France's Muslim Problem: 10% of population, but they make up 70% of the prison population! WTF

White bankers can steal billions of dollars from investors, crash the economy, and throw 10 million people out of work, and not spend a minute in jail.

But let a black man steal a loaf of bread...

Jewish. Not white.
Nonsense. I am poor. Grew up poor.I have never been to prison.
Neither has every poor black man.

Do you think there are no poor white people in prison?
I am sure there are...crime has NOTHING to do with being poor. Culture,Genetics,Values do.
First, the vast vast vast majority of bankers are Christians and not Jewish. I work in legal for a top 10 (in assets) US bank. It's a too big to fail bank. I am the only Jew in the legal department. Only one of the board members is Jewish and I haven't meant one executives (the people who actually make crucial decisions) that is Jewish. For your simple mind it's easy to say Jewish Banksters but you ignore facts and that convenient for you. Second, there is no Jewish race, it's a religion. There are white, hispanic, Indian, Asian and even Black Jews. Just as there is no Christian race!
We have same problem here in America. Negro's 13% of population overwhelming majority of prisoners.
There is a strong correlation between poverty and race in America. And poverty is probably the greatest factor in the incarceration rates of a particular group.

Nope poverty is an excuse the liberals make. There is drug use in the white ghettos (trailer parks), but the rabid crime is not there. The violence of the black ghettos aren't there. Kids in the trail parks have no problem getting to school.

Poverty contributes to a lack of morals, but no way is it the cause!
Yes, there are people who may be impoverished and yet too proud with enough self-respect to commit crime. It seems infrequent in black and the immigrant Muslim culture in Europe.
"France's Muslim Problem"

France does not have a 'Muslim problem.'

The notion is ignorant and moronic.
Is it a surplus of Muslims?

Or a shortage of blacks?

Here's an idea: Read the article.

French prison officials blame the high numbers on the poverty of people who have moved here from North African and other Islamic countries in recent decades. "Many immigrants arrive in France in difficult financial situations, which make delinquency more frequent," said Jeanne Sautière, director of integration and religious groups for the French prison system. "The most important thing is to say there is no correlation between Islam and delinquency."

But Muslim leaders, sociologists and human rights activists argue that more than in most other European countries, government social policies in France have served to isolate Muslims in impoverished suburbs that have high unemployment, inferior schools and substandard housing. This has helped create a generation of French-born children with little hope of social advancement and even less respect for French authority.

"The question of discrimination and justice is one of the key political questions of our society, and still, it is not given much importance," said Sebastian Roche, who has studied judicial discrimination as research director for the French National Center for Scientific Research. "We can't blame a state if its companies discriminate; however, we can blame the state if its justice system and its police discriminate."

That is the liberal Washington Post says. Bullshit, the prisons are floating with Muslims because of the violent commands in the Koran and nothing else!
This fails as a post hoc fallacy.
Is it a surplus of Muslims?

Or a shortage of blacks?

Here's an idea: Read the article.

French prison officials blame the high numbers on the poverty of people who have moved here from North African and other Islamic countries in recent decades. "Many immigrants arrive in France in difficult financial situations, which make delinquency more frequent," said Jeanne Sautière, director of integration and religious groups for the French prison system. "The most important thing is to say there is no correlation between Islam and delinquency."

But Muslim leaders, sociologists and human rights activists argue that more than in most other European countries, government social policies in France have served to isolate Muslims in impoverished suburbs that have high unemployment, inferior schools and substandard housing. This has helped create a generation of French-born children with little hope of social advancement and even less respect for French authority.

"The question of discrimination and justice is one of the key political questions of our society, and still, it is not given much importance," said Sebastian Roche, who has studied judicial discrimination as research director for the French National Center for Scientific Research. "We can't blame a state if its companies discriminate; however, we can blame the state if its justice system and its police discriminate."

That is the liberal Washington Post says. Bullshit, the prisons are floating with Muslims because of the violent commands in the Koran and nothing else!
This fails as a post hoc fallacy.
You're an idiot that can't even come to accept that the politically correct doctrine you live by exists. Europe does have a severe Muslim problem just as the US has a problem with its black population. They are chronic underachievers with little educational foundation who cannot compete in the societies they live in.
"France's Muslim Problem"

France does not have a 'Muslim problem.'

The notion is ignorant and moronic.

The no-go zones are real! The 10 million muslims that refuse to integrate into French society. These 10 million Muslims that seek to change France and establish sharia. All of this is real!
Is it a surplus of Muslims?

Or a shortage of blacks?

Here's an idea: Read the article.

French prison officials blame the high numbers on the poverty of people who have moved here from North African and other Islamic countries in recent decades. "Many immigrants arrive in France in difficult financial situations, which make delinquency more frequent," said Jeanne Sautière, director of integration and religious groups for the French prison system. "The most important thing is to say there is no correlation between Islam and delinquency."

But Muslim leaders, sociologists and human rights activists argue that more than in most other European countries, government social policies in France have served to isolate Muslims in impoverished suburbs that have high unemployment, inferior schools and substandard housing. This has helped create a generation of French-born children with little hope of social advancement and even less respect for French authority.

"The question of discrimination and justice is one of the key political questions of our society, and still, it is not given much importance," said Sebastian Roche, who has studied judicial discrimination as research director for the French National Center for Scientific Research. "We can't blame a state if its companies discriminate; however, we can blame the state if its justice system and its police discriminate."
There are many poor French people, many poor Europeans on benefits without job and don't have comparable crime rates. Race and immigrant background is a much stronger indicator for crime than income. This Muslim crime rate is throughout Europe. Whether it be France, UK, Sweden and other places. They simply aren't compatible with European society. Multiculturalism, multiethnic societies breed this animosity between cultures and ghettoization/social isolation.
We have same problem here in America. Negro's 13% of population overwhelming majority of prisoners.
There is a strong correlation between poverty and race in America. And poverty is probably the greatest factor in the incarceration rates of a particular group.
Black population in an area is a stronger correlate to crime rates than income level, which is a moderate correlate.

These charts demonstrate that over the last twenty-five years the weighted correlations for each of the crime categories against the percentages of whites, Hispanics, and “immigrants” (i.e. Hispanics-plus-Asians) have fluctuated in the general range of -0.20 to -0.60. Interestingly enough, for most of the last decade the presence of Hispanics and immigrants has become noticeably less associated with crime than the presence of whites, although that latter category obviously exhibits large regional heterogeneity. Meanwhile, in the case of blacks, the weighted crime correlations have steadily risen from 0.60 to around 0.80 or above, almost always now falling within between 0.75 and 0.85.
Finally, although urban crime rates do track local economic conditions, the relationship is far from tight. For the years 2006-2011, the Census-ACS provides estimates of the Mean Income, Median Income, and Poverty Rates for each urban center, and we can easily perform the same calculations we did in the racial case. The correlations between the Mean Income and Median Income levels and the various crime categories generally fall in the range of -0.40 to -0.60, being moderately rather than strongly negative. Even the correlation between Poverty Rate and crime—supported by the obvious truism that most street criminals are poor—is hardly enormous, falling between 0.50 and 0.70, and usually well below our racial figures.
White bankers can steal billions of dollars from investors, crash the economy, and throw 10 million people out of work, and not spend a minute in jail.

But let a black man steal a loaf of bread...

Jewish. Not white.
Nonsense. I am poor. Grew up poor.I have never been to prison.
Neither has every poor black man.

Do you think there are no poor white people in prison?
I am sure there are...crime has NOTHING to do with being poor. Culture,Genetics,Values do.
First, the vast vast vast majority of bankers are Christians and not Jewish. I work in legal for a top 10 (in assets) US bank. It's a too big to fail bank. I am the only Jew in the legal department. Only one of the board members is Jewish and I haven't meant one executives (the people who actually make crucial decisions) that is Jewish. For your simple mind it's easy to say Jewish Banksters but you ignore facts and that convenient for you. Second, there is no Jewish race, it's a religion. There are white, hispanic, Indian, Asian and even Black Jews. Just as there is no Christian race!
What bank is this? And even if what you say is true, one bank doesn't negate the trend of Jewish dominance in Finance.

If there is no Jewish race/ethnicity, why do they require DNA tests for citizenship to Israel?
Russian-speakers who want to make aliya could need DNA test The Times of Israel

If there is no jewish race/ethnicity, than why are there atheist jews?
Jewish atheism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
White bankers can steal billions of dollars from investors, crash the economy, and throw 10 million people out of work, and not spend a minute in jail.

But let a black man steal a loaf of bread...

Jewish. Not white.
Nonsense. I am poor. Grew up poor.I have never been to prison.
Neither has every poor black man.

Do you think there are no poor white people in prison?
I am sure there are...crime has NOTHING to do with being poor. Culture,Genetics,Values do.
First, the vast vast vast majority of bankers are Christians and not Jewish. I work in legal for a top 10 (in assets) US bank. It's a too big to fail bank. I am the only Jew in the legal department. Only one of the board members is Jewish and I haven't meant one executives (the people who actually make crucial decisions) that is Jewish. For your simple mind it's easy to say Jewish Banksters but you ignore facts and that convenient for you. Second, there is no Jewish race, it's a religion. There are white, hispanic, Indian, Asian and even Black Jews. Just as there is no Christian race!
What bank is this? And even if what you say is true, one bank doesn't negate the trend of Jewish dominance in Finance.

If there is no Jewish race/ethnicity, why do they require DNA tests for citizenship to Israel?
Russian-speakers who want to make aliya could need DNA test The Times of Israel

If there is no jewish race/ethnicity, than why are there atheist jews?
Jewish atheism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It is every bank outside of Israel shit for brains. There are fewer and fewer Jews in Europe every years. There are few Jews in every sector of European society. They don't dominate anything. Once again in Europe it's Christians that dominate all sectors of society, except crime as this trend demonstrates.

Half of my extended family is Jewish and half is Christian. How did that happen without conversion to another RELIGION?
White bankers can steal billions of dollars from investors, crash the economy, and throw 10 million people out of work, and not spend a minute in jail.

But let a black man steal a loaf of bread...

Jewish. Not white.
Nonsense. I am poor. Grew up poor.I have never been to prison.
Neither has every poor black man.

Do you think there are no poor white people in prison?
I am sure there are...crime has NOTHING to do with being poor. Culture,Genetics,Values do.
First, the vast vast vast majority of bankers are Christians and not Jewish. I work in legal for a top 10 (in assets) US bank. It's a too big to fail bank. I am the only Jew in the legal department. Only one of the board members is Jewish and I haven't meant one executives (the people who actually make crucial decisions) that is Jewish. For your simple mind it's easy to say Jewish Banksters but you ignore facts and that convenient for you. Second, there is no Jewish race, it's a religion. There are white, hispanic, Indian, Asian and even Black Jews. Just as there is no Christian race!
What bank is this? And even if what you say is true, one bank doesn't negate the trend of Jewish dominance in Finance.

If there is no Jewish race/ethnicity, why do they require DNA tests for citizenship to Israel?
Russian-speakers who want to make aliya could need DNA test The Times of Israel

If there is no jewish race/ethnicity, than why are there atheist jews?
Jewish atheism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It is every bank outside of Israel shit for brains. There are fewer and fewer Jews in Europe every years. There are few Jews in every sector of European society. They don't dominate anything. Once again in Europe it's Christians that dominate all sectors of society, except crime as this trend demonstrates.

Half of my extended family is Jewish and half is Christian. How did that happen without conversion to another RELIGION?
See that you didn't answer any of my questions. Which bank are you a part of without that has no Jews? Are you from Europe? But you are right, jewish dominance in finance is stronger in America, but they are still disproportionately in high finance in Europe as well. So again, what bank are you apart of that is run by all "Christians"?

Having jewish and christian family doesn't negate that that there is jewish race/ethnicity. Judaism is genetic, as proven by the fact that jewish ancestry can be determined by a DNA test. Orthodox rabbis recognize atheist jews despite the fact they don't practice religion because judaism isn't determined by faith but by blood, specifically the maternal bloodline. If you were just a religion, this wouldn't be possible. You are just avoiding answering any of my questions.
and they are prosecuting Bardot again for hate speech for speaking the truth about islam in what was Charlie Hebedo about again
White bankers can steal billions of dollars from investors, crash the economy, and throw 10 million people out of work, and not spend a minute in jail.

But let a black man steal a loaf of bread...

Jewish. Not white.
Neither has every poor black man.

Do you think there are no poor white people in prison?
I am sure there are...crime has NOTHING to do with being poor. Culture,Genetics,Values do.
First, the vast vast vast majority of bankers are Christians and not Jewish. I work in legal for a top 10 (in assets) US bank. It's a too big to fail bank. I am the only Jew in the legal department. Only one of the board members is Jewish and I haven't meant one executives (the people who actually make crucial decisions) that is Jewish. For your simple mind it's easy to say Jewish Banksters but you ignore facts and that convenient for you. Second, there is no Jewish race, it's a religion. There are white, hispanic, Indian, Asian and even Black Jews. Just as there is no Christian race!
What bank is this? And even if what you say is true, one bank doesn't negate the trend of Jewish dominance in Finance.

If there is no Jewish race/ethnicity, why do they require DNA tests for citizenship to Israel?
Russian-speakers who want to make aliya could need DNA test The Times of Israel

If there is no jewish race/ethnicity, than why are there atheist jews?
Jewish atheism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It is every bank outside of Israel shit for brains. There are fewer and fewer Jews in Europe every years. There are few Jews in every sector of European society. They don't dominate anything. Once again in Europe it's Christians that dominate all sectors of society, except crime as this trend demonstrates.

Half of my extended family is Jewish and half is Christian. How did that happen without conversion to another RELIGION?
See that you didn't answer any of my questions. Which bank are you a part of without that has no Jews? Are you from Europe? But you are right, jewish dominance in finance is stronger in America, but they are still disproportionately in high finance in Europe as well. So again, what bank are you apart of that is run by all "Christians"?

Having jewish and christian family doesn't negate that that there is jewish race/ethnicity. Judaism is genetic, as proven by the fact that jewish ancestry can be determined by a DNA test. Orthodox rabbis recognize atheist jews despite the fact they don't practice religion because judaism isn't determined by faith but by blood, specifically the maternal bloodline. If you were just a religion, this wouldn't be possible. You are just avoiding answering any of my questions.

First off dickhead I never said no Jews, I said it's a handful compared to the number of Christians in command. I see you can't read as you would see I am from Chicago. Third, I will not state what bank I work for, but it's a top 10 US bank (in assets). Fourth, there is not even close to a Jewish dominance in finance. We are a Christian nation (which I am extremely thankful for and would fight to keep it that way) and Christians have always shaped this country from it's great achievements to some of it's great failures. The only country where Jews completely dominate the banking and finance sector is Israel. Since they have one of the STRONGEST banking and financial sectors in the world maybe more countries should have the Jews runs their banking and financial sector.

It fruitless to argue with a NAZI like you about the whether Judaism is a religion or race! If my wife ever allowed me to convert my kids to Christianity I would convert them and myself in a heartbeat. Hence at that point I we ceases being Jewish!
Jewish. Not white.
I am sure there are...crime has NOTHING to do with being poor. Culture,Genetics,Values do.
First, the vast vast vast majority of bankers are Christians and not Jewish. I work in legal for a top 10 (in assets) US bank. It's a too big to fail bank. I am the only Jew in the legal department. Only one of the board members is Jewish and I haven't meant one executives (the people who actually make crucial decisions) that is Jewish. For your simple mind it's easy to say Jewish Banksters but you ignore facts and that convenient for you. Second, there is no Jewish race, it's a religion. There are white, hispanic, Indian, Asian and even Black Jews. Just as there is no Christian race!
What bank is this? And even if what you say is true, one bank doesn't negate the trend of Jewish dominance in Finance.

If there is no Jewish race/ethnicity, why do they require DNA tests for citizenship to Israel?
Russian-speakers who want to make aliya could need DNA test The Times of Israel

If there is no jewish race/ethnicity, than why are there atheist jews?
Jewish atheism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It is every bank outside of Israel shit for brains. There are fewer and fewer Jews in Europe every years. There are few Jews in every sector of European society. They don't dominate anything. Once again in Europe it's Christians that dominate all sectors of society, except crime as this trend demonstrates.

Half of my extended family is Jewish and half is Christian. How did that happen without conversion to another RELIGION?
See that you didn't answer any of my questions. Which bank are you a part of without that has no Jews? Are you from Europe? But you are right, jewish dominance in finance is stronger in America, but they are still disproportionately in high finance in Europe as well. So again, what bank are you apart of that is run by all "Christians"?

Having jewish and christian family doesn't negate that that there is jewish race/ethnicity. Judaism is genetic, as proven by the fact that jewish ancestry can be determined by a DNA test. Orthodox rabbis recognize atheist jews despite the fact they don't practice religion because judaism isn't determined by faith but by blood, specifically the maternal bloodline. If you were just a religion, this wouldn't be possible. You are just avoiding answering any of my questions.

First off dickhead I never said no Jews, I said it's a handful compared to the number of Christians in command. I see you can't read as you would see I am from Chicago. Third, I will not state what bank I work for, but it's a top 10 US bank (in assets). Fourth, there is not even close to a Jewish dominance in finance. We are a Christian nation (which I am extremely thankful for and would fight to keep it that way) and Christians have always shaped this country from it's great achievements to some of it's great failures. The only country where Jews completely dominate the banking and finance sector is Israel. Since they have one of the STRONGEST banking and financial sectors in the world maybe more countries should have the Jews runs their banking and financial sector.

It fruitless to argue with a NAZI like you about the whether Judaism is a religion or race! If my wife ever allowed me to convert my kids to Christianity I would convert them and myself in a heartbeat. Hence at that point I we ceases being Jewish!
Yup, just a handful, no domination. I am pretty sure Goldman Sachs is run by Christians right? Blankfein, the head of Goldman Sachs, a totally Christian name. Yellen, and Bernanke and Greenspan before him, all very gentile names. But controlling the American money supply(and thereby the global reserve reserve currency) and the largest investment bank in the US, they have no financial dominance there.

I have never heard that the problem with America is that they don't have enough jews in their financial institutions, I don't know if you are trolling or have some serious chutzpah. I think of both.

So Orthodox rabbis are nazis when they say one is jewish by the maternal bloodline, not their religion? I guess the DNA tests that the Israeli government uses are a nazi plot or something Interesting, you should alert them to this.
If that's the case the people of Appalachia should be the most overwhelming majority of prisoners!

Addiction in Appalachia A Problem Too Dire to Ignore Phoenix House

The rate of fatal overdose in McDowell is more than eight times the national average; McDowell’s incarceration rate is also one of the country’s highest. In 2011, nearly one out of every three babies born in the county’s hospital had been exposed to drugs. As McDowell’s sheriff put it, “Whole families have been wiped out in this county: mother, father, children.” Grandparents are raising children whose parents are in jail or caught in the throes of addiction. Adults are unable to provide for their families because they cannot pass the drug tests employers require.

Case closed.
If that's the case the people of Appalachia should be the most overwhelming majority of prisoners!

Addiction in Appalachia A Problem Too Dire to Ignore Phoenix House

The rate of fatal overdose in McDowell is more than eight times the national average; McDowell’s incarceration rate is also one of the country’s highest. In 2011, nearly one out of every three babies born in the county’s hospital had been exposed to drugs. As McDowell’s sheriff put it, “Whole families have been wiped out in this county: mother, father, children.” Grandparents are raising children whose parents are in jail or caught in the throes of addiction. Adults are unable to provide for their families because they cannot pass the drug tests employers require.

Case closed.
You do realize Appalachia is more than 1 county right.

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