Fox News To CNN: Ask GOP Candidates To Raise Hands If Obama Was Born In U.S.A.

Now this is what I want to see since political correctness has caused Article 2 Section 1 to be subverted.

Video: Fox News Host To CNN: Ask GOP Candidates To Raise Hands If Obama Was Born In USA - Birther Report

Yo, the truth is? Fox News is a Jeb Bush "ASS-KISSER" If you watch Fox News? You`d know that as fact! He is not going nowhere, the sooner the Boss at Fox News gets that through his head, the better! I find myself changing the channel, because I`m sick of their BS!!! We The People Are Fed up with the Elites making promises they never keep! We the Tea Party will make sure Jeb Bush is a Loser, take that to the bank!!!

trump-hell-hole (1) (1) (1).jpg
THAT would be funny!
I agree. They'll be thinking, do I lie or do I throw away my chance at the nomination. If a FOX News anchor actually asks that, I take back my claim that they're an agent of the Republican party. It would make FOX the effective destroyer of the field, as each candidate is made to weigh looking like a fool to the country or looking like a traitor to the party. IMO, a priceless clown car moment, if it happens. :laugh2:
Beside that excellent question (in separating the proverbial wheat from the chaff), I'd also ask:

a. How old do you think the planet is (and is it true that Jesus used to ride on a dinosaur)?
b. Is global warming a made up myth by tree-huggers?
c. How many of you think you're Ronald Reagan incarnate?
No visable state raised seal. Where is the 53 year old original from the archives?
Do the Republican candidates really want to be laughed at about the BC of a president they aren't even going to be running against? The only people who care anymore are the "Grassy Knoll" set. :laugh2:
Beside that excellent question (in separating the proverbial wheat from the chaff), I'd also ask: a. How old do you think the planet is (and is it true that Jesus used to ride on a dinosaur)?
Haven't you ever seen the picture of Jesus riding a donkesaurus into Jerusalem?

"Fox News To CNN: Ask GOP Candidates To Raise Hands If Obama Was Born In U.S.A."

They should ask who believes the president is a Muslim.
hmmm, sounds like Fox News WANTS Cnn to make the same mistake that Fox made with the Meghan Kelly incident....

if presidential debates are going to be this kind of trivial, meaningless stuff....then we, as a nation, are in trouble....
hmmm, sounds like Fox News WANTS Cnn to make the same mistake that Fox made with the Meghan Kelly incident....

if presidential debates are going to be this kind of trivial, meaningless stuff....then we, as a nation, are in trouble....

Well, we should admit that things (debates) have gotten much worse since they've become "Trump's reality" shows
fox had their chance on what questions to ask....why didn't they ask it?

you know fox wants AN INSIDER for president like a Bush, and bush will say yes, the O was born in hawaii...which will appear more SANE and get moderates to support him.

and trump will say NO....which will get the birthers support, the brown skin haters support...

so, maybe fox is looking for a way to divide.....for better ratings??? i dunno?
I would like to know if cnn will dare ask Obama the same question? They haven't for the last 7 years.

I also wonder if Obama would raise his hand by reflex upon hearing that question.

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