Foxnews traumatized by Election Outcome

Most Fox viewers aren't interested in news - least of all bad news for conservatives.

Remember this? One of the great Fox moments from 2012 starring Turd Blossom & Megyn Kelly! :D

no one wants to ban ALL abortion. What sane people want to ban is abortion (murder of an unborn human) as a form of birth control.

Do you know who most of the abortion victims are? any idea? Black children. Margaret Sanger (founder of planned parenthood) must be happy, her idea or ridding humanity of blacks (who she called human weeds) is coming true.

Come on man, you are supposed to call it 'pro choice' not abortion, you know so people don't have to feel bad about ripping the limbs off unborn babies and stabbing them in the brain in brutal mutilations.

You proclaim to be so godly and yet you back DT, figures.


I don't need one, tell me why are rapes and incest ok to abort???

Your Trump rage is noted, anything else? :itsok:

Ignored my question I see, I never take a pro lifer serious unless they agree that rape and incest fetuses are not aborted , I mean who gave you the right to decide, you are not God. All or nothing. Quit pretending.
Why would the Russians prefer Trump who they could not control over Hillary who they had tons of material to use to blackmail her into doing what they wanted?

They control Trump because they have kompromat on him, like the Steele dossier says...probably the pee tape, but more importantly his shady business dealings in Russia and with Russians. That's how they control people. Putin already hated Clinton because Clinton said his election was illegitimate. She also pushed and got sanctions on Russia that crippled him. She also condemned Assad (a Putin ally) and encouraged the Obama Administration to take a tougher stance on Syria. If he was going to use kompromat on her, why didn't he do that when she was SoS and fucking everything up for him?

The answer is of course that Clinton wasn't who he wanted to win.

Hillary did not conspire with Russia to lose the election, she conspired with them to give them title to 20% of our uranium in exchange for a 145 million "donation" to the Clinton foundation and a 500K speaking fee to bubba.

Completely untrue and this is propaganda. You know it's propaganda because you cna't prove any of it. The Uranium One deal happened after Clinton already resigned from SoS.

I am not the one spreading propaganda here, that would be you.

No, it's you. You're the one spreading propaganda and you're doing it either because it's your job, or because you sold out your principles just to get a taste of what it feels like to actually "win" something, even if it's a vicarious win through Donald Trump.

your weak attempts at countering the truth are amusing at best. The uranium deal was approved while Hillary was SecState. Nice try but FAIL.

The dossier has been proven false and full of lies. Dream on, continue to worship the Clinton crime family. Whats really sad is that they will never be brought to justice since we have two sets of laws in this country, one for you and me and one for the politically elite. Do you approve of that?
The dossier has been proven false and full of lies

Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

No wonder the Right gives them cult like devotion.
They know that it isn't big news that the Dems had won a blue state.. It is like a Black woman winning the deepest tan competition.

Virginia Election Results 2016


Anorak | Tanning mom Patricia Krentril heads to London in search of the sun’s rays

Blue state?

View attachment 159434

It goes by the population of people, not colors. Like in the red zones might be dominantly Republicans, but less people that lives in those areas. And the blue zones have the majority of people living in small areas of the map.

See my response above, dope.

Virginia has not swing ever since the 2016 election. It just gotten stuck somewhere. But I'll let y'all rejoice into believing that the Democrat party is doing a come back, just to get y'all to stop crying. I'll be able to stomached it for a while...


Hillary Clinton Democrat 1,981,473 49.8% 13

Donald J. Trump Republican 1,769,443 44.4 —

Gary Johnson Libertarian 118,274 3.0 —

Evan McMullin Independent 54,054 1.4 —

Others 59,508 1.5
Virginia Election Results 2016




Swing state - Wikipedia

"Determining swing states. ... In this scenario, the twelve competitive states are Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Ohio, Iowa,Virginia, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, Colorado, and North Carolina."
I watched Tucker last night, and he covered the loss. So I don't know what the OP is bitching about.

We should all be disturbed by the blue state elections. Socialism is the product of a mental disease...and seeing it spread is not a good for our society.
Why would the Russians prefer Trump who they could not control over Hillary who they had tons of material to use to blackmail her into doing what they wanted?

They control Trump because they have kompromat on him, like the Steele dossier says...probably the pee tape, but more importantly his shady business dealings in Russia and with Russians. That's how they control people. Putin already hated Clinton because Clinton said his election was illegitimate. She also pushed and got sanctions on Russia that crippled him. She also condemned Assad (a Putin ally) and encouraged the Obama Administration to take a tougher stance on Syria. If he was going to use kompromat on her, why didn't he do that when she was SoS and fucking everything up for him?

The answer is of course that Clinton wasn't who he wanted to win.

Hillary did not conspire with Russia to lose the election, she conspired with them to give them title to 20% of our uranium in exchange for a 145 million "donation" to the Clinton foundation and a 500K speaking fee to bubba.

Completely untrue and this is propaganda. You know it's propaganda because you cna't prove any of it. The Uranium One deal happened after Clinton already resigned from SoS.

I am not the one spreading propaganda here, that would be you.

No, it's you. You're the one spreading propaganda and you're doing it either because it's your job, or because you sold out your principles just to get a taste of what it feels like to actually "win" something, even if it's a vicarious win through Donald Trump.

your weak attempts at countering the truth are amusing at best. The uranium deal was approved while Hillary was SecState. Nice try but FAIL.

The dossier has been proven false and full of lies. Dream on, continue to worship the Clinton crime family. Whats really sad is that they will never be brought to justice since we have two sets of laws in this country, one for you and me and one for the politically elite. Do you approve of that?
The dossier has been proven false and full of lies


No, You are the LAIR!
Come on man, you are supposed to call it 'pro choice' not abortion, you know so people don't have to feel bad about ripping the limbs off unborn babies and stabbing them in the brain in brutal mutilations.

You proclaim to be so godly and yet you back DT, figures.


I don't need one, tell me why are rapes and incest ok to abort???

Your Trump rage is noted, anything else? :itsok:
She asked a fair question. I am pro life yet I can't answer that question.

Good grief, the infant should die a horrible gruesome death because its rape or incest? What's complicated about that?
Come on man, you are supposed to call it 'pro choice' not abortion, you know so people don't have to feel bad about ripping the limbs off unborn babies and stabbing them in the brain in brutal mutilations.

You proclaim to be so godly and yet you back DT, figures.


I don't need one, tell me why are rapes and incest ok to abort???

Your Trump rage is noted, anything else? :itsok:

Ignored my question I see, I never take a pro lifer serious unless they agree that rape and incest fetuses are not aborted , I mean who gave you the right to decide, you are not God. All or nothing. Quit pretending.

Your question is rooted in Trump rage, here's your post "You proclaim to be so godly and yet you back DT"
Why would the Russians prefer Trump who they could not control over Hillary who they had tons of material to use to blackmail her into doing what they wanted?

They control Trump because they have kompromat on him, like the Steele dossier says...probably the pee tape, but more importantly his shady business dealings in Russia and with Russians. That's how they control people. Putin already hated Clinton because Clinton said his election was illegitimate. She also pushed and got sanctions on Russia that crippled him. She also condemned Assad (a Putin ally) and encouraged the Obama Administration to take a tougher stance on Syria. If he was going to use kompromat on her, why didn't he do that when she was SoS and fucking everything up for him?

The answer is of course that Clinton wasn't who he wanted to win.

Hillary did not conspire with Russia to lose the election, she conspired with them to give them title to 20% of our uranium in exchange for a 145 million "donation" to the Clinton foundation and a 500K speaking fee to bubba.

Completely untrue and this is propaganda. You know it's propaganda because you cna't prove any of it. The Uranium One deal happened after Clinton already resigned from SoS.

I am not the one spreading propaganda here, that would be you.

No, it's you. You're the one spreading propaganda and you're doing it either because it's your job, or because you sold out your principles just to get a taste of what it feels like to actually "win" something, even if it's a vicarious win through Donald Trump.

your weak attempts at countering the truth are amusing at best. The uranium deal was approved while Hillary was SecState. Nice try but FAIL.

The dossier has been proven false and full of lies. Dream on, continue to worship the Clinton crime family. Whats really sad is that they will never be brought to justice since we have two sets of laws in this country, one for you and me and one for the politically elite. Do you approve of that?
The dossier has been proven false and full of lies


No, You are the LAIR!
No, You are the LAIR!

You sound like a sore loser.

Right we control the House, Senate, White House and we are the sore losers what are you smoking lib? :laugh:

With all that control, how's that banning all abortion working out for you?

no one wants to ban ALL abortion. What sane people want to ban is abortion (murder of an unborn human) as a form of birth control.

Do you know who most of the abortion victims are? any idea? Black children. Margaret Sanger (founder of planned parenthood) must be happy, her idea or ridding humanity of blacks (who she called human weeds) is coming true.
figured people like you would be happy with less blacks around ,,,,,,voting dem

^^^^stupid comment. Some of my best friends are black. Some vote dem, some vote GOP. I don't care how they vote. All of them are opposed to abortion as birth control and none of them supports planned parenthood.

Sorry dude, but not all blacks fit into the dem mold. Many actually think for themselves.
How big a % did blacks give their vote for Hill?? 92%% 90?? and not all rednecks vote republican
I'm over 365 days of daily angst, misery and anger from every progressive. DAILY!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:. C'mon now......we dealt with Soetero for 8 years and had moved forward by the summer of 2009. Life goes on s0ns......
as I said, put them all on the stand under oath and get to the truth.

Hold on a second...when it comes to Clinton, Obama, any Democrat you have no problem presuming to know their intent and motives, yet you suddenly say you can't do that when it comes to Carter Page? What gives?
They know that it isn't big news that the Dems had won a blue state.. It is like a Black woman winning the deepest tan competition.

Virginia Election Results 2016


Anorak | Tanning mom Patricia Krentril heads to London in search of the sun’s rays

Blue state?

View attachment 159434

It goes by the population of people, not colors. Like in the red zones might be dominantly Republicans, but less people that lives in those areas. And the blue zones have the majority of people living in small areas of the map.

See my response above, dope.

Virginia has not swing ever since the 2016 election. It just gotten stuck somewhere. But I'll let y'all rejoice into believing that the Democrat party is doing a come back, just to get y'all to stop crying. I'll be able to stomached it for a while...


Hillary Clinton Democrat 1,981,473 49.8% 13

Donald J. Trump Republican 1,769,443 44.4 —

Gary Johnson Libertarian 118,274 3.0 —

Evan McMullin Independent 54,054 1.4 —

Others 59,508 1.5
Virginia Election Results 2016




Swing state - Wikipedia

"Determining swing states. ... In this scenario, the twelve competitive states are Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Ohio, Iowa,Virginia, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, Colorado, and North Carolina."

swing state a US state where the two major political parties have similar levels of support among voters, viewed as important in determining the overall result of a presidential election.
I just turned on Fox News for the first time in about a week. I'm not seeing any meltdown?

Oh have you watched Hannity, Clinton, Clinton, Obama, Obama, Uranium , Uranium, Emails. Talk about being stuck!! :lol:
I enjoyed Hanity when it had Combs. Felt balanced somewhat. The back and forth banter was done fairly well.
But you are correct, he's been beating the same shit over & over for awhile now. I tuned out.
I do watch Tucker on occasion.

Hannity is determined to get the truth out. He does get repetitious sometimes, but that's what it takes to overcome the corruption. Are you happy with one set of laws for us and a different one for the politically elite?
You know that's a stupid question.

Have another one?

answer that one first, then you can get the next one. Because if you are not happy with two sets of laws you should want Hillary brought to justice for the crimes that Comey listed under oath.
as I said, put them all on the stand under oath and get to the truth.

Hold on a second...when it comes to Clinton, Obama, any Democrat you have no problem presuming to know their intent and motives, yet you suddenly say you can't do that when it comes to Carter Page? What gives?

are you listening? I said put them ALL on the stand under oath and get the truth out. Do you have an issue with that?
Oh have you watched Hannity, Clinton, Clinton, Obama, Obama, Uranium , Uranium, Emails. Talk about being stuck!! :lol:
I enjoyed Hanity when it had Combs. Felt balanced somewhat. The back and forth banter was done fairly well.
But you are correct, he's been beating the same shit over & over for awhile now. I tuned out.
I do watch Tucker on occasion.

Hannity is determined to get the truth out. He does get repetitious sometimes, but that's what it takes to overcome the corruption. Are you happy with one set of laws for us and a different one for the politically elite?
You know that's a stupid question.

Have another one?

stupid? no relevant? yes.
It's not only stupid, it is as insulting as it is retarded. Especially considering you asked me.
I'm trying to be nice here but you'r pressing all the wrong buttons.
If you respect me that little do us both a favor and ignore my posts.

so you are opposed to two sets of laws, one for us and one for the political elite? Good. Then you must support a special prosecutor to investigate uranium one, Hillary's e-mails, and the corruption within the DNC. AND lets also complete the investigation of alleged Trump/Russia collusion. Deal?
Right we control the House, Senate, White House and we are the sore losers what are you smoking lib? :laugh:

With all that control, how's that banning all abortion working out for you?

no one wants to ban ALL abortion. What sane people want to ban is abortion (murder of an unborn human) as a form of birth control.

Do you know who most of the abortion victims are? any idea? Black children. Margaret Sanger (founder of planned parenthood) must be happy, her idea or ridding humanity of blacks (who she called human weeds) is coming true.
figured people like you would be happy with less blacks around ,,,,,,voting dem

^^^^stupid comment. Some of my best friends are black. Some vote dem, some vote GOP. I don't care how they vote. All of them are opposed to abortion as birth control and none of them supports planned parenthood.

Sorry dude, but not all blacks fit into the dem mold. Many actually think for themselves.
How big a % did blacks give their vote for Hill?? 92%% 90?? and not all rednecks vote republican

yeah, and she still lost. what does that tell you?
the only people traumatized by this election are the dems who are trying to make a big deal out of winning two races they were supposed to win in blue states. BFD

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