Fox News Promotes Gay Marriage?

Why is Fox News Appearing to Enable Gay Marriage?

  • Dick Cheney, his lesbian daugther and his influence over Fox News

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • BigGay money and its influence over Fox News

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • BigGay threats and its influence over Fox News

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Obama Administration and its headlock over Fox News.

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  • Other

    Votes: 7 77.8%

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
OK, this is definitely politics. So when this thread gets sent to the dungeons here, you're going to know why.

In any event, this is a rather funny blunder on Fox News' behalf. In promoting traditional marriage, as a photo they used a picture of a couple of lesbians getting married without realizing it...or were they realizing it?

Here's the photo they used as a portrait of traditional marriage:


Then the closeup:


And a snippet on the goof:

On, a person with some poorly thought-out ideas defended "traditional marriage" in a tired, unoriginal essay. However, the photo they used in the article by accident was comedy gold and should be shared by the entire Internet. Fox News Endorses Straight Marriage, Falls Into A Gay Marriage By Accident

In defense of Fox News, I suppose, the woman in the dress looks like she is marrying a man. Which begs the question what that woman in the dress is really looking for in a mate. Closet heterosexuality is a no-go subject in the cult of LGBT, particularly after the Anne Heche inquisition and her name now being synonymous with "traitor" in gay vernacular. But some of us normal people are wondering why it is a no-go subject if we are to fully understand that which we are rapidly, and frankly blindly incorporating into our social moorings?

Fox News if you watch it much, stays bizarrely reined-in on the topic of gay marriage. Though you know it grates against every fiber of every host's being on that network. It's almost like they are spitting through gritted teeth that "polls show most people support gay marriage".

And they give almost no coverage at all to revisiting notable and glaring exceptions to the selective polling data they're spewing as "God's word". 100s of millions of people from the conservative and middle ranks on both sides of the aisle are in opposition to the idea of gay marriage. They vote it down in their states consistently. The fascist moves to further hog tie their own democracy and force to accept "gay marriage" is baffling and alarming with judicial activism suppressing votes.

The church of LGBT is a cult. It evangelizes. It persecutes heretics. It mobilizes and threatens other faiths that contradict its own dogma. It seeks out children to mold their minds pro-gay. It has even successfully interfered with the free speech between a therapist and his patient who is desperate to get out of the cult's clutches and wants that help that is now denied to him by law if s/he is a minor. [you know, just long enough to really ground the unwanted behavior where it is more difficult to cast off, even if it was known to be gotten through molestation as a child]

If Satan were alive today, this would be his church. It exists to throw off all forms of decent human decorum and seems inarguably very keenly interested in accessing children. Whether it is through schools, through the therapists' office or in media or via marriage [adoption]. It wants at children's minds. It wants new membership. It wants to pack numbers at the polls. And who knows what else it has in mind for children. Well, it isn't hard to figure out since their messiah is Harvey Milk, serial sodomizer of orphaned teen boys on drugs..

Fox News sits on its hands in one most significant way as to the foregoing paragraph. Just since gay marriage has been forced on the various states and blitzed in the media with a silent nod from Fox itself, the rate of new HIV cases for boys ages 13-24 has jumped off the charts. Just since the forcing of "gay marriage" on the states, the numbers left the steady zone and went into an exponential curve at 21% increase over the norm. These are kids who will die of AIDS, folks. [It takes PBS to report this!]

CDC Reports Troubling Rise in HIV Infections Among Young People

Young people aged 13 to 24 made up about 26 percent of all new diagnoses in 2010, even as other demographics have remained relatively stable, according to new information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The CDC data, released today, raises new questions about how to prevent young people from contracting a disease that global advocates have been hoping they might be able to stop...

...“Given everything we know about HIV and how to prevent it, after more than 30 years of fighting the disease, it’s just unacceptable that young people are getting infected at such high rates,” said Dr. Thomas Frieden, the CDC’s director, on a conference call with reporters Tuesday....

...Most young people diagnosed with HIV today contract the disease through sex. For most young men, it’s through sex with other men.

Where is Fox News on this one???? Really? PBS had to cover it? And then where have you heard this in the news? It's buried, non-existant, while more and more kids are sentenced to death by trying out the new socially-sanctioned [marriage] cult value system... Monkey see, monkey do is rapidly spreading AIDS.

Fox has access to this data. Fox knows it exists. Fox says NOTHING about it. At least not from what I've seen. And when I say "nothing" I mean that they may give a courtesy blip to it, but they gloss it over and forget about it just as quickly as liberal media. Fox also knows of Harvey Milk. Fox knows he is being worshipped by gay law in California by school kids. This is a Pulitzer level scoop and Fox says nothing about it. Children are dying while our last bastion of conservative media sits around and does NOTHING. Megan Kelly would be the only bet I would make to break with this unbelievable stance and negligence. She's the only one I saw beat up Carl Rove after the 2012 election and then she suddenly took a leave of absence. This makes me vote for the first option in the poll.. She could get a Pulitzer eventually if her expose' saved kids' lives and she pitched it that way..

I have some of my own theories why Fox News is shunning its duties to save this country from breaking the last of its moral moorings. They are in a poll for you to weigh in on. In "other" you can post your own theories.
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I'm sorry, but who sit's around obsessing over something like this?

I'm sick of hearing about both, Fox news and Homosexuals
I'm sorry, but who sit's around obsessing over something like this?

I'm sick of hearing about both, Fox news and Homosexuals

Obsessing over kids dying from AIDS as a direct measurable result of the church of LGBT spreading its influence? That would be: people who care about kids dying.
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I'm sorry, but who sit's around obsessing over something like this?

I'm sick of hearing about both, Fox news and Homosexuals

Obsessing over kids dying from AIDS as a direct measurable result of the church of LGBT spreading its influence? That would be: people who care about kid dying.

that's your deal, so deal with it
The rest of us who has children will take care of worrying over them
Fewer Conservatives care to contest Gay matters in any way any more.

No matter what your personal feelings are on the matter it shouldn't be a surprise that LGBT equality will one day prevail. Opposing it is futile.

Fox News must recognize where its' viewers are in their attitudes and they must see the writing on the wall.

Opposing it is a losing strategy.

Oh, and Dick Cheney's position on the matter makes it okay for FNC to abandon the traditional RW opposition to all things Gay. If HE thinks its okay then it must be okay.
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Fewer Conservatives care to contest Gay matters in any way any more.

No matter what your personal feelings are on the matter it shouldn't be a surprise that LGBT equality will one day prevail. Opposing it is futile.

Fox News must recognize where its' viewers are in their attitudes and they must see the writing on the wall.

Opposing it is a losing strategy.

Oh, and Dick Cheney's position on the matter makes it okay for FNC to abandon the traditional RW opposition to all things Gay. If HE thinks its okay then it must be okay.

So if "opposing it is futile" is true, then should Utah just concede, drop the fight to preserve their legal description of marriage and throw up the white flag? Just not bother to represent the 2/3rds + majority of their state so that the church of LGBT can force their religious dogma on christians to which that dogma stands in polar opposition to the lessons in Jude 1 And Romans 1 of Sodom and all its gay and non-gay-enabling inhabitants wiped off the map and sent to the pit of fire forever? Just roll over and condemn your soul for the new religion eh? Rampant HIV climbing in impressionable youth and all? Just everyone take one for the rainbow team right?

Your bid is that everyone jump on the fast train to hell together or nothing. And how are these not symptoms of the last times? And how is it that people like Fox who know this is enabling the doom of all, willing "in God's name" to defy Jude 1 and Romans 1 chasing the Rainbow lies/money and Dick Cheney's agenda are "saved"?

They aren't. They think that if they went to some sham baptism or some declaration of born again, they're going to Heaven no matter what. I've got news for them...had a near death experience where that was spelled out quite clearly. Not only is the exact opposite true, but they are digging out a level below the last one in hell for them to spend eternity in. Charlatans posing as christians [particularly in positions of massive influence, like a news host] are worse than serial killers in the final judgment. Just below that lowest level Dick Cheney will spend his time. Or maybe he's in charge of the place? Wouldn't surprise me..

That's if you put any stock in near death accounts.
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Fox News has obviously been commandeered by the power of the vast left wing conspiracy. Not even Rupert could stop them! The horror!

Or Dick Cheney has a lesbian daughter. One of the two.

So that's what it takes for the right to FINALLY turn against Dick Cheney?

Fun fact: He had a lesbian daughter from 2000 - 2008 as well. I guess Fox never told you all
Fox News has obviously been commandeered by the power of the vast left wing conspiracy. Not even Rupert could stop them! The horror!

Or Dick Cheney has a lesbian daughter. One of the two.

So that's what it takes for the right to FINALLY turn against Dick Cheney?

Fun fact: He had a lesbian daughter from 2000 - 2008 as well. I guess Fox never told you all

It's long been known he has a lesbian daughter and Fox has just as long been suppressing the resistance of mainstream people to this frankly alarming wildfire of overtaking of cultural values. They play it down, poo poo it. They act as if it's a "done deal" when they factually know it isn't. Their mock-chagrin and quick surrender is their part in making it all come around just as the LGBT church would have it. As such, they are facilitating the brainwashing and propaganda that is making the "fake it till you make it" cult succeed in all their fascist and bizarre goals agains the Will of the Governed. Democracy itself is being usurped in order to accomplish this and Fox just sits sits sits on its hands.

The ONLY explanation that makes sense is because they are taking walking orders from the Sith Lord. At this point I'm about 85% convinced he is the devil incarnate and is the dark prince foretold in the christian Bible that would make his appearance in the last days... Woe to those who take their walking orders from him and think they are saved from that action. Whooo Doggy! On the other hand, unique is the opportunity to watch the actual consumption of souls in the form of Fox News hosts one by one as they shelve and table what I believe most of them have as a basic moral structure, just so they can keep that paycheck rolling in. They know their position of influence could tip the tables in favor of the one they serve [depending who that is] and they make their decisions accordingly. We can't take our money and our stuff and our careers with us when we go, but we can take our soul. In fact, that is all we have on that final day..
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that's your deal, so deal with it
The rest of us who has children will take care of worrying over them

Part of worrying about your children, a huge part of it actually, is being active in sculpting the kind of world you will leave them when you are gone.
What's funny is that liberals freak out when something doesn't fit their narrative. If someone doesn't act as they think they are supposed to, they assume that someone was brainwashed, bullied or otherwise coerced.

Who gives a shit? You liberals need to clean your own house and quit trying to analyze everyone else's actions. You don't get it and probably never will.

Everyone here knows I am far from being liberal, yet have no issue with gay marriage. I hang out with a lot of conservatives, Republicans and Libertarians. We all sat together at a gay wedding. Gasp! Can you liberals handle the fact that not everyone to the right of you think the way you think they do?

I am fortunate because my religious conservative friends don't give me a hard time about this. We agree to disagree on some things, but are in agreement on the really important things that shape this country, such as the economy, jobs and keeping government in it's place. You liberals really should learn how to do that.
What's funny is that liberals freak out when something doesn't fit their narrative. If someone doesn't act as they think they are supposed to, they assume that someone was brainwashed, bullied or otherwise coerced.

Who gives a shit?

First of all, you're not a true conservative. So there's that. And conservatives DO give a shit. Here's why. We like to explore something before we put our stamp of approval on it.

Explore this, pseudo-conservative person who wants the world to think that this stuff below is acceptable to reasonable people who know how to think logically.. Well straight guys don't go for men, so yeah, I see your point. But it makes you wonder why "lesbian" women go for manly lesbians. Something ain't right there. There is definitely some closet hetero stuff crammed way back in the dark, inaccessible and forbidden etiology behind the dogma of the church of LGBT.

Imagine for a minute if a hetero guy was attracted to women who dressed like men, acted like men etc. gays would INSTANTLY proclaim him as a closet homosexual. There would be no debate about it. It simply would be declared as fact. Yet when I point out how many of their ranks, about half of them actually, are attracted to all the trappings of the opposite gender, yet proclaim themselves "gay", you have to apply the law of equals here and say, "no, actually, they are heterosexual and just have issues coming to terms with that".

Equally mysterious is the law in California forbidding minors from discussing [free speech] with their therapist their own wishes and plans to throw off unwanted homophilia, even when that is gotten by having been molested. Yet simultaneously, the church of LGBT holds evangelizing events enticing teens and even younger who are "bi-curious" [all kids are sexually curious and forming their identities at that age] to "come and join the fun!", with cookies, cake, punch, bands and activities all set up to complete the enticement.

Also, tons and tons and tons of funding, groups and outreach entities exist to help coerce teens and younger "out of the closet" to "discover they are gay". All this with arguably truckloads of coercion and suggestion involved. But if a kid himself wants to rid his compulsive homosexuality after being "tampered with" by being molested...un, way! That's forbidden by law.

So properly, the cult of LGBT has already made indoctrinization of their dogma a matter of secular law. You see, they don't want themselves declared a behavioral grouping...and therefore properly a "cult" [they call themselves a "subculture" or refer to "culture wars"], because if people recognize that they are, then what they're doing with laws becomes a matter of separation of church and state. And of course the cannot simultaneously lobby to remove christian practices in schools at the same time they require by law that kids in California celebrate their messiah/gay pedophile Harvey Milk each May 22nd.

Dogma is dogma. Learn to recognize it when it's mauling your kids at school and in the therapist's office... and "bi-curious" events with cake, cookies, bands and FUN! .....might also want to brush up on law enforcement profiles of pedophiles and what they refer to as "grooming behaviors" when pedophiles are targeting the kids they're after to eventually molest. Often those grooming behaviors including enticements of cake, cookies, entertainment and "FUN"...
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A few years ago when this picture first came out, the world laughed at FOX for finding a file pic to post that they thought was a man and a woman.

Today, we get to laugh at Silly Silhouette for dragging it back out and thinking FOX intended to use the photo.

You go girl!
A few years ago when this picture first came out, the world laughed at FOX for finding a file pic to post that they thought was a man and a woman.

Today, we get to laugh at Silly Silhouette for dragging it back out and thinking FOX intended to use the photo.

You go girl!

No idiot. Read the OP. Why do you think the title of this thread has a question mark in it? And why did you see in my first paragraph I said "in defense of Fox News..."

The article I saw was from 2013. This 2014. That's not a "few years ago".

The points made in the OP are more than just a mistaken photo. Might want to read the OP of a thread you post in to make sure you're up on what the thread is about.
The mistake Fox News made was an innocent one. The one on the left looks just exactly like a man. So you have to wonder what the gal in the dress on the right is really attracted to?

Closet heterosexuality is one of the main themes woven into this thread. That and the hypocrisy of the church of LGBT. And frankly, why the anchors at Fox News are blindly abetting the spread of this little understood cult.

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