Frankenstein's Monster


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Seems the right day to discuss what it really means. The silly movies don't do the great novel justice.
The movies don't do the story justice, but they are some pretty good movies. Especially the 1931 Karloff version.
I use the point of the movie as an analogy of the Radicalism.
When Arafat used all that hate propaganda to fuel his support and get pawns to rally around him, that created a Frankenstein's monster that would eventually turn upon it's creator master, and so you saw Arafat caught up in his offices hostage to his own angry mob and you saw the implosion, out of control monster it created.
The generation of Nazis influenced hate mongers who were brain washed in propaganda and abused were no longer controlable and eventually that turned and bit the elect that help create them.
This analogy works for how we helped create the Saddam and Bin Laden monsters by initially supporting them only to see them turn on us.
People foget it was Frankensteins monster...It was he that created it was named after him and after he was gone it lived on without him ... Silly as the movie was there is alot of truth in fables and depeper messages and they usually become bigger then life and grow more unbelievable with eac
h embellishment and retelling...People should keep that in mind the next time they hear a tall tale or a fish story that grows from a minnow to a whale of a tale.....
I use the point of the movie as an analogy of the Radicalism.
When Arafat used all that hate propaganda to fuel his support and get pawns to rally around him, that created a Frankenstein's monster that would eventually turn upon it's creator master, and so you saw Arafat caught up in his offices hostage to his own angry mob and you saw the implosion, out of control monster it created.
The generation of Nazis influenced hate mongers who were brain washed in propaganda and abused were no longer controlable and eventually that turned and bit the elect that help create them.
This analogy works for how we helped create the Saddam and Bin Laden monsters by initially supporting them only to see them turn on us.

That doesn't apply to the themes of the actual novel.
Question is: Are we Frankenstein, the monster, or both?
Question is: Are we Frankenstein, the monster, or both?

Could make the point we, humanity, are the monster. Created by God (Dr. F) and over time at least have turned upon our creator all but killing him with secularism, individual theological interpretation, selfish utilization of faith, etc. The townsfolk chasing us with torches and pitchforks are time and practicality driving us further and further away from the creator.
I use the point of the movie as an analogy of the Radicalism.
When Arafat used all that hate propaganda to fuel his support and get pawns to rally around him, that created a Frankenstein's monster that would eventually turn upon it's creator master, and so you saw Arafat caught up in his offices hostage to his own angry mob and you saw the implosion, out of control monster it created.
The generation of Nazis influenced hate mongers who were brain washed in propaganda and abused were no longer controlable and eventually that turned and bit the elect that help create them.
This analogy works for how we helped create the Saddam and Bin Laden monsters by initially supporting them only to see them turn on us.

Wow, thanks for taking a fun thread and injecting Zionist Propaganda into it.

Zionism is a real Frankenstein's Monster. Just look at all the Politicians who piss themselves when AIPAC demands stuff.
The theme Shelly was trying to get across was that we have a responsibility for the things we create. Victor creates the monster, and then takes no responsibility for it, even as it murders his little brother, and then his fiance.
I use the point of the movie as an analogy of the Radicalism.
When Arafat used all that hate propaganda to fuel his support and get pawns to rally around him, that created a Frankenstein's monster that would eventually turn upon it's creator master, and so you saw Arafat caught up in his offices hostage to his own angry mob and you saw the implosion, out of control monster it created.
The generation of Nazis influenced hate mongers who were brain washed in propaganda and abused were no longer controlable and eventually that turned and bit the elect that help create them.
This analogy works for how we helped create the Saddam and Bin Laden monsters by initially supporting them only to see them turn on us.

Wow, thanks for taking a fun thread and injecting Zionist Propaganda into it.

Zionism is a real Frankenstein's Monster. Just look at all the Politicians who piss themselves when AIPAC demands stuff.

How is fact zionist propaganda?
The PA had given their children hate propaganda text, that is a fact anyone can verify.
They trained their pit bulls to be mean and nasty and then the pit bulls became uncontrollable and even attacked their own masters, even other pit bulls...
is that a better analogy?
Everytime someone brings up the word zionism in a rant unfounded out of context then chances are they are using propaganda or abused by propaganda and are spewing paranoid conspiracy nonsense.
Next thing you'll tell us is 911 was self inflicted or you'll use the word zionism again.
The theme Shelly was trying to get across was that we have a responsibility for the things we create. Victor creates the monster, and then takes no responsibility for it, even as it murders his little brother, and then his fiance.

Yes, like our society today blames guns(the tool), but avoids the bahavior that creates the monsters which use it as a weapon.
Like when a school gets shot up the idiots ask how does this happen, how can we make schools safe? Well first of all My Organization for years has had initiated and inspired programs to teach about bullying in schools.
Society shuns, isolates and make people feel inferior and unimpowered, even picking on them & kicking them when their down, then in creating the persona that turns on us, have the nerve to wonder why, when we create these people.
When trying to fix the problem we always displace blame, so we alwaus approach it from the wrong angle and never from within our own behavior.
Action-reaction, Cause-affect, Bestow-receive.
How is fact zionist propaganda?
The PA had given their children hate propaganda text, that is a fact anyone can verify.
They trained their pit bulls to be mean and nasty and then the pit bulls became uncontrollable and even attacked their own masters, even other pit bulls...
is that a better analogy?
Everytime someone brings up the word zionism in a rant unfounded out of context then chances are they are using propaganda or abused by propaganda and are spewing paranoid conspiracy nonsense.
Next thing you'll tell us is 911 was self inflicted or you'll use the word zionism again.

NOt going to debate Zionism here.

But the Palestinians are exactly what the Zionists created. What you create whenever you abuse people in their own land.
It is debate able whether the so called Palestinians are natives of the land of Israel Joel but while we are at it if you live in the United States you are pretty smug considering the treatment of native Indians in the United States so who are you to cast stones..If you are not living in the U S pray tell me which country you are from ....
NOt going to debate Zionism here.

But the Palestinians are exactly what the Zionists created. What you create whenever you abuse people in their own land.

More complex then pinning blame on Israel for the right to survive. But you showed how easy propaganda can infect perceptions. EGYPT AND Jordan chose peace and got peace, Palestinians chose the monster within and have been paying the price ever since, they made their choices thus they have themselves to blame.
According to your logic if someone next door to you
throws m-80's through your window, and attacks your family trying to kill you and take over your property and the police arrest them and years go by release them and they go on a rampage killing your dog and child, that somehow you or the police created that monster. Doesn't make a good argument does it?
NOt going to debate Zionism here.

But the Palestinians are exactly what the Zionists created. What you create whenever you abuse people in their own land.

More complex then pinning blame on Israel for the right to survive. But you showed how easy propaganda can infect perceptions. EGYPT AND Jordan chose peace and got peace, Palestinians chose the monster within and have been paying the price ever since, they made their choices thus they have themselves to blame.
According to your logic if someone next door to you
throws m-80's through your window, and attacks your family trying to kill you and take over your property and the police arrest them and years go by release them and they go on a rampage killing your dog and child, that somehow you or the police created that monster. Doesn't make a good argument does it?

Perhaps the question should be...

Was the movie about man's need to be like God and create life or his need to steal the power of reproduction from women?


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In that case the lesson would be, never sport a squared top haircut, even the monsterous ladies won't like that look.

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