Fox News Poll 12/15/2019


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
It’s not looking good for Mr. Trump.

So Chris Wallace assistants did that. That poll is wacky. It suggests by ascension.

Item one has larger letters and comes on as a negative statement that the President abused his power, which he didn't.
That leads onto what people are seeing in the MSM as being negatives for Trump on the second one is totally ridiculous because it projects a Congress who has obstructed each and every thing President Trump has brought forward, and not the other way around and the equally ridiculous charge of bribery which is far and away untrue.

Does the idiot Democrat Party really think the American voting people will buy this crap? In its best light, that poll was made in a chain of hair salons influenced by Maxine Waters. :rolleyes:
I only got 3 hours of sleep last night, got up and put a small turkey in the oven and made a meal of it tonight. All that tryptophan has me bleary-eyed, so early good night, and hope everyone had a great weekend and will be having a delightful week ahead.
Nighters! :bigbed:
Haven't the pollsters proven themselves to be unreliable by now?....
Polls are now "facts", Bullpuppy? If that were actually true...then Hillary Clinton's fat ass would be sitting in the Oval Office! Duh?
I think these polls are being pushed hard right now by the left because it's time for members of Congress to put their jobs on the line and there are a whole bunch of Democrats who won in districts carried by Trump who are scared to DEATH that if they vote for this sham of an impeachment...something that has ZERO chance of passing in the Senate...that they will be one term and gone! Polls like this one are supposed to comfort them! Think it's gonna work? LOL I don't!

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