Fox News poll: Trump behind Biden in Ohio by 5%

I see so many more Trump signs than Biden signs (I live in a blue state). I see thousands of people excited to be at Trump rallies. I see barely anyone at Biden rallies. I see many more blacks talking positively about Trump than in 2016. Democrats I talked to don't really care for Joe Biden, but he's "not Trump". Whereas Trump voters want to vote for Trump. Huge difference. Seems to me Trump has a good chance to win. But it's 2020, we'll see.

True. Trump 2016 rallies are very impressive. You would expect at least 80+ millions. But Hillary got more votes by 3 millions. Even if you remove the 3 millions as excuses Trump anemically only got 63+ millions.

After almost 4 years all these chaos, discombobulations, millions and millions of Americans that are in trouble and sufferings like lost of health coverage, unemployment, job loses, evictions, businesses closures, deaths at 200,000+ and infections 7+ millions and counting. These are all Trump’s fault.

Do you honestly believe that the 63+ millions votes are still there?
Do you honestly believe that the 63+ millions votes gain more supports?

Here is good example of just one business enterprise that is collapsing. The restaurants. We are talking 100,000 restaurants with 3 millions workers that are closing for good and it’s only September.

WASHINGTON, Sept. 14, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Six months following the first shutdown of restaurants for the coronavirus pandemic, the restaurant industry is in limbo. According to a new survey released today by the National Restaurant Association, nearly 1 in 6 restaurants (representing nearly 100,000 restaurants) is closed either permanently or long-term; nearly 3 million employees are still out of work; and the industry is on track to lose $240 billion in sales by the end of the year.
No wonder Republicans are concocting a plan to pretend the vote was fraudulent.
Their guy is even losing in Ohio, where Hillary list by 8% in 2016:
We know what's coming if Trump doesn't win. He's been telling us for a long time.

This country is about to be tested as it never has. By a person this damaged, no less.

Yes. Lawsuits and recounts. Which has happened before.

It will be interesting to see how Republicans respond to defeat.

Al Gore won the majority and lost Florida by 600 votes. He could have easily tied the election up in courts but conceded so Bush could take office on Jan 20.

John Kerry lost Ohio by 10,000 votes and there were many irregularities in the count. He conceded to allow the inauguration to take place

Hillary won the majority and lost Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania by 10,000 votes. She could have tied it up for months but conceded to Trump

Will Republicans show the same class or will they throw the nation into turmoil ??

Gore took the case all the way to the Supreme Court and lost.

YOu are a partisan hack.

That was on the right to count all of Florida
He could have continued the fight but dropped his claim

Will Trump show the same class?
Trump was born without class He's been a low life POS his whole life The presidency brought no change in him

Trump has been doing pretty well, while you people are acting like feral animals in the streets.
You are poorly informed Correl. There are only 3 cities that we’ve seen violence but most are peaceful. Violence are NOT in the entire US.
Trump will win Ohio by close to 10 points. The election is over there. But, polls like this get people angry and talking. And clicks & views mean money. They know what they are doing. Also, polls showing Trump ahead would create a disaster for Biden. Right now, many people are scared to even admit they support Trump. This is enforced by polls making them feel as if Trump is way behind and they are few. If Trump is shown ahead, many would quickly jump on the Trump band wagon. Sleep well everyone. Remember, it is Joe Biden that Trump is running against. I can't believe they went with him. But, here we are.
You are right Mike... here we are. Do you know where we are? Hate to tell you this ....... We are in big trouble and it will break peoples heart. I talk a lot I socialize a lot. I have a very large pools of friends. In this link alone I counted at least 160 people and relatives that I know that are in trouble Boeing, Airlines, Raytheon, Las Vegas. If these continues I’m afraid Las Vegas will be first city that will fall. BRACE YOURSELF.

The coronavirus outbreak has triggered unprecedented mass layoffs and furloughs. Here are the major companies that have announced they are downsizing their work force.
No wonder Republicans are concocting a plan to pretend the vote was fraudulent.
Their guy is even losing in Ohio, where Hillary list by 8% in 2016:
We know what's coming if Trump doesn't win. He's been telling us for a long time.

This country is about to be tested as it never has. By a person this damaged, no less.

Yes. Lawsuits and recounts. Which has happened before.

It will be interesting to see how Republicans respond to defeat.

Al Gore won the majority and lost Florida by 600 votes. He could have easily tied the election up in courts but conceded so Bush could take office on Jan 20.

John Kerry lost Ohio by 10,000 votes and there were many irregularities in the count. He conceded to allow the inauguration to take place

Hillary won the majority and lost Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania by 10,000 votes. She could have tied it up for months but conceded to Trump

Will Republicans show the same class or will they throw the nation into turmoil ??

Gore took the case all the way to the Supreme Court and lost.

YOu are a partisan hack.

That was on the right to count all of Florida
He could have continued the fight but dropped his claim

Will Trump show the same class?
Trump was born without class He's been a low life POS his whole life The presidency brought no change in him

Trump has been doing pretty well, while you people are acting like feral animals in the streets.
Yes Trump has turned the corner 205,000 dead ,4000 corporations suing his dumb ass over his China tariffs that China DOESN'T pay, but our corporations do , and now the POS threatens our Democracy with his threat he might not leave the WH if he loses and fails to steal our election?

Thanks for listing some of the absurd lies you people have had to invent to justify your partisan opposition.
What lies ?? In all the headlines 4000 American corporations suing for the money they lost paying Trump tariffs and trump made no mention of not leaving the WH ? You guys are locked up in the basement??

205k dead from covid is a lie and you know it.

Corporations unhappy with tariffs? Who cares? It is the workers turn.
205,000 is an undercount, and you know it.

Corporations aren't paying those tariffs, they are passing them on to you and me.

The real number is probably about a tenth of that. And considering that the panic mongers were waring of millions dead, you should be happy.

BUt you need to gin up something new to throw at trump, since redbaiting failed and your mobs ended up making people more angry than afraid.
So you believe Trump but not scientists?? Are you as blind as he is?

I have no idea or concern what Trump has said about it. The CDC admitted that the number included "guesses" and that they were providing monetary motive for guessing "covid".

Right there, even before you get into political motives, the number is garbage.

Only a blind fool can't see that.
You're talking outta yer ass again.

Unless you've got a quote to link.

Save your stupid troll games for the tourists, leftard.

My point stands. The number is garbage and we both know it.
No wonder Republicans are concocting a plan to pretend the vote was fraudulent.
Their guy is even losing in Ohio, where Hillary list by 8% in 2016:
We know what's coming if Trump doesn't win. He's been telling us for a long time.

This country is about to be tested as it never has. By a person this damaged, no less.

Yes. Lawsuits and recounts. Which has happened before.

It will be interesting to see how Republicans respond to defeat.

Al Gore won the majority and lost Florida by 600 votes. He could have easily tied the election up in courts but conceded so Bush could take office on Jan 20.

John Kerry lost Ohio by 10,000 votes and there were many irregularities in the count. He conceded to allow the inauguration to take place

Hillary won the majority and lost Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania by 10,000 votes. She could have tied it up for months but conceded to Trump

Will Republicans show the same class or will they throw the nation into turmoil ??

Gore took the case all the way to the Supreme Court and lost.

YOu are a partisan hack.

That was on the right to count all of Florida
He could have continued the fight but dropped his claim

Will Trump show the same class?
Trump was born without class He's been a low life POS his whole life The presidency brought no change in him

Trump has been doing pretty well, while you people are acting like feral animals in the streets.
You are poorly informed Correl. There are only 3 cities that we’ve seen violence but most are peaceful. Violence are NOT in the entire US.

That's a load of crap but even if it were true, the lack of condemnation and action from your side, shows that this is a preview of the future you vile lefties want for our nation.
Are close numbers the best news the left can come up with these days? We have yet to see how old Joe does in the debates.
He has to go he is making things worse and making the left go far left. He is too toxic. If you really love your country I suggest you dont put an instigator that will burn it down. Let's go back to the norm and keep dangerous clowns out.
Are close numbers the best news the left can come up with these days? We have yet to see how old Joe does in the debates.

Its not just that they are close but Trump is behind in almost every battleground regardless of the region or demographic
He has to go he is making things worse and making the left go far left. He is too toxic. If you really love your country I suggest you dont put an instigator that will burn it down. Let's go back to the norm and keep dangerous clowns out.

1. We are not responsible for your side's hysterical and violent reaction.

2.. That you think we are, is you being mentally unhealthy.
Trump will win Ohio by close to 10 points. The election is over there. But, polls like this get people angry and talking. And clicks & views mean money. They know what they are doing. Also, polls showing Trump ahead would create a disaster for Biden. Right now, many people are scared to even admit they support Trump. This is enforced by polls making them feel as if Trump is way behind and they are few. If Trump is shown ahead, many would quickly jump on the Trump band wagon. Sleep well everyone. Remember, it is Joe Biden that Trump is running against. I can't believe they went with him. But, here we are.
You are right Mike... here we are. Do you know where we are? Hate to tell you this ....... We are in big trouble and it will break peoples heart. I talk a lot I socialize a lot. I have a very large pools of friends. In this link alone I counted at least 160 people and relatives that I know that are in trouble Boeing, Airlines, Raytheon, Las Vegas. If these continues I’m afraid Las Vegas will be first city that will fall. BRACE YOURSELF.

The coronavirus outbreak has triggered unprecedented mass layoffs and furloughs. Here are the major companies that have announced they are downsizing their work force.

I know where I am. Does Biden? I don't think he does most of the time.
Let me see...

In 2016 EVERY POLL WAS WRONG by 6-9 points (in favor of Clinton). They thought they had it locked up... They were even getting drunk early on election day thinking they had it won....

I have decided that I am going to watch this thing implode on them again...
The poll shifted five points after Comey launched his investigation two weeks before the election

We will have to see what Trump has up his sleeve this time

Yeah, and the polls will shift 5 points again---not because of anything Trump has done but because the polls are all fricking lies meant to manipulate trump supporters into not voting because Trump is supposedly losing.
I see so many more Trump signs than Biden signs (I live in a blue state). I see thousands of people excited to be at Trump rallies. I see barely anyone at Biden rallies. I see many more blacks talking positively about Trump than in 2016. Democrats I talked to don't really care for Joe Biden, but he's "not Trump". Whereas Trump voters want to vote for Trump. Huge difference. Seems to me Trump has a good chance to win. But it's 2020, we'll see.

True. Trump 2016 rallies are very impressive. You would expect at least 80+ millions. But Hillary got more votes by 3 millions. Even if you remove the 3 millions as excuses Trump anemically only got 63+ millions.

After almost 4 years all these chaos, discombobulations, millions and millions of Americans that are in trouble and sufferings like lost of health coverage, unemployment, job loses, evictions, businesses closures, deaths at 200,000+ and infections 7+ millions and counting. These are all Trump’s fault.

Do you honestly believe that the 63+ millions votes are still there?
Do you honestly believe that the 63+ millions votes gain more supports?

Here is good example of just one business enterprise that is collapsing. The restaurants. We are talking 100,000 restaurants with 3 millions workers that are closing for good and it’s only September.

WASHINGTON, Sept. 14, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Six months following the first shutdown of restaurants for the coronavirus pandemic, the restaurant industry is in limbo. According to a new survey released today by the National Restaurant Association, nearly 1 in 6 restaurants (representing nearly 100,000 restaurants) is closed either permanently or long-term; nearly 3 million employees are still out of work; and the industry is on track to lose $240 billion in sales by the end of the year.

The pandemic is not Trump’s fault. He responded to it as well as any leader could. I have family in Europe and they tell me its just as bad over there and in some ways worse. You’re being completely disingenuous when you blame job losses on Trump. I’m betting most voting Americans are smarter than that, particularly Trump’s base.
No wonder Republicans are concocting a plan to pretend the vote was fraudulent.
Their guy is even losing in Ohio, where Hillary list by 8% in 2016:
We know what's coming if Trump doesn't win. He's been telling us for a long time.

This country is about to be tested as it never has. By a person this damaged, no less.

Yes. Lawsuits and recounts. Which has happened before.

It will be interesting to see how Republicans respond to defeat.

Al Gore won the majority and lost Florida by 600 votes. He could have easily tied the election up in courts but conceded so Bush could take office on Jan 20.

John Kerry lost Ohio by 10,000 votes and there were many irregularities in the count. He conceded to allow the inauguration to take place

Hillary won the majority and lost Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania by 10,000 votes. She could have tied it up for months but conceded to Trump

Will Republicans show the same class or will they throw the nation into turmoil ??

Gore took the case all the way to the Supreme Court and lost.

YOu are a partisan hack.

That was on the right to count all of Florida
He could have continued the fight but dropped his claim

Will Trump show the same class?
Trump was born without class He's been a low life POS his whole life The presidency brought no change in him

Trump has been doing pretty well, while you people are acting like feral animals in the streets.
You are poorly informed Correl. There are only 3 cities that we’ve seen violence but most are peaceful. Violence are NOT in the entire US.

What a surprise, another ass-wipe that doesn't pay attention.

Here’s A List Of Cities Hit By Riots In The Last 3 Months
He has to go he is making things worse and making the left go far left. He is too toxic. If you really love your country I suggest you dont put an instigator that will burn it down. Let's go back to the norm and keep dangerous clowns out.

Trump is not making the left go more far left. It's likely AOC and the idiot three.

In decades past, the Democrat party went from Democrat to liberal, from liberal to progressive, from progressive to Democrat/ Socialist and Trump was not even around during this time.

After Trump is gone, they will go from Democrat/Socialist to plain old Socialist. From Socialist to Socialist/ Communist, from Socialist/ Communists to Communists. Will Trump be responsible for that as well?
No wonder Republicans are concocting a plan to pretend the vote was fraudulent.
Their guy is even losing in Ohio, where Hillary lost by 8% in 2016:
Keep believing it... Fox was way off in 2016.....what was the party % of those interviewed?
No wonder Republicans are concocting a plan to pretend the vote was fraudulent.
Their guy is even losing in Ohio, where Hillary lost by 8% in 2016:

No wonder Republicans are concocting a plan to pretend the vote was fraudulent.
Their guy is even losing in Ohio, where Hillary list by 8% in 2016:
We know what's coming if Trump doesn't win. He's been telling us for a long time.

This country is about to be tested as it never has. By a person this damaged, no less.

Yes. Lawsuits and recounts. Which has happened before.

It will be interesting to see how Republicans respond to defeat.

Al Gore won the majority and lost Florida by 600 votes. He could have easily tied the election up in courts but conceded so Bush could take office on Jan 20.

John Kerry lost Ohio by 10,000 votes and there were many irregularities in the count. He conceded to allow the inauguration to take place

Hillary won the majority and lost Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania by 10,000 votes. She could have tied it up for months but conceded to Trump

Will Republicans show the same class or will they throw the nation into turmoil ??

Gore took the case all the way to the Supreme Court and lost.

YOu are a partisan hack.

That was on the right to count all of Florida
He could have continued the fight but dropped his claim

Will Trump show the same class?
Trump was born without class He's been a low life POS his whole life The presidency brought no change in him

Trump has been doing pretty well, while you people are acting like feral animals in the streets.
You are poorly informed Correl. There are only 3 cities that we’ve seen violence but most are peaceful. Violence are NOT in the entire US.
Rush says the nation is burning down. You're wasting your time.

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