Foxnews traumatized by Election Outcome

They covered the Dem's despicable campaign ad lies for weeks, Dem's lied and won shocker. What's funny is you people have to lie to get a win, poor libs they have to remain closeted.
What "lies" are you talking about?
you mean this outcome?

Hannity is actually playing footage of news coverage of 2016 election night. the Dems are the ones who are traumatized. Hannity feels VIGOROUS!
People actually gathered together to scream at the sky...all because it's the one year anniversary of Trump's election.

and FOX is traumatized?!
Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

No wonder the Right gives them cult like devotion.

This morning I saw it on Fox multiple times starting when I got up at 0400

Its more than 100 minutes from the time the election was over until this morning. Dont you know how to convert minutes into hours?
I don't know that the Presidential Election night meltdown on MSNBC can ever be topped in terms of a news crew/channel ever being "traumatized".

Carville snapped like a twig, Maddow was looking for a rope and, as a group, it looked like a suicide club- and for a lot more than 100 minutes. That shit went on until Hillary sent her messenger boy out to send all of her cultists home.

The house, the senate, the oval and supreme court appointments got flushed last November. If libs weren't so askeered of weapons I'm pretty sure someone would've ate a bullet on live TV.....
The whole world was like that...because decent people know the consequences of the likes of Trump being in charge will lead to. Payback is coming and fast.

No, "the whole world" did not react the way those people did. Maybe the whole lib world did, but that's not the whole world. Wasn't then and it isn't now.
If anyone would know about being traumatized by an election result it would be the left you guys wrote the book on that a year ago tonight. If the right starts blaming Putin and Russian interference for the loss in Virginia I will start to believe they are traumatized until then nah.
They covered the Dem's despicable campaign ad lies for weeks, Dem's lied and won shocker. What's funny is you people have to lie to get a win, poor libs they have to remain closeted.

What did Northam lie about?

Gillespie ran ads claiming Northam supported child molestors
And ads with alleged tattooed MS13 gang members, saying that Northam supported letting criminal murdering gang members go free to run and kill again...Gillespe was going for the citizens out there scared of their shadow, or who knows whom he was going after with those nasty ads...racists perhaps?

Then Northam ran an ad simply saying he does not support letting any criminal run free and believes violent criminals including any from MS13 should be locked up.... nothing nasty.... the citizens rejected Gillespe's lies.... :clap:

then some Latino PAC, ran an ad showing a pick up truck with a Confederate Flag hanging from the back of it, and Latino kids and Black kids playing basketball and other things on the playground UNTIL they see the man and the confederate flag Truck heading their way and the boys playing ball drop the ball, and say to the other kids playing, RUN, RUN, RUN and they all scramble and run for their lives trying to get away from the pick up truck with the flag, chasing them....

it was a very well done, provocative ad....

Of course no one would really ever chase kids down like the ad showed....but what it made me think was, "those poor children of color...being afraid, of some bad characters out there, both of color and early in life.'' the unrealistic imo pick up truck chasing them, was not the point...the point was that there really are people out there that do hate them...and all they wanted to do, was simply play and have fun, like all children, on the playground...
Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

No wonder the Right gives them cult like devotion.

...and yet not 1 single Fox News person, Republican, or Conservative gathered together OUTSIDE and screamed at the sky like a bunch of escaped mental patients ... or snowflakes who have still not moved on from the Hillary loss ... like snowflakes did last night for the 1 year anniversary of Trump doing the 'impossible' - KICKING HILLARY'S ASS!

What did Northam lie about?

What didn't he lie about? If the libs openly ran on their beliefs and didn't lie about their opponents they would lose most elections because liberals are filthy lowlife scum.

You sound like a sore loser.

Right we control the House, Senate, White House and we are the sore losers what are you smoking lib? :laugh:

And couldnt pass a gall stone. Way to go, you're the dog that chased the car and didnt know what to do when you caught it.
That's the problem with taking a victory lap when your candidate would have lost even to Hillary but for Comey, and you actually lost seats in the House and Senate while winning the WH.

There basically are two national gop parties. The party of McConnell which is trying to pass a tax bill that really raises taxes on workers to give the 1% a cut, and Trump who ran exactly against that. They can dovetail when the issue is a SC seat where both can be fine with a social conservative to the right of Scalia (LOL) and very pro-biz, anti-consumer campaign reform agenda.

But none of the faults of the natl gop explain how or why dems keep losing state races. They did improve on that somewhat, but it's early to divine some trend, imo. I really don't understand dems's problems at the state level.
In a word---Gerrymandering.
I am still wondering how much money the Russians paid the Democrats in Va to run that race-baiting, racial divisive / violence-inciting commercial that inspired the ISIS attack in NY days later...

Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

No wonder the Right gives them cult like devotion.
They know that it isn't big news that the Dems had won a blue state.. It is like a Black woman winning the deepest tan competition.

Virginia Election Results 2016


Anorak | Tanning mom Patricia Krentril heads to London in search of the sun’s rays
What didn't he lie about?

The question is; what did he lie about? Try using your tiny mind to think of an example.

If the libs openly ran on their beliefs and didn't lie about their opponents they would lose most elections because liberals are filthy lowlife scum.

What did they lie about? Are Conservatives not racists who embrace the politics of racism and fear?

NO, they aren't. The real racists are BLM, antifa, CAIR, and the NAACP. Oh, I need to add the democrat party and the media since they are now trying to destroy a black female for telling the truth about the corruption within the Hillary campaign.

Obama's entire 8 years was nothing but trying to divide the country on race. Do you live under a rock?
Do you deny that you Dem's lied your ass off? Here let me laugh at you :laugh:

What did the Democrats lie about? Can your small, feeble little mind even come up with one example, or are you just going to regurgitate something about how there's too many you can't even name one?

how about the ad showing a truck with a rebel flag and a Gillespie sticker trying to run down minority kids? That was a clear example the dems have zero class and only care about taking power.
They covered the Dem's despicable campaign ad lies for weeks, Dem's lied and won shocker. What's funny is you people have to lie to get a win, poor libs they have to remain closeted.

What did Northam lie about?

What didn't he lie about? If the libs openly ran on their beliefs and didn't lie about their opponents they would lose most elections because liberals are filthy lowlife scum.

You sound like a sore loser.

Right we control the House, Senate, White House and we are the sore losers what are you smoking lib? :laugh:

With all that control, how's that banning all abortion working out for you?

no one wants to ban ALL abortion. What sane people want to ban is abortion (murder of an unborn human) as a form of birth control.

Do you know who most of the abortion victims are? any idea? Black children. Margaret Sanger (founder of planned parenthood) must be happy, her idea or ridding humanity of blacks (who she called human weeds) is coming true.

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