Fox News host Megyn Kelly says Jesus and Santa are white

Will Fox Do The Right Thing And Fire Kelly?

  • Yes, Fox is a legitimate network and will fire Kelly

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • No, Fox could care less and will let her stay

    Votes: 23 95.8%

  • Total voters
Santa Claus, for those too damned ignorant to have done any research, is a culmination of several characters in various parts of the European World.

All of which were White.

Santa Claus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle and simply "Santa", is a fantasy figure with legendary, mythical, historical and folkloric origins who, in many western cultures, is said to bring gifts to the homes of the good children on the night before Christmas, December 24. However in some European countries children receive their presents on St. Nicholas' Day, December 6.[1] The modern figure of Santa Claus is derived from the Dutch figure of Sinterklaas, which, in turn, was part of its basis in hagiographical tales concerning the historical figure of Christian bishop and gift giver Saint Nicholas. During the Christianization of Germanic Europe, this figure may have absorbed elements of the god Odin, who was associated with the Germanic pagan midwinter event of Yule and led the Wild Hunt, a ghostly procession through the sky. Over time, traits of this character and the British folklore character Father Christmas merged to form the modern Santa Claus known today.

German, British, Norse, Scandinavian.... Can you name a single Non-White Culture there?

You damned Liberals are always looking for something to cry racism about.
Now right wingers are deflecting from the real issue. Nobody gives a shit that she called Santa white. She called Jesus white, and that is ridiculous.
Did she really say Jesus was white? Link?

Santa is white, sure. But Jesus? Doubtful.

The troll that started this thread lied. She had no comment about Jesus and was bemused at something that a commentator had said about there being multiple Santas.

Nope. Not a lie. At 1:45 she says Jesus is White:

Jesus was a white man, too!

Shit, now I'm not gonna be able to un-see that.

This may actually top "terrorist fist jab".

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Saint Nicolas was from Asia Minor hence, he's an Oriental. Wheres Unkotare? He can settle this :p
Fox on the other hand will likely prove once again they are nothing but propaganda and will not fire Kelly.

Why should they fire her? Nothing about the comment by itself was racist. She should be ridiculed for such an idiotic statement, but I'm not sure she should be fired.
As a matter of Anthropology, there are only two races of Humans.

1) African Black People

2) Everybody else.

That is just a fact. Don't believe it? Check it out. Fact.

And, OBTW...... African Black People have the most complicated DNA. Which is why they often have a LOT of trouble finding organ donors. Their DNA is VERY complicated. Much more so than anybody else's.

As far as Jesus being 'White'?

Depends on what you (personally) call White.

I would consider anyone not Black to be White. Asians are White people, so are Arabs, Persians, American Indians, Eskimos, Slavs, Jews, Scandinavians, Mexicans, Peruvians, and...... Anybody that isn't Black.

Now, if she meant Jesus was Teutonic, that might be one thing. But she didn't say that, did she?

She said Jesus was 'White'

So is everybody who isn't Black. Just a fact.

Do I care if you believe me? No. You are probably better off going through life stupid. It would hurt a lot if you were to wake up one day and discover what a waste of skin you are.
Just days ago Fox news host Megyn Kelly made one of the most asinine statements in TV news history claiming Jesus and Santa were both white.

She since has vanished and has not been hosting her show or posting on twitter. Could it be fox is a going to let Kelly go to show they are a legitimate network like MSNBC that let Bashier go over comments? Or are they going to continue to show they are nothing but a radical biased network that lets their hosts spew all the garbage they want?

Christmas break.
Just days ago Fox news host Megyn Kelly made one of the most asinine statements in TV news history claiming Jesus and Santa were both white.

She since has vanished and has not been hosting her show or posting on twitter. Could it be fox is a going to let Kelly go to show they are a legitimate network like MSNBC that let Bashier go over comments? Or are they going to continue to show they are nothing but a radical biased network that lets their hosts spew all the garbage they want?

Kelly was also very careful not to upset any kids that may have been watching the show at 10:00pm and were also young enough to believe in Santa. She said that's just the way it is...

I kind of liked her and was glad she took Hannity's slot but that whole segment was pretty damn dumb.
The truly sad part of all of this and I mean even more sad than obsessing over what race the fictional Santa Claus is that is focusing more over the skin color of Jesus Christ than the teachings of Christ.
What color is the Tooth Fairy?

My point is, who fucking cares?

Santa is a made up character. He can be any color you want him to be. Maybe Santa is white and Mrs. Santa is black and the elves are multi-racial. Who fucking gives a shit?

When are people going to figure out it is all one race: human.
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First the conservatives declare that "racism" is non-existence... and now they forcefully declare that Santa and Jesus are white!

Fox News host Megyn Kelly says Jesus and Santa are white

Fox News host Megyn Kelly has made herself the center of a racial controversy by declaring that Jesus Christ and Santa Claus are white.

A roman witness to his trial described him as being Caucasian.

Santa comes from the lands of very white people.

Liberals are offending b/c they are mentally, emotionally and spiritually very weak and look to be offended by anything to spew their hate and evil across the world.
What color is the Tooth Fairy?

My point is, who fucking cares?

Santa is a made up character. He can be any color you want him to be. Maybe Santa is white and Mrs. Santa is black and the elves are multi-racial. Who fucking gives a shit?

When are people going to figure out it is all one race: human.

They are preaching to their primary demographic- angry old white guys
What color is the Tooth Fairy?

My point is, who fucking cares?

I agree. Then what possessed her to say such a stupid thing? The Santa Claus thing was just dumb, but the Jesus comment was almost certainly untrue.

Indeed, too many people place far too much significance on skin color. Why did she have to (1) go there, and (2) say what she said?


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