Foxnews traumatized by Election Outcome

Election Rattles Congressional Republicans, and Their Agenda, While Buoying Democrats

WASHINGTON — Congressional Republicans are in a bit of a bind.

Strong dissatisfaction with President Trump and the Republican-led Congress, as reflected in stunning election losses around the country on Tuesday, is certain to intensify the already-fevered push for a tax overhaul to prove that the party controlling Washington can finally get something done.

But passage of the proposal, which would drastically shrink the state and local tax deduction, would simultaneously put at grave risk the seats of Republicans in higher-tax states such as California, New York and New Jersey — the very lawmakers essential to maintaining the Republican hold on Congress.

“Tax cuts sound great, but tax cuts for the rest of the country while my constituents are getting a tax increase is a loser and it is wrong,” said Representative Peter King, Republican of New York.

He said the middle-class and blue-collar voters in his Long Island district who supported Mr. Trump last year now felt betrayed at the prospect of losing deductions that many of them rely on to hold their federal taxes down in a region with stiff local property and income taxes.

fake news, keep it up. those are the same people that told you Hillary had a 97% chance of winning.
Why would the Russians prefer Trump who they could not control over Hillary who they had tons of material to use to blackmail her into doing what they wanted?

They control Trump because they have kompromat on him, like the Steele dossier says...probably the pee tape, but more importantly his shady business dealings in Russia and with Russians. That's how they control people. Putin already hated Clinton because Clinton said his election was illegitimate. She also pushed and got sanctions on Russia that crippled him. She also condemned Assad (a Putin ally) and encouraged the Obama Administration to take a tougher stance on Syria. If he was going to use kompromat on her, why didn't he do that when she was SoS and fucking everything up for him?

The answer is of course that Clinton wasn't who he wanted to win.

Hillary did not conspire with Russia to lose the election, she conspired with them to give them title to 20% of our uranium in exchange for a 145 million "donation" to the Clinton foundation and a 500K speaking fee to bubba.

Completely untrue and this is propaganda. You know it's propaganda because you cna't prove any of it. The Uranium One deal happened after Clinton already resigned from SoS.

I am not the one spreading propaganda here, that would be you.

No, it's you. You're the one spreading propaganda and you're doing it either because it's your job, or because you sold out your principles just to get a taste of what it feels like to actually "win" something, even if it's a vicarious win through Donald Trump.
Election Rattles Congressional Republicans, and Their Agenda, While Buoying Democrats

WASHINGTON — Congressional Republicans are in a bit of a bind.

Strong dissatisfaction with President Trump and the Republican-led Congress, as reflected in stunning election losses around the country on Tuesday, is certain to intensify the already-fevered push for a tax overhaul to prove that the party controlling Washington can finally get something done.

But passage of the proposal, which would drastically shrink the state and local tax deduction, would simultaneously put at grave risk the seats of Republicans in higher-tax states such as California, New York and New Jersey — the very lawmakers essential to maintaining the Republican hold on Congress.

“Tax cuts sound great, but tax cuts for the rest of the country while my constituents are getting a tax increase is a loser and it is wrong,” said Representative Peter King, Republican of New York.

He said the middle-class and blue-collar voters in his Long Island district who supported Mr. Trump last year now felt betrayed at the prospect of losing deductions that many of them rely on to hold their federal taxes down in a region with stiff local property and income taxes.

fake news, keep it up. those are the same people that told you Hillary had a 97% chance of winning.

remind us again, which candidate was it who had more Americans cast their vote for them than any other candidate in both the primaries and the general? the trump presidency is an anomaly conjured by a perfect storm of fake news and rabid idiots. :itsok:
"People thought in ’09, ’10, ’11, that the country couldn’t be divided more. And you go back to Obama’s campaign in 2008, you know, he was talking about the divide and healing the country and all of that. And some would argue on the right that he did more to divide the country than to unite it. I kind of reject that notion.” Why is that? “Because it wasn’t him!” Boehner replies.

“Idiots,” “Anarchists,” and “Assholes”: John Boehner Unloads on Republicans

The former Republican House Speaker is still stewing over the state of the Republican party.

When I ask Boehner whether the Republican Party can survive this, he cuts me off. “There is no Rep—.” He stops himself. “You were about to say, ‘There is no Republican Party,’” I tell him. He shrugs. “There is. But what does it even mean? Donald Trump’s not a Republican. He’s not a Democrat. He’s a populist. He doesn’t have an ideological bone in his body.” So who, I ask, is the leader of the party? “There is nobody,” he says.

“Idiots,” “Anarchists,” and “Assholes”: Boehner Unloads on Republicans
Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

No wonder the Right gives them cult like devotion.
They know that it isn't big news that the Dems had won a blue state.. It is like a Black woman winning the deepest tan competition.

Virginia Election Results 2016


Anorak | Tanning mom Patricia Krentril heads to London in search of the sun’s rays

Blue state?

View attachment 159434

the population is in the blue areas. are you really that dumb?

The election win there is significant because VA is not a blue state. At best it's a swing state. Are you really that dumb? Of course you are.
What didn't he lie about? If the libs openly ran on their beliefs and didn't lie about their opponents they would lose most elections because liberals are filthy lowlife scum.

You sound like a sore loser.

Right we control the House, Senate, White House and we are the sore losers what are you smoking lib? :laugh:

With all that control, how's that banning all abortion working out for you?

no one wants to ban ALL abortion. What sane people want to ban is abortion (murder of an unborn human) as a form of birth control.

Do you know who most of the abortion victims are? any idea? Black children. Margaret Sanger (founder of planned parenthood) must be happy, her idea or ridding humanity of blacks (who she called human weeds) is coming true.

Come on man, you are supposed to call it 'pro choice' not abortion, you know so people don't have to feel bad about ripping the limbs off unborn babies and stabbing them in the brain in brutal mutilations.

You proclaim to be so godly and yet you back DT, figures.
Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

No wonder the Right gives them cult like devotion.
They know that it isn't big news that the Dems had won a blue state.. It is like a Black woman winning the deepest tan competition.

Virginia Election Results 2016


Anorak | Tanning mom Patricia Krentril heads to London in search of the sun’s rays

Blue state?

View attachment 159434

It goes by the population of people, not colors. Like in the red zones might be dominantly Republicans, but less people that lives in those areas. And the blue zones have the majority of people living in small areas of the map.

See my response above, dope.
Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

No wonder the Right gives them cult like devotion.
Dems won governorship in states that Trump did not carry in Presidential election New Jersey and Virginia were both Hillary holes.

Elsewhere -
  • In the 18th House of Delegates district, incumbent Republican Michael Webert defeated Democratic challenger Tristan Shields by more than 25 points. The 18th district covers parts of Culpeper, Fauquier, Rappahannock, and Warren counties.
  • In the 28th House of Delegates district, Republican Robert Thomas defeated Democrat Joshua Cole by less than a point. The 28th district covers parts of Stafford County and parts of the city of Fredericksburg.
  • In the 33rd House of Delegates district, incumbent Republican David LaRock defeated Democratic challenger Tia Wallbridge by nearly 10 points. The 33rd district covers parts of Loudon, Clark, and Frederick counties.
  • In the 88th House of Delegates district, incumbent Republican Mark Cole defeated Democratic challenger Steve Aycock by roughly 15 points. The 88th district covers parts of Fauquier, Stafford, and Spotsylvania counties, as well as parts of the city of Fredericksburg.
Republican David Scheffler wins Lancaster mayor’s race

GOP held on to a Mississippi congressional seat in a special-election runoff

Republican Janice Frey Van Ness won a special election runoff in Georgia's 43rd state Senate district. - A predominantly Black area

Democratic Incumbent Bruce Austin of Texas lost his seat Republican Dave Wilson

Don't count your chickens b4 the eggs hatch Demonrats Mid Term / off election years nearly always go to the under dog - the party not holding power at the time
You sound like a sore loser.

Right we control the House, Senate, White House and we are the sore losers what are you smoking lib? :laugh:

With all that control, how's that banning all abortion working out for you?

no one wants to ban ALL abortion. What sane people want to ban is abortion (murder of an unborn human) as a form of birth control.

Do you know who most of the abortion victims are? any idea? Black children. Margaret Sanger (founder of planned parenthood) must be happy, her idea or ridding humanity of blacks (who she called human weeds) is coming true.

Come on man, you are supposed to call it 'pro choice' not abortion, you know so people don't have to feel bad about ripping the limbs off unborn babies and stabbing them in the brain in brutal mutilations.

You proclaim to be so godly and yet you back DT, figures.

Why would the Russians prefer Trump who they could not control over Hillary who they had tons of material to use to blackmail her into doing what they wanted?

They control Trump because they have kompromat on him, like the Steele dossier says...probably the pee tape, but more importantly his shady business dealings in Russia and with Russians. That's how they control people. Putin already hated Clinton because Clinton said his election was illegitimate. She also pushed and got sanctions on Russia that crippled him. She also condemned Assad (a Putin ally) and encouraged the Obama Administration to take a tougher stance on Syria. If he was going to use kompromat on her, why didn't he do that when she was SoS and fucking everything up for him?

The answer is of course that Clinton wasn't who he wanted to win.

Hillary did not conspire with Russia to lose the election, she conspired with them to give them title to 20% of our uranium in exchange for a 145 million "donation" to the Clinton foundation and a 500K speaking fee to bubba.

Completely untrue and this is propaganda. You know it's propaganda because you cna't prove any of it. The Uranium One deal happened after Clinton already resigned from SoS.

I am not the one spreading propaganda here, that would be you.

No, it's you. You're the one spreading propaganda and you're doing it either because it's your job, or because you sold out your principles just to get a taste of what it feels like to actually "win" something, even if it's a vicarious win through Donald Trump.

your weak attempts at countering the truth are amusing at best. The uranium deal was approved while Hillary was SecState. Nice try but FAIL.

The dossier has been proven false and full of lies. Dream on, continue to worship the Clinton crime family. Whats really sad is that they will never be brought to justice since we have two sets of laws in this country, one for you and me and one for the politically elite. Do you approve of that?
Election Rattles Congressional Republicans, and Their Agenda, While Buoying Democrats

WASHINGTON — Congressional Republicans are in a bit of a bind.

Strong dissatisfaction with President Trump and the Republican-led Congress, as reflected in stunning election losses around the country on Tuesday, is certain to intensify the already-fevered push for a tax overhaul to prove that the party controlling Washington can finally get something done.

But passage of the proposal, which would drastically shrink the state and local tax deduction, would simultaneously put at grave risk the seats of Republicans in higher-tax states such as California, New York and New Jersey — the very lawmakers essential to maintaining the Republican hold on Congress.

“Tax cuts sound great, but tax cuts for the rest of the country while my constituents are getting a tax increase is a loser and it is wrong,” said Representative Peter King, Republican of New York.

He said the middle-class and blue-collar voters in his Long Island district who supported Mr. Trump last year now felt betrayed at the prospect of losing deductions that many of them rely on to hold their federal taxes down in a region with stiff local property and income taxes.

fake news, keep it up. those are the same people that told you Hillary had a 97% chance of winning.
Occam's Razor.
Election Rattles Congressional Republicans, and Their Agenda, While Buoying Democrats

WASHINGTON — Congressional Republicans are in a bit of a bind.

Strong dissatisfaction with President Trump and the Republican-led Congress, as reflected in stunning election losses around the country on Tuesday, is certain to intensify the already-fevered push for a tax overhaul to prove that the party controlling Washington can finally get something done.

But passage of the proposal, which would drastically shrink the state and local tax deduction, would simultaneously put at grave risk the seats of Republicans in higher-tax states such as California, New York and New Jersey — the very lawmakers essential to maintaining the Republican hold on Congress.

“Tax cuts sound great, but tax cuts for the rest of the country while my constituents are getting a tax increase is a loser and it is wrong,” said Representative Peter King, Republican of New York.

He said the middle-class and blue-collar voters in his Long Island district who supported Mr. Trump last year now felt betrayed at the prospect of losing deductions that many of them rely on to hold their federal taxes down in a region with stiff local property and income taxes.

fake news, keep it up. those are the same people that told you Hillary had a 97% chance of winning.

remind us again, which candidate was it who had more Americans cast their vote for them than any other candidate in both the primaries and the general? the trump presidency is an anomaly conjured by a perfect storm of fake news and rabid idiots. :itsok:

306 EC votes. The blue wall of the Midwest destroyed. Even fake news and continuous lying could not secure a win for crooked Hillary.

Your friends in the media LIED to you. They told you that Hillary could not lose and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. The LIED and you bought it. What does that say about them and YOU?
Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

No wonder the Right gives them cult like devotion.
They know that it isn't big news that the Dems had won a blue state.. It is like a Black woman winning the deepest tan competition.

Virginia Election Results 2016


Anorak | Tanning mom Patricia Krentril heads to London in search of the sun’s rays

Blue state?

View attachment 159434

It goes by the population of people, not colors. Like in the red zones might be dominantly Republicans, but less people that lives in those areas. And the blue zones have the majority of people living in small areas of the map.

See my response above, dope.

Virginia has not swing ever since the 2016 election. It just gotten stuck somewhere. But I'll let y'all rejoice into believing that the Democrat party is doing a come back, just to get y'all to stop crying. I'll be able to stomached it for a while...


Hillary Clinton Democrat 1,981,473 49.8% 13

Donald J. Trump Republican 1,769,443 44.4 —

Gary Johnson Libertarian 118,274 3.0 —

Evan McMullin Independent 54,054 1.4 —

Others 59,508 1.5
Virginia Election Results 2016



The dossier has been proven false and full of lies. Dream on, continue to worship the Clinton crime family. Whats really sad is that they will never be brought to justice since we have two sets of laws in this country, one for you and me and one for the politically elite. Do you approve of that?

The dossier hasn't been proven false and in fact, Page's testimony earlier this week corroborates key parts of it, like how Page flew to Russia on behalf of the campaign, with the campaign's knowledge, to meet with the Deputy PM.

Why would Page fly halfway around the world on behalf of the campaign to meet with Russians?
to the OP.

No one was traumatized by Tuesday's votes except you dem/libs who are so desperate for a win that you celebrate winning where you are expected to win.
The dossier has been proven false and full of lies. Dream on, continue to worship the Clinton crime family. Whats really sad is that they will never be brought to justice since we have two sets of laws in this country, one for you and me and one for the politically elite. Do you approve of that?

The dossier hasn't been proven false and in fact, Page's testimony earlier this week corroborates key parts of it, like how Page flew to Russia on behalf of the campaign, with the campaign's knowledge, to meet with the Deputy PM.

Why would Page fly halfway around the world on behalf of the campaign to meet with Russians?

Is meeting with Russians illegal? Why did Bubba Clinton meet with Putin just before the uranium deal?
Right we control the House, Senate, White House and we are the sore losers what are you smoking lib? :laugh:

With all that control, how's that banning all abortion working out for you?

no one wants to ban ALL abortion. What sane people want to ban is abortion (murder of an unborn human) as a form of birth control.

Do you know who most of the abortion victims are? any idea? Black children. Margaret Sanger (founder of planned parenthood) must be happy, her idea or ridding humanity of blacks (who she called human weeds) is coming true.

Come on man, you are supposed to call it 'pro choice' not abortion, you know so people don't have to feel bad about ripping the limbs off unborn babies and stabbing them in the brain in brutal mutilations.

You proclaim to be so godly and yet you back DT, figures.


I don't need one, tell me why are rapes and incest ok to abort???
Is meeting with Russians illegal? Why did Bubba Clinton meet with Putin just before the uranium deal?

Hold up!

Page first said he never flew to Russia. Then he said he flew to Russia, but not on behalf of the campaign. Then he said he flew to Russia on behalf of the campaign, but without the campaign's knowledge. Then he said he flew to Russia on behalf of the campaign with the campaign's knowledge, but didn't meet with anyone there (!). Then he said he flew to Russia on behalf of the campaign with the campaign's knowledge, but only met with the Deputy PM "for ten seconds".

So Page changed his story at least four times. Why would he do that?
Is meeting with Russians illegal? Why did Bubba Clinton meet with Putin just before the uranium deal?

So you guys have gone from flat-out denials the Trump campaign had any contact with Russia, to a position of contact with Russia isn't wrong. So that's a pretty massive change there. You went from outright denial to full-on excuse. How come?

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