Fracking Babies (To Death)

wow, when facts fail year in and year out, just make shit up and go "SO THERE!"

fucking leftist hate anything that makes money, it would be so much better when they get around to demanding that people work for free so they can get more stuff for free.

granted, no one will want to do any hard labor, so some people will have to be, a, mandated, to do the shit jobs or, uhm, pay a fine.
Unfounded science warrants a hysterical response. Congrats

And yet-----and yet, for all the Republicans that are whining, pissing and moaning on this thread, y'all have yet to produce a shred of evidence to refute the data in the OP article that Fracking... "Analyzing publicly available data from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Mangano found that, since the early 2000s and compared to the rest of the state, the heavily-fracked counties have seen a rise in infant mortality (13.9 percent), perinatal mortality (23.6 percent), low-weight births (3.4 percent), premature births/gestation less than 32 weeks (12.4 percent) and cancer incidence in age 0-4 (35.1 percent).
And, similar statistics that are occurring in the fracked up areas of Pennsylvania are also happening in the fracked up areas of Utah - coincidence?

Fracking Babies (To Death)
by Richard Averett on June 23, 2015

What’s Killing the Babies of Vernal, Utah?
A fracking boomtown, a spike in stillborn deaths and a gusher of unanswered questions…A midwife comes under attack after she starts asking questions about dead babies in a Utah fracking town.

[Donna] Young, a fiftysomething, heart-faced woman with a story-time lilt of a voice, cuts a curious figure for a pariah. She’s the mother of six, a grandmother of 14 and an object of reverence among the women she’s helped, many of whom she’s guided through three and four home births with blissfully short labors and zero pain meds. And the sin for which she’s been punished with death threats and attacks on her reputation? Two years ago, she stumbled onto the truth that an alarming number of babies were dying in Vernal — at least 10 in 2013 alone, what seemed to her a shockingly high infant mortality rate for such a small town. That summer, she raised her hand and put the obvious question to Joe Shaffer, director of the TriCounty Health Department: Why are so many of our babies dying?

In most places, detecting a grave risk to children would inspire people to name a street for you. But in Vernal, a town literally built by oil, raising questions about the safety of fracking will brand you a traitor and a target. “Me and my kids are still cautious: If someone kicked in my front door tonight, it’d take an hour for the sheriff to get here,” says Young, whose house on 60 acres is well out of town and a quarter-mile clear of her closest neighbor. “The first person they’d meet is me on the staircase, pointing that .45 dead at ’em. And I know how to use these things — I can nail a coyote in the pasture from 100 yards.”


Which raises a question you might ask in a state whose legislature is so rabid for oil and gas money that it set aside millions to sue the federal government for the right to drill near Moab and Desolation Canyon, some of the state’s most sacrosanct places: How many dead infants does it take before you’ll accept that there’s a problem?

they are making an assumption, and you, being a leftist buffoon, are repeating what they tell you w/o any free thinking on your own, b/c you can't
Unfounded science warrants a hysterical response. Congrats

And yet-----and yet, for all the Republicans that are whining, pissing and moaning on this thread, y'all have yet to produce a shred of evidence to refute the data in the OP article that Fracking... "Analyzing publicly available data from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Mangano found that, since the early 2000s and compared to the rest of the state, the heavily-fracked counties have seen a rise in infant mortality (13.9 percent), perinatal mortality (23.6 percent), low-weight births (3.4 percent), premature births/gestation less than 32 weeks (12.4 percent) and cancer incidence in age 0-4 (35.1 percent).
And, similar statistics that are occurring in the fracked up areas of Pennsylvania are also happening in the fracked up areas of Utah - coincidence?

Fracking Babies (To Death)
by Richard Averett on June 23, 2015

What’s Killing the Babies of Vernal, Utah?
A fracking boomtown, a spike in stillborn deaths and a gusher of unanswered questions…A midwife comes under attack after she starts asking questions about dead babies in a Utah fracking town.

[Donna] Young, a fiftysomething, heart-faced woman with a story-time lilt of a voice, cuts a curious figure for a pariah. She’s the mother of six, a grandmother of 14 and an object of reverence among the women she’s helped, many of whom she’s guided through three and four home births with blissfully short labors and zero pain meds. And the sin for which she’s been punished with death threats and attacks on her reputation? Two years ago, she stumbled onto the truth that an alarming number of babies were dying in Vernal — at least 10 in 2013 alone, what seemed to her a shockingly high infant mortality rate for such a small town. That summer, she raised her hand and put the obvious question to Joe Shaffer, director of the TriCounty Health Department: Why are so many of our babies dying?

In most places, detecting a grave risk to children would inspire people to name a street for you. But in Vernal, a town literally built by oil, raising questions about the safety of fracking will brand you a traitor and a target. “Me and my kids are still cautious: If someone kicked in my front door tonight, it’d take an hour for the sheriff to get here,” says Young, whose house on 60 acres is well out of town and a quarter-mile clear of her closest neighbor. “The first person they’d meet is me on the staircase, pointing that .45 dead at ’em. And I know how to use these things — I can nail a coyote in the pasture from 100 yards.”


Which raises a question you might ask in a state whose legislature is so rabid for oil and gas money that it set aside millions to sue the federal government for the right to drill near Moab and Desolation Canyon, some of the state’s most sacrosanct places: How many dead infants does it take before you’ll accept that there’s a problem?


Sobbing uncontrollably. You're sick.
Premature births and dead infants but all the extremist rightwing can do is fling vitriol.

Not one of them has even bothered to ask if there isn't another reason perhaps.

Nope, just the usual kneejerk vulgarities.
Not sure about this baby study, but fracking operations can leak toxic substances into the groundwater, and chemical byproducts into the air. It is for that reason that water trucks are brought in.

If fracking is proposed for your area, then I would advise to sell up and leave, if you can, as the risk is there. Though, if you want to be a Dodo, then by all means test your theory and live next door to a fracking well.
Unfounded science warrants a hysterical response. Congrats

Hysterical kneejerk reaction to actual evidence that fossil fuels are bad for your health.
What model Flintstone Mobile do you drive?

Ford hybrid getting around 40 mpg in real world driving. Next vehicle will probably be a Tesla.

How does the Ford and soon Tesla lubricate the wheels?
How does the Tesla get the electricity used to charge the batteries?
Aren't the Tesla battery casings made from fracking oil?
Future Teslas' will be made from Polyacrylonitrile (PAN), a raw material used in the making of carbon fiber....again made from oil.
Please explain how if 87% of a barrel of oil will be replaced by "solar" powered battery Tesla-like vehicles, what will the cost be of the plastics used to produce the Tesla-like vehicles???
Better yet explain how with 38% of all electricity generated comes from coal how much will it cost to replace coal in, higher alternate fuels, in lost jobs, in tax support etc.?
Thought all that through Gramps???
Oil Consumption
Not sure about this baby study, but fracking operations can leak toxic substances into the groundwater, and chemical byproducts into the air. It is for that reason that water trucks are brought in.

If fracking is proposed for your area, then I would advise to sell up and leave, if you can, as the risk is there. Though, if you want to be a Dodo, then by all means test your theory and live next door to a fracking well.

omg, so lets give up our lives because of some study. why don't we just all kill ourselves so we will NEVER have another fear in our lives
for crying out loud, the SKY IS always falling with you people
Not sure about this baby study, but fracking operations can leak toxic substances into the groundwater, and chemical byproducts into the air. It is for that reason that water trucks are brought in.

If fracking is proposed for your area, then I would advise to sell up and leave, if you can, as the risk is there. Though, if you want to be a Dodo, then by all means test your theory and live next door to a fracking well.

omg, so lets give up our lives because of some study. why don't we just all kill ourselves so we will NEVER have another fear in our lives
for crying out the SKY IS always falling with you people
Move and live next door to a fracking well, if you think there is no health risk whatesover.

You don't need a study to realize that whether you live next to a factory or an industrial operation, there are health risks.

But as I said, test your theory, and live your life like the folks in gasland. However, it is probably safer to live in the red zone of Chernobyl.
Unfounded science warrants a hysterical response. Congrats

Hysterical kneejerk reaction to actual evidence that fossil fuels are bad for your health.
What model Flintstone Mobile do you drive?

Ford hybrid getting around 40 mpg in real world driving. Next vehicle will probably be a Tesla.

How does the Ford and soon Tesla lubricate the wheels?
How does the Tesla get the electricity used to charge the batteries?
Aren't the Tesla battery casings made from fracking oil?
Future Teslas' will be made from Polyacrylonitrile (PAN), a raw material used in the making of carbon fiber....again made from oil.
Please explain how if 87% of a barrel of oil will be replaced by "solar" powered battery Tesla-like vehicles, what will the cost be of the plastics used to produce the Tesla-like vehicles???
Better yet explain how with 38% of all electricity generated comes from coal how much will it cost to replace coal in, higher alternate fuels, in lost jobs, in tax support etc.?
Thought all that through Gramps???
Oil Consumption

The buggy whip makers said similar things when horseless carriages appeared on the streets.

Electrical power is transitioning away from fossil fuels as fast as utilities can install solar arrays and build wind farms. They see the writing on the wall and don't want to be held hostage to rising fossil fuel prices in the future.

Even Texas, that bastion of oil, is moving towards renewable energy.

Renewable energy leads growth for Texas electric grid - Fuel Fix

Renewable energy leads growth for Texas’ electric grid
Posted on December 3, 2013

HOUSTON — Renewable energy from windy West Texas has outpaced the growth of coal, natural gas and other resources feeding Texas’ electric grid, according to a recent report by the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Texas breezes and other sources of renewable energy provided about 1 percent of the state’s electric supply in 2001, but have grown to a share of more than 10 percent this year. Meanwhile, coal and natural gas — even though both have grown in absolute terms — remained relatively constant at around 35 percent and 50 percent of the state’s electric supply respectively, the EIA reports.

The strained electric network has in part driven the scramble for wind farms popping up around the state. Renewable resources began to see a larger share of the electric grid around 2007, EIA data shows.

Last year, Texas added enough wind energy capacity to power 913,000 homes during typical conditions and more than 365,000 homes during scorching summer months. That was double the wind power increase in California, runner up to the Lone Star State, according to the Department of Energy.
Not sure about this baby study, but fracking operations can leak toxic substances into the groundwater, and chemical byproducts into the air. It is for that reason that water trucks are brought in.

If fracking is proposed for your area, then I would advise to sell up and leave, if you can, as the risk is there. Though, if you want to be a Dodo, then by all means test your theory and live next door to a fracking well.

omg, so lets give up our lives because of some study. why don't we just all kill ourselves so we will NEVER have another fear in our lives
for crying out the SKY IS always falling with you people
Move and live next door to a fracking well, if you think there is no health risk whatesover.

You don't need a study to realize that whether you live next to a factory or an industrial operation, there are health risks.

But as I said, test your theory, and live your life like the folks in gasland. However, it is probably safer to live in the red zone of Chernobyl.
Live near wells know many that do also,not one problem, other than new roads and some prosperity. Nothing from local hospitals about a jump in mortality none of what is claimed has happen
they said the same thing about Alaska pipeline folks

I lived there for 15 years and I'll be damned, I'm still alive and the animals are thriving.

fall for these people BS and they will have you all living a cave sucking off Government(taxpayers) tit because: there won't be ANY JOBS or enough energy to RUN your house holds.
Unfounded science warrants a hysterical response. Congrats

Hysterical kneejerk reaction to actual evidence that fossil fuels are bad for your health.
What model Flintstone Mobile do you drive?

Ford hybrid getting around 40 mpg in real world driving. Next vehicle will probably be a Tesla.

How does the Ford and soon Tesla lubricate the wheels?
How does the Tesla get the electricity used to charge the batteries?
Aren't the Tesla battery casings made from fracking oil?
Future Teslas' will be made from Polyacrylonitrile (PAN), a raw material used in the making of carbon fiber....again made from oil.
Please explain how if 87% of a barrel of oil will be replaced by "solar" powered battery Tesla-like vehicles, what will the cost be of the plastics used to produce the Tesla-like vehicles???
Better yet explain how with 38% of all electricity generated comes from coal how much will it cost to replace coal in, higher alternate fuels, in lost jobs, in tax support etc.?
Thought all that through Gramps???
Oil Consumption

The buggy whip makers said similar things when horseless carriages appeared on the streets.

Electrical power is transitioning away from fossil fuels as fast as utilities can install solar arrays and build wind farms. They see the writing on the wall and don't want to be held hostage to rising fossil fuel prices in the future.

Even Texas, that bastion of oil, is moving towards renewable energy.

Renewable energy leads growth for Texas electric grid - Fuel Fix

Renewable energy leads growth for Texas’ electric grid
Posted on December 3, 2013

HOUSTON — Renewable energy from windy West Texas has outpaced the growth of coal, natural gas and other resources feeding Texas’ electric grid, according to a recent report by the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Texas breezes and other sources of renewable energy provided about 1 percent of the state’s electric supply in 2001, but have grown to a share of more than 10 percent this year. Meanwhile, coal and natural gas — even though both have grown in absolute terms — remained relatively constant at around 35 percent and 50 percent of the state’s electric supply respectively, the EIA reports.

The strained electric network has in part driven the scramble for wind farms popping up around the state. Renewable resources began to see a larger share of the electric grid around 2007, EIA data shows.

Last year, Texas added enough wind energy capacity to power 913,000 homes during typical conditions and more than 365,000 homes during scorching summer months. That was double the wind power increase in California, runner up to the Lone Star State, according to the Department of Energy.
Wind has a place as does gas in a complete energy policy
Unfounded science warrants a hysterical response. Congrats

Hysterical kneejerk reaction to actual evidence that fossil fuels are bad for your health.
What model Flintstone Mobile do you drive?

Ford hybrid getting around 40 mpg in real world driving. Next vehicle will probably be a Tesla.

How does the Ford and soon Tesla lubricate the wheels?
How does the Tesla get the electricity used to charge the batteries?
Aren't the Tesla battery casings made from fracking oil?
Future Teslas' will be made from Polyacrylonitrile (PAN), a raw material used in the making of carbon fiber....again made from oil.
Please explain how if 87% of a barrel of oil will be replaced by "solar" powered battery Tesla-like vehicles, what will the cost be of the plastics used to produce the Tesla-like vehicles???
Better yet explain how with 38% of all electricity generated comes from coal how much will it cost to replace coal in, higher alternate fuels, in lost jobs, in tax support etc.?
Thought all that through Gramps???
Oil Consumption

The buggy whip makers said similar things when horseless carriages appeared on the streets.

Electrical power is transitioning away from fossil fuels as fast as utilities can install solar arrays and build wind farms. They see the writing on the wall and don't want to be held hostage to rising fossil fuel prices in the future.

Even Texas, that bastion of oil, is moving towards renewable energy.

Renewable energy leads growth for Texas electric grid - Fuel Fix

Renewable energy leads growth for Texas’ electric grid
Posted on December 3, 2013

HOUSTON — Renewable energy from windy West Texas has outpaced the growth of coal, natural gas and other resources feeding Texas’ electric grid, according to a recent report by the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Texas breezes and other sources of renewable energy provided about 1 percent of the state’s electric supply in 2001, but have grown to a share of more than 10 percent this year. Meanwhile, coal and natural gas — even though both have grown in absolute terms — remained relatively constant at around 35 percent and 50 percent of the state’s electric supply respectively, the EIA reports.

The strained electric network has in part driven the scramble for wind farms popping up around the state. Renewable resources began to see a larger share of the electric grid around 2007, EIA data shows.

Last year, Texas added enough wind energy capacity to power 913,000 homes during typical conditions and more than 365,000 homes during scorching summer months. That was double the wind power increase in California, runner up to the Lone Star State, according to the Department of Energy.

All the concern about "fracking"... in light of your above comments where is your concern about this?

Wind Power Found to Affect Local Climate
Wind farms can alter the nearby rainfall and temperature, suggesting a need for more comprehensive studies of future energy systems

Wind Power Found to Affect Local Climate - Scientific American
Unfounded science warrants a hysterical response. Congrats

Hysterical kneejerk reaction to actual evidence that fossil fuels are bad for your health.

have you disconnected your electricity and gas? have you given up your car and started riding a bike to work?

Sure, its not good to drink oil or breathe natural gas. How do you propose that the world's economy power itself?

Fracking occurs thousands of feet below the surface, your cite is bullshit.
The abortion crowd is claiming fracking kills babies? You can't make this sit up!

EXACTLY. everything they want to ban you from they claim it's for the childreeeeeeen

BUT talk about banning abortion. these same people want to kill you for it

two faced Hypocrites isn't the Republicans as the op like to bellow.
Unfounded science warrants a hysterical response. Congrats

Hysterical kneejerk reaction to actual evidence that fossil fuels are bad for your health.
What model Flintstone Mobile do you drive?

Ford hybrid getting around 40 mpg in real world driving. Next vehicle will probably be a Tesla.

do you have any idea how much fossil fuel is used building those batteries? any plan for disposal of those highly toxic polluting batteries?

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