Fox News host Megyn Kelly says Jesus and Santa are white

Will Fox Do The Right Thing And Fire Kelly?

  • Yes, Fox is a legitimate network and will fire Kelly

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • No, Fox could care less and will let her stay

    Votes: 23 95.8%

  • Total voters
Anyway, Bashir didn't say what the wingnuts are accusing him of saying.

Has someone accused you of being smart? Most likely not.


[ame=]Martin Bashir Says Someone Should Sh*t in Sarah Palin's Mouth - YouTube[/ame]

Bashir doesn't say anything about Santa or Jesus in that clip? He didn't even say anything about Palin eating shit
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All this free advertising for Megyn Kelly over such a silly thing, a fat contract indeed..Capitalism is fun.
What's wrong with you people? A guy says on air that Sarah Palin deserves to have people defecate in her mouth, and not one of you is outraged. The man is openly defaming her on national television, NOT ONE of you calls for him to be fired. Megyn Kelly? Something so innocuous and lighthearted as 'Santa Claus and Jesus are white.' Now all of a sudden she deserves to be fired or lambasted? People on liberal networks have said far worse and nastier things, and not one of you had or has the gumption to call them out. Hypocrites, all of you!

Please link to your post that was outraged over Rush using the word 'retard' or calling Fluke a slut, or just link to any post of yours that was outraged over anything ever said by a Right-Winger.


I don't listen to Limbaugh, nor do I care to listen to Limbaugh. You never got mad when Chris Matthews called Laura Ingrahm a 'right wing slut' either, so keep quiet. When you link me to a post where you were expressing outrage over that instance, then you can lecture me. And for the record, anyone is pretty stupid when they are demanding that they get contraceptive care straight from the taxpayers, yeah that's pretty dumb. It's like asking the taxpayer to fund your sexual habits. Sorry, where I come from, having rampant sexual intercourse has consequences that YOU ALONE must pay for. Not me. Does that make her a victim? No. It makes her irresponsible, and spoiled.

[ame=]Libtalker Ed Schultz: Laura Ingraham's 'A Slut' - YouTube[/ame]

Not you? Suddenly you're paying taxes?

Everybody who pays taxes will pay for sexual misconduct, just as we pay for the results of gluttony, smoking and other poor choices. You want to be an island? Not happening. Not in this country. Not unless you are completely off the grid.

And stockpiling your way there doesn't count, because then you still didn't build that.
Anyway, Bashir didn't say what the wingnuts are accusing him of saying.


"When Mrs. Palin invoked slavery, she doesn’t just prove her rank ignorance. She confirms that if anyone truly qualified for a dose of discipline from Thomas Thistlewood, then she would be the outstanding candidate," he said.

MSNBC promotes video of Bashir calling for urination, defecation on Sarah Palin - Spokane Conservative |

Where did he say she should eat shit and piss?
Anyway, Bashir didn't say what the wingnuts are accusing him of saying.


"When Mrs. Palin invoked slavery, she doesn’t just prove her rank ignorance. She confirms that if anyone truly qualified for a dose of discipline from Thomas Thistlewood, then she would be the outstanding candidate," he said.

MSNBC promotes video of Bashir calling for urination, defecation on Sarah Palin - Spokane Conservative |

Where did he say she should eat shit and piss?

Never watched the video, but the transcript indicates faux outrage. He said "IF," and etc.
Santa is ODIN The Norse-Viking God!


Irrefutable Proof that Santa is Odin « Mirovia
No, you guys are really upset. Please review this thread and see who is losing there shit that News Barbie isn't turning out to be star they thought she'd be.

lol hilarious. We say "Who cares" and we are the ones upset. Meanwhile you cant shut the heck up about it and are somehow not outraged

Do you ever stop lying to yourself?
Indeed. Santa is a blood thirsty Viking God who made the world out of the body parts of his great grandfather (whom he killed).
I want a flesh eating horse. That would be a great pet: guard fiend and convenient transportation - combined!
I want a flesh eating horse. That would be a great pet: guard fiend and convenient transportation - combined!

Considering you're starting with a pet possum, you've got a long way to go towards a flesh-eating horse.

"When Mrs. Palin invoked slavery, she doesn’t just prove her rank ignorance. She confirms that if anyone truly qualified for a dose of discipline from Thomas Thistlewood, then she would be the outstanding candidate," he said.

MSNBC promotes video of Bashir calling for urination, defecation on Sarah Palin - Spokane Conservative |

Where did he say she should eat shit and piss?

Never watched the video, but the transcript indicates faux outrage. He said "IF," and etc.

He never said it
Oh heck, I guess the topic of Kelly's Santa-gate is now over. That was a fun fifteen minutes though! It was sort of like watching a bathtub full of angry monkeys. Maybe Sean Hannity will call pinochio white and we can do this all over again! I got my fingers crossed!
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Santa is a Nordic Aryan Warrior with elven helpers, fighting off the orcs of the dark southern realm.
As a matter of Anthropology, there are only two races of Humans.

1) African Black People

2) Everybody else.

That is just a fact. Don't believe it? Check it out. Fact.

And, OBTW...... African Black People have the most complicated DNA. Which is why they often have a LOT of trouble finding organ donors. Their DNA is VERY complicated. Much more so than anybody else's.

As far as Jesus being 'White'?

Depends on what you (personally) call White.

I would consider anyone not Black to be White. Asians are White people, so are Arabs, Persians, American Indians, Eskimos, Slavs, Jews, Scandinavians, Mexicans, Peruvians, and...... Anybody that isn't Black.

Now, if she meant Jesus was Teutonic, that might be one thing. But she didn't say that, did she?

She said Jesus was 'White'

So is everybody who isn't Black. Just a fact.

Do I care if you believe me? No. You are probably better off going through life stupid. It would hurt a lot if you were to wake up one day and discover what a waste of skin you are.

[ame=]Billy Madison - Ultimate Insult [HD] - YouTube[/ame]

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