Fox News poll: Trump behind Biden in Ohio by 5%

He has to go he is making things worse and making the left go far left. He is too toxic. If you really love your country I suggest you dont put an instigator that will burn it down. Let's go back to the norm and keep dangerous clowns out.

Trump is not making the left go more far left. It's likely AOC and the idiot three.

In decades past, the Democrat party went from Democrat to liberal, from liberal to progressive, from progressive to Democrat/ Socialist and Trump was not even around during this time.

After Trump is gone, they will go from Democrat/Socialist to plain old Socialist. From Socialist to Socialist/ Communist, from Socialist/ Communists to Communists. Will Trump be responsible for that as well?

Trump is energizing the left and will bring down his party with him.

As usual, Dems are nominating a moderate candidate while Republicans pander to their right wing extremists
Are close numbers the best news the left can come up with these days? We have yet to see how old Joe does in the debates.
If fact check checks whatever is said by trump, it will break down before debate is over Trump is a world class liar who appeals to dolts who think like him
All these polls are shit. But the DIRECTION of the polls tell a tale- Trump has all the momentum.

Trump has gotten some bounce back in some polls
We will have to see where the polls land after the debates
I’d be surprised to see any movement in the polls. What would Trump or Biden have to actually do in a debate to turn off Trump lovers or haters?
The ‘debates’ will be pointless.
All these polls are shit. But the DIRECTION of the polls tell a tale- Trump has all the momentum.

Trump has gotten some bounce back in some polls
We will have to see where the polls land after the debates
I’d be surprised to see any movement in the polls. What would Trump or Biden have to actually do in a debate to turn off Trump lovers or haters?
The ‘debates’ will be pointless.
Most people’s mind is already made up
All these polls are shit. But the DIRECTION of the polls tell a tale- Trump has all the momentum.

Trump has gotten some bounce back in some polls
We will have to see where the polls land after the debates
I’d be surprised to see any movement in the polls. What would Trump or Biden have to actually do in a debate to turn off Trump lovers or haters?
The ‘debates’ will be pointless.
Most people’s mind is already made up
“The problem for Trump is that in his efforts to appease the base, he has lost his ability to appeal to those outside of it. If Trump ends up losing, it'll be because his gains with the Republican base have not been offset by his losses among other voters.
The culprit is Trump's doing much worse with Democrats and independents. He was up 7 points with independents in Quinnipiac's poll four years ago. Today, Trump's down with independents by 8 points. Trump's deficit among Democrats has ballooned from 84 points to 94 points in Quinnipiac's polling.

These are bad trades for Trump given there are more Democrats and independents than there are Republicans in the electorate.”

All these polls are shit. But the DIRECTION of the polls tell a tale- Trump has all the momentum.

Trump has gotten some bounce back in some polls
We will have to see where the polls land after the debates
I’d be surprised to see any movement in the polls. What would Trump or Biden have to actually do in a debate to turn off Trump lovers or haters?
The ‘debates’ will be pointless.
Most people’s mind is already made up
“The problem for Trump is that in his efforts to appease the base, he has lost his ability to appeal to those outside of it. If Trump ends up losing, it'll be because his gains with the Republican base have not been offset by his losses among other voters.
The culprit is Trump's doing much worse with Democrats and independents. He was up 7 points with independents in Quinnipiac's poll four years ago. Today, Trump's down with independents by 8 points. Trump's deficit among Democrats has ballooned from 84 points to 94 points in Quinnipiac's polling.

These are bad trades for Trump given there are more Democrats and independents than there are Republicans in the electorate.”

Further proof of what the morons problem is is his choice of SC judge Take the good looking one ,,forget about the one from Florida who could help his election chances Trump is nothing more than a fn idiot , a bully and crook throughout his life as are most of his supporters
No wonder Republicans are concocting a plan to pretend the vote was fraudulent.
Their guy is even losing in Ohio, where Hillary list by 8% in 2016:
We know what's coming if Trump doesn't win. He's been telling us for a long time.

This country is about to be tested as it never has. By a person this damaged, no less.

Yes. Lawsuits and recounts. Which has happened before.

It will be interesting to see how Republicans respond to defeat.

Al Gore won the majority and lost Florida by 600 votes. He could have easily tied the election up in courts but conceded so Bush could take office on Jan 20.

John Kerry lost Ohio by 10,000 votes and there were many irregularities in the count. He conceded to allow the inauguration to take place

Hillary won the majority and lost Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania by 10,000 votes. She could have tied it up for months but conceded to Trump

Will Republicans show the same class or will they throw the nation into turmoil ??

Gore took the case all the way to the Supreme Court and lost.

YOu are a partisan hack.

That was on the right to count all of Florida
He could have continued the fight but dropped his claim

Will Trump show the same class?
Trump was born without class He's been a low life POS his whole life The presidency brought no change in him

Trump has been doing pretty well, while you people are acting like feral animals in the streets.
You are poorly informed Correl. There are only 3 cities that we’ve seen violence but most are peaceful. Violence are NOT in the entire US.

That's a load of crap but even if it were true, the lack of condemnation and action from your side, shows that this is a preview of the future you vile lefties want for our nation.
We're vile???? You and your idiots are destroying our democracy and you call us vile??? Who's next for your presidential choice ?? Putin?
All these polls are shit. But the DIRECTION of the polls tell a tale- Trump has all the momentum.

Trump has gotten some bounce back in some polls
We will have to see where the polls land after the debates
I’d be surprised to see any movement in the polls. What would Trump or Biden have to actually do in a debate to turn off Trump lovers or haters?
The ‘debates’ will be pointless.
Most people’s mind is already made up
“The problem for Trump is that in his efforts to appease the base, he has lost his ability to appeal to those outside of it. If Trump ends up losing, it'll be because his gains with the Republican base have not been offset by his losses among other voters.
The culprit is Trump's doing much worse with Democrats and independents. He was up 7 points with independents in Quinnipiac's poll four years ago. Today, Trump's down with independents by 8 points. Trump's deficit among Democrats has ballooned from 84 points to 94 points in Quinnipiac's polling.

These are bad trades for Trump given there are more Democrats and independents than there are Republicans in the electorate.”

Trumps numbers are dropping in the suburbs and the military. Two groups he relied on Bigly in 2016
No wonder Republicans are concocting a plan to pretend the vote was fraudulent.
Their guy is even losing in Ohio, where Hillary lost by 8% in 2016:
Fox new only samples 5% of independents lol and it’s a left wing run poll
Well, more of a Neocon run poll.

From the Ohio poll doc:

Interviews were conducted September 20-23, 2020 among a random sample of 907 Ohio voters contacted on landlines (217) and cellphones (690).

How many people in deep rural areas carry cell phones?


This reliasnce on so many cell phone samples might explain part of the over sampling of Democrats who are far more numerous in urban areas.
We're vile???? You and your idiots are destroying our democracy and you call us vile??? Who's next for your presidential choice ?? Putin?

Turn on the news. We are not destroying anything. It's Democrats in Democrat cities that are doing the destroying and have been for four months.
How many people in deep rural areas carry cell phones?
Everyone. Everyone has a cell phone including my 74 year old mother. Have you not been to rural America? I have a cabin in the mountains of Tenn. where I associate with rural riff raff.
No wonder Republicans are concocting a plan to pretend the vote was fraudulent.
Their guy is even losing in Ohio, where Hillary list by 8% in 2016:
We know what's coming if Trump doesn't win. He's been telling us for a long time.

This country is about to be tested as it never has. By a person this damaged, no less.

Yes. Lawsuits and recounts. Which has happened before.

It will be interesting to see how Republicans respond to defeat.

Al Gore won the majority and lost Florida by 600 votes. He could have easily tied the election up in courts but conceded so Bush could take office on Jan 20.

John Kerry lost Ohio by 10,000 votes and there were many irregularities in the count. He conceded to allow the inauguration to take place

Hillary won the majority and lost Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania by 10,000 votes. She could have tied it up for months but conceded to Trump

Will Republicans show the same class or will they throw the nation into turmoil ??

Gore took the case all the way to the Supreme Court and lost.

YOu are a partisan hack.

That was on the right to count all of Florida
He could have continued the fight but dropped his claim

Will Trump show the same class?
Trump was born without class He's been a low life POS his whole life The presidency brought no change in him

Trump has been doing pretty well, while you people are acting like feral animals in the streets.
You are poorly informed Correl. There are only 3 cities that we’ve seen violence but most are peaceful. Violence are NOT in the entire US.
Rush says the nation is burning down. You're wasting your time.

You're being a jerk.
No wonder Republicans are concocting a plan to pretend the vote was fraudulent.
Their guy is even losing in Ohio, where Hillary list by 8% in 2016:
We know what's coming if Trump doesn't win. He's been telling us for a long time.

This country is about to be tested as it never has. By a person this damaged, no less.

Yes. Lawsuits and recounts. Which has happened before.

It will be interesting to see how Republicans respond to defeat.

Al Gore won the majority and lost Florida by 600 votes. He could have easily tied the election up in courts but conceded so Bush could take office on Jan 20.

John Kerry lost Ohio by 10,000 votes and there were many irregularities in the count. He conceded to allow the inauguration to take place

Hillary won the majority and lost Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania by 10,000 votes. She could have tied it up for months but conceded to Trump

Will Republicans show the same class or will they throw the nation into turmoil ??

Gore took the case all the way to the Supreme Court and lost.

YOu are a partisan hack.

That was on the right to count all of Florida
He could have continued the fight but dropped his claim

Will Trump show the same class?
Trump was born without class He's been a low life POS his whole life The presidency brought no change in him

Trump has been doing pretty well, while you people are acting like feral animals in the streets.
You are poorly informed Correl. There are only 3 cities that we’ve seen violence but most are peaceful. Violence are NOT in the entire US.

That's a load of crap but even if it were true, the lack of condemnation and action from your side, shows that this is a preview of the future you vile lefties want for our nation.
We're vile???? You and your idiots are destroying our democracy and you call us vile??? Who's next for your presidential choice ?? Putin?

Dude. You made a claim, and not only did I call you on it, but another poster posted a link to prove it, AND so my point stands, and your empty denial is dismissed.

Trump has been doing pretty well, while you people are acting like feral animals in the streets.
No wonder Republicans are concocting a plan to pretend the vote was fraudulent.
Their guy is even losing in Ohio, where Hillary lost by 8% in 2016:
Fox new only samples 5% of independents lol and it’s a left wing run poll
Well, more of a Neocon run poll.

From the Ohio poll doc:

Interviews were conducted September 20-23, 2020 among a random sample of 907 Ohio voters contacted on landlines (217) and cellphones (690).

How many people in deep rural areas carry cell phones?

View attachment 393550

This reliasnce on so many cell phone samples might explain part of the over sampling of Democrats who are far more numerous in urban areas.

Most if not all of them. A cell phone is very important to people in rural areas.

I own a house on the south side of Mt. Rainier. It's as rural as you can get and deep, deep red country of my state.

Everyone has a cell phone. It's very important to be able to contact 9-11 if a person gets lost in the forest or gets hurt while running farm equipment. Or find or bear or mountain lion on their property.

Maybe conservative areas where you live are different but here, a cell phone is essential to people in rural areas.
We're vile???? You and your idiots are destroying our democracy and you call us vile??? Who's next for your presidential choice ?? Putin?

Turn on the news. We are not destroying anything. It's Democrats in Democrat cities that are doing the destroying and have been for four months.
Ray you piss on people long enough what do you expect? You get violence
We're vile???? You and your idiots are destroying our democracy and you call us vile??? Who's next for your presidential choice ?? Putin?

Turn on the news. We are not destroying anything. It's Democrats in Democrat cities that are doing the destroying and have been for four months.
Ray you piss on people long enough what do you expect? You get violence

None of those people were getting pissed on. A cop kneeled on a criminals neck and he died from a fentanyl OD. Then before an investigation could even take place, they arrested the officer and charged him with murder just to try and keep the neanderthals quiet.
We're vile???? You and your idiots are destroying our democracy and you call us vile??? Who's next for your presidential choice ?? Putin?

Turn on the news. We are not destroying anything. It's Democrats in Democrat cities that are doing the destroying and have been for four months.
Ray you piss on people long enough what do you expect? You get violence

None of those people were getting pissed on. A cop kneeled on a criminals neck and he died from a fentanyl OD. Then before an investigation could even take place, they arrested the officer and charged him with murder just to try and keep the neanderthals quiet.
Come on Ray Don't believe that BS I can tell you of a cop that used to come in to my place of business many years ago that told me if I ever have to shoot a robber have an extra unlicensed gun to throw next to his body He told me more than that bur that's enough for now You really think they've changed their spots?? Really? They can murder and get away with it THAT'S what causes violence

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