Fox News host Megyn Kelly says Jesus and Santa are white

Will Fox Do The Right Thing And Fire Kelly?

  • Yes, Fox is a legitimate network and will fire Kelly

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • No, Fox could care less and will let her stay

    Votes: 23 95.8%

  • Total voters
Can you prove they aren't?

Are Jews white?

St. Nicholas was not Jewish, as I recall, but Greek.

which is white, of course. As was Jesus Christ.

So the Jesus Christ pics I saw that looked like Peter Frampton was running around in the desert? Wouldn't a white guy stick out in the desert? Arent they sort of darker there?

Not if they wear sunscreen, :eusa_angel:
Who gives a fuck? People have a right to believe santa is what ever color they wish to believe.

What happened to freedom of thought?
I agree. I am going to put up a whole bunch of white Santas on the lawn surrounded by a little black elves.
because you say so? you've already said plenty of stupid shit in this forum.

No, because there's no real historical evidence Jesus existed.

You said

Santa and Jesus are imaginary...

Now it's just Jesus?

Perhaps there IS historic evidence that Jesus existed. Though the links don't work, the main page is where the evidence is. And, what I love most is that the author of the site is trying to debunk the "Jesus is a historical figure" meme, so they present the evidence and try (with varying success) to rebut it. :)

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Perhaps there IS historic evidence that Jesus existed. Though the links don't work, the main page is where the evidence is. And, what I love most is that the author of the site is trying to debunk the "Jesus is a historical figure" meme, so they present the evidence and try (with varying success) to rebut it. :)


Well, no, there really isn't.

The problem with the "non-Christian" sources is that like the Christian sources, they were written decades after the fact, and were handed down through Christian sources with some creative transcribing and translating.

Now you compare that to another historical JC, that being Julius Caesar, there's a lot of contemporary sourcing, there's physical evidence, there are coins with his image as well as cities and forts that he built.

But here's the thing. While I have no doubt Julius Caesar lived, I don't think he was a god, even though the Roman Senate voted him divine honors after his assassination.

Jesus wasn't a God, either, even if he did exist.
Santa is a fictional character...describe him/her whatever you wish.

Jesus was (or is if you prefer) an actual person born in Bethlehem which is in Palestine. Highly unlikely he would have been white.

Again, none of this should matter. What's hilarious is the Fox culture that just automatically assumes any benefactory entity such as Santa for believers or Christianity for it's followers must be white.

TVNewser reports that Kelly just happened to be out sick, and she "will address her controversial comments about Santa Claus and Jesus" tonight. While Kelly did mention that she wasn't feeling well earlier this week,,,,

Dot Com said:
Daily Intelligencer

^^^^^^ :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ^^^^^

ummm..... I read that you old dried up cun.....errr..... prune :thup:

She did what conservatives like to do :up: call out sick when they are too embarrassed to show up for work. Some Libral intern :cool: prolly had to pick up her slack.
I agree. I am going to put up a whole bunch of white Santas on the lawn surrounded by a little black elves.

You are going to put lawn jockeys on your lawn? Isn't that illegal or racist or something? I don't think you can show black people as Santa's elves. After all, the elves make all the toys, as workers aren't they really Santa's slaves? How much does imaginary Santa pay his imaginary slaves? Do they have worker's comp, health insurance, do they make minimum wage?

ummm..... I read that you old dried up cun.....errr..... prune :thup:

She did what conservatives like to do :up: call out sick when they are too embarrassed to show up for work. Some Libral intern :cool: prolly had to pick up her slack.

As a liberal, who doesn't watch the show, you lied about it! Imagine that. A democrat lying.

It's becoming a democrat way of life.

^^^^^^ :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ^^^^^

ummm..... I read that you old dried up cun.....errr..... prune :thup:

She did what conservatives like to do :up: call out sick when they are too embarrassed to show up for work. Some Libral intern :cool: prolly had to pick up her slack.

As a liberal, who doesn't watch the show, you lied about it! Imagine that. A democrat lying.

It's becoming a democrat way of life.

ummm..... I watched the relevant, cringe-worthy clip asswipe. :thup:
She lie


No, of course fox won't fire Kelly. She is doing exactly what she is being paid to do - mix and stir the shit. Indeed, this latest idiocy could get her a raise.


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