FOX NEWS POLL: Obama Would Beat GOP, Tea Party Rivals By Landslide In 2012

who do you see emerging?
Too soon to tell but Scott Brown is already on Drudge's wish list as illustrated by the huge headline he posted on his website last Wednesday morning.
Well, I am just going by the "real" poll that was taken in MASS. this week. And duly noted--if a democrat can't win in MASS--they can't win anywhere.

If Obama does not move immediately to center right (which is the overwhelming majority in this country)--he is toast in 2012--regardless of who the GOP picks to run.

I agree. I also think Obama is incapable of making that move to the center, his enormous ego will simply not allow it. This egomaniac, who made 441 Speeches Comments or Remarks on various issues including 52 addresses or statements specifically on his health care proposals, said the primary reason that his eponymous "Obamacare" is dead is because he didn't "speak directly to the people"...:lol:
Incumbent presidents rarely if ever lose their re-election bid if the economy is doing okay. Unless we are in the 2nd Great Depression, it's unlikely that the economy won't be doing okay by 2012.
It is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too early to be talking about 2012.
It's like I previously stated on here.

FOX News Poll: Obama Would Beat GOP, Tea Party Rivals By Landslide In 2012 Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Notice the Fox News headline for the article. - Fox News Poll: Voters Split On Congressional Elections

With the president having been in office for about a year, 43 percent of Americans say they would vote to re-elect Barack Obama if the 2012 election were held today, which is unchanged from October, yet is down from 52 percent who said they would re-elect him in April.

All in all, 47 percent of Americans say they would vote for someone else rather than re-electing President Obama, up from 31 percent in April.

Moreover, the number saying they would "definitely" vote to re-elect Obama has declined -- going from 37 percent in April to 26 percent in October to 23 percent in the new poll.

Among Democrats, 46 percent say they would "definitely" vote to re-elect Obama, down from 69 percent in April. Similarly, among people who voted for Obama in the 2008 election, the poll shows 43 percent would "definitely" vote to re-elect him, down from 57 percent.

In hypothetical head-to-head matchups, President Obama tops each of the Republican candidates tested.

By 47 percent to 35 percent Obama bests former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. The president has an even wider edge over former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin (55 percent to 31 percent), and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (53 percent to 29 percent).

Finally, twice as many people say they would vote for Obama (48 percent) as would back a candidate from the Tea Party movement (23 percent).

Obama smashes Romney, Palin, Newt, and even the Tea Party Movement. And this is a poll from Fox News, not the Dailykos.


I thought if you have a television show or are a paid "correspondent" for a television station, you couldn't run.

How can Huck or palin be contenders? oh and this poll cant be true, fox ALWAYS lies. :lol:
Well, I am just going by the "real" poll that was taken in MASS. this week. And duly noted--if a democrat can't win in MASS--they can't win anywhere.

If Obama does not move immediately to center right (which is the overwhelming majority in this country)--he is toast in 2012--regardless of who the GOP picks to run.

I agree. I also think Obama is incapable of making that move to the center, his enormous ego will simply not allow it. This egomaniac, who made 441 Speeches Comments or Remarks on various issues including 52 addresses or statements specifically on his health care proposals, said the primary reason that his eponymous "Obamacare" is dead is because he didn't "speak directly to the people"...:lol:

i wish Obama would move from the center and move left. He has to man up and pull a republican move and do what he thinks is right, just like Bush did. Over and over.
Well, I am just going by the "real" poll that was taken in MASS. this week. And duly noted--if a democrat can't win in MASS--they can't win anywhere.

If Obama does not move immediately to center right (which is the overwhelming majority in this country)--he is toast in 2012--regardless of who the GOP picks to run.

I agree. I also think Obama is incapable of making that move to the center, his enormous ego will simply not allow it. This egomaniac, who made 441 Speeches Comments or Remarks on various issues including 52 addresses or statements specifically on his health care proposals, said the primary reason that his eponymous "Obamacare" is dead is because he didn't "speak directly to the people"...:lol:

i wish Obama would move from the center and move left. He has to man up and pull a republican move and do what he thinks is right, just like Bush did. Over and over.

Me too! Then he'd be certain to be a one-term failure! He probably will be anyway, but going further left would eliminate all doubt. .....We are a center right nation. Play to the lunatic left and you'll be shown the door.
what were the polls looking like in January 2006 for 2008?

Again, I just posted the polls. However, it proves my point that the GOP can't just nominate anyone and expect to win automatically like the Dems did in MA.

The only thing it proves is the most liberal voting state in the country has had enough of the liberal philosophy, when they replace Ted Kennedy, the single largest advocate for Universal Health Care with a Republican who made it his campaign slogan to vote against the current Health Care Bill in the Senate, it is crystal clear, then again you think Obama has a slam dunk in 2012, your too dense to understand what the pick up truck means to the average is Obama
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Incumbent presidents rarely if ever lose their re-election bid if the economy is doing okay. Unless we are in the 2nd Great Depression, it's unlikely that the economy won't be doing okay by 2012.

Honestly, the best bet for the country is that the Republicans take back the Congress in 2010 and Obama gets re-elected in 2012, repeat of 1994 and the following years of the Clinton Presidency (minus all the inane "scandal" BS).

I have no love for Republicans and none for Democrats but we seem to achieve the best results when one party holds the legislature and the other holds the executive.

That being said, given the underlying structural issues in the broader economy that we face, I'd say it's 40/60 against that the country will be experiencing any sort of economic prosperity in 2012.
Yeah According to polls, Guiliani or Clinton should be President now. Who on earth cares. Polling this early is just a waste of money. But then i guess these people dont have a real job.
I agree. I also think Obama is incapable of making that move to the center, his enormous ego will simply not allow it. This egomaniac, who made 441 Speeches Comments or Remarks on various issues including 52 addresses or statements specifically on his health care proposals, said the primary reason that his eponymous "Obamacare" is dead is because he didn't "speak directly to the people"...:lol:

i wish Obama would move from the center and move left. He has to man up and pull a republican move and do what he thinks is right, just like Bush did. Over and over.

Me too! Then he'd be certain to be a one-term failure! He probably will be anyway, but going further left would eliminate all doubt. .....We are a center right nation. Play to the lunatic left and you'll be shown the door.

If we actually are a center right nation, how did he win?
Yeah According to polls, Guiliani or Clinton should be President now. Who on earth cares. Polling this early is just a waste of money. But then i guess these people dont have a real job.

Polling only works if the results are to your favor.
i wish Obama would move from the center and move left. He has to man up and pull a republican move and do what he thinks is right, just like Bush did. Over and over.

Me too! Then he'd be certain to be a one-term failure! He probably will be anyway, but going further left would eliminate all doubt. .....We are a center right nation. Play to the lunatic left and you'll be shown the door.

If we actually are a center right nation, how did he win?
The right got sick of RINOS, and P-BO ran a slick campaign that promised everything without defining anything.

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