FoxNews: Full blown, anti-government hatred


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I used to be a die hard Fox viewer. But the last two years or so, I just cant ignore how nutty that channel has gotten.

It seems like almost every single sentence and story they utter has some sort of anti-government twist to it, some sort of message that makes the viewer hate the government. Right now Greta is running a "Victims of Government" segment. They spend all day ripping government, and twisting every story to make government appear evil.

Whatever. But they are fueling the sick minds of some very unstable people out there. Kinda scary.
Don't worry. They will go back to licking boots as soon as a republican is elected president
Don't worry. They will go back to licking boots as soon as a republican is elected president

Its truly pathetic. I was a loyal right winger during the Bush years. Watched Fox everyday, especially 8pm-10. They were NEVER this outright bias against any and all government. Like they are truly just trying to start political brush fires. Im sure MSNBC acted the same way under Bush.

Just more evidence of why Im correct in not voting for either party.
I used to be a die hard Fox viewer. But the last two years or so, I just cant ignore how nutty that channel has gotten.

It seems like almost every single sentence and story they utter has some sort of anti-government twist to it, some sort of message that makes the viewer hate the government. Right now Greta is running a "Victims of Government" segment. They spend all day ripping government, and twisting every story to make government appear evil.

Whatever. But they are fueling the sick minds of some very unstable people out there. Kinda scary.


So, when the unicorns and fairy group tell use that "all is well", we should just take that as fact, right?

I guess you believe that guy who knocks on your door and tells you "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you"...........
I used to be a die hard Fox viewer. But the last two years or so, I just cant ignore how nutty that channel has gotten.

It seems like almost every single sentence and story they utter has some sort of anti-government twist to it, some sort of message that makes the viewer hate the government. Right now Greta is running a "Victims of Government" segment. They spend all day ripping government, and twisting every story to make government appear evil.

Whatever. But they are fueling the sick minds of some very unstable people out there. Kinda scary.

And I own a bridge in Brooklyn I'm looking to sell.
I used to be a die hard Fox viewer. But the last two years or so, I just cant ignore how nutty that channel has gotten.

It seems like almost every single sentence and story they utter has some sort of anti-government twist to it, some sort of message that makes the viewer hate the government. Right now Greta is running a "Victims of Government" segment. They spend all day ripping government, and twisting every story to make government appear evil.

Whatever. But they are fueling the sick minds of some very unstable people out there. Kinda scary.

It's the Sequester, it's wrecking havoc on everyone.

Call your handler, Greenbeard
I used to be a die hard Fox viewer. But the last two years or so, I just cant ignore how nutty that channel has gotten.

It seems like almost every single sentence and story they utter has some sort of anti-government twist to it, some sort of message that makes the viewer hate the government. Right now Greta is running a "Victims of Government" segment. They spend all day ripping government, and twisting every story to make government appear evil.

Whatever. But they are fueling the sick minds of some very unstable people out there. Kinda scary.

Yes, it is "kinda scary"...

Slick, Paranoid Tea Party Video Aims for Violent Insurrection
Don't worry. They will go back to licking boots as soon as a republican is elected president

Its truly pathetic. I was a loyal right winger during the Bush years. Watched Fox everyday, especially 8pm-10. They were NEVER this outright bias against any and all government. Like they are truly just trying to start political brush fires. Im sure MSNBC acted the same way under Bush.

Just more evidence of why Im correct in not voting for either party.

If I want infotainment, I go to Comedy Central. If I want real news, I go directly to the wire services.
I used to be a die hard Fox viewer. But the last two years or so, I just cant ignore how nutty that channel has gotten.

It seems like almost every single sentence and story they utter has some sort of anti-government twist to it, some sort of message that makes the viewer hate the government. Right now Greta is running a "Victims of Government" segment. They spend all day ripping government, and twisting every story to make government appear evil.

Whatever. But they are fueling the sick minds of some very unstable people out there. Kinda scary.

Glad to see you've found the light and returned to sanity :clap2: :up:
Don't worry. They will go back to licking boots as soon as a republican is elected president

Its truly pathetic. I was a loyal right winger during the Bush years. Watched Fox everyday, especially 8pm-10. They were NEVER this outright bias against any and all government. Like they are truly just trying to start political brush fires. Im sure MSNBC acted the same way under Bush.

Just more evidence of why Im correct in not voting for either party.

Well gee, what's happened since Bush was President?


Nuff sed.
Don't worry. They will go back to licking boots as soon as a republican is elected president

Its truly pathetic. I was a loyal right winger during the Bush years. Watched Fox everyday, especially 8pm-10. They were NEVER this outright bias against any and all government. Like they are truly just trying to start political brush fires. Im sure MSNBC acted the same way under Bush.

Just more evidence of why Im correct in not voting for either party.


You and Starkey
I used to be a die hard Fox viewer. But the last two years or so, I just cant ignore how nutty that channel has gotten.

It seems like almost every single sentence and story they utter has some sort of anti-government twist to it, some sort of message that makes the viewer hate the government. Right now Greta is running a "Victims of Government" segment. They spend all day ripping government, and twisting every story to make government appear evil.

Whatever. But they are fueling the sick minds of some very unstable people out there. Kinda scary.

Well let's see..maybe Fox remembers these statements from Obama that are totally un American..
A) He told us he was going to use "Tricks" and "tactics" to fool people that might have a fear he was an angry black man.
B) He told us he wanted to raise gas prices... not just so fast!
C) He told us he would make it so financially hard that utilities would be bankrupt.
D) He told us that by doing that our utilities costs would "skyrocket".
E) He told us he preferred to put out of business 1,400 companies, lay off 400,000 people and decrease $100 billion in Fed/state/local income taxes.
F) He told us that his friends included terrorists that were on the FBI terrorists list.
G) He told us he thought all the military planners on purpose with malice "air-raided villages and killed civilians".
H) He told us he wanted the USA to be Brazil's best oil customer!
I) He told us the US has highest oil production in history... IN SPITE of the Federal govt production declining !
(All of the increase (in oil and natural gas production) from FY2007 to FY2012 took place on non-federal lands, and the federal share of total U.S. crude oil production fell by about seven percentage points," writes Marc Humphries, the government specialist in energy policy who authored the report.
During this period, oil production on federal land fell from nearly 1.7 million barrels a day to 1.6 million. At the same time, the share of overall production on federal lands shriveled from 33% to 26%.
Congressional Research Confirms: Obama Has Blocked Oil Production -

And these are just the tip of the ICEBERG that Fox could run with!
The FACT is Obama is an out and out LIAR!
And if you can't do simple math you won't agree!

Obama said 46 million 'uninsured".

10 million are NOT citizens!
And that means the statement Obama said:We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children," is a LIE!
A nation means legal citizens!
Source: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
That leaves 36 million!

He LIED when he said "UNINSURED"

14 million are ALREADY eligible they haven't enrolled and since 2007 10 million have enrolled..IN MEDICAID!! DUMMY!
SOURCE: Read the FACTS Source:

That leaves 22 million!

Then the most egregious claim of "UNINSURED" is about people that DON'T NEED or want to be insured!
18 million people under 34 making over $50,000.
They spend their own money $1,000 a year for health services and would be wasting their money on their employers' health insurance!
That leave 4 million truly wanting people that need insurance!

And it was this GROSS MISLEADING of Americans to think there are 46 million uninsured.
So instead of solving the problem HE MADE IT WORSE!!
NOW Please tell me if ANY of the above statements and statistics are UNTRUE??
I want you to convince me that 10 million illegal are eligible. I want you to explain how you can cover 14 million if they are already covered.
I want you to tell me HOW FAIR it is to FORCE 18 million people who are saving money and spending out of their pocket for health services
and yet falsely give the impression there are 46 million people that are uninsured AND WANT to be insured??

I want you to tell me if any of the statements Obama made were untrue because I've documented them and can point you to the time and place he made those statements!
It seems like almost every single sentence and story they utter has some sort of anti-government twist to it, some sort of message that makes the viewer hate the government.

Sure - you're a govt-loving welfare bum who refuses to work or take responsibility You're either female or black or hispanic and you want the govt to take care of you cradle to grave.

Real americans, meaning white males, hate the govt and they should.
I used to be a die hard Fox viewer. But the last two years or so, I just cant ignore how nutty that channel has gotten.

It seems like almost every single sentence and story they utter has some sort of anti-government twist to it, some sort of message that makes the viewer hate the government. Right now Greta is running a "Victims of Government" segment. They spend all day ripping government, and twisting every story to make government appear evil.

Whatever. But they are fueling the sick minds of some very unstable people out there. Kinda scary.

But they will never hold a candle to Fast Eddie Schultz, Raunchy Madcow, Crissie hissy fit Mathews or good ol'e Keith Overbite. When it comes to hate, they take all the Emmies.
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