Fraternal order of police asks Walmart to stop selling black lives matter shirts

If asking them to stop can't be done, go for the next best thing. Suggest that something you are willing to buy be placed on the shelves.

God bless you always!!!

Fraternal Order of Police asks Walmart to stop selling “Black Lives Matter” shirts
The president of the national Fraternal Order of Police, the country’s largest police organization, on Tuesday asked Walmart to stop selling t-shirts and sweatshirts which say “Black Lives Matter” and “Bulletproof” on the department store’s website.

Guess this depends on how you look at it all It could also help to inspire even more destructive behavior, and also cause other issues since so many are on the snowflake agenda where everything is offensive.

Since black lies matter is a racist, anti-American would think it would be an easy call for Walmart.....the are doing their best to be the new black kkk....
I love it. It is offensive to say black lives matter. I suppose that's because it's an offence against truth, everyone knows black lives don't matter.

Chuck Canterbury, the FOP president, wrote to Walmart CEO C. Douglas McMillon Tuesday to advise him that the Walmart website was selling “offensive shirts and sweatshirts,"
I think everyone knows black lives dont matter more than anyone elses lives. The premise that black lives matters more is whats offensive.
Why to you think the phrase black lives matter means that black live matter more than other lives? The concept behind the phrase is that police and society behave as if black lives don't matter, as illustrated when blacks are murdered by police and justice for the murdered goes unaddressed. The phrase means black lives matter too, not that they mean more.

Let me fix your post...the concept behind the phrase, the that black lives only matter to their democrat overlords every two years......the black lies matter movement is a desperate attempt to get democrats to see blacks as human beings, and not just as votes every two years....
I don't think Freddy Grey was a bully and he definitely didn't matter. Imagine the nerve of some people to insist he should matter.
I am a strong opponent of police actions against people whose behavior does not harm others, which is the circumstance in the vast majority of drug arrests, so I believe what happened to Freddie Gray is highly questionable.

But I have a problem with the phrase, "Black Lives Matter." I don't understand what it means. "Matter," to who?
Read the article. Only the shirts that say "Bulletproof" are being discontinued. The straight out Black Lives Matter shirts will continue to be available, as are Blue Lives Matter shirts and All Lives Matter Shirts. The items are available by catalog and online sales, not in stores, and they are produced and handled by a third party.
Not surprised the Confederate flag isn't sold at Walmart but BLM items are. Hopefully Trump administration will begin to turn this around.
Read the article. Only the shirts that say "Bulletproof" are being discontinued. The straight out Black Lives Matter shirts will continue to be available, as are Blue Lives Matter shirts and All Lives Matter Shirts. The items are available by catalog and online sales, not in stores, and they are produced and handled by a third party.

Has anyone tested selling 'White Lives Matter' shirts?
But I have a problem with the phrase, "Black Lives Matter." I don't understand what it means. "Matter," to who?
Well, perhaps if you contemplate the phrase 'Black lives don't matter' you might get an inkling.
I have to disagree with you.
I recommend a course of YouTube watching as police violate the rights of black people on camera.
I recommend you finding out what happened before that You Tube video was started. Lets see what the animal did to get the police to act like they did.
Or maybe I could recommend some BLM articles or articles about the police being gunned down by these innocent rabid animals.
Open your eyes to the whole story and dont just believe what you want.
I think everyone knows black lives dont matter more than anyone elses lives.
No. Everyone knows they matter less. In fact they hardly count at all when it comes to the police.
I have to disagree with you.
Plus more whites are killed by police each year than blacks. And no, I do not know the circumstances around any of the police killings.
I guess you ignore proportional statistics when it is convenient, eh???
I think everyone knows black lives dont matter more than anyone elses lives.
No. Everyone knows they matter less. In fact they hardly count at all when it comes to the police.
I have to disagree with you.
Plus more whites are killed by police each year than blacks. And no, I do not know the circumstances around any of the police killings.
I guess you ignore proportional statistics when it is convenient, eh???
Im guessing you do the same when convenient? or do you just not know the statistics that work with the percentage of blacks in their ethnic group that commit violent crime VS the percentage of whites in their ethnic group that commit violent crime.
Read the article. Only the shirts that say "Bulletproof" are being discontinued. The straight out Black Lives Matter shirts will continue to be available, as are Blue Lives Matter shirts and All Lives Matter Shirts. The items are available by catalog and online sales, not in stores, and they are produced and handled by a third party.

Has anyone tested selling 'White Lives Matter' shirts?
Now that would be a safe shirt to wear in public. Think Im going to get one right after I get back from running through the hood during a riot with $100.00 bills taped to my naked white body while yelling out death to all nig*ers.
Fraternal Order of Police asks Walmart to stop selling “Black Lives Matter” shirts
The president of the national Fraternal Order of Police, the country’s largest police organization, on Tuesday asked Walmart to stop selling t-shirts and sweatshirts which say “Black Lives Matter” and “Bulletproof” on the department store’s website.

Guess this depends on how you look at it all It could also help to inspire even more destructive behavior, and also cause other issues since so many are on the snowflake agenda where everything is offensive.

Since black lies matter is a racist, anti-American would think it would be an easy call for Walmart.....the are doing their best to be the new black kkk....

I haven't heard of a group called Black lies Matter until now. I have heard of Black Lives Matter. From what I know about the movement, it is a leaderless hodgepodge of dissidents that drew media attention with a few protests focusing on a rash of murders involving cops executing a number of unarmed Blacks. Are they racists? Well, I'd say no. But I guess some White people would think anytime a Black man protests against abuses from White folk, they are racists. Strange logic, but that kind of thinking permeates our entire nation.

Is Black Lives Matters anti-American? Hardly. I would venture to say the movement is ALL American. Protesting against police brutality and malfeasance is not ant-American. It is a citizens patriotic duty to do so.
That Wal-Mart would fold under pressure from a police union to stop selling Black Lives Matters merchandise is quite telling. That pressure exemplifies the sobering reality that this country is not free as advertised.
I think everyone knows black lives dont matter more than anyone elses lives.
No. Everyone knows they matter less. In fact they hardly count at all when it comes to the police.
I have to disagree with you.
Plus more whites are killed by police each year than blacks. And no, I do not know the circumstances around any of the police killings.
I guess you ignore proportional statistics when it is convenient, eh???
Im guessing you do the same when convenient? or do you just not know the statistics that work with the percentage of blacks in their ethnic group that commit violent crime VS the percentage of whites in their ethnic group that commit violent crime.
I have been thoroughly indoctrinated in the study of the FBI's UCR as well as the NVCS. I just wanted to make sure you understood that proportionality is just as applicable in cop killings as it is in measuring crime by race. When you said,"more whites are killed by police each year than blacks," it seemed as if you were unaware of the statistical disparity.

I think everyone knows black lives dont matter more than anyone elses lives.
No. Everyone knows they matter less. In fact they hardly count at all when it comes to the police.
I have to disagree with you.
Plus more whites are killed by police each year than blacks. And no, I do not know the circumstances around any of the police killings.
I guess you ignore proportional statistics when it is convenient, eh???
Im guessing you do the same when convenient? or do you just not know the statistics that work with the percentage of blacks in their ethnic group that commit violent crime VS the percentage of whites in their ethnic group that commit violent crime.
I have been thoroughly indoctrinated in the study of the FBI's UCR as well as the NVCS. I just wanted to make sure you understood that proportionality is just as applicable in cop killings as it is in measuring crime by race. When you said,"more whites are killed by police each year than blacks," it seemed as if you were unaware of the statistical disparity.
I am totally aware of how the statistics are being manipulated to feed a racist driven agenda.
There is more to it than just the numbers too. Like, how does one act when approached by the police? do they try to start a fight for a traffic stop? are they looking for confrontation right from the start? The whole premise that the police are out running around killing blacks just because they are black is total BS, Just as much total BS as to say that I white killed by a police officer was only killed because the officer thought he could get away with it. There is a reason that extends beyond racism.
Then you look at the terrorist group BLM, what they are really looking for is a free pass for their criminal brothers to commit crimes without fear of any police intervention.
And it would look a whole lot less of an issue if the media were to actually spend days reporting when a white was killed by police like they do for the blacks.
At the end of the day, I am willing to be that over 99% of blacks being shot by the police is justified.
Maybe they just need to learn how to act?
No. Everyone knows they matter less. In fact they hardly count at all when it comes to the police.
I have to disagree with you.
Plus more whites are killed by police each year than blacks. And no, I do not know the circumstances around any of the police killings.
I guess you ignore proportional statistics when it is convenient, eh???
Im guessing you do the same when convenient? or do you just not know the statistics that work with the percentage of blacks in their ethnic group that commit violent crime VS the percentage of whites in their ethnic group that commit violent crime.
I have been thoroughly indoctrinated in the study of the FBI's UCR as well as the NVCS. I just wanted to make sure you understood that proportionality is just as applicable in cop killings as it is in measuring crime by race. When you said,"more whites are killed by police each year than blacks," it seemed as if you were unaware of the statistical disparity.
I am totally aware of how the statistics are being manipulated to feed a racist driven agenda.
There is more to it than just the numbers too. Like, how does one act when approached by the police? do they try to start a fight for a traffic stop? are they looking for confrontation right from the start? The whole premise that the police are out running around killing blacks just because they are black is total BS, Just as much total BS as to say that I white killed by a police officer was only killed because the officer thought he could get away with it. There is a reason that extends beyond racism.
Then you look at the terrorist group BLM, what they are really looking for is a free pass for their criminal brothers to commit crimes without fear of any police intervention.
And it would look a whole lot less of an issue if the media were to actually spend days reporting when a white was killed by police like they do for the blacks.
At the end of the day, I am willing to be that over 99% of blacks being shot by the police is justified.
Maybe they just need to learn how to act?

I am always surprised at the sordid twisted worldview of an unabashed bigot like you; which is also shared by a nominal portion of American society I might add. All Blacks are criminals or potential criminals to you. So, anytime one is killed by a cop under ANY circumstance, it is justified. The cop who kills indiscriminately has been weaned on that belief too. But I do agree that the media plays a huge role in focusing the public's attention on cops killing of Blacks... it sells. The effect, though is that the general White public is generally most often sympathetic to the cop even when he shoots a defenseless man in the back who is running away.

Some unarmed White men are murdered by cops too but , indeed those stories don't get much publicity any more than the epidemic of White criminal activity does. Even now , at the time of this writing, White people are dying in disproportionate numbers from heroin overdoses but you rarely hear about it in the media. Arrests aren't being made and there is no war on drugs in White suburbia.

The racial bifurcation that marks your prejudiced world seeps into mine whether I like it or not. It threatens me no matter where I go in the world. But in the land in which I was born the order of things is understood. Our public schools are crucial tools of social conditioning where White and Back children are inculcated with the spurious notion that White is superior to Black. But it doesn't begin there. The schools just fine tune it while the media hones it to perfection. Cops are products of this biased society; so, when they kill an unarmed black man callously your world sends a silent approval... a reflection of what you have been taught all of your lives.
I have to disagree with you.
Plus more whites are killed by police each year than blacks. And no, I do not know the circumstances around any of the police killings.
I guess you ignore proportional statistics when it is convenient, eh???
Im guessing you do the same when convenient? or do you just not know the statistics that work with the percentage of blacks in their ethnic group that commit violent crime VS the percentage of whites in their ethnic group that commit violent crime.
I have been thoroughly indoctrinated in the study of the FBI's UCR as well as the NVCS. I just wanted to make sure you understood that proportionality is just as applicable in cop killings as it is in measuring crime by race. When you said,"more whites are killed by police each year than blacks," it seemed as if you were unaware of the statistical disparity.
I am totally aware of how the statistics are being manipulated to feed a racist driven agenda.
There is more to it than just the numbers too. Like, how does one act when approached by the police? do they try to start a fight for a traffic stop? are they looking for confrontation right from the start? The whole premise that the police are out running around killing blacks just because they are black is total BS, Just as much total BS as to say that I white killed by a police officer was only killed because the officer thought he could get away with it. There is a reason that extends beyond racism.
Then you look at the terrorist group BLM, what they are really looking for is a free pass for their criminal brothers to commit crimes without fear of any police intervention.
And it would look a whole lot less of an issue if the media were to actually spend days reporting when a white was killed by police like they do for the blacks.
At the end of the day, I am willing to be that over 99% of blacks being shot by the police is justified.
Maybe they just need to learn how to act?

I am always surprised at the sordid twisted worldview of an unabashed bigot like you; which is also shared by a nominal portion of American society I might add. All Blacks are criminals or potential criminals to you. So, anytime one is killed by a cop under ANY circumstance, it is justified. The cop who kills indiscriminately has been weaned on that belief too. But I do agree that the media plays a huge role in focusing the public's attention on cops killing of Blacks... it sells. The effect, though is that the general White public is generally most often sympathetic to the cop even when he shoots a defenseless man in the back who is running away.

Some unarmed White men are murdered by cops too but , indeed those stories don't get much publicity any more than the epidemic of White criminal activity does. Even now , at the time of this writing, White people are dying in disproportionate numbers from heroin overdoses but you rarely hear about it in the media. Arrests aren't being made and there is no war on drugs in White suburbia.

The racial bifurcation that marks your prejudiced world seeps into mine whether I like it or not. It threatens me no matter where I go in the world. But in the land in which I was born the order of things is understood. Our public schools are crucial tools of social conditioning where White and Back children are inculcated with the spurious notion that White is superior to Black. But it doesn't begin there. The schools just fine tune it while the media hones it to perfection. Cops are products of this biased society; so, when they kill an unarmed black man callously your world sends a silent approval... a reflection of what you have been taught all of your lives.
you do understand that you are basically 100% full of shit right?
It amazes me how blacks can go out in the street and riot, burn buildings, set police cars on fire, throw bricks at the police, but God forbid, a black gets shot while doing this and suddenly its all racist and he didnt deserve to die.
You and those like you will claim black innocence every time when the reality is that the perception of blacks comes from watching the black community. Your idea of what racism is will not stop until the black community cleans its act up and they start acting like humans instead of a bunch of wild rabid animals.

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