Fox news purge

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Since I unplugged from cable I rarely see O'Reilly but when I do he's still one of the few honest commentators left on TV. He said last year he's tired of needing a bodyguard because of leftist trash threatening him and fending off pretenders to his crown. He's got all the money and fame he'll ever need and his historical biographies are superb. But nobody can play grab-ass anymore even if the accusers are liars and lunatics which Fox seems to continue hiring for some reason. If he goes an era ends....he put Fox News on top almost single-handedly and they owe him a farewell broadcast.
Glenn Beck is getting crazy. There is no proof that O'Reilly was targeted by liberals. Sean Hannity is the biggest Trump cheerleader they have. O'Reilly is little league Trump sycophant.
Since I unplugged from cable I rarely see O'Reilly but when I do he's still one of the few honest commentators left on TV. He said last year he's tired of needing a bodyguard because of leftist trash threatening him and fending off pretenders to his crown. He's got all the money and fame he'll ever need and his historical biographies are superb. But nobody can play grab-ass anymore even if the accusers are liars and lunatics which Fox seems to continue hiring for some reason. If he goes an era ends....he put Fox News on top almost single-handedly and they owe him a farewell broadcast.
I'll admit, the softer side of me feels sympathy for a man whose career was such an enormous success, except for his tragic flaw of hubris. If it weren't for his inability to behave like a gentlemen with women he worked with, he could have retired on his own timeline with great accolades for his accomplishments and a great retirement party thrown by Fox and attended by all the great conservative celebs. But if he gets fired, he deserved it. It's not like he didn't have four or five "fair warnings."
I'll admit, the softer side of me feels sympathy for a man whose career was such an enormous success, except for his tragic flaw of hubris. If it weren't for his inability to behave like a gentlemen with women he worked with, he could have retired on his own timeline with great accolades for his accomplishments and a great retirement party thrown by Fox and attended by all the great conservative celebs. But if he gets fired, he deserved it. It's not like he didn't have four or five "fair warnings."

Look into the accusations and you'll see a different story...about women who know Fox pays settlements instead of taking them to court for slander. O'Reilly may have "offended" a few women over his career but he isn't stupid. If Fox had stood up to these accusers they would have slithered off and shut up just like the women accusing Trump during the election campaign...where are they now?
I'll admit, the softer side of me feels sympathy for a man whose career was such an enormous success, except for his tragic flaw of hubris. If it weren't for his inability to behave like a gentlemen with women he worked with, he could have retired on his own timeline with great accolades for his accomplishments and a great retirement party thrown by Fox and attended by all the great conservative celebs. But if he gets fired, he deserved it. It's not like he didn't have four or five "fair warnings."

Look into the accusations and you'll see a different story...about women who know Fox pays settlements instead of taking them to court for slander. O'Reilly may have "offended" a few women over his career but he isn't stupid. If Fox had stood up to these accusers they would have slithered off and shut up just like the women accusing Trump during the election campaign...where are they now?

If that's true ------------------- why didn't they simply do that?

The Glenn Beck Infomercial hour.

buy gold, guns or beets ... :laugh2:

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