‘France Does Not Belong to the French’: Hundreds of Illegal Immigrants Storm French Airport


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
This is what leftists across the globe are hoping for. No borders. No sovereignty. One world government. This is beginning to happen everywhere except for a few countries who refuse to go along. Sadly, the leftists who control the Dem party are all in for this shit.

Once they cede sovereignty, it means a one world government can make new rules for us and replace our constitution and Bill of Rights. They are talking about massive redistribution of wealth, capping how much money people can make and some countries are dictating how big of a house people can own. It means our rights are in jeopardy.

Voting for leftists means our country is finished and socialism/communism is in the future.

What we are seeing now is straight from the book. Overwhelming the system, slowly taking away people's rights, attacking religion, and controlling energy, production and even speech (through bogus hate speech laws) is exactly what was recommended by Cloward-Piven and Alinsky to take down America.

Why have the liberals, who used to hate big government breathing down their necks, so willing to go along with the radical left now? My guess is that the indoctrination in schools has a lot to do with it. History is altered and often erased from books so this generation is by far the most ignorant on the dangers of leftist radicals.

"Illegal immigrants shut down one terminal of France’s Charles de Gaulle Airport on Sunday in a massive protest.

Video and photos shared on social media show what was estimated to be 400 to 500 migrants and their supporters facing off against about a dozen police officers in riot gear.

“France does not belong to the French! Everyone has a right to be here!” one person could be heard yelling into a loudspeaker, the New York Post reported.

The protest was organized by the migrant support group La Chapelle Debout, which said its members call themselves “Black Vests.”

In a statement issued in conjunction with the protest, the group asked to meet with Prime Minister Edouard Philippe to talk about France’s policy on asylum.

Protesters also demanded a meeting with the leaders of Air France and called upon the airline to “stop any financial, material, logistical or political participation in deportations.”

'France Does Not Belong to the French': Hundreds of Illegal Immigrants Storm French Airport
wow - "hundreds" are attacking france?

yep. that should do it.
France has such a history of surrendering to enemies, maybe these muslim filth are right about that statement. I think the butt-ugly Eiffel tower should be tipped over on its side so it's pointed at Germany, as a permanent reminder of the Nazis to whom they surrendered.
That's exactly what they want, and if Hillary was elected she swore to bring in more Muslim refugees than even Obama did. Their goal is Fundamental Transformation like Obama said. If we are not careful, Trump will only be a speed bump. The Democrats are full on board with Globalism, Open Borders and the destruction of U.S. Sovereignty.

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