FOX NEWS POLL: Obama Would Beat GOP, Tea Party Rivals By Landslide In 2012

Er... did somebody forget AuH20 in 1964? or are you under the impression that he wasn't a fiscal conservative?

And prey tell, why did Goldwater lose? If you don't give the right answer, I'll do it for you. So no pressure.
Gary Johnston running for the GOP ticket is like Ron Paul running for the GOP ticket.
We are still waiting for the secret GOP candidate that people will actually vote for

This guy?
Could be.

Also, should Rand Paul win in Kentucky, he wouldn't end up being seated for any less time than Boyking was.

Doubtful Dude, principled libertarians have an uphill climb for the Presidency, after all if they are principled they can't very well promise to give away goodies using other peoples money and that's what the voters in America still respond to.

Gimme some "Obama Money"! :D
Doubtful Dude, principled libertarians have an uphill climb for the Presidency, after all if they are principled they can't very well promise to give away goodies using other peoples money and that's what the voters in America still respond to.

Gimme some "Obama Money"! :D

If Rand is anything like his father, he's not exactly a "principled" Libertarian then.
Er... did somebody forget AuH20 in 1964? or are you under the impression that he wasn't a fiscal conservative?

And prey tell, why did Goldwater lose? If you don't give the right answer, I'll do it for you. So no pressure.
Partly because he was smeared to hell by the LBJ slime squad, partly because the squish RINOs who were infiltrating the party back then (i.e. the Nixon wing, as it were) didn't fully back the candidate.....
Obama is only in office a year. Not all of his policies have kicked-in yet. Wait until gas prices are over $4/gallon. Wait until the 2nd half of the double-dip hits Wall Street. Wait until there is another terror attack or two and political correctness played a part. If Cap+Trade ever kicks-in utility rates will "skyrocket".

In 2.5 years the voters will have seen quite enough of the dems. Lets keep these polls in context. No one has started playing anti-Obama commercials yet, and the MSM still kisses his ass.

Its early yet. Lets see what happens in 2010, and after that....
Partly because he was smeared to hell by the LBJ slime squad, partly because the squish RINOs who were infiltrating the party back then didn't fully back the candidate.....

Just going to ignore the whole Southern Strategy foreshadowing? :eusa_eh:
Er... did somebody forget AuH20 in 1964? or are you under the impression that he wasn't a fiscal conservative?

And prey tell, why did Goldwater lose? If you don't give the right answer, I'll do it for you. So no pressure.

The "right answer" according to whom? you? what makes you think I trust you as an authority on anything?

Sorry , I'll pass on the obvious pissing contest bait.
The "right answer" according to whom? you? what makes you think I trust you as an authority on anything?

Sorry , I'll pass on the obvious pissing contest bait.

Doesn't matter if you refuse to answer, Dude already gave an answer.
Er... did somebody forget AuH20 in 1964? or are you under the impression that he wasn't a fiscal conservative?

And prey tell, why did Goldwater lose? If you don't give the right answer, I'll do it for you. So no pressure.

The "right answer" according to whom? you? what makes you think I trust you as an authority on anything?

Sorry , I'll pass on the obvious pissing contest bait.

How dare you question Dogbert!! He's a college student, he knows things!! :rofl:
The "right answer" according to whom? you? what makes you think I trust you as an authority on anything?

Sorry , I'll pass on the obvious pissing contest bait.

Doesn't matter if you refuse to answer, Dude already gave an answer.
I gave a couple factors that played into the election, not the only ones or an extensive list.
How dare you question Dogbert!! He's a college student, he knows things!! :rofl:

Yes, attack my age. However, if I agreed with you generally on the issues, you'd be praising how good it is someone my age is involved with politics.

Fuck off troll.
I gave a couple factors that played into the election, not the only ones or an extensive list.

I understand that. I'm merely saying that at least you gave an answer.
And prey tell, why did Goldwater lose? If you don't give the right answer, I'll do it for you. So no pressure.

The "right answer" according to whom? you? what makes you think I trust you as an authority on anything?

Sorry , I'll pass on the obvious pissing contest bait.

How dare you question Dogbert!! He's a college student, he knows things!! :rofl:

I'm sure he does, including playing "guess what I'm thinking in 1 try or less", unfortunately for him I've seen that game before. :D
It's like I previously stated on here.

FOX News Poll: Obama Would Beat GOP, Tea Party Rivals By Landslide In 2012 Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Notice the Fox News headline for the article. - Fox News Poll: Voters Split On Congressional Elections

With the president having been in office for about a year, 43 percent of Americans say they would vote to re-elect Barack Obama if the 2012 election were held today, which is unchanged from October, yet is down from 52 percent who said they would re-elect him in April.

All in all, 47 percent of Americans say they would vote for someone else rather than re-electing President Obama, up from 31 percent in April.

Moreover, the number saying they would "definitely" vote to re-elect Obama has declined -- going from 37 percent in April to 26 percent in October to 23 percent in the new poll.

Among Democrats, 46 percent say they would "definitely" vote to re-elect Obama, down from 69 percent in April. Similarly, among people who voted for Obama in the 2008 election, the poll shows 43 percent would "definitely" vote to re-elect him, down from 57 percent.

In hypothetical head-to-head matchups, President Obama tops each of the Republican candidates tested.

By 47 percent to 35 percent Obama bests former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. The president has an even wider edge over former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin (55 percent to 31 percent), and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (53 percent to 29 percent).

Finally, twice as many people say they would vote for Obama (48 percent) as would back a candidate from the Tea Party movement (23 percent).

Obama smashes Romney, Palin, Newt, and even the Tea Party Movement. And this is a poll from Fox News, not the Dailykos.


How long did Ted Kennedy's Seat take to go from Double Digit SAFE to DemocRATS "ASS" Whipped again?... :rofl:


He can and will run, but he has very slim chances of actually winning the nomination. The Republicans are going to nominate a conservative, not a moderate.

By Conservative you mean Christian and by Moderate you mean Mormon? :confused:

I mean a FISCAL conservative. Someone who is not afraid to cut spending. We don't have an income problem Dog, we have a spending problem. The Republican nominee will be a bona-fide fiscal conservative or they'll lose.

There's almost no chance of a real fiscal conservative candidate ever coming close to winning. In fact, if one ever started to run, he'd be treated like a progressive by most "conservatives" - like Ron Paul was.

Now are you happy?
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By Conservative you mean Christian and by Moderate you mean Mormon? :confused:

I mean a FISCAL conservative. Someone who is not afraid to cut spending. We don't have an income problem Dog, we have a spending problem. The Republican nominee will be a bona-fide fiscal conservative or they'll lose.

There's almost no chance of a real fiscal conservative candidate ever coming close to winning. In fact, if one ever started to run, he'd be treated like a liberal by most "conservatives" - like Ron Paul was.

Er.. Ron Paul is a liberal.
er.. Ron paul is a liberal.


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