Foxnews traumatized by Election Outcome

Do you deny that you Dem's lied your ass off? Here let me laugh at you :laugh:

What did the Democrats lie about? Can your small, feeble little mind even come up with one example, or are you just going to regurgitate something about how there's too many you can't even name one?

how about the ad showing a truck with a rebel flag and a Gillespie sticker trying to run down minority kids? That was a clear example the dems have zero class and only care about taking power.

Dem's have always practiced gutter politics, the liberal media allow and enable this while the GOP has to be clean as a fresh winter snow. Dem's are lowlife lying filth its that simple.
What did Northam lie about?

What didn't he lie about? If the libs openly ran on their beliefs and didn't lie about their opponents they would lose most elections because liberals are filthy lowlife scum.

You sound like a sore loser.

Right we control the House, Senate, White House and we are the sore losers what are you smoking lib? :laugh:

With all that control, how's that banning all abortion working out for you?

no one wants to ban ALL abortion. What sane people want to ban is abortion (murder of an unborn human) as a form of birth control.

Do you know who most of the abortion victims are? any idea? Black children. Margaret Sanger (founder of planned parenthood) must be happy, her idea or ridding humanity of blacks (who she called human weeds) is coming true.

Come on man, you are supposed to call it 'pro choice' not abortion, you know so people don't have to feel bad about ripping the limbs off unborn babies and stabbing them in the brain in brutal mutilations.
Hannity is actually playing footage of news coverage of 2016 election night. the Dems are the ones who are traumatized. Hannity feels VIGOROUS!

Hannity doesn't know what year this is? lol, big surprise.

It was the anniversary of Hillary's defeat and America's victory. WTF is wrong with you?

Has there ever been a greater night than when Hillary lost her freaking mind after getting her ass whooped by Trump :eusa_dance:
Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

No wonder the Right gives them cult like devotion.

The one where Republicans won the house, senate and presidency?

Oh no, you mean the completely irrelevant election of yesterday.

It's also a perfect example of why NOT TO have endless immigration. The state is lost to the 3rd worlders. Trump 2020...

The state is lost to the 3rd worlders.

Non whites.

It's ok. You can speak freely here.
What did Northam lie about?

What didn't he lie about? If the libs openly ran on their beliefs and didn't lie about their opponents they would lose most elections because liberals are filthy lowlife scum.

You sound like a sore loser.

Right we control the House, Senate, White House and we are the sore losers what are you smoking lib? :laugh:

With all that control, how's that banning all abortion working out for you?

no one wants to ban ALL abortion. What sane people want to ban is abortion (murder of an unborn human) as a form of birth control.

Do you know who most of the abortion victims are? any idea? Black children. Margaret Sanger (founder of planned parenthood) must be happy, her idea or ridding humanity of blacks (who she called human weeds) is coming true.
figured people like you would be happy with less blacks around ,,,,,,voting dem
Hannity is actually playing footage of news coverage of 2016 election night. the Dems are the ones who are traumatized. Hannity feels VIGOROUS!

Hannity doesn't know what year this is? lol, big surprise.

It was the anniversary of Hillary's defeat and America's victory. WTF is wrong with you?

aw, gnat knows how to click the smiley face. way to go, gnat.

Typical of the left, childish morons.
What didn't he lie about? If the libs openly ran on their beliefs and didn't lie about their opponents they would lose most elections because liberals are filthy lowlife scum.

You sound like a sore loser.

Right we control the House, Senate, White House and we are the sore losers what are you smoking lib? :laugh:

With all that control, how's that banning all abortion working out for you?

no one wants to ban ALL abortion. What sane people want to ban is abortion (murder of an unborn human) as a form of birth control.

Do you know who most of the abortion victims are? any idea? Black children. Margaret Sanger (founder of planned parenthood) must be happy, her idea or ridding humanity of blacks (who she called human weeds) is coming true.
figured people like you would be happy with less blacks around ,,,,,,voting dem

That's why you sicko's lost congress and the White House.
What didn't he lie about? If the libs openly ran on their beliefs and didn't lie about their opponents they would lose most elections because liberals are filthy lowlife scum.

You sound like a sore loser.

Right we control the House, Senate, White House and we are the sore losers what are you smoking lib? :laugh:

With all that control, how's that banning all abortion working out for you?

no one wants to ban ALL abortion. What sane people want to ban is abortion (murder of an unborn human) as a form of birth control.

Do you know who most of the abortion victims are? any idea? Black children. Margaret Sanger (founder of planned parenthood) must be happy, her idea or ridding humanity of blacks (who she called human weeds) is coming true.
figured people like you would be happy with less blacks around ,,,,,,voting dem

^^^^stupid comment. Some of my best friends are black. Some vote dem, some vote GOP. I don't care how they vote. All of them are opposed to abortion as birth control and none of them supports planned parenthood.

Sorry dude, but not all blacks fit into the dem mold. Many actually think for themselves.
how about the ad showing a truck with a rebel flag and a Gillespie sticker trying to run down minority kids?

So did alt-right Nazis not run over people in Charlottesville and other places? Were they not chanting "Blood and Soil", waving Confederate and Nazi flags, screaming "Jews will not replace us!"? When you lie down with snakes...
Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia

No wonder the Right gives them cult like devotion.
They know that it isn't big news that the Dems had won a blue state.. It is like a Black woman winning the deepest tan competition.

Virginia Election Results 2016


Anorak | Tanning mom Patricia Krentril heads to London in search of the sun’s rays

Blue state?

no one wants to ban ALL abortion. What sane people want to ban is abortion (murder of an unborn human) as a form of birth control.

So then you support free and open access to birth control and contraception, as well as comprehensive sex education in school (no abstinence)? Because that's how you prevent abortion being used as birth control.
how about the ad showing a truck with a rebel flag and a Gillespie sticker trying to run down minority kids?

So did alt-right Nazis not run over people in Charlottesville and other places? Were they not chanting "Blood and Soil", waving Confederate and Nazi flags, screaming "Jews will not replace us!"? When you lie down with snakes...

yes, there are racist morons on both sides. The difference is that the far right is a tiny band of mindless fools whereas the far left is the entire dem party, Hollywood, and most of the media.
no one wants to ban ALL abortion. What sane people want to ban is abortion (murder of an unborn human) as a form of birth control.

So then you support free and open access to birth control and contraception, as well as comprehensive sex education in school (no abstinence)? Because that's how you prevent abortion being used as birth control.

yes, I do. But kids should also be taught that the only 100% safe method is to not screw until you are ready to produce a child.

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