Fox News Sunday Edits Out Jon Stewart's Criticism Of Fox Exec

I saw that interview. Stewart came off as very angry and extremely condescending to Chris Wallace (while discussing the politics part). Stewart's attitude was one of "Republicans are dumb-as-shit-fucks and I am much superior to them". At least that's how he came off to me. His claim of "I don't have any political agenda in my comedy" is also a bunch of bull. When you consistently push your side your pov you are pushing a political agenda, whether you think you are or not. He was full of shit in that interview and I wanted to smack his smugness outta of him.

The part they 'left out'? This is an issue . . . how? :cuckoo:

PJ . . . what does your boy Justin Bieber have to say about this? :lol:

I saw it too; Wallace had him foundering more than a few times, his shtick; " I am a comic and YOUR perception of me is YOUR problem" is so disingenuous, BUT, the topper was his characterization of Diane Sawyer's comments, as she so totally hacked the Arizona immigration bill he says among other things ( in which he agreed that was 'lazy' reporting etc.) "hey I don't see how thats partisan"...told you everything you need to know....

I was simply floored by his anger and utter distaste --- it was all over his face and body language -- for Republicans. At times he looked like he was ready to pop Chris Wallace right in the face.

Simmer down, Jonny. Go watch a Three Stooges festival.
Leftists sure are an emotional bunch, aren't they?
Is this truly an issue for some of you here?

I mean stories get edited all the time, hell stewart does it too when he interviews people if he either needs to save time or doesn't like what the guest said.

who cares.....this all just seems like a poor attempt by the usual suspects to discredit fox news corp.
Is this truly an issue for some of you here?

I mean stories get edited all the time, hell stewart does it too when he interviews people if he either needs to save time or doesn't like what the guest said.

who cares.....this all just seems like a poor attempt by the usual suspects to discredit fox news corp.

And besides, at least they didn't edit out anyone saying 'under God'. :lol:
Is this truly an issue for some of you here?

I mean stories get edited all the time, hell stewart does it too when he interviews people if he either needs to save time or doesn't like what the guest said.

who cares.....this all just seems like a poor attempt by the usual suspects to discredit fox news corp.

Apparently it is for the OP. :lol:
They went to college together and are friends.

They also agree on politics.

How many on the right gave money to Vitter?

To airport blowjob man?

To Foley?

To Newt who was fucking an aid will going after Clinton for messing with an aid?

Fox proved themselves the hard right tool everyone knows they are.

And MSNBC is the far left. But I don't see the far right trying to get it off the air, like the left are trying to do with fox and talk radio.

Please, show which liberals are trying to ban Fox News.

First NBC omits under god and now this!

The Media is just falling apart


maybe i shouldn't be posting right now :lol: im joking btw

Is this truly an issue for some of you here?

I mean stories get edited all the time, hell stewart does it too when he interviews people if he either needs to save time or doesn't like what the guest said.

who cares.....this all just seems like a poor attempt by the usual suspects to discredit fox news corp.

And besides, at least they didn't edit out anyone saying 'under God'. :lol:

i beat you too it slowpoke, page 2!
I found it very revealing when Chris Wallace said that they report the other side, which is very different from fair and balanced.

That may be..but in Wallace's case..he's one of the best they have.

(Which may be a little like saying he's the most sane in the crazy house) :lol:

Give Shep Smith some credit.
It's not credit he deserves for demagoguing the news with his opinions rather than simply reporting it. He's incapable of distinquishing the difference between hard news and opinion pieces, and should be assigned to only doing that as a foil for Hannity; with that he would be in his proper element.

As if the viewing public doesn't already get enough liberal smugness passing as news reporting.
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I watched it this morning and was disappointed. Stewart really didn't seem like himself and I really can't stand Chris Wallace. Wallace is a guest on Imus about once a week and Imus rips him apart everytime.
Please, show which liberals are trying to ban Fox News.

I already showed you.

Are you going to accept the truth, or are you going to try to weasel out of it?

I've already responded to your original post, and that one is just repeating the same claims over again, then linking to some forum postings. Using that standard, I can show you which conservatives are wishing to assassinate the President, among other things.
Please, show which liberals are trying to ban Fox News.

I already showed you.

Are you going to accept the truth, or are you going to try to weasel out of it?

I've already responded to your original post, and that one is just repeating the same claims over again, then linking to some forum postings.
You chose to weasel out. Gasp. :cool:

The claim was that no one wants to shut down Fox News. As I've shown, there are indeed people who want to shut down Fox News.

This is irrefutable. You only look stupid if you try. Your goalpost-moving, while aerobic, is pathetically ridiculous.
Using that standard, I can show you which conservatives are wishing to assassinate the President, among other things.
You can indeed. Feel free to do so when someone claims that no one wants to assassinate the President. You do that, and you'll prove them wrong.

See how that works?
Yeah, I see that you are unable to apply common sense to the discussion.
Yeah, I see that you are unable to apply common sense to the discussion.
Holy shit, you leftists are a damned dishonest bunch, aren't you?

There are people who want to shut down Fox. Are you claiming no one does? That would mean message board posters aren't people. Or are they not the right people?

I proved my case. You have not disproved it. Period. Grow up and deal with it, boy.
Yeah, I see that you are unable to apply common sense to the discussion.
Holy shit, you leftists are a damned dishonest bunch, aren't you?

There are people who want to shut down Fox. Are you claiming no one does? That would mean message board posters aren't people. Or are they not the right people?

I proved my case. You have not disproved it. Period. Grow up and deal with it, boy.

It's pretty well understood from the context that we're talking about people of some sort of note. Finding a random faceless forum poster saying something doesn't prove your point. Hell, for all we know, you wrote those posts.

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