France Not Under Martial Law

France declaring martial law last night was sensible. Until you figure out the extent of the attack can't be too careful. But they need to reverse it ASAP. Longer it's in place, longer they'r edoing exactly what terrorists always hope for. Make a huge impact for a little effort.

Just know this is coming here eventually. As prophecized in "Unthinkable" "if terrorists detonate [a nuke] there will be no fucking Constitution!" But now, just a few simultaneous attacks are all it'll take. Then ever rightwing nutjob's worst fears will become reality. Suspension of civil law and imposition of military law. And we wont recover.

We won't recover? Come now.

We fought, simultaneously, two of the worlds great military powers during World War 2 and there were points where our survival as a nation was in question. There were various restrictions placed on the populace, some of them draconian and racist, but they all ended.

There isn't anything that is going to 'end' American democracy from without. Temporary restrictions are warranted during moments of great threat, we've had many in our history. But once the threat is eliminated all returns to normal.

Still have the Patriot Act. People with power don't give it up easily. If we have martial law imposed following a terrorist attack, the poeple who suddenly have absolute power aren't going to be a hurry to relinquish it even after the crisis is done.

If we had strict immigration and kicked out all Muslims, there would be zero need for the Patriot Act and most annoying security measures we put ourselves through.
Acts like this should not be seen as cover for racism. The threat needs to be eliminated, whatever it is. But there aren't 1 billion muslims marching on Paris.

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