FOX News Poll: Disapproval Of GOP Skyrocketing

There are many polls concerning the shutdown and republican responsibility, none of them good for Rs.

Who is shutting down Monuments to 90 Year-Old Veterans and refusing to treat kids with Cancer?

That manly hunk of a manly man you voted for.


Wait. You didn't know government shut downs would include that kind of stuff? :rofl:
I would expect nothing else.
The entire media for the past week has been in a full force anti-republican blitzkrieg.
The ill-informed fall for it hook line and sinker

how is it anti-republican when the republicans themselves are not paying attention to the people who got them where they are... are they this dense

No, people who believe this is a "republican shutdown" are either dense, or shut their eyes on the blame for their "side" - that they choose to keep repeating it.
This shutdown is the result of both sides failing to negotiate. The Republicans attached ACA to the budget in an attempt to force democrats who have repeatedly refused to even talk about changes to the law - to sit at the table and hammer out differences.
Instead the Dems refused and blame it all on Republicans for bringing it up. Where the Republicans are at fault is bringing in the individual mandate which the Dems would never give up.
They should have instead stuck with only removing the 2000 exemptions/government exemptions and union exemptions that the Dems so freely gave to their fan clubs.
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Speaking of temper tantrums.......:eusa_whistle:

Did the Stuttering Clusterfuck unilaterally (and probably illegally) delay the Employer Mandate by a year?

Yes he did.

Why is it so out of line for Republicans to ask that he do the same for INDIVIDUALS?

You people lie. You lie about EVERYTHING.

And once the screaming and yelling stops, once we get some oxygen back in the room... dimocraps are going to be held responsible.

Meanwhile, we're staring a full-blown economic collapse in the face with president unwilling to compromise or even discuss compromise.

THAT is a problem. And THAT is something you need to prepare for.

Hmmm . . . and yet, President "Clusterfuck" has a job approval of 45% by the same pollster which measured Congressional job approval at an abysmal 17%. If Obama is a "clusterfuck" but people think he's doing a better job than the GOP by an almost 3:1 margin -- what does that say about the GOP??


That these were the same folks who when surveyed said that they would prefer the Affordable Care Act over Obama Care?
Poor Republicans ... They're getting blamed for everything they do.

I know. It's so unfair.

It is strange that every time Americans fight for civil rights, health care, school lunches or education, it's Republican we end up fighting.

When Republicans get what they want, we end up with debt, death, jobs moved to China and deficit.
Poor Republicans ... They're getting blamed for everything they do.

I know. It's so unfair.

It is strange that every time Americans fight for civil rights, health care, school lunches or education, it's Republican we end up fighting.

When Republicans get what they want, we end up with debt, death, jobs moved to China and deficit.

Correction Rhinos are for debt, death, jobs to China, and deficit, this lockstep with the dumocrats. The other half of the republicans are just religious zealots that hate the gays and liberated women. Please try to keep up.
Poor Republicans ... They're getting blamed for everything they do.

I know. It's so unfair.

It is strange that every time Americans fight for civil rights, health care, school lunches or education, it's Republican we end up fighting.

When Republicans get what they want, we end up with debt, death, jobs moved to China and deficit.

Correction Rhinos are for debt, death, jobs to China, and deficit, this lockstep with the dumocrats. The other half of the republicans are just religious zealots that hate the gays and liberated women. Please try to keep up.

If there is anything I can't stand, it's gay rhinos!
I know. It's so unfair.

It is strange that every time Americans fight for civil rights, health care, school lunches or education, it's Republican we end up fighting.

When Republicans get what they want, we end up with debt, death, jobs moved to China and deficit.

Correction Rhinos are for debt, death, jobs to China, and deficit, this lockstep with the dumocrats. The other half of the republicans are just religious zealots that hate the gays and liberated women. Please try to keep up.

If there is anything I can't stand, it's gay rhinos!

That image gives a whole new meaning to government run amok.
I suggest one read the actual poll rather than the cherry picked opinion of the survey from PoliticusUSA "Real Liberal Politics"

19. Which one of the following comes closest to what you would like to see lawmakers do with the new health care law -- would you like lawmakers to repeal the law entirely, repeal parts of the law, expand the law, or leave it as is?

Repeal it entirely 30%
Repeal parts of the law 24%
Expand it 15%
Leave it as is 26%
(Don't know) 5%

21. Which do you think would be better for you and your family -- the new health care system or the system that was in place before the new health care law?

The new health care system 36%
System that was in place before 52%
(Don't know)12%

22. Several provisions of the health care law have already been delayed. Setting aside how you feel about the law, do you think implementation of it should be delayed for a year until more details are ironed out, or not?

Yes 57%
No 39%
(Don't know) 3%

Question 37 is kind of scary,
This poll states Cruz hurt his cause.
And I have no idea why they thew in the football question. :lol:
here's the problem with fox noise polling... they get their polling from republicans viewers responding to their questions... so to say there is only a 4% difference between pulling obama care and keeping it, I would say you guys are in trouble ... big time

Didn't read the poll did you?

Neither did these two who thanked your post:
ron4342 (Today), Wry Catcher (Today)
Wow. The GOP can't win for losing!!

And you can't tell a lie with a straight face, but nice try. That website's slogan is "Real Liberal Politics."

Or did you think we were stupid enough to fall for that?

so when a liberal goes to a conservative site and copies the conservative results from the site now were telling a lie! cause it was a liberal site that posted their (opinion) results ... gotch ya..

He copied and pasted the opinion of the survey. The opinion of the survey only paid attention to the portion that scored made their points.

He didn't post the actual survey which was found at the site.

My smart liberal friends would have read the survey as a whole.

There's lots of information in that survey for all sides of the political aisle.

The mockery in this thread is a perfect example of the division of this country.

Wow. The GOP can't win for losing!!

Bad News is everywhere for the Republican Party. Even the Fox News poll has found disapproval of the Republican Party jumping to 59% in their latest poll.

Support for repealing the ACA has dropped from 39% in June to 30% today. This could mean that the linking of funding the government to defunding or delaying the ACA has completely backfired on the Republican Party.

The government shutdown isn’t just bad for Republicans. It’s disastrous.

The Republican Party is being destroyed by their own obsession with Obamacare.

Fox News Poll Finds Disapproval Of GOP Skyrocketing After They Shut Down Government



Why should Fox care about these percentages? The only percent that matters to them is the 1%.
My friend who always voted Republican just got insurance from the exchange for $50 a month.

He said he will never vote Republican again.

That is why Republicans hate Obamacares.
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The ACA is the Law. Will remain the Law

Yes, yes... It's the law of the land...

Just like this one:

Not all laws have to be enforced

If so, the border fence would have been completed


It was never funded, was it?

That is the correct answer.

Senate rejects border fence - Washington Times

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Senators on Tuesday rejected building the 700 miles of double-tier border fencing Congress authorized just seven years ago, with a majority of the Senate saying they didn’t want to delay granting illegal immigrants legal status while the fence was being built.

On October 26, 2006, U.S. President George W. Bush signed the Secure Fence Act of 2006 (Pub.L. 109–367) into law stating, “This bill will help protect the American people. This bill will make our borders more secure. It is an important step toward immigration reform.
Secure Fence Act of 2006 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That means...

It's the law of the land!!
Actually--that poll was conducted on the first 2 days of the month--so I guess we can not talk of trend since the difference in percentages from the previous month is kind of within the error.

Let see what happens after a week, ok?
(even so, the entire oct 1-2 survey does present a gloomy future for the GOP. 49% disapproval found by a pro-conservative pollster is not a good sign. You would think propagandist would soften the numbers?)
The ACA is the Law. Will remain the Law

Yes, yes... It's the law of the land...

Just like this one:

It was never funded, was it?

That is the correct answer.

Senate rejects border fence - Washington Times

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Senators on Tuesday rejected building the 700 miles of double-tier border fencing Congress authorized just seven years ago, with a majority of the Senate saying they didn’t want to delay granting illegal immigrants legal status while the fence was being built.

On October 26, 2006, U.S. President George W. Bush signed the Secure Fence Act of 2006 (Pub.L. 109–367) into law stating, “This bill will help protect the American people. This bill will make our borders more secure. It is an important step toward immigration reform.
Secure Fence Act of 2006 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That means...

It's the law of the land!!

Oh, that's different......:lol:
My friend who always voted Republican just got insurance from the exchange for $50 a month.

He said he will never vote Republican again.

That is why Republicans hate Obamacares.

Moonbats now make up imaginary friends to make a political point... :thup:
Poor Republicans ... They're getting blamed for everything they do.

I know. It's so unfair.

It is strange that every time Americans fight for civil rights, health care, school lunches or education, it's Republican we end up fighting.

When Republicans get what they want, we end up with debt, death, jobs moved to China and deficit.

It's strange you say you fight for civil rights, yet perpetuate white guilt and shame Christians for having a faith. Healthcare, yet you're going to force people off their current plans for Obamacare. School lunches, yet you don't mind policing what they eat. Education, yet you fight for the teachers pocketbooks instead of children's futures. When it comes to this, who is fighting whom? Who watches the watchers?

God forbid you ever get anything you want.
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It seemed to me that, in 2012, the GOP was correct when they called those elections "the last chance to get rid of Obamacare".

If their actions now are altruistic, if they're truly willing to fall on the political sword for what they perceive to be the good of the country, then I guess they have to do what they have to do. But if they really think they'll be rewarded for this in '14 and '16, I really don't see it.


that depends....first we all know the public has a very short memory and that usually works to the dems advantage as the media is all to happy to regurgitate and parrot the left line, employ their usual selectivity as to whose done what and whats at stake, so yes, you may be right.

However, due to the effects if as negative as they at least appear to be as to the convolution of obamacare etc. they may be seen as the only ones who tried to work against it.....and the public does appreciate the debt ceiling issue as in exchanges and compromises when lifting the limits etc. so, if the gop can get to , say middle next week within say 10-13 points in the red, thats actually a win, I expected much worse but the WH has had their own issues with optics.....the WW2 memorial, and as in making this sting more than it needs to by arbitrarily closing things they don't need to etc. as they did with the sequester and the public did not pound the gop over that though everyone prophesied they would.

If they get to the debt ceiling discussion half way whole, they may come thru the fire, if they have to drop the suspension of the individual mandate and keep say the congressional obamacare enforcement plan, and keep trying at least to fund parts of the government, after a while people are going to ask, shit why don't the dems just fund what they can?

And in the end, remember the wild card, if the obamcare cannot be hurrahed by the media as much as they will try and like to, 76% of folks still like their 'old' may reach a point where, this is as bad as it will get for the gop, which again, is a win.

Hey, politics is what it is, theres lots of cards to be played yet.

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