Foxnews traumatized by Election Outcome

Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

No wonder the Right gives them cult like devotion.
They know that it isn't big news that the Dems had won a blue state.. It is like a Black woman winning the deepest tan competition.

Virginia Election Results 2016


Anorak | Tanning mom Patricia Krentril heads to London in search of the sun’s rays

Blue state?

View attachment 159434

the population is in the blue areas. are you really that dumb?
NO, they aren't.

Then you should probably tell them that because that's the type of campaign Gillespie ran.

The real racists are BLM, antifa, CAIR, and the NAACP. Oh, I need to add the democrat party and the media since they are now trying to destroy a black female for telling the truth about the corruption within the Hillary campaign.

Typical Russian Active Measure. Your profile was created right during the time Putin was ramping up his troll farms and using active measures like the one you're using here. So what, you test out shitty rhetoric here before disseminating it across social media? That's what it looks like.

Obama's entire 8 years was nothing but trying to divide the country on race. Do you live under a rock?

No, what Obama did was show self-entitled white Christians that they didn't earn anything they think they're entitled to, including political power. Your reaction to that diminishing of white institutional power is what drove racists during Obama. And now you've sold out your principles just to "win" vicariously through Trump.

Assuming of course that you're not the Russian troll I believe you to be.
Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

No wonder the Right gives them cult like devotion.
They know that it isn't big news that the Dems had won a blue state.. It is like a Black woman winning the deepest tan competition.

Virginia Election Results 2016


Anorak | Tanning mom Patricia Krentril heads to London in search of the sun’s rays

Blue state?

View attachment 159434

It goes by the population of people, not colors. Like in the red zones might be dominantly Republicans, but less people that lives in those areas. And the blue zones have the majority of people living in small areas of the map.

yes, there are racist morons on both sides.

No, just your side exclusively. Your side is the side with Nazis and Russia. There is no equivalent, no matter how hard you propagandize.

The difference is that the far right is a tiny band of mindless fools whereas the far left is the entire dem party, Hollywood, and most of the media.

There is no distinction between those on the right; they're all the same. The only thing that distinguishes them from one another is how overt their bigotry is.
Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

No wonder the Right gives them cult like devotion.
They know that it isn't big news that the Dems had won a blue state.. It is like a Black woman winning the deepest tan competition.

Virginia Election Results 2016


Anorak | Tanning mom Patricia Krentril heads to London in search of the sun’s rays

Blue state?

View attachment 159434

the population is in the blue areas. are you really that dumb?
Did you look at the percentage of the amount of people that Hillary won by? How can that be if the entire map shows that the Republicans dominates?
The ANTI Trump cult members' movement showed itself last Tuesday...a preface of what we'll witness in Nov. 2018......ENOUGH Trump bullshit.
NO, they aren't.

Then you should probably tell them that because that's the type of campaign Gillespie ran.

The real racists are BLM, antifa, CAIR, and the NAACP. Oh, I need to add the democrat party and the media since they are now trying to destroy a black female for telling the truth about the corruption within the Hillary campaign.

Typical Russian Active Measure. Your profile was created right during the time Putin was ramping up his troll farms and using active measures like the one you're using here. So what, you test out shitty rhetoric here before disseminating it across social media? That's what it looks like.

Obama's entire 8 years was nothing but trying to divide the country on race. Do you live under a rock?

No, what Obama did was show self-entitled white Christians that they didn't earn anything they think they're entitled to, including political power. Your reaction to that diminishing of white institutional power is what drove racists during Obama. And now you've sold out your principles just to "win" vicariously through Trump.

Assuming of course that you're not the Russian troll I believe you to be.

since you keep bringing it up, tell us exactly how the Russians changed the outcome of our election. which votes were changed, where? how many? Next, tell us exactly when and how the Trump campaign colluded with Russia and what affect it had on the US vote.

yes there was Russian collusion with a political party and a candidate---------------the dem party and Hillary Clinton. Do you demand an investigation of that collusion?
Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

No wonder the Right gives them cult like devotion.
Once again you prove that the left seemingly watches more Fox than most righties.
I watch "The Five" and turn it off. Bret Baier is a liberal asshat.
He strikes me as a humble & honest man. That's all that really matters to me.
I'm usually pretty good at judging character so I'm not sure why you see an asshat and I see honesty?
The ANTI Trump cult members' movement showed itself last Tuesday...a preface of what we'll witness in Nov. 2018......ENOUGH Trump bullshit.

funny, dems win elections they are supposed to win and you are joyous. Maybe dems can win in California or new York and you can go completely ecstactic
since you keep bringing it up, tell us exactly how the Russians changed the outcome of our election.

By disseminating propaganda through ad buys on social media. Russian propaganda, like the kind you're spreading here, reached at least 125,000,000 Americans and was concentrated in swing states like PA, MI, and WI. It was a very successful propaganda campaign - probably the most successful in history.

Next, tell us exactly when and how the Trump campaign colluded with Russia and what affect it had on the US vote.

Carter Page made several trips to Russia on behalf of the Trump campaign, meeting with the Deputy PM of Russia while there. We also know that he met with several Russians during the RNC which prompted the bizarre change in the GOP's platform at the 2016 RNC to pro-Russia stances on Ukraine. We know all this because he stupidly ran his mouth to the Congressional Committee. It's documented.

yes there was Russian collusion with a political party and a candidate---------------the dem party and Hillary Clinton. Do you demand an investigation of that collusion?

So Hillary conspired with Russia to lose the eleciton? Fucking stupid. Try spreading your propaganda elsewhere.
yes, there are racist morons on both sides.

No, just your side exclusively. Your side is the side with Nazis and Russia. There is no equivalent, no matter how hard you propagandize.

The difference is that the far right is a tiny band of mindless fools whereas the far left is the entire dem party, Hollywood, and most of the media.

There is no distinction between those on the right; they're all the same. The only thing that distinguishes them from one another is how overt their bigotry is.

bullshit. Is Ben Carson a racist? Condi Rice? Tim Scott? Mia Love? Deneen Borelli? Denzel Washington?

you are either a complete ignorant moron or are totally brainwashed with left wing bullshit.
What didn't he lie about?

The question is; what did he lie about? Try using your tiny mind to think of an example.

If the libs openly ran on their beliefs and didn't lie about their opponents they would lose most elections because liberals are filthy lowlife scum.

What did they lie about? Are Conservatives not racists who embrace the politics of racism and fear?

NO, they aren't. The real racists are BLM, antifa, CAIR, and the NAACP. Oh, I need to add the democrat party and the media since they are now trying to destroy a black female for telling the truth about the corruption within the Hillary campaign.

Obama's entire 8 years was nothing but trying to divide the country on race. Do you live under a rock?
ahemmmmm, Obama tried to do his job, and the right wing/you did NOTHING but try to divide the Country! :eek:
since you keep bringing it up, tell us exactly how the Russians changed the outcome of our election.

By disseminating propaganda through ad buys on social media. Russian propaganda, like the kind you're spreading here, reached at least 125,000,000 Americans and was concentrated in swing states like PA, MI, and WI. It was a very successful propaganda campaign - probably the most successful in history.

Next, tell us exactly when and how the Trump campaign colluded with Russia and what affect it had on the US vote.

Carter Page made several trips to Russia on behalf of the Trump campaign, meeting with the Deputy PM of Russia while there. We also know that he met with several Russians during the RNC which prompted the bizarre change in the GOP's platform at the 2016 RNC to pro-Russia stances on Ukraine. We know all this because he stupidly ran his mouth to the Congressional Committee. It's documented.

yes there was Russian collusion with a political party and a candidate---------------the dem party and Hillary Clinton. Do you demand an investigation of that collusion?

So Hillary conspired with Russia to lose the eleciton? Fucking stupid. Try spreading your propaganda elsewhere.

Ok, lets test your "theories" shall we"

Why would the Russians prefer Trump who they could not control over Hillary who they had tons of material to use to blackmail her into doing what they wanted?

Hillary did not conspire with Russia to lose the election, she conspired with them to give them title to 20% of our uranium in exchange for a 145 million "donation" to the Clinton foundation and a 500K speaking fee to bubba.

I am not the one spreading propaganda here, that would be you.
What didn't he lie about?

The question is; what did he lie about? Try using your tiny mind to think of an example.

If the libs openly ran on their beliefs and didn't lie about their opponents they would lose most elections because liberals are filthy lowlife scum.

What did they lie about? Are Conservatives not racists who embrace the politics of racism and fear?

NO, they aren't. The real racists are BLM, antifa, CAIR, and the NAACP. Oh, I need to add the democrat party and the media since they are now trying to destroy a black female for telling the truth about the corruption within the Hillary campaign.

Obama's entire 8 years was nothing but trying to divide the country on race. Do you live under a rock?
ahemmmmm, Obama tried to do his job, and the right wing/you did NOTHING but try to divide the Country! :eek:

Are you crazy?

"Cambridge cops acted stupidly"
"if I had a son he would look like Trayvon"
'I have never been proud of this country"
" we must have social justice"
"If you like your plan, you can keep it"

Obama followed the instructions of his far left mentors like Hitler, Mao, Stalin, and Mussolini. Divide and conquer, ban free speech, denigrate your opponents, control the media.

Worst president in history is too mild. Traitor is a much better adjective for obozo the Kenyan messiah.
Election Rattles Congressional Republicans, and Their Agenda, While Buoying Democrats

WASHINGTON — Congressional Republicans are in a bit of a bind.

Strong dissatisfaction with President Trump and the Republican-led Congress, as reflected in stunning election losses around the country on Tuesday, is certain to intensify the already-fevered push for a tax overhaul to prove that the party controlling Washington can finally get something done.

But passage of the proposal, which would drastically shrink the state and local tax deduction, would simultaneously put at grave risk the seats of Republicans in higher-tax states such as California, New York and New Jersey — the very lawmakers essential to maintaining the Republican hold on Congress.

“Tax cuts sound great, but tax cuts for the rest of the country while my constituents are getting a tax increase is a loser and it is wrong,” said Representative Peter King, Republican of New York.

He said the middle-class and blue-collar voters in his Long Island district who supported Mr. Trump last year now felt betrayed at the prospect of losing deductions that many of them rely on to hold their federal taxes down in a region with stiff local property and income taxes.


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