Fox News host Megyn Kelly says Jesus and Santa are white

Will Fox Do The Right Thing And Fire Kelly?

  • Yes, Fox is a legitimate network and will fire Kelly

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • No, Fox could care less and will let her stay

    Votes: 23 95.8%

  • Total voters
I read somewhere where Roger Ailes have to approve every word thats said on that network. Don't know if Megyn has creative license on that show.

Monica Crowley had this shit eating grin on her face like she loved it that Meagyn was saying all of that stupid stuff. Then she chimes in with well the original St. Nicholas was Greek! She is a big dummy too.

She is one of the most obnoxious people on the face of the earth. She's married to Alan Colmes, Hannity's old whipping boy.
No she isn't. Her sister is married to Alan.

Ahh, I stand corrected.
I agree. Then what possessed her to say such a stupid thing? The Santa Claus thing was just dumb, but the Jesus comment was almost certainly untrue.

Indeed, too many people place far too much significance on skin color. Why did she have to (1) go there, and (2) say what she said?


I read somewhere where Roger Ailes have to approve every word thats said on that network. Don't know if Megyn has creative license on that show.

Monica Crowley had this shit eating grin on her face like she loved it that Meagyn was saying all of that stupid stuff. Then she chimes in with well the original St. Nicholas was Greek! She is a big dummy too.

She is one of the most obnoxious people on the face of the earth. She's married to Alan Colmes, Hannity's old whipping boy.

All of those Stepford Wives on Faux New are dummies. They are not hired for their brains or their experience as journalists.
Santa Clause …

He has a boss ride, an awesome house and workshop offshore outside the jurisdiction of the United States … And no distinguishable source of income.
Santa supports unfair hiring practices … Low wages … Overbearing scheduling requirements and mandatory overtime.
He has obviously made countless backroom deals with almost every major corporation across the globe.
He doesn't reimburse the indigenous peoples for the resources he unfairly consumes … And probably doesn't pay property tax either.

He has captured and holds captive several protected animals … Abuses them with a whip and hops them up on an untested and uncontrolled substance to get better performance.
Santa violates every know federal regulation in regards to air traffic control … And weight bearing limits on the standard roof sheathing.
He probably gets kick backs from the shingle companies regarding damage to existing roof coverings.

Santa sets a bad example for our children as overweight and poorly dressed.
He is known to consume gratuitous amounts of junk food along with gallons of milk … With no regard towards fat content and his problems with obesity.
Santa favors rich kids over poor children … In the quality, value and general number of gifts he provides.

Why the hell would anyone doubt Santa Clause is white?
Did she really say Jesus was white? Link?

Santa is white, sure. But Jesus? Doubtful.

The troll that started this thread lied. She had no comment about Jesus and was bemused at something that a commentator had said about there being multiple Santas.

Nope. Not a lie. At 1:45 she says Jesus is White:

Jesus was a white man, too!

Oops. I read a transcript that didn't have that, so my apologies to the troll that started the thread for that error.
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Murdoch will probably give her a big raise. Maybe she can team up with Rush and come up with some really cool racist zingers!
it wouldn't be so cringe-worthy except for the fact that it is the primary, if not the only tv channel Repubs watch for *cough* "news"
Santa is whatever color you want him to be

Jesus was a person of color
Can you prove they aren't?

Are Jews white?

St. Nicholas was not Jewish, as I recall, but Greek.

which is white, of course. As was Jesus Christ.

Greeks are Latin.

you are an idiot.

unbelievable one. Greeks are WHITE. original Latin are Romans - which is also WHITE.

are you guys all a little :cuckoo:

there is no Latin RACE, and there was no Latin America in the 4th century( not that being from Latin America makes you a separate RACE), as there is no middle eastern RACE.

was basic education already so diluted when all of you idiots were in school that you never learned that there are only THREE RACES in the world - White, Black and Asian?
Can you prove they aren't?

Are Jews white?

St. Nicholas was not Jewish, as I recall, but Greek.

which is white, of course. As was Jesus Christ.

Middle Eastern and Greek did not used to be considered "white". "White" have had a movable definition over the last 2-3 centuries.

by whom? by idiots like you and other leftards?

they are and always were and always will be anthropologically CAUCASIAN or WHITE race.
Can you prove they aren't?

Are Jews white?

St. Nicholas was not Jewish, as I recall, but Greek.

which is white, of course. As was Jesus Christ.

What "white" part of the world was the fictitious Jesus Christ from?

Germany? England? Italy? Russia maybe?

I suppose this is correct. Because Christ never existed you can make him from anywhere.

are you really an idiot like kidrocks?

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