FOX Shut down Malia Obama getting into Harvard Story after Policy Debates broke out

Malia is a beautiful girl and I'm glad she is taking education seriously wherever it may be. And those who left those comments on the story. Jeez. I hope they don't breed.
Perfect candidates for retro active abortion.
Need to declare your awesomeness even more...I don't think everyone has heard it yet, Bright Boy.

Jesus.. what'd you do to him?

Isn't he a hoot? :lmao:

I guess so....

I "own" Buttecea....she is my cyber whore...I wear her out and then send her on her way...she always comes back for more...she can't help herself.

Geeze Louise.
He's so needy....cries out for our attention like that.
Dale says when he pulls out his dick women scream.
What he fails to mention is, it's screaming with laughter as they leave.
Screaming with laughter...and saying "Oh so the real thing....only much smaller...."
Just kidding....the "I dont like Obamas POLICIES" crowd was exposed yet again when a simple story about her going to Harvard devolved into this ..

FTA: Malia Obama, the President’s 17 year-old daughter, recently announced that she will be attending Harvard University next year after taking a year off following her high school graduation. Fox News, like many news outlets, ran a small storyon her decision, perhaps naively assuming that it would be a short feel-good piece about the long-awaited and much-deserved results of an intelligent young woman’s studious years of high school.

Instead, things instantly descended into a conservative internet hellhole of racism. In fact, things got so bad in the comments section that Fox News actually disabled commenting for the article and deleted the previous comments, every single one of which was racist in the most vile sense of the word. Luckily, the internet nabbed some screenshots of the vitriol, memorializing them forever:




Thats the right wing folks. Who says they are racist pricks?
Who gives two shits about Barrys family....
Apparently all the internet trash that left vile comments on Fox's website.
She is a privileged little baby gorilla that probably would not be admitted there at all but for her daddy.
She is a privileged little baby gorilla that probably would not be admitted there at all but for her daddy.

That good ole white privilege because no black person ever makes it on their own. Says bitter white boys who cant make it.
Another good thread for weeding out racists.

And I'll repeat the point. A lot of these guys are only Republican because the President is a democrat. Rewind to '08 and have Condelissa Rice run and win and you'd see a lot of these folks as Democrats. The problem is that these folks aren't called out, mocked, and belittled enough. If you've got racists in the party then you need to kick them the hell out of the party or no one is going to take your party seriously.

Dumb statement. How exactly do you kick someone out of a party who's only requirement to join, and I use that term VERY loosely, is self identification with that party.


Kick them out? Lol out of what? The registration that only took place in their brain? The GOP is not a private club where membership is up to the discretion of party elders.

The end of your post is ridiculous
You can't do much about voters that are racists other than mock them and make them generally feel unwelcome. McCain did a pretty good job at rallies where racist elements showed up, as did Romney. If you have a candidate, you kick them the hell out by either running an opponent or having the national party disavow them or refuse support.

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