Foxnews traumatized by Election Outcome

Fox News Had A Meltdown And Pretended Like The Democratic Election Wave Never Happened
Things were going so bad for Republicans on Election Night that Fox News decided that the election didn't exist, and stopped showing results to their viewers.…

Democrats are having a meltdown pretending there is a Democrat victory wave, that didn't happen.

That has been their strategy for months, the liberal media has been locked and loaded waiting for any win they can use to launch their propaganda campaign. They have been frustrated because Trump keeps winning on the House races.
That has been their strategy for months, the liberal media has been locked and loaded waiting for any win they can use to launch their propaganda campaign. They have been frustrated because Trump keeps winning on the House races.
They covered the Dem's despicable campaign ad lies for weeks, Dem's lied and won shocker. What's funny is you people have to lie to get a win, poor libs they have to remain closeted.
I see that you've settled on your excuse for this election loss.

Do you deny that you Dem's lied your ass off? Here let me laugh at you :laugh:
She murdered Vince Foster ....

You seem to be talking to yourself, are you feeling okay? :cuckoo:
You seem to be talking to yourself, are you feeling okay? :cuckoo:

The Winning Doesn’t Stop For Democrats As Maine Voters Approve Medicaid Expansion

In a rebuke of Gov. Paul LePage, Maine voters voted to approve a Medicaid expansion that will provide health insurance coverage to 80,000 residents in the state.…

By Jason Easley on Tue, Nov 7th, 2017 at 10:43 pm

Trump Throws An Election Night Tantrum After Republicans Get Destroyed In Virginia
Trump responded to Republicans getting wiped out in Virginia by distancing himself from the Republican candidate for governor and throwing a fit over claims that the election results are a rejection of Trumpism.…

By Jason Easley on Tue, Nov 7th, 2017 at 8:56 pm
dems were expected to win those two elections. no surprise, now if the repubs had won that would have been a surprise and a news event.

nothing to see here, move along.
They covered the Dem's despicable campaign ad lies for weeks, Dem's lied and won shocker. What's funny is you people have to lie to get a win, poor libs they have to remain closeted.

What did Northam lie about?

What didn't he lie about? If the libs openly ran on their beliefs and didn't lie about their opponents they would lose most elections because liberals are filthy lowlife scum.

You sound like a sore loser.

Right we control the House, Senate, White House and we are the sore losers what are you smoking lib? :laugh:

With all that control, how's that banning all abortion working out for you?
They covered the Dem's despicable campaign ad lies for weeks, Dem's lied and won shocker. What's funny is you people have to lie to get a win, poor libs they have to remain closeted.

Could you give examples with links to fact checks.

dems were expected to win those two elections. no surprise, now if the repubs had won that would have been a surprise and a news event.

nothing to see here, move along.

They won hundreds of GOP seats and offices across the country last night.

America was reborn last night…


That's funny as hell. It' sad that they literally have to hide the news from their viewers. I wonder if they talked about cheeseburger emojis again.

Well, FOX openly admits that it is NOT a news outlet (entertainment and right wing propaganda is more like its dubious "mission.")
And yet it is the closest thing we have to news in the country.

Go figure....
What didn't he lie about?

The question is; what did he lie about? Try using your tiny mind to think of an example.

If the libs openly ran on their beliefs and didn't lie about their opponents they would lose most elections because liberals are filthy lowlife scum.

What did they lie about? Are Conservatives not racists who embrace the politics of racism and fear?
The one where Republicans won the house, senate and presidency?

No, the one last night. And what have they done with all that control? They couldn't even repeal Obamacare. Underachievers, all of them.

Oh no, you mean the completely irrelevant election of yesterday.

If it was so irrelevant, how come Trump was personally tweeting on behalf of Gillespie?

It's also a perfect example of why NOT TO have endless immigration. The state is lost to the 3rd worlders. Trump 2020...

Even money Trump lasts through the year...2:1 he lasts until the midterms.
Do you deny that you Dem's lied your ass off? Here let me laugh at you :laugh:

What did the Democrats lie about? Can your small, feeble little mind even come up with one example, or are you just going to regurgitate something about how there's too many you can't even name one?
I’m glad democrats finally think there’s a glimmer of hope for them. Maybe we’ll see a little less whining and crying.
Funny how CNN wasn't traumatized by an avid fan murdering 28 people at a church service but the (still angry,crazy) left thinks Fox was traumatized by an election.

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