FOX's Shep kicks dead celebrity

Please tell us your professional and personal experiences with the chronically depressed. We are waiting. Maybe then we can see how highly educated on the topic you are. Please.

You want me to share my personal experience with chronic depression with you?


Why not? You seem to be okay with judging others.

I'm not judging any others, I'm judging an act. Quite frankly, my personal life doesn't need intruding upon in order to posit my view that suicide is usually cowardly.

Robin was great, and I'm sad he's dead.
You want me to share my personal experience with chronic depression with you?


Why not? You seem to be okay with judging others.

I'm not judging any others, I'm judging an act. Quite frankly, my personal life doesn't need intruding upon in order to posit my view that suicide is usually cowardly.

Robin was great, and I'm sad he's dead.

That is exactly what you are doing. You are judging him as cowardly without even knowing him, his situation, the level of despair that he felt.

So? You suffered from chronic depression and didn't kill yourself? Well good for you. That is wonderful that you were able to "overcome." That doesn't give you the right to think you are better than another person who maybe does not have the mental faculties to overcome his disease.
Why not? You seem to be okay with judging others.

I'm not judging any others, I'm judging an act. Quite frankly, my personal life doesn't need intruding upon in order to posit my view that suicide is usually cowardly.

Robin was great, and I'm sad he's dead.

That is exactly what you are doing. You are judging him as cowardly without even knowing him, his situation, the level of despair that he felt.

So? You suffered from chronic depression and didn't kill yourself? Well good for you. That is wonderful that you were able to "overcome." That doesn't give you the right to think you are better than another person who maybe does not have the mental faculties to overcome his disease.

I didn't say a damn thing about what I suffered.

and I don't need to know anything but the fact that he left people behind to suffer so that he didn't need to, to know that the act was cowardly

and I am better than that

WAY better
Jesus, when did you become a mean-spirited Republican?

mean or not mean isn't even relevant

its sad and im sad he's dead

it's just a viewpoint

I won't comment on why he did it because I wasn't there, so I don't know what he was going through.

My main thought is sadness, and wondering if something could have been done to prevent it.

Suicide is a big topic in the military. Friends of mine have done it. Always the regret that if you had just known maybe he'd still be alive.

Unfortunately, some people here would say that your military friends are "cowards" even though they fought for our country and are obviously FAR from being cowards.
I'm done with you on this matter. You don't know what you're talking about and sound quite childish about this subject. Why you would refuse to acknowledge a widely known and accepted mental illness that has been studied for YEARS by experts is beyond me, but it is FAR from logical. I guess you should start writing letters to the experts to tell them they are all wrong about chronic depression, and that it's not real and these people only kill themselves because they are weak, horrible people who just want to hurt their loved ones. *rolls eyes* I have to go to work now, so have a good day.

Maybe SOME of you will read the links and TRY to understand.

Childish people run away when challenged.

I'm not going anywhere.

I don't believe something just because everyone else does. I don't put a lot of confidence in professions that seek to make money scamming gullible people.

Depression aka sadness is real, but it's not a mental disease. Yes, they kill themselves because they are weak and don't have the will power to persevere. It's a selfish, cowardly act so I doubt they are thinking of anyone other than themselves.

So basically what you are saying is that you are going to ignore years worth of studies by experts and the results of those studies, because you, in your VAST experience with dealing with people who suffer from chronic depression, believe that they are just sad and it's no big deal. Ridiculous.

I'm going to ignore theories that line of the pockets of these so-called experts.

There is no such thing as chronic depression as defined as a mental illness in my opinion. It's just another diagnosis that people buy into because they will not accept the fact that they are not strong enough to overcome or deal with the challenges life throws at them.

I'm sure lots of people would like to just throw their hands up in the air and give up or let some drug take their mind off of reality.
I'm not judging any others, I'm judging an act. Quite frankly, my personal life doesn't need intruding upon in order to posit my view that suicide is usually cowardly.

Robin was great, and I'm sad he's dead.

That is exactly what you are doing. You are judging him as cowardly without even knowing him, his situation, the level of despair that he felt.

So? You suffered from chronic depression and didn't kill yourself? Well good for you. That is wonderful that you were able to "overcome." That doesn't give you the right to think you are better than another person who maybe does not have the mental faculties to overcome his disease.

I didn't say a damn thing about what I suffered.

and I don't need to know anything but the fact that he left people behind to suffer so that he didn't need to, to know that the act was cowardly

and I am better than that

WAY better

If he suffered from chronic depression, then he had a disease, and suicide is one of the sad outcomes of this disease if untreated. THAT is a fact.

Your assumptions about his character or the character of anyone else whom you do not know are meaningless. Now, if you have something to refute the links and the FACTS that I've posted relating to chronic depression, then have at it. If you're going to continue on this path to ignoramusville, I'm not going there.
I'm done with you on this matter. You don't know what you're talking about and sound quite childish about this subject. Why you would refuse to acknowledge a widely known and accepted mental illness that has been studied for YEARS by experts is beyond me, but it is FAR from logical. I guess you should start writing letters to the experts to tell them they are all wrong about chronic depression, and that it's not real and these people only kill themselves because they are weak, horrible people who just want to hurt their loved ones. *rolls eyes* I have to go to work now, so have a good day.

Maybe SOME of you will read the links and TRY to understand.

Childish people run away when challenged.

I'm not going anywhere.

I don't believe something just because everyone else does. I don't put a lot of confidence in professions that seek to make money scamming gullible people.

Depression aka sadness is real, but it's not a mental disease. Yes, they kill themselves because they are weak and don't have the will power to persevere. It's a selfish, cowardly act so I doubt they are thinking of anyone other than themselves.

Of course, I don't need to run away from you. You are no challenge at all. All of your comments so far on this thread have been pretty accurate indicators that you are completely ignorant on the subject of mental health and mental illness.

Ignoring a disease that doesn't exist isn't ignorant.

You've never disclosed your educational background on this subject. Why is that?
That is exactly what you are doing. You are judging him as cowardly without even knowing him, his situation, the level of despair that he felt.

So? You suffered from chronic depression and didn't kill yourself? Well good for you. That is wonderful that you were able to "overcome." That doesn't give you the right to think you are better than another person who maybe does not have the mental faculties to overcome his disease.

I didn't say a damn thing about what I suffered.

and I don't need to know anything but the fact that he left people behind to suffer so that he didn't need to, to know that the act was cowardly

and I am better than that

WAY better

If he suffered from chronic depression, then he had a disease, and suicide is one of the sad outcomes of this disease if untreated. THAT is a fact.

Your assumptions about his character or the character of anyone else whom you do not know are meaningless. Now, if you have something to refute the links and the FACTS that I've posted relating to chronic depression, then have at it. If you're going to continue on this path to ignoramusville, I'm not going there.

I don't care about your personal attacks, claims of ignorance, etc etc

My assumptions are meaningless, don't respond.

If you wish to discuss them, respond.

Pretty standard shit, unless you're ocd
I didn't say a damn thing about what I suffered.

and I don't need to know anything but the fact that he left people behind to suffer so that he didn't need to, to know that the act was cowardly

and I am better than that

WAY better

If he suffered from chronic depression, then he had a disease, and suicide is one of the sad outcomes of this disease if untreated. THAT is a fact.

Your assumptions about his character or the character of anyone else whom you do not know are meaningless. Now, if you have something to refute the links and the FACTS that I've posted relating to chronic depression, then have at it. If you're going to continue on this path to ignoramusville, I'm not going there.

I don't care about your personal attacks, claims of ignorance, etc etc

My assumptions are meaningless, don't respond.

If you wish to discuss them, respond.

Pretty standard shit, unless you're ocd

So then you concede that you do not know all there is to know about chronic depression, and that perhaps your personal experience is not the same, not even close, to another person's? That's very big of you.
If he suffered from chronic depression, then he had a disease, and suicide is one of the sad outcomes of this disease if untreated. THAT is a fact.

Your assumptions about his character or the character of anyone else whom you do not know are meaningless. Now, if you have something to refute the links and the FACTS that I've posted relating to chronic depression, then have at it. If you're going to continue on this path to ignoramusville, I'm not going there.

I don't care about your personal attacks, claims of ignorance, etc etc

My assumptions are meaningless, don't respond.

If you wish to discuss them, respond.

Pretty standard shit, unless you're ocd

So then you concede that you do not know all there is to know about chronic depression, and that perhaps your personal experience is not the same, not even close, to another person's? That's very big of you.

No, my view is absolute.

My view is that if you leave others to suffer to end your own suffering, that is an act of cowardice.

that it's a disease does not change that view of mine, sorry.

it also isn't a personal attack. it's an attack on one singular act that a person or person(s) commits. ultimately, it is not their entire legacy.
If he suffered from chronic depression, then he had a disease, and suicide is one of the sad outcomes of this disease if untreated. THAT is a fact.

Your assumptions about his character or the character of anyone else whom you do not know are meaningless. Now, if you have something to refute the links and the FACTS that I've posted relating to chronic depression, then have at it. If you're going to continue on this path to ignoramusville, I'm not going there.

I don't care about your personal attacks, claims of ignorance, etc etc

My assumptions are meaningless, don't respond.

If you wish to discuss them, respond.

Pretty standard shit, unless you're ocd

So then you concede that you do not know all there is to know about chronic depression, and that perhaps your personal experience is not the same, not even close, to another person's? That's very big of you.

Are you suggesting RW suffered chronic depression?
Some more interesting information about major depression.

Diagnosing the Types of Depression viz. Situational vs Clinical is Critical to a Depression Treatment Plan and Good Prognosis

Generally we will consider the severity and number of symptoms of depressive episode in determining the cause. This can be a bit tricky because both disorders can entail a bundle of severe symptoms which will vary from person to person depending on the trauma or stress in their lives. As a general rule clinical depression is much more severe and prolonged, clinical depression causes more impairment in functioning and doesn’t tend to go away once the stressor is removed. Also the more stress that one has with difficult situations, the more likely the person is of developing or manifesting a clinical depressive disorder. Depression accompanied with psychotic features is also a sign of major depression, or possibly schizoaffective disorder. A thorough psychiatric evaluation will often reveal the causes of the psychosis.
I don't care about your personal attacks, claims of ignorance, etc etc

My assumptions are meaningless, don't respond.

If you wish to discuss them, respond.

Pretty standard shit, unless you're ocd

So then you concede that you do not know all there is to know about chronic depression, and that perhaps your personal experience is not the same, not even close, to another person's? That's very big of you.

No, my view is absolute.

My view is that if you leave others to suffer to end your own suffering, that is an act of cowardice.

that it's a disease does not change that view of mine, sorry.

it also isn't a personal attack. it's an attack on one singular act that a person or person(s) commits. ultimately, it is not their entire legacy.

It most certainly should. Why in the heck would it not?
I don't care about your personal attacks, claims of ignorance, etc etc

My assumptions are meaningless, don't respond.

If you wish to discuss them, respond.

Pretty standard shit, unless you're ocd

So then you concede that you do not know all there is to know about chronic depression, and that perhaps your personal experience is not the same, not even close, to another person's? That's very big of you.

Are you suggesting RW suffered chronic depression?

I'm addressing the ignorant people posting in this thread.
I don't care about your personal attacks, claims of ignorance, etc etc

My assumptions are meaningless, don't respond.

If you wish to discuss them, respond.

Pretty standard shit, unless you're ocd

So then you concede that you do not know all there is to know about chronic depression, and that perhaps your personal experience is not the same, not even close, to another person's? That's very big of you.

Are you suggesting RW suffered chronic depression?

He already stated he had no idea

He is arguing for the sake of arguing
So then you concede that you do not know all there is to know about chronic depression, and that perhaps your personal experience is not the same, not even close, to another person's? That's very big of you.

No, my view is absolute.

My view is that if you leave others to suffer to end your own suffering, that is an act of cowardice.

that it's a disease does not change that view of mine, sorry.

it also isn't a personal attack. it's an attack on one singular act that a person or person(s) commits. ultimately, it is not their entire legacy.

It most certainly should. Why in the heck would it not?

Because unless you are asserting that they forget about the consequences, as opposed to being in such despair that they no longer give a fuck about the consequences, then the disease itself is not a good enough reason to cause pain in other human beings. its putting many in a position you should (as a chronically depressed person) understand better than anyone is one of the utmost undesirable.
THAT is situational depression and NOT chronic depression!!! When a person suffers from chronic depression, they usually cannot tell you WHY they feel this way. They just feel horrible all the time. Sure, a traumatic event can make them even MORE depressed, and a traumatic event can cause "situational" depression in a mentally healthy person. I don't know what your point is that you're trying to make though.

My point is, that someone who is familiar with and sensitive to the topic of depression is a dick for choosing to ease their own pain over not causing the pain they'll necessarily cause others who love and depend on them, in the event of a suicide.

As I've stated in another thread, it's easy to judge from on high when you have no personal experience.

You make it sound like RW's life was grand and awesome until one day he just decided to up and go bungee jumping with a belt.

Chronic depression can be a life long affliction, and it's not something that people who suffer from it go out of their way to publicize. Why? Because anyone with a brain stem knows that they'll just get useless platitudes from well-meaning but terminally ill-informed friends/family that do nothing to help and it's easier to just put on a happy face (especially as an entertainer, I'd imagine!)

Chronic depression doesn't go away because you see someone have a bout of levity. It's a constant, ongoing torture that the person lives with, most often in silence to avoid being a downer. It could be compared to Chinese water torture... a single drop of water, constantly dripping on your forehead, nothing at all right? Over time, it will drive you mad.

How much worse it is, then, when your torment is your own thoughts.

This is a great post. :) I totally agree. Thankfully there are other intelligent people who understand the issues we are discussing on this thread. :lol:
No, my view is absolute.

My view is that if you leave others to suffer to end your own suffering, that is an act of cowardice.

that it's a disease does not change that view of mine, sorry.

it also isn't a personal attack. it's an attack on one singular act that a person or person(s) commits. ultimately, it is not their entire legacy.

It most certainly should. Why in the heck would it not?

Because unless you are asserting that they forget about the consequences, as opposed to being in such despair that they no longer give a fuck about the consequences, then the disease itself is not a good enough reason to cause pain in other human beings. its putting many in a position you should (as a chronically depressed person) understand better than anyone is one of the utmost undesirable.

That's right. That is part of the disease. They are in SUCH despair that life is just not worth living anymore. They feel like they are a burden on their loved ones and that everyone would be better off if they were gone in many instances. This is part of the mental illness. If effects your thinking, your clarity and your judgment. HENCE why we call these MENTAL illnesses.
It most certainly should. Why in the heck would it not?

Because unless you are asserting that they forget about the consequences, as opposed to being in such despair that they no longer give a fuck about the consequences, then the disease itself is not a good enough reason to cause pain in other human beings. its putting many in a position you should (as a chronically depressed person) understand better than anyone is one of the utmost undesirable.

That's right. That is part of the disease. They are in SUCH despair that life is just not worth living anymore. They feel like they are a burden on their loved ones and that everyone would be better off if they were gone in many instances. This is part of the mental illness. If effects your thinking, your clarity and your judgment. HENCE why we call these MENTAL illnesses.

There is no middle ground on the two viewpoints.

I realize chronic depression throws your judgment - you don't have to reiterate that. Bad judgment is bad judgment whether done cognitively or impaired, would be where we (I guess) separate.

cowardice is cowardice, bad is bad, whether overt or inadvertent. (in my view)

you disagree.

ok - what next? not much, I presume.
What was he thinking.?

Sheppard Smith suggesting the late Robin Williams might just have been a 'coward' for committing suicide was a new low for on air 'live coverage' on August 11.....

....Maybe someone can smack it into Shep's plastic surgery repaired face that what might be cowardice is to sit behind a microphone and bad mouth a dead man less than 24 hours after his demise in a forum where his family and friends can hear it.

...When networks realize that the answer to all breaking news is NOT to have some high paid blowhard simply ad-lib endlessly while the facts are being uncovered, the better off all news channels will be.

Never liked the guy . . . Sheppard that is. What a bonehead thing to say.
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