Fracking Babies (To Death)

Republicans are such hypocrites, they get all pissy about the politics of a woman's right to choose, but support and defend Fracking Babies (To Death) without holding their representatives feet to the fire (so to speak).

Fracking Linked to Increased Infant Mortality in Alarming New Study

Pennsylvania has issued more than 10,000 drilling permits over the past decade. Infants and children may be paying a heavy price.

By Reynard Loki
June 25, 2015

A new study has linked fracking to a higher incidence in infant mortality, perinatal mortality, low-weight births, premature births and cancer in infants and children.

Funded by the Pittsburgh Foundation and written by Joe Mangano, co-founder and president of the Radiation and Public Health Project, a nonprofit educational and scientific organization that studies the relationship between low-level, nuclear radiation and public health, the study used data from state agencies to examine eight heavily fracked counties in Pennsylvania — four in the northeast and four in the southwest region of the state, counties that account for the majority of the state's natural gas drill wells and gas production. In all categories but child cancer, increases were greater in the northeast counties than they were in the four southwest counties.


Analyzing publicly available data from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Mangano found that, since the early 2000s and compared to the rest of the state, the heavily-fracked counties have seen a rise in infant mortality (13.9 percent), perinatal mortality (23.6 percent), low-weight births (3.4 percent), premature births/gestation less than 32 weeks (12.4 percent) and cancer incidence in age 0-4 (35.1 percent).




Unfounded science warrants a hysterical response. Congrats

Hysterical kneejerk reaction to actual evidence that fossil fuels are bad for your health.
What model Flintstone Mobile do you drive?

Ford hybrid getting around 40 mpg in real world driving. Next vehicle will probably be a Tesla.

do you have any idea how much fossil fuel is used building those batteries? any plan for disposal of those highly toxic polluting batteries?

Never thought about battery disposal fees increasing as more batteries are used.
But it did remind me of this "woe is us" story...

In 1880, the U.S. brought together a group they considered the world’s smartest people to answer one pressing question…
What will New York City look like in 100 years? New York was in full bloom. It was an unprecedented hub of entrepreneurship and innovation.
Yes, it was an exciting time to be a New Yorker. The world’s first elevated train… underground subway… and with the first skyscraper in the hopper…The Big Apple was changing how the world thought about — and lived — in cities.
So everyone was curious: What lies ahead for The City That Never Sleeps?
The team of big brains plugged their gourds together and mulled it over…They talked. They argued. They rubbed their chins and massaged the bulging veins in their foreheads.
Some of them probably scribbled indecipherable squiggles on the chalkboard and pointed at them. They said words in convincing tones.
Some nodded. Some stood up and raised their arms and their eyebrows.
“Eureka!” one of them probably shouted. And then, in the end, they all nodded in unison.
They all came to a unanimous agreement.
“In 100 years time,” they said (in essence), “probably well before, New York will be…” Wait for it…“… completely destroyed!”
Yep. That was their conclusion and they were sticking to it.
How did they come to such a drastic determination? Well, look no further than the population boom. And… horses.
In the early 1800s, there were about 30,000 people in New York. And by 1880, that number had ballooned to nearly four million.
The city’s population had, on average, doubled in size every decade. The brainiacs assumed that this trend would continue.
And in assuming this trend to continue, they began to wonder how all of these people would get around. Horrified, they began to imagine all the horses the city would need. By 1980, the team concluded, New York would need more than six million horses. Six million!
And six million horses presents an obvious problem. The city already had 200,000 horses in 1880.
Each one, they somehow calculated, dumped a quart of urine and 24 pounds of manure every day.
That’s 4.8 million pounds of horse dung and 50,000 gallons of pee already being dumped into the streets… every. single. day.
Needless to say, horse waste was already a problem. The city was already drowning in it. “The stench was omnipresent,” one writer, Eric Morris, wrote in his urban planning Masters thesis… “Urban streets were minefields that needed to be navigated with the greatest care,” the thesis reads. “‘Crossing sweepers’ stood on street corners; for a fee they would clear a path through the mire for pedestrians. Wet weather turned the streets into swamps and rivers of muck, but dry weather brought little improvement; the manure turned to dust, which was then whipped up by the wind, choking pedestrians and coating buildings. “…even when it had been removed from the streets the manure piled up faster than it could be disposed of…early in the century farmers were happy to pay good money for the manure, by the end of the 1800s stable owners had to pay to have it carted off. As a result of this glut…vacant lots in cities across America became piled high with manure; in New York these sometimes rose to forty and even sixty feet.”
Worse, manure is breeding ground for flies. And flies spread disease. Typhoid outbreaks, Morris wrote, “and “infant diarrheal disease can be traced to spikes in fly population.” Now times that situation by 30.
It slowly dawned on our intrepid researchers that by 1980, New York’s poor sidewalks and streets would gather 144 million pounds of dung… and be awash with 1,500,000 gallons of horse urine.
Great News Six Million Horses Almost Destroyed New York City
Ironic how healthmyths' little parable exposed his own neanderthal attitude towards alternative energy.

Hysterical kneejerk reaction to actual evidence that fossil fuels are bad for your health.
What model Flintstone Mobile do you drive?

Ford hybrid getting around 40 mpg in real world driving. Next vehicle will probably be a Tesla.

How does the Ford and soon Tesla lubricate the wheels?
How does the Tesla get the electricity used to charge the batteries?
Aren't the Tesla battery casings made from fracking oil?
Future Teslas' will be made from Polyacrylonitrile (PAN), a raw material used in the making of carbon fiber....again made from oil.
Please explain how if 87% of a barrel of oil will be replaced by "solar" powered battery Tesla-like vehicles, what will the cost be of the plastics used to produce the Tesla-like vehicles???
Better yet explain how with 38% of all electricity generated comes from coal how much will it cost to replace coal in, higher alternate fuels, in lost jobs, in tax support etc.?
Thought all that through Gramps???
Oil Consumption

The buggy whip makers said similar things when horseless carriages appeared on the streets.

Electrical power is transitioning away from fossil fuels as fast as utilities can install solar arrays and build wind farms. They see the writing on the wall and don't want to be held hostage to rising fossil fuel prices in the future.

Even Texas, that bastion of oil, is moving towards renewable energy.

Renewable energy leads growth for Texas electric grid - Fuel Fix

Renewable energy leads growth for Texas’ electric grid
Posted on December 3, 2013

HOUSTON — Renewable energy from windy West Texas has outpaced the growth of coal, natural gas and other resources feeding Texas’ electric grid, according to a recent report by the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Texas breezes and other sources of renewable energy provided about 1 percent of the state’s electric supply in 2001, but have grown to a share of more than 10 percent this year. Meanwhile, coal and natural gas — even though both have grown in absolute terms — remained relatively constant at around 35 percent and 50 percent of the state’s electric supply respectively, the EIA reports.

The strained electric network has in part driven the scramble for wind farms popping up around the state. Renewable resources began to see a larger share of the electric grid around 2007, EIA data shows.

Last year, Texas added enough wind energy capacity to power 913,000 homes during typical conditions and more than 365,000 homes during scorching summer months. That was double the wind power increase in California, runner up to the Lone Star State, according to the Department of Energy.

All the concern about "fracking"... in light of your above comments where is your concern about this?

Wind Power Found to Affect Local Climate
Wind farms can alter the nearby rainfall and temperature, suggesting a need for more comprehensive studies of future energy systems

Wind Power Found to Affect Local Climate - Scientific American

Get back to us when they start impacting infant mortality rates, mkay?

Everything we do has an impact on the environment.

The degree of impact is what matters.

A friend of mine is a marine scientist and was part of a study to see the impact on marine mammals caused by the installation of a tidal energy generator.

The turbine blades were considered to be a hazard to the local seal population during the period when the tide was strongest. They were concerned that the seal population would be decimated.

After just 9 months of posting watchers everywhere with radios and emergency procedures to shut it down if any seals were endangered they terminated the study early.

They did so because they realized that the seals stayed on the rocks sunning themselves during the periods when the tides were strongest. The seals knew that it was hard work swimming against the tide so that was when they took their naps.
Unfounded science warrants a hysterical response. Congrats

Hysterical kneejerk reaction to actual evidence that fossil fuels are bad for your health.
So, you'll be giving up your car, right?

I THINK they all should start with their COMPUTERS
And cell phones.....Strollers, game consoles, and anything else that has plastic in it.

The study quoted by the OP is agenda driven and not a reliable bit of science.
Unfounded science warrants a hysterical response. Congrats

Hysterical kneejerk reaction to actual evidence that fossil fuels are bad for your health.

Fossil fuels are bad for your health? What poppycock.

Efficient and available ENERGY increases health and lifespans. Energy enables almost everything we use to to improve our lives.

It's really quite pathetic to see addle-brained morons such a DDT disdain the resources and innovations which make his plump little life quite comfortable.

But he may yet run into some BAD LUCK if the his political overlords do get rid of fossil fuels.

"Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.

This is known as “bad luck.” - Heinlein
Unfounded science warrants a hysterical response. Congrats

Hysterical kneejerk reaction to actual evidence that fossil fuels are bad for your health.
So, you'll be giving up your car, right?

I THINK they all should start with their COMPUTERS
And cell phones.....Strollers, game consoles, and anything else that has plastic in it.

The study quoted by the OP is agenda driven and not a reliable bit of science.

But it is a trend that needs to be studied in more detail in order to determine if there is an actual impact of any sort.

If it is harming pregnancies and infants then it will also be harming wildlife.

There is no harm in doing these studies and figuring out what is happening and causing this trend.
Ironic how healthmyths' little parable exposed his own neanderthal attitude towards alternative energy.


alternative energy is great, we should be looking at all alternatives. But its foolish to think that we can stop using fossil fuels in the foreseeable future. So, what we should also be looking at are ways to use fossil fuels and minimize the pollution from them.

BTW, pollution is bad, but pollution does not cause climate change. Pollution causes polluted air and water, not rising sea levels and the other bullshit dreamed up by algore and his band of idiot liars.
Unfounded science warrants a hysterical response. Congrats

Hysterical kneejerk reaction to actual evidence that fossil fuels are bad for your health.
So, you'll be giving up your car, right?

I THINK they all should start with their COMPUTERS
And cell phones.....Strollers, game consoles, and anything else that has plastic in it.

The study quoted by the OP is agenda driven and not a reliable bit of science.

But it is a trend that needs to be studied in more detail in order to determine if there is an actual impact of any sort.

If it is harming pregnancies and infants then it will also be harming wildlife.

There is no harm in doing these studies and figuring out what is happening and causing this trend.

you say that but you support abortion on demand. Are you a total fricken moron?
Consider the source, it's Alternet, progressive/leftwing

I just noticed that. and see with all these THE SKY is falling, the SKY is falling. IN an ALARMING NEW STUDY

of course the low information people on that site will EAT IT UP. they (all these leftwing/dem/propaganda sites) like alterworldnet aren't stupid. they know how to get these poor people sucked in to pay for their website. DAMN
Unfounded science warrants a hysterical response. Congrats

Hysterical kneejerk reaction to actual evidence that fossil fuels are bad for your health.

Fossil fuels are bad for your health? What poppycock.

Efficient and available ENERGY increases health and lifespans. Energy enables almost everything we use to to improve our lives.

It's really quite pathetic to see addle-brained morons such a DDT disdain the resources and innovations which make his plump little life quite comfortable.

But he may yet run into some BAD LUCK if the his political overlords do get rid of fossil fuels.

"Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.

This is known as “bad luck.” - Heinlein

How many pints of gasoline have you had today?

None? :eek:

Why is that if it "increases your health and lifespan"?

Oh wait, you are just being your usual disingenuous hypocritical self.

Nevermind, back to the OP and what needs to be done about this disturbing trend that fracking in having on babies.
Premature births and dead infants but all the extremist rightwing can do is fling vitriol.

Not one of them has even bothered to ask if there isn't another reason perhaps.

Nope, just the usual kneejerk vulgarities.

50 million plus aborted and counting and you're gonna preach to us about magical fairies causing death. Lol.
Unfounded science warrants a hysterical response. Congrats

Hysterical kneejerk reaction to actual evidence that fossil fuels are bad for your health.
What model Flintstone Mobile do you drive?

I drive a Toyota Prius. It's my second hybrid car.

We decided in 2001 to never buy another regular gas car again. And we haven't.

During the summer I get anywhere from 53 to 55 miles per gallon on that car. In the winter it decreases because of the different gas, I get around 48 to 51 miles to the gallon in the winter.

I've never had to get that car smog checked either which saves time, hassle and money. Many places I go have special parking in the front of the building just for hybrid and what we call E friendly vehicles.

There is no fracking in my state. Thank goodness. It will be interesting too see how infant mortality rates compare from states with frack and states that don't have it. I'm sure that infants and babies are a lot safer in states without tracking.
Unfounded science warrants a hysterical response. Congrats

Hysterical kneejerk reaction to actual evidence that fossil fuels are bad for your health.
What model Flintstone Mobile do you drive?

I drive a Toyota Prius. It's my second hybrid car.

We decided in 2001 to never buy another regular gas car again. And we haven't.

During the summer I get anywhere from 53 to 55 miles per gallon on that car. In the winter it decreases because of the different gas, I get around 48 to 51 miles to the gallon in the winter.

I've never had to get that car smog checked either which saves time, hassle and money. Many places I go have special parking in the front of the building just for hybrid and what we call E friendly vehicles.

There is no fracking in my state. Thank goodness. It will be interesting too see how infant mortality rates compare from states with frack and states that don't have it. I'm sure that infants and babies are a lot safer in states without tracking.

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