France outlaws burkas

Yes, as a matter of fact, I am currently seeking a second wife. :cool:

I notice you totally jumped over the question of hitting your wife , again. Why can't you answer that simple question for us?
CornHole, I answered that question for you many posts ago.

Just because you only have 2 brain cells isn't my fault.

"I have never treated my wife unlovingly" is not an answer to "have you hit her?" just yes or no, have you?
Okay ladies! Time for a good old fashioned burka burning. Free yourselves from slavery! Let your hair down, your jowls hang loose, your beards and mustaches breath the free air!
(Add your bras to the fires if you're so inclined..... if you're wearing one, two, three, padded, extra padded......)
Yes, as a matter of fact, I am currently seeking a second wife. :cool:

I notice you totally jumped over the question of hitting your wife , again. Why can't you answer that simple question for us?
CornHole, I answered that question for you many posts ago.

Just because you only have 2 brain cells isn't my fault.

Any one else get the impression this guy is so full of shit you can smell it through Cyber space. I think he is completely faking it all. Listen to the way he talks. Like some punk kid in Chicago lol.

I trust his claim to even be a Sunni Muslim man about as far as I can throw my car across the yard.
It all comes down to intollerance of other cultures. A woman wears a burka because she is not supposed to reveal herself to other men. We think it is we ban it

That's not the problem, and unless you are being intentionally dishonest, or really don't understand the reasoning behind the ban, you certainly know this. It's not about religion and its not about women not revealing themselves to other men.
It all comes down to intollerance of other cultures. A woman wears a burka because she is not supposed to reveal herself to other men. We think it is we ban it

That's not the problem, and unless you are being intentionally dishonest, or really don't understand the reasoning behind the ban, you certainly know this. It's not about religion and its not about women not revealing themselves to other men.

Don't know his real reasoning here. He's been grasping at straws and diverting since the thread started.
Okay ladies! Time for a good old fashioned burka burning. Free yourselves from slavery! Let your hair down, your jowls hang loose, your beards and mustaches breath the free air!
(Add your bras to the fires if you're so inclined..... if you're wearing one, two, three, padded, extra padded......)

I support your right to hold a burqa and bra burning, although I don't agree with it. Think of all the carbon you'll be adding to the air. Before you go through with this ask yourself, What Would Algore Do?
Okay ladies! Time for a good old fashioned burka burning. Free yourselves from slavery! Let your hair down, your jowls hang loose, your beards and mustaches breath the free air!
(Add your bras to the fires if you're so inclined..... if you're wearing one, two, three, padded, extra padded......)

I support your right to hold a burqa and bra burning, although I don't agree with it. Think of all the carbon you'll be adding to the air. Before you go through with this ask yourself, What Would Algore Do?

Al Gore would jump on his jet and just fly away from the whole mess.

The exile of 8000 Roma Gypsies is more significant in my humble opinion.

It reeks of complicity with the holocaust.
I can understand why they did it...but are they not condemning some women to choosing between their religious beliefs and their ability to leave the house?


Laws are laws. There's a practical reason for not letting people wear masks.

I suppose you aren't for separation of church and state for this particular argument?:lol:
It all comes down to intollerance of other cultures. A woman wears a burka because she is not supposed to reveal herself to other men. We think it is we ban it

That's not the problem, and unless you are being intentionally dishonest, or really don't understand the reasoning behind the ban, you certainly know this. It's not about religion and its not about women not revealing themselves to other men.

I was going to post this same partial quote from Rightwinger myself. It certainly seems to me that the:
Many Muslims are the ones that have NO Religious Intolerance

It's either "Their way or they want to terminate you" That's what many of their actions demonstrate.

What is needed is those Muslims desiring real peace, or at the least tolerance of, with other beliefs, is for them to stand up and be counted. I do not see that occurring, which leads one to believe that they are in favor of violence and domination of others by the 'radical ones', including their own wives.
Sounds like a personal problem.

My condolences :doubt:

I have a question for you suni man

do you ever ask your wife's permission to go and do anything out of respect for her? Before you go to drive anywhere do you ask her if it is alright to take the car and go? How about visiting neighbors, do you ask he permission first to go?
No, why would I ???
This is why Islam will never catch on in the general population. Maybe with other fundies...
I've seen several references today that there are only around two thousand out of approximately five million French Muslims who actually wear this type of face covering in public places. Even though I have seen some quotes by one or two of them stating they will defy this law and cover their faces anyway, I can imagine there may be hundreds if not thousands or even millions of Muslim women around the world who may be relieved to see a government authority assert itself in this manner.

I highly doubt it. This isn't an attack on people being forced on doing things this is a measure to make silly people feel safer because muslims can't wear burkas, which means nothing... remember the shoe bomber? Thank God that didn't happen in France or Muslims wouldn't be allowed to wear shoes.

Truth be told if they'd have passed a law against all clothing that covers the face and full body it'd be a different issue, they banned the burka, it was directly aimed at the religion so there won't be alot of happy campers within the muslim world period, for the burka or not.

Basically France is saying hey, as a free country we're not going to just standby and allow people to be oppressed in the name of religion...Citizenship requires face-to-face communication in public places for all equally.

Look you can say this is for security reasons and that argument might hold some water, but it's a huge insult to the intelligence of those women who do wear burkas out of religious conviction to say that your passing a law because it's oppressive.

They are still free to talk about it at Citizen class! :lol: I bet there will always be an avenue for women to ultimately express their freedom in France.
Yes...let them bake tarte tatin!
Okay ladies! Time for a good old fashioned burka burning. Free yourselves from slavery! Let your hair down, your jowls hang loose, your beards and mustaches breath the free air!
(Add your bras to the fires if you're so inclined..... if you're wearing one, two, three, padded, extra padded......)

I support your right to hold a burqa and bra burning, although I don't agree with it. Think of all the carbon you'll be adding to the air. Before you go through with this ask yourself, What Would Algore Do?
My first (and last) suggestion would be get an enema........ :eusa_whistle:
I highly doubt it. This isn't an attack on people being forced on doing things this is a measure to make silly people feel safer because muslims can't wear burkas, which means nothing... remember the shoe bomber? Thank God that didn't happen in France or Muslims wouldn't be allowed to wear shoes.

Truth be told if they'd have passed a law against all clothing that covers the face and full body it'd be a different issue, they banned the burka, it was directly aimed at the religion so there won't be alot of happy campers within the muslim world period, for the burka or not.

Look you can say this is for security reasons and that argument might hold some water, but it's a huge insult to the intelligence of those women who do wear burkas out of religious conviction to say that your passing a law because it's oppressive.

They are still free to talk about it at Citizen class! :lol: I bet there will always be an avenue for women to ultimately express their freedom in France.
Yes...let them bake tarte tatin!


Yes, it took a few pages but once we got past all our knee jerk reactions to defend personal liberty and our preconceived notions about veiled threats, we realize this law was really conceived in order to serve as a legal mechanism for Muslim women to actually have more avenue for them to break away from religious authority...French society wants to look them in the eye and say we respect the individual dignity of all citizens and thus hereby establish our authority to require face-to-face communication in public places regardless of any religious authority.

"Given the damage it produces on those rules which allow the life in community, ensure the dignity of the person and equality between sexes, this practice, even if it is voluntary, cannot be tolerated in any public place," the French government said when it sent the measure to parliament in May.

The law imposes a fine of 150 euros ($190) and/or a citizenship course as punishment for wearing a face-covering veil. Forcing a woman to wear a niqab or a burqa will be punishable by a year in prison or a 15,000-euro ($19,000) fine, the government said, calling it "a new form of enslavement that the republic cannot accept on its soil."


The ban pertains to the burqa, a full-body covering that includes a mesh over the face, and the niqab, a full-face veil that leaves an opening only for the eyes. The hijab, which covers the hair and neck but not the face, and the chador, which covers the body but not the face, apparently are not banned by the law.

French senate approves burqa ban - CNN

In June of 2009, President Nicholas Sarkozy announced his opposition of full-face veils in a speech to a joint session of the French Parliament saying, "The burqa is not welcome in French territory...In our country, we cannot accept that women be prisoners behind a screen, cut off from all social life, deprived of all identity."

Feminist Wire Daily Newsbriefs: U.S. and Global News Coverage
They are still free to talk about it at Citizen class! :lol: I bet there will always be an avenue for women to ultimately express their freedom in France.
Yes...let them bake tarte tatin!


Yes, it took a few pages but once we got past all our knee jerk reactions to defend personal liberty and our preconceived notions about veiled threats, we realize this law was really conceived in order to serve as a legal mechanism for Muslim women to actually have more avenue for them to break away from religious authority...French society wants to look them in the eye and say we respect the individual dignity of all citizens and thus hereby establish our authority to require face-to-face communication in public places regardless of any religious authority.

"Given the damage it produces on those rules which allow the life in community, ensure the dignity of the person and equality between sexes, this practice, even if it is voluntary, cannot be tolerated in any public place," the French government said when it sent the measure to parliament in May.

The law imposes a fine of 150 euros ($190) and/or a citizenship course as punishment for wearing a face-covering veil. Forcing a woman to wear a niqab or a burqa will be punishable by a year in prison or a 15,000-euro ($19,000) fine, the government said, calling it "a new form of enslavement that the republic cannot accept on its soil."


The ban pertains to the burqa, a full-body covering that includes a mesh over the face, and the niqab, a full-face veil that leaves an opening only for the eyes. The hijab, which covers the hair and neck but not the face, and the chador, which covers the body but not the face, apparently are not banned by the law.

French senate approves burqa ban - CNN
In June of 2009, President Nicholas Sarkozy announced his opposition of full-face veils in a speech to a joint session of the French Parliament saying, "The burqa is not welcome in French territory...In our country, we cannot accept that women be prisoners behind a screen, cut off from all social life, deprived of all identity."

Feminist Wire Daily Newsbriefs: U.S. and Global News Coverage
What ever lofty aims they claim and you believe, they are "protecting" women by punishing them. Women should be able to choose what they wear, period.
Where is the liberal argument that we need to stay out of foreign nation's politics? This is why other countries hate us right? We think we have a right to tell them what to do? Applying our standards to their lives?
Where is the liberal argument that we need to stay out of foreign nation's politics? This is why other countries hate us right? We think we have a right to tell them what to do? Applying our standards to their lives?
What? We aren't allowed to comment on what other countries do?
Where is the liberal argument that we need to stay out of foreign nation's politics? This is why other countries hate us right? We think we have a right to tell them what to do? Applying our standards to their lives?
What? We aren't allowed to comment on what other countries do?

Oh we can, but then they hate us. You want them to like us right? You need to consider the feelings and needs of the people of France.

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