Fox News host Megyn Kelly says Jesus and Santa are white

Will Fox Do The Right Thing And Fire Kelly?

  • Yes, Fox is a legitimate network and will fire Kelly

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • No, Fox could care less and will let her stay

    Votes: 23 95.8%

  • Total voters
you can't make this stuff up (pun intended). Megyn fired a shot across the bow in their annual "war on christmas" :tinfoil: meme.

Megyn Kelly's Fox News Christmas war: Santa Claus 'just is' white -
On Wednesday's "The Kelly File," the newswoman criticized a Slate article written by a black journalist that questioned cultural depictions of Santa as white and suggested that the traditional jolly and zaftig elf should be replaced by a penguin.

"For all you kids watching at home, Santa just is white," Kelly informed viewers. "Santa is what he is.... I wanted to get that straight."

Has she met him? How does she know? :dunno:

They actually have a "war map". Is this true or are they just being facetious? :eusa_eh:

War on Christmas - Fox Nation

How she knows is that millions of pictures of Santa Claus, for centuries, have all shown him to be white. In addition, the character originates from the gift-giving Saint Nicholas of Myra, who was a 4th-century Greek Christian bishop of Myra (now Demre) in Lycia, a province of the Byzantine Anatolia, now in Turkey. So happens St. Nicky was white.

As for Jesus, just like George Washington, he lived before the age of photograghy. But artistic paintings go way back to long before Jesus' time. Both he and Washington are shown in thousands of paintings as being white.

So that's how Megyn Kelly (and all of us) know that Santa and Jesus were white. Got it now ?

ummm..... I read that you old dried up cun.....errr..... prune

She did what conservatives like to do call out sick when they are too embarrassed to show up for work. Some Libral intern prolly had to pick up her slack.

But that didn't happen, did it?

Another fail for you Dotty!

You are so classy, not. :eusa_hand:
Could you please give us a name of one conservative who says racism does not exist?

Conservatives Think Racism Is Dead. They’re Wrong.
Conservatives Think Racism Is Dead. Wrong. -- Daily Intelligencer

I find it interesting that the title of the less than truthful opinion hit piece you posted a link to is titled CONSERVATIVES THINK RACISM IS DEAD. THEY'RE WRONG, does not quote any conservatives saying that racism is dead. The title of the silly hit piece (by a self described liberal hawk) is not supported by the hit piece itself. So I ask again, can you name one conservative who thinks racism is dead?

Post a poll on the Board and see what you get.
How she knows is that millions of pictures of Santa Claus, for centuries, have all shown him to be white.


You do realize that there is no Santa Clause, right?

Now the Easter Bunny is certainly white, based on centuries of pictorial evidence:

According to liberals, Jesus is a liberal arab homosexual, or doesn't exist, or something...
Yes, Anwar Sadat and I are both caucasians. I'm also the same color as Adolf Hitler and Stalin. You got me. I hope I can get a passport before anybody finds out my race connection with Ossama Bin Laden!

Well're attempt to legitimize what Ms. Kelly said has reached new heights in craziness.

LOL! Your attempt to redefine race was funny. Manufactured outrage (either from the left or right, both sides play this dumb game) is nothing new. I suppose ignoring science and history in an attempt to exploit racial division is certainly common enough. I simply haven't seen this tactic used in such a sophomoric and obvious way before. I blame our education system.
You should blame the moron you see in the mirror.
Conservatives Think Racism Is Dead. They’re Wrong.
Conservatives Think Racism Is Dead. Wrong. -- Daily Intelligencer

I find it interesting that the title of the less than truthful opinion hit piece you posted a link to is titled CONSERVATIVES THINK RACISM IS DEAD. THEY'RE WRONG, does not quote any conservatives saying that racism is dead. The title of the silly hit piece (by a self described liberal hawk) is not supported by the hit piece itself. So I ask again, can you name one conservative who thinks racism is dead?

Post a poll on the Board and see what you get.

We already went through that in a previous post.
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Well're attempt to legitimize what Ms. Kelly said has reached new heights in craziness.

LOL! Your attempt to redefine race was funny. Manufactured outrage (either from the left or right, both sides play this dumb game) is nothing new. I suppose ignoring science and history in an attempt to exploit racial division is certainly common enough. I simply haven't seen this tactic used in such a sophomoric and obvious way before. I blame our education system.
You should blame the moron you see in the mirror.

What's wrong? Couldn't think of any cootie jokes?
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Santa is a fictional character...describe him/her whatever you wish.

Jesus was (or is if you prefer) an actual person born in Bethlehem which is in Palestine. Highly unlikely he would have been white.

Again, none of this should matter. What's hilarious is the Fox culture that just automatically assumes any benefactory entity such as Santa for believers or Christianity for it's followers must be white.

Not certain why she felt the need to bring it up at all. :lol:
If Jesus existed, he was not white. And if you are seriously invested in him being white, you probably want to take a look at that.
Exactly. She didn't.

It was her show though so she needs to take responsibility just as you all want Obama to take responsibility for everything happing in the US government. Works the same way so Kelly is responsible for the Jesus comment too.
If Aisha Harris want to put a Santa hat on a dildo in her own home, that's fine by me. But we have have facts and many centuries of tradition to keep. Just like the word "marriage" which is one man and one woman.

Nothing will ever change for you, will it, poor thing? The world was one way the day you were born and it will be the same way the day you die. :rolleyes:
Just days ago Fox news host Megyn Kelly made one of the most asinine statements in TV news history claiming Jesus and Santa were both white.

She since has vanished and has not been hosting her show or posting on twitter. Could it be fox is a going to let Kelly go to show they are a legitimate network like MSNBC that let Bashier go over comments? Or are they going to continue to show they are nothing but a radical biased network that lets their hosts spew all the garbage they want?

Did Kelly suggest that Santa Crap in Michelle Obama's mouth ?


Sarah Palin isn't the First Lady.
Saint Nicolas was from Asia Minor hence, he's an Oriental. Wheres Unkotare? He can settle this :p

I lived in Turkey (Asia Minor). The area that was known as Asia Minor and is now known as Turkey has been occupied by Greeks, Persians and Romans in turn throughout its history. The people are Caucasian, but their skin color ranges from light to dark. Most are olive or darker toned but some are quite fair. I am of Northern European extraction, quite fair with dark blond hair and hazel eyes. Though most Turkish people have dark brown or black hair, nowadays, Turkish women, like women all over the world, color their hair and many are blonds by choice. Many also have fair skin. Many times I was taken for a Turkish woman when people encountered me, before speaking to me. However, the majority of Turkish people do not have quite fair skin and usually have dark brown or black hair and dark eyes. If Santa originated in Turkey/Asia Minor, it's as likely as not that he had a dark skin tone, as well as dark hair and eyes, realizing of course he is a fiction.

As well, because of the area of the world he came from, and his parentage, it is most likely Jesus was a dark skinned Caucasian with dark eyes and hair. I think one thing some white people think is that all Caucasians are white. Not so. What I am very certain about is that Jesus did not resemble the images we so often see of him: long, straight blond hair, long thin nose, blue eyes, & pale skin. Highly, extremely unlikely.

I believe Jesus did exist, as a man and a prophet, not as the son of God. It is the Europeans who have created the image of the blond, blue eyed Jesus. Seems they have created the whiter than white image of Santa too.

However, IMO this story is not about race. All Caucasians are not 'white.' This story is about a stupid woman who assumes that her world view is the ONLY one. She is not much of an intellect in so doing, but, given the bimbos Fox is known for having as its news people, it's not surprising.
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Just days ago Fox news host Megyn Kelly made one of the most asinine statements in TV news history claiming Jesus and Santa were both white.

She since has vanished and has not been hosting her show or posting on twitter. Could it be fox is a going to let Kelly go to show they are a legitimate network like MSNBC that let Bashier go over comments? Or are they going to continue to show they are nothing but a radical biased network that lets their hosts spew all the garbage they want?

Did Kelly suggest that Santa Crap in Michelle Obama's mouth ?


You're right, [MENTION=46168]Statistikhengst[/MENTION] - listening is ever-so-classy.

I find it interesting that the title of the less than truthful opinion hit piece you posted a link to is titled CONSERVATIVES THINK RACISM IS DEAD. THEY'RE WRONG, does not quote any conservatives saying that racism is dead. The title of the silly hit piece (by a self described liberal hawk) is not supported by the hit piece itself. So I ask again, can you name one conservative who thinks racism is dead?

Post a poll on the Board and see what you get.

We already went through that in a previous post.

You've hit rock bottom.
If Jesus existed, he was not white. And if you are seriously invested in him being white, you probably want to take a look at that.

So is it just as wrong that he is depicted as Black or Asian or Hispanic?

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