Fox News Just Announced


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
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Jon Hammer is coming home today. Thank God for Fox News and the three Republican legislators who fought for his release and fuck the three miserable libtards on this board who took pleasure in his plight.

Merry Christmas to the Hammer family.


It's about damn time.
Good job, Mr. President.

And fuck you all who tried to use this against him.

He didn't do jack shit. his state department told the Hammer's they couldn't do a damn thing. rings true too, they couldn't do a damn thing for the Americans in Benghazi either.
Jon Hammer is coming home today. Thank God for Fox News and the three Republican legislators who fought for his release and fuck the three miserable libtards on this board who took pleasure in his plight.

Merry Christmas to the Hammer family.


Thank the state department and the mexican officials.

The GOP reps had ZER0 to do with this.
Semper Fi : The liberals would of been content to see him rot in that third world shit hole - especially Obamaturd.
Good news indeed. .

I love it when Bill O`Reilly puts his power and pressure behind causes that benefit humankind.

Even presidents, listen.

obama wouldn't even address the issue. The state department told the family that they would do nothing. Nothing could be done.

It was likely Bill O'Reilly who gave mexico the ultimatum last night that had more to do with this release than what obama, that slug, didn't do. What a pig obama is. He could call Sandra Fluke. He could tell the world that a thug like Trayvon Martin could be his son, but refused to lift a finger to help a marine who was injured in HIS war.
The left is like a cult to Obama. I hated George Bush for some of the stuff he did...

That's the difference between the right and left.

I don't hate anyone. It's only a path to the darkside.

I'm disappointed in Obama for not signing an executive order banning gun sales until such time as the NICS database is fully updated with wife-beaters, drunk drivers, restraining orders, and dishonorable discharges. You know, the typical gun fanatic worried someone is going to take away his gun -- rightfully so.
FoxNews has so much clout with the Mexican Government

Mexicans appreciate all the pro-Mexico stories Fox has done through the years
We all see the usual lying from the liberals. We all know had it not been for Bill O'Reilly, this man would have rotted in that jail cell. His wife even notes and gives thanks to Fox News and Bill O'Reilly. Amazing how easily liberals lie.

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