Franken calls it quits.

Can't have a discussion of you deny what's on front of your eyes
I showed you the shadow from his hand, which would not have been there had he actually been touching her. That’s all I can do. If you’re determined to continue denying it, that’s on you.

Shadow play! lol!
You truly don’t comprehend the implications of a visible shadow in a photograph, do ya, cultist?

I don't think you understand how lights and shadows work.

I have my hand on a flat surface right now. And shockingly I can see a shadow.
And you don’t understand the light source is behind his hand. It would not cast a shadow on her vest from that angle if his hand was pressed against her vest.

Look at his right palm, which is beyond clearly not touching her. Notice the shadow under it on her vest. Notice how that shadow extends all the way past his fingertips.

He’s not touching her. He was goofing around with someone he was working with on tour, pretending to grab her tits while posing for the camera.
Can't have a discussion of you deny what's on front of your eyes
I showed you the shadow from his hand, which would not have been there had he actually been touching her. That’s all I can do. If you’re determined to continue denying it, that’s on you.

Shadow play! lol!
You truly don’t comprehend the implications of a visible shadow in a photograph, do ya, cultist?

I don't think you understand how lights and shadows work.

I have my hand on a flat surface right now. And shockingly I can see a shadow.
And you don’t understand the light source is behind his hand. It would not cast a shadow on her vest from that angle if his hand was pressed against her vest.

Look at his right palm, which is beyond clearly not touching her. Notice the shadow under it on her vest. Notice how that shadow extends all the way past his fingertips.

He’s not touching her. He was goofing around with someone he was working with on tour, pretending to grab her tits while posing for the camera.

So you are ok with a person making fun of you and grabbing your boobs while you're sleeping?

What kind of woman are you?
Tune in next week when another Dem is exposed as a women abusing perv and we'll start this party all over again.

Tune in next SPRING when literally EVERY MALE DEMOCRAT has been unseated, and replaced with Republicans in states with Republican governors, and with "caretaker" Democrats in states with Democratic governors, and watch as we go into 2018 to get SLAUGHTERED AGAIN by Republicans who really could care less about our moral high ground.
Whiskey and fourteen year old Thai hookers all around for the men of the GOP.
Why maybe even Playboy Magazine will do a spread for them: "The Girls of the GOP" with a thoughtfully written article that talks about how today's Republican men are "no holds barred rugged individualists who aren't afraid to blast a hole in political correctness."

Yeah, I say the Democrats are making the biggest mistake in a generation right now, thirty-five of them for sure.
Tune in next week when another Dem is exposed as a women abusing perv and we'll start this party all over again.

Tune in next SPRING when literally EVERY MALE DEMOCRAT has been unseated, and replaced with Republicans in states with Republican governors, and with "caretaker" Democrats in states with Democratic governors, and watch as we go into 2018 to get SLAUGHTERED AGAIN by Republicans who really could care less about our moral high ground.
Whiskey and fourteen year old Thai hookers all around for the men of the GOP.
Why maybe even Playboy Magazine will do a spread for them: "The Girls of the GOP" with a thoughtfully written article that talks about how today's Republican men are "no holds barred rugged individualists who aren't afraid to blast a hole in political correctness."

Yeah, I say the Democrats are making the biggest mistake in a generation right now, thirty-five of them for sure.

I'm guessing this is a joke?

For one thing, men aren't as awful as you portray them to be.

For another, women are more than 50% of the populations, so ...

Yeah. This is pure garbage.
I don't think grabbing a woman around the WAIST and squeezing is a sexual assault - which is what happened to this woman. I wouldn't even call it a "grope."
Actually Franken didn't resign. Maybe it was part of an SNL skit but he promised to resign in "a couple of weeks".
Conyers and Franken admitted abusing women, Trump and Moore have not and are innocent until proven guilty.

Because they FUCKING LIED.

And you are a fucking idiot to STILL believe those rediculous lies.

They did? Where's your proof?

Retard, Trump CONFESSED ON TAPE THAT HE GRABS WOMEN BY THE PUSSY. Confession that was CORROBORATED by a dozen of women, who said he did exactly what he was describing.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Name the women or you have nothing.

like I said, nothing less than a fucking idiot, willing to check your brain into long term store to get all in on the Trump train.

You can't name Trump's victims but he's guilty...:eusa_hand:
Tune in next week when another Dem is exposed as a women abusing perv and we'll start this party all over again.

Tune in next SPRING when literally EVERY MALE DEMOCRAT has been unseated, and replaced with Republicans in states with Republican governors, and with "caretaker" Democrats in states with Democratic governors, and watch as we go into 2018 to get SLAUGHTERED AGAIN by Republicans who really could care less about our moral high ground.
Whiskey and fourteen year old Thai hookers all around for the men of the GOP.
Why maybe even Playboy Magazine will do a spread for them: "The Girls of the GOP" with a thoughtfully written article that talks about how today's Republican men are "no holds barred rugged individualists who aren't afraid to blast a hole in political correctness."

Yeah, I say the Democrats are making the biggest mistake in a generation right now, thirty-five of them for sure.

Its not our fault Democrats sexually abused women and got fired or had to resign in disgrace.
I showed you the shadow from his hand, which would not have been there had he actually been touching her. That’s all I can do. If you’re determined to continue denying it, that’s on you.

Shadow play! lol!
You truly don’t comprehend the implications of a visible shadow in a photograph, do ya, cultist?

I don't think you understand how lights and shadows work.

I have my hand on a flat surface right now. And shockingly I can see a shadow.
And you don’t understand the light source is behind his hand. It would not cast a shadow on her vest from that angle if his hand was pressed against her vest.

Look at his right palm, which is beyond clearly not touching her. Notice the shadow under it on her vest. Notice how that shadow extends all the way past his fingertips.

He’s not touching her. He was goofing around with someone he was working with on tour, pretending to grab her tits while posing for the camera.
I showed you the shadow from his hand, which would not have been there had he actually been touching her. That’s all I can do. If you’re determined to continue denying it, that’s on you.

Shadow play! lol!
You truly don’t comprehend the implications of a visible shadow in a photograph, do ya, cultist?

I don't think you understand how lights and shadows work.

I have my hand on a flat surface right now. And shockingly I can see a shadow.
And you don’t understand the light source is behind his hand. It would not cast a shadow on her vest from that angle if his hand was pressed against her vest.

Look at his right palm, which is beyond clearly not touching her. Notice the shadow under it on her vest. Notice how that shadow extends all the way past his fingertips.

He’s not touching her. He was goofing around with someone he was working with on tour, pretending to grab her tits while posing for the camera.

So you are ok with a person making fun of you and grabbing your boobs while you're sleeping?

What kind of woman are you?
He didn’t grab her boobs and I’m no kind of woman.
I don't think grabbing a woman around the WAIST and squeezing is a sexual assault - which is what happened to this woman. I wouldn't even call it a "grope."
grabbing a woman around the WAIST and squeezing is a sexual assault

Well, what you think, fortunately doesn't come into play. "Sexual assault is any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient." Accordingly whom, what and how one grabs or squeezes may or may not be sexual assault. Quite simply, if the person whom one "grabs" or "squeezes" construes one's action as sexual and doesn't care to receive and hasn't expressly indicated they are amenable to such contact from the grabber/squeezer, the grab/squeeze is sexual assault.

I suspect too that to some extent, certain forms/occasions of ostensibly non-sexual contact may be, in fact, sexual. For instance, to a foot fetishist, pedal "petting," if you will, may well be sexual contact, to either the giver or receiver. Whether such contact rises to the level of assault depends, however, on the receiver's perception of the activity.
  • A woman who thinks she has a "close enough" platonic relationship with a man whom she's unaware is a foot fetishist accepts his offer to cleanse and bandage or wrap her foot, perhaps after she cut it on underwater glass at the shore or twisted her ankle while walking. He's sitting there getting a woody and, equally importantly, uses the occasion to make romantic overtures.

    She may very well construe that his offer was a sexual advance and not merely an innocuous offer of assistance. And you know what, she'd likely be right. Assuming it was clear that she had no intimate notions pertaining to him -- it could clear in a number of ways, not the least of which might be the fact that she's never broached the matter, or the wedding ring on her finger, or the matter had been previously discussed and dismissed -- his action could well fit the description of sexual assault.
Of course, the above is an exceptional set of circumstances. I used that example to highlight the point that what is and is not sexual contact isn't as clear or overt as are a variety of acts one might perform and to stress that one cannot, in the abstract, judge what is and isn't sexual contact or what is or is not unconsented-to sexual contact. There are simply too many situational and individual factors in play for third parties to make abstract assessments or pronouncement on the matter, which is why the definition of sexual assault is so broadly written.

For instance, in the sample scenario above, were the man to have made no romantic overtures, there's be no basis for thinking his actions be anything other than benign, good natured and non-sexual. Ultimately, it comes down to grown men and women behaving with integrity (one doesn't take advantage of another's inferiority or misfortune to advance/achieve one's sexual ends), good character and exercising the self-control expected of mature, well adjusted adults, notwithstanding whatever measure of integrity one has or lacks.
Funny . At least the Dems are doing somthing. Since they are now the party of morals .

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