Fox news purge

If that's true ------------------- why didn't they simply do that?


Cheaper to settle. That changes when loser pays attorney fees....what are they waiting for? Oh yeah, lawyers are all leftist slimeballs who pony up campaign money for their Rat enablers is why.

Do you have any idea how much advertising revenue Fox is losing because of O'Reilly? The fucking settlements were well worth it until the sponsors left:
""The O'Reilly Factor" spent 15 years as the highest-rated cable news show. Other analysts said the show brought in $325 million in ad revenue during 2015-2016, making it the top revenue producer of any show on Fox News, CNN or MSNBC."""
Here’s how much money Bill O’Reilly’s show made, according to one analyst
"All of prime time is going down". Sorry, little snowflake but you're full of shit.

Aw, princess is calling normal people "snowflakes"....ain't she precious?

Recognize yourself:
Since I unplugged from cable I rarely see O'Reilly but when I do he's still one of the few honest commentators left on TV. He said last year he's tired of needing a bodyguard because of leftist trash threatening him and fending off pretenders to his crown. He's got all the money and fame he'll ever need and his historical biographies are superb. But nobody can play grab-ass anymore even if the accusers are liars and lunatics which Fox seems to continue hiring for some reason. If he goes an era ends....he put Fox News on top almost single-handedly and they owe him a farewell broadcast.

He was honest like Hitler liked Jews..
Since I unplugged from cable I rarely see O'Reilly but when I do he's still one of the few honest commentators left on TV. He said last year he's tired of needing a bodyguard because of leftist trash threatening him and fending off pretenders to his crown. He's got all the money and fame he'll ever need and his historical biographies are superb. But nobody can play grab-ass anymore even if the accusers are liars and lunatics which Fox seems to continue hiring for some reason. If he goes an era ends....he put Fox News on top almost single-handedly and they owe him a farewell broadcast.

He was honest like Hitler liked Jews..

He's honest like Trump loves rednecks.
Since I unplugged from cable I rarely see O'Reilly but when I do he's still one of the few honest commentators left on TV. He said last year he's tired of needing a bodyguard because of leftist trash threatening him and fending off pretenders to his crown. He's got all the money and fame he'll ever need and his historical biographies are superb. But nobody can play grab-ass anymore even if the accusers are liars and lunatics which Fox seems to continue hiring for some reason. If he goes an era ends....he put Fox News on top almost single-handedly and they owe him a farewell broadcast.

He was honest like Hitler liked Jews..

He's honest like Trump loves rednecks.

Or like Trump's a conservative..
Since I unplugged from cable I rarely see O'Reilly but when I do he's still one of the few honest commentators left on TV. He said last year he's tired of needing a bodyguard because of leftist trash threatening him and fending off pretenders to his crown. He's got all the money and fame he'll ever need and his historical biographies are superb. But nobody can play grab-ass anymore even if the accusers are liars and lunatics which Fox seems to continue hiring for some reason. If he goes an era ends....he put Fox News on top almost single-handedly and they owe him a farewell broadcast.

He was honest like Hitler liked Jews..

He's honest like Trump loves rednecks.

Or like Trump's a conservative..
Trump is literally more conservative than I am.
If that's true ------------------- why didn't they simply do that?


Cheaper to settle. That changes when loser pays attorney fees....what are they waiting for? Oh yeah, lawyers are all leftist slimeballs who pony up campaign money for their Rat enablers is why.

Ummmmmmmmmmmm no you dishonest hack.

Here's what you posted, that you cut out of the quote as inconvenient, apparently on the Ostrich Theory.
Roll tape.

Look into the accusations and you'll see a different story...about women who know Fox pays settlements instead of taking them to court for slander. O'Reilly may have "offended" a few women over his career but he isn't stupid. If Fox had stood up to these accusers they would have slithered off and shut up just like the women accusing Trump during the election campaign...where are they now?

------ you just said Fox could have "called their bluff", which is FREE. Now you're saying it's "cheaper" --- than FREE --- to pay umpteen million dollars.

Did you actually think if you didn't quote yourself it would just ---- what--- go away?

Dishonest HACK.
Uh, yeah. If Glenn Beck says it, it must be true.

Well he is pretty much one of the few honest people out there. But beside that he knows first hand what went on last fox. Which is why he would have a unique perspective.
Yeah, Glenn's all about honesty isn't he.

Been that way for years. Doesn't stop you from smearing him. It what reason does he have to lie about this? What has he said that is a lie in this segment?
I think Glenn is perfect for you, follow him.
I just saw on FOX news website O'Reilly and FOX have split I think this will come back to bite FOX in the ass but hey their decision I know I won't lose any sleep over it.
And the op is blaming it on liberals lol

As I stated, everyone has to have a scapegoat.
I don't need to blame anyone, don't even really care that he was fired. I am a firm believer in the theory that a business should be able to fire who ever they want for any reason & they should be able to refuse service as well at their own discretion. Let the markets work it out
I saw a story about this in the local paper last week that reported his ratings didn't drop even after the Times story came out and one in today's that reported since the subs have been on the ratings have gone down 23 percent. Seems like FOX is rolling the dice on his fans coming back which seems questionable to me.
We don't care if ORielly forced a thousand women to blow him! He tells us what we want to hear. If those women have a problem with blowing him, they can get new jobs! Trump Jr was right!
Thanks for passing off your opinion as fact never mind neither you myself or anyone else knows what really went on.
Through a Glass Darkly

Just like the Boob-Tube Blowhards don't know what is really going on in the real world. The screen hides what is going on behind the scenes. Big Brother is watching you watch him on TV.

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