziness.
So you and Anwar Sadat (if you are white) are both of the same race. Fascinating.

Yes, Anwar Sadat and I are both caucasians. I'm also the same color as Adolf Hitler and Stalin. You got me. I hope I can get a passport before anybody finds out my race connection with Ossama Bin Laden!

Well're attempt to legitimize what Ms. Kelly said has reached new heights in craziness.

LOL! Your attempt to redefine race was funny. Manufactured outrage (either from the left or right, both sides play this dumb game) is nothing new. I suppose ignoring science and history in an attempt to exploit racial division is certainly common enough. I simply haven't seen this tactic used in such a sophomoric and obvious way before. I blame our education system.
Middle Easterners are Caucasion; however, skin tone varies from as light as Northern Europeans to as dark as Asians. However, as far as Jesus Christ is concerned, he was from the Middle East and though his skin tone may have been light (not very likely imo), his hair would have been dark brown or black and his eyes would have been brown.

Santa Claus is an imaginary figure and can be whatever color you imagine him to be. However, if he origninated in the area that is now modern Turkey, he would have a Mediterranean olive toned skin, or even darker. He would be Caucasion.
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Middle Easterners are Caucasion; however, skin tone varies from as light as Northern Europeans to as dark as Asians. However, as far as Jesus Christ is concerned, he was from the Middle East and though his skin tone may have been light (not very likely imo), his hair would have been dark brown or black and his eyes would have been brown.

Santa Claus is an imaginary figure and can be whatever color you imagine him to be. However, if he origninated in the area that is now modern Turkey, he would have a Mediterranean olive toned skin, or even darker. He would be Caucasion.
What color was his Father?

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