Franken calls it quits.

Can't have a discussion of you deny what's on front of your eyes
I showed you the shadow from his hand, which would not have been there had he actually been touching her. That’s all I can do. If you’re determined to continue denying it, that’s on you.

Shadow play! lol!
You truly don’t comprehend the implications of a visible shadow in a photograph, do ya, cultist?
No liar, as a photographer for over 30 years and Photoshop user for 13, I have no idea how lighting affects a photograph.

All meaningless (if even true) if you maintain he’s touching her in that photo.

And it's been long lost in this that she said she didn't believe Franken should have to resign over whatever went on between him and her.
Or maybe just the truth.

Or maybe just a cop-out statement that justifies pretty much anything and everything.
Go find a subject you're actually serious about debating, thanks.

What makes it a cop out statement?

Did you know that most people don't see government as red team vs. blue team? Most people don't give a fuck and just want to be treated fairly and for heir government to function properly. Neither party is really competent enough to make that happen, so many are dissatisfied with all the lying, thieving hypocrites irrespective of their letter.

The cop-out is, that's not what we are discussing. We are discussing a singular case of manufactured sexual harassment charges against an elected lawmaker.
If you want to have a discussion about some ridiculously wide assertion about the immorality and hypocrisy "of both parties" and the notion that "Neither party is really competent enough to make that happen, so many are dissatisfied with all the lying, thieving hypocrites irrespective of their letter"

Then might I suggest that you depart THIS thread and open a brand new thread entitled:

"Neither party is really competent enough to make that happen, so many are dissatisfied with all the lying, thieving hypocrites irrespective of their letter"
And then you and Lord "Brown Whatever" won't be guilty of mass THREAD HIJACKING and obfuscation of the details of this one.


In addition, the Democrats rolled over and played dead yesterday, in their eagerness to sacrifice one of their own in order to PROVE that they are NOT immoral and hypocritical, but
I guess that isn't good enough for either of you two, is it?

Of course it isn't, because you are not interested in actually discussing it, you just want to COP OUT.
Or maybe just the truth.

Or maybe just a cop-out statement that justifies pretty much anything and everything.
Go find a subject you're actually serious about debating, thanks.

What makes it a cop out statement?

Did you know that most people don't see government as red team vs. blue team? Most people don't give a fuck and just want to be treated fairly and for heir government to function properly. Neither party is really competent enough to make that happen, so many are dissatisfied with all the lying, thieving hypocrites irrespective of their letter.

The cop-out is, that's not what we are discussing. We are discussing a singular case of manufactured sexual harassment charges against an elected lawmaker.
If you want to have a discussion about some ridiculously wide assertion about the immorality and hypocrisy "of both parties" and the notion that "Neither party is really competent enough to make that happen, so many are dissatisfied with all the lying, thieving hypocrites irrespective of their letter"

Then might I suggest that you depart THIS thread and open a brand new thread entitled:

"Neither party is really competent enough to make that happen, so many are dissatisfied with all the lying, thieving hypocrites irrespective of their letter"
And then you and Lord "Brown Whatever" won't be guilty of mass THREAD HIJACKING and obfuscation of the details of this one.


Al Franken stepping down, and the democrats plan works
a singular case of manufactured sexual harassment charges against an elected lawmaker.

Al Franken stepping down, and the democrats plan works
a singular case of manufactured sexual harassment charges against an elected lawmaker.


Democrats rolled over and played dead yesterday, in their eagerness to sacrifice one of their own in order to PROVE that they are NOT immoral and hypocritical, but
I guess that isn't good enough for either of you two, is it?

Of course it isn't, because you are not interested in actually discussing it, you just want to COP OUT.
Just goes to show what I said is true...that you Republicans and CON-servients are eager to WEAPONIZE the formula now that you know it works!
And in the meantime you'll just keep prattling on about how both parties are immoral and hypocritical but you will secretly do ANYTHING to support your Right wing buddies.

I see right through you, and so does about 75% of the board here, I bet.
How do you get away with this?
Al Franken stepping down, and the democrats plan works
a singular case of manufactured sexual harassment charges against an elected lawmaker.


Democrats rolled over and played dead yesterday, in their eagerness to sacrifice one of their own in order to PROVE that they are NOT immoral and hypocritical, but
I guess that isn't good enough for either of you two, is it?

Of course it isn't, because you are not interested in actually discussing it, you just want to COP OUT.

What the hell are you talking about?
They now have the fake moral high ground.

They will now use this to capture the women vote that they lost under hillary.


Republicans are in no position to talk about the moral high ground after the way you supported Trump for the presidency and have stuck beside Roy Moore.
You are seeing the beginning of the left's new strategy. Clean house then point fingers at the GOP.
except one thing, they admit they sexually abused women. That is what should happen to someone admitting to such violence. They really want to claim the high ground that they admittedly sexually assaulted women and have honor in that? LOL!!! too funny.

I think they should post up pictures that say " look at xxx he admits to sexually assaulting women" Isn't it honorable he admitted it.
What moral high ground?

The Republicans see this as proof of concept that their formula for mass extinction of almost every male Democrat WORKS.
Just wait and see, they will WEAPONIZE this formula, because they KNOW now, that Democrats will roll over and play dead in their pursuit of a "moral high ground" that Republicans LAUGH AT ALL THE TIME.

You want to know what their response will be when Democrats ask what they intend to do about THEIR poster child, Roy Moore? Here's the answer:

"Why shoot, son...we're gonna send him some whiskey and some fourteen year old n**ger hookers! He's a REAL MAN, not some wimpy faggot commie libtard like y'all have, and he's a God-fearin man so he can't do nuthin wrong!"

Both sides are immoral hypocrites.

And the inevitable false equivalency :rolleyes:
They now have the fake moral high ground.

They will now use this to capture the women vote that they lost under hillary.


Republicans are in no position to talk about the moral high ground after the way you supported Trump for the presidency and have stuck beside Roy Moore.
except one thing, Trump won with everyone knowing what we know. so deal with it. It didn't obviously matter. That's why resigning is stupid.
What moral high ground?

The Republicans see this as proof of concept that their formula for mass extinction of almost every male Democrat WORKS.
Just wait and see, they will WEAPONIZE this formula, because they KNOW now, that Democrats will roll over and play dead in their pursuit of a "moral high ground" that Republicans LAUGH AT ALL THE TIME.

You want to know what their response will be when Democrats ask what they intend to do about THEIR poster child, Roy Moore? Here's the answer:

"Why shoot, son...we're gonna send him some whiskey and some fourteen year old n**ger hookers! He's a REAL MAN, not some wimpy faggot commie libtard like y'all have, and he's a God-fearin man so he can't do nuthin wrong!"

Both sides are immoral hypocrites.

And the inevitable false equivalency :rolleyes:
I’m good enough, I’m smart enough
But dog gonnit those girls just don’t like me...
You are seeing the beginning of the left's new strategy. Clean house then point fingers at the GOP.
except one thing, they admit they sexually abused women. That is what should happen to someone admitting to such violence. They really want to claim the high ground that they admittedly sexually assaulted women and have honor in that? LOL!!! too funny.

I think they should post up pictures that say " look at xxx he admits to sexually assaulting women" Isn't it honorable he admitted it.

Exactly.....they show character by admitting they are scumbags......its kinda funny.
They now have the fake moral hugh ground.

They will now use this to capture the women vote that they lost under hillary.

Franken didn’t do 1/100th of the things Trump and Moore has done.
When are these two perverts stepping down.
The right coddles their sex offenders.

Conyers and Franken admitted abusing women, Trump and Moore have not and are innocent until proven guilty.

the orange sociopath admitted to grabbing women by the genitals, dum dum.

and roy moore is an admitted child molester who had a thing for his own wife when she was 15..... that's by his own statements.

he got voted in with that knowledge out there. So what's next?
But Democrats don't have the moral high ground.

Of course they do. Keep in mind, we're talking about perception of people who evaluate information, THEN make decisions. Not people like you, who who vote for pussygrabbers and child molesters, as long as there is an (R) after their names.

And who have I voted for that fits that description?

And no, in order to have the moral high ground you need to act for pure moral reasons. There is no purity here. They aren't making a sacrifice here. They called for his resignation solely for political purposes. They want to be seen as moral. They aren't being moral.

Again Matthew 6

I see. So, whether or not someone is acting for moral reasons apparently depends on whether or not you favor them, politically. I'll be sure to check with you on that in the future.
I think it's hilarious that you think it's moral to admit sexually assaulting women. hilarious.
Saying you are going to a couple of weeks also diminishes the true depth of the offenses as well. Democrats should demand it now.

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