Fox News Poll Finds 56% Doubt Trump's Mental Soundness To Be President

Fox has stopped pretending to be right wing, and will join the rest of our government run media in producing negative announcements about Trump until election night. Just ignore the bullshit and vote for the one who made America prosperous again...
Vote for Biden? Cool!

Or do you mean for for the man who has been indicted and WILL BE indicted again in the next few months?
More indictments coming Sherlock.
I have no doubt.

Democrats turn misdemeanors into felonies for Trump and turn felonies into misdemeanors for the average criminal.

Then a Left wing court and judge in Manhattan sued him for a rape they never proved he committed.

So where is the next indictment?

San Fran?
Fox is backing DeSantis, so expect lying bullshit to come out of their mouths until Trump wins the primary... JimH52 will believe anything...
I fear Trump will undo DeSantis because he's gone bad since the election was stolen from him. It was stolen and if he weren't running again, fine. But if he wants to be President again, he has to get over it. That won't happen if DeSantis sins the nomination. Trump is holding the Republican Party hostage. Pick him or he's going to join the Democrats and be bitter. Trump's ads in Florida are so left my daughter and I laugh that they are all the reasons to vote FOR DeSantis
Trump is starting to lose it. He's pissed that Dems were able to steal it and the whole Russian collusion hoax and get away with it. Dems are such lying assholes I can see why Trump is pissed and looking for payback. But Dems are quite good at NASTY attacks, lies and fabrications, lowlife fuckers. I think Trump is done at this point.
Trump is the most grave danger this country has ever seen – as president he sought to destroy America’s democracy by fomenting a violent coup attempt to overturn a fair, honest, accurate, lawful election reflecting the will of the people.

And Trump continues to defend the domestic terrorists who attacked America’s democracy.

Trump and his supporters are a malignancy on this nation.
boy are you fucking dumb.......they wanted security lax that day for a reason you retarded monkey
A Fox News poll found that 56% of Americans do not believe former President Donald Trump has the "mental soundness" to be president.

A survey conducted by the conservative outlet gave Trump a 33-point lead over Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL).

The survey also compared President Joe Biden's character to Trump.

Biden had a 9-point advantage over Trump regarding honesty and an 8-point lead for empathy. 11% fewer people also believe that Biden is corrupt.

Fox News poll huh? Hmm...

Sounds about right to me. Trump will always break the law given a chance... He thumbs his nose at everything Americans hold dear.
Trump is starting to lose it. He's pissed that Dems were able to steal it and the whole Russian collusion hoax and get away with it. Dems are such lying assholes I can see why Trump is pissed and looking for payback. But Dems are quite good at NASTY attacks, lies and fabrications, lowlife fuckers. I think Trump is done at this point.

Yeah Trump has been claiming he's a victim for more than 40 years. Poor, poor pitiful Trump.
I have no doubt.

Democrats turn misdemeanors into felonies for Trump and turn felonies into misdemeanors for the average criminal.

Then a Left wing court and judge in Manhattan sued him for a rape they never proved he committed.

So where is the next indictment?

San Fran?
What would you say sharing classified documents with guests at his country club should be? I bet you don't see anything wrong with that?
Fox has stopped pretending to be right wing, and will join the rest of our government run media in producing negative announcements about Trump until election night. Just ignore the bullshit and vote for the one who made America prosperous again...
Obviously lefties watch FOX more than the right does. They sure report about it more.
trump is a nut job that can't keep his slandering mouth shut.
Trump is the only thing keeping us from being put under the tyrannical WEF. The only one that sides with our country and not the globalists and the "stakeholders". They plan to have us under complete control in 7 years.
You will not buy or sell without their approval. You will own nothing and like it. You will submit to any serum they decide to inject you with. You will be limited to a 15 minute encampment. You will eat the Gates/Bezo fungus burgers that are jam packed with cancer cells. You will not have one dime of your own but will be dolled out credits based on your social scores. You will no longer own your home. You will be awarded a bedroom in your shared housing. Your children will be removed and trained to serve the elite.
Noncompliance will be dealt with swiftly. You will be prescribed euthanasia by your local state physician if you fall ill, have mental issues, are elderly and a drain, if you refuse your injections, if you speak out against your leaders on USMB or Twitter.

And you will weep for your starving grandchildren whose rights and freedoms you relinquished just a few short years before...
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Fox has stopped pretending to be right wing, and will join the rest of our government run media in producing negative announcements about Trump until election night. Just ignore the bullshit and vote for the one who made America prosperous again...

When was the US not prosperous?
During the busts? Well, the busts happen because people keep pushing the economy too much, like, er... Trump did.

So, what do we know about the busts? The rich get richer, the poor lose their homes... great.

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