Fraud by Corrupt Election Judges: The Fifth Column in Our Midst


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

20 Nov 2020 ~~ By Lenora Thompson

Our republic stands on knife edge. As Gandalf said, "So it begins, the great battle of our time." Pray God it stays cool. A great battle fought genteelly and calmly in the courts and legislative halls, by lawyers and computer geeks, auditors and congressmen, whistleblowers and prayer warriors.
Tonight I'm worried about something else. Not about whether or not Trump will be Triumphant because we all know he will be. Heck! Even Kamala knows! If she believed thought otherwise, she would've resigned her Senate seat already!
No, what's got me worried is the fact that there are thousands and thousands of election judges (poll workers) who knowingly and willingly committed fraud running thither and yon in our midst, with the knowledge and willingness to do it all over again.
Sure, there were probably some poll workers, especially newbies, who trustingly did what they were told, not realizing they'd been duped into committing treason. In retrospect, I'm sure they feel the same horror that we do and encourage them to blow the whistle, tell what they saw/witnessed/did and sign an affidavit.
That's what scares me. The Fifth Columnists.
They angrily insisted that Republicans scan their ballots through one machine while Democrats scanned their ballots through a different machine. The list goes on and on. If we've learned anything this year, it's that there are about a zillion ways to "steal" an election.
Were they bribed? Threatened? Coerced? Or are they just nice, normal people who willingly became part of a vast political machine designed to upset our election and later, if they hadn't cheated so profusely that they got caught, our entire nation.
My guess is that most of them did it for free with good cheer, believing in their hearts that they were saving the nation. That Trump is every bit as bad as CNN has told them. That, dementia aside, Joe Biden and/or Kamala Harris really are the best choice for the country.
Given a chance to do it all again, they would.
As the swamp is slowly drained, before 2022 we must look into this Fifth Column in our midst. Nice normal people we like, maybe even love, who committed treason. The mind reels.

Meanwhile, Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA leftists are demanding Nuremburg-like trials for Trump supporters.and re-education of 75 million Trump voters. They are in the habit of telegraphing their every move, even if it seems veiled. You can count on it happening if they succeed. The people who supported the theft, did it because they believe they’ll be spared in the coming “Purge.”
This has become the great battle for the Republic, our Constitution and our freedom.
To be ruled by petty tyrants and dictators who use our tax dollars to rig elections on a massive scale would mean we are nothing but their serfs.
If it goes hot, so be it. The corruption of the aristocracy was what started the Revolution in the first place.
I repeat the following;
Just as MacDonald (Pierce) predicted in the "Turner Diaries".
The "Turner Diaries" depicts a violent revolution in the United States which leads to ultimately a race war, the overthrow of the federal government and nuclear war.
"The TurnerDiaries is the book proponents of "multiculturalism" and the New World Order have tried desperately to ban from bookstores, so that ordinary Americans won't be able to read it. Too many things predicted in the book have been coming true, they believe, and they're afraid that if more people read the book the rest of it also may come true".
The Dems thought the normal cheating procedures along with the voting software designed to alter results would be enough and there would no be enough actual evidence to incite a national uprising if they managed to win.
Once it became clear they had to go nuclear on the fraud, they had to know it would leave too much evidence to overlook this time.
The natural consequence in a country founded on freedom & faith would be mass unrest, possible leading to violence if the evidence is overwhelming.
This was going to lead to chaos & they didn't care.
Thanks Dems!
So now it's the election judges.
It's everyone to those mucks.
The "kitchen sink" approach.
The dems cheated...and the supreme court will recognize it.....the media does not certify our elections pal.....
What if the courts tell you to pound sand, and that you've been conned.

Will you accept that?
I will accept it only after an audit of ballots is done...but the Dems don't want to do that....the court may have to order it done....anything short of that will not convince me this election wasn't stolen....
So now it's the election judges.
It's everyone to those mucks.
The "kitchen sink" approach.
The dems cheated...and the supreme court will recognize it.....the media does not certify our elections pal.....
What if the courts tell you to pound sand, and that you've been conned.

Will you accept that?
I will accept it only after an audit of ballots is done...but the Dems don't want to do that....the court may have to order it done....anything short of that will not convince me this election wasn't stolen....
As I expected. Okay.
So now it's the election judges.
It's everyone to those mucks.
The "kitchen sink" approach.
The dems cheated...and the supreme court will recognize it.....the media does not certify our elections pal.....
What if the courts tell you to pound sand, and that you've been conned.

Will you accept that?
I will accept it only after an audit of ballots is done...but the Dems don't want to do that....the court may have to order it done....anything short of that will not convince me this election wasn't stolen....
As I expected. Okay.
Over half the nation feels as I do about it....Biden is in for a tough ride....
So now it's the election judges.
It's everyone to those mucks.
The "kitchen sink" approach.
The dems cheated...and the supreme court will recognize it.....the media does not certify our elections pal.....
What if the courts tell you to pound sand, and that you've been conned.

Will you accept that?
I will accept it only after an audit of ballots is done...but the Dems don't want to do that....the court may have to order it done....anything short of that will not convince me this election wasn't stolen....
As I expected. Okay.
Over half the nation feels as I do about it....Biden is in for a tough ride....
Over half the nation? Okay, got it.
So now it's the election judges.
It's everyone to those mucks.
The "kitchen sink" approach.
The dems cheated...and the supreme court will recognize it.....the media does not certify our elections pal.....
What if the courts tell you to pound sand, and that you've been conned.

Will you accept that?
will you?
Of course, yes. That would mean some cheating actually happened, and it must be stopped.

Easiest question I'll get all day.
Now the judges are corrupt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Let us take stock of all the people who Trumpers say are involved in this conspiracy to deprive Trump of his election "victory".

The Deep State
Dominion Software
Fraudulent ballots
Illegal Aliens
Legal Voters
The Republican Georgia Secretary of State
The Republican Governor of Arizona
Voter canvassers
Vote Counters
Numerous Supervisor and Board of Elections
and now the judges!

Don't forget these folks:



20 Nov 2020 ~~ By Lenora Thompson

Our republic stands on knife edge. As Gandalf said, "So it begins, the great battle of our time." Pray God it stays cool. A great battle fought genteelly and calmly in the courts and legislative halls, by lawyers and computer geeks, auditors and congressmen, whistleblowers and prayer warriors.
Tonight I'm worried about something else. Not about whether or not Trump will be Triumphant because we all know he will be. Heck! Even Kamala knows! If she believed thought otherwise, she would've resigned her Senate seat already!
No, what's got me worried is the fact that there are thousands and thousands of election judges (poll workers) who knowingly and willingly committed fraud running thither and yon in our midst, with the knowledge and willingness to do it all over again.
Sure, there were probably some poll workers, especially newbies, who trustingly did what they were told, not realizing they'd been duped into committing treason. In retrospect, I'm sure they feel the same horror that we do and encourage them to blow the whistle, tell what they saw/witnessed/did and sign an affidavit.
That's what scares me. The Fifth Columnists.
They angrily insisted that Republicans scan their ballots through one machine while Democrats scanned their ballots through a different machine. The list goes on and on. If we've learned anything this year, it's that there are about a zillion ways to "steal" an election.
Were they bribed? Threatened? Coerced? Or are they just nice, normal people who willingly became part of a vast political machine designed to upset our election and later, if they hadn't cheated so profusely that they got caught, our entire nation.
My guess is that most of them did it for free with good cheer, believing in their hearts that they were saving the nation. That Trump is every bit as bad as CNN has told them. That, dementia aside, Joe Biden and/or Kamala Harris really are the best choice for the country.
Given a chance to do it all again, they would.
As the swamp is slowly drained, before 2022 we must look into this Fifth Column in our midst. Nice normal people we like, maybe even love, who committed treason. The mind reels.

Meanwhile, Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA leftists are demanding Nuremburg-like trials for Trump supporters.and re-education of 75 million Trump voters. They are in the habit of telegraphing their every move, even if it seems veiled. You can count on it happening if they succeed. The people who supported the theft, did it because they believe they’ll be spared in the coming “Purge.”
This has become the great battle for the Republic, our Constitution and our freedom.
To be ruled by petty tyrants and dictators who use our tax dollars to rig elections on a massive scale would mean we are nothing but their serfs.
If it goes hot, so be it. The corruption of the aristocracy was what started the Revolution in the first place.
I repeat the following;
Just as MacDonald (Pierce) predicted in the "Turner Diaries".
The "Turner Diaries" depicts a violent revolution in the United States which leads to ultimately a race war, the overthrow of the federal government and nuclear war.
"The TurnerDiaries is the book proponents of "multiculturalism" and the New World Order have tried desperately to ban from bookstores, so that ordinary Americans won't be able to read it. Too many things predicted in the book have been coming true, they believe, and they're afraid that if more people read the book the rest of it also may come true".
You been hanging out with crazy Rudy at the martini bar?

20 Nov 2020 ~~ By Lenora Thompson

Our republic stands on knife edge. As Gandalf said, "So it begins, the great battle of our time." Pray God it stays cool. A great battle fought genteelly and calmly in the courts and legislative halls, by lawyers and computer geeks, auditors and congressmen, whistleblowers and prayer warriors.
Tonight I'm worried about something else. Not about whether or not Trump will be Triumphant because we all know he will be. Heck! Even Kamala knows! If she believed thought otherwise, she would've resigned her Senate seat already!
No, what's got me worried is the fact that there are thousands and thousands of election judges (poll workers) who knowingly and willingly committed fraud running thither and yon in our midst, with the knowledge and willingness to do it all over again.
Sure, there were probably some poll workers, especially newbies, who trustingly did what they were told, not realizing they'd been duped into committing treason. In retrospect, I'm sure they feel the same horror that we do and encourage them to blow the whistle, tell what they saw/witnessed/did and sign an affidavit.
That's what scares me. The Fifth Columnists.
They angrily insisted that Republicans scan their ballots through one machine while Democrats scanned their ballots through a different machine. The list goes on and on. If we've learned anything this year, it's that there are about a zillion ways to "steal" an election.
Were they bribed? Threatened? Coerced? Or are they just nice, normal people who willingly became part of a vast political machine designed to upset our election and later, if they hadn't cheated so profusely that they got caught, our entire nation.
My guess is that most of them did it for free with good cheer, believing in their hearts that they were saving the nation. That Trump is every bit as bad as CNN has told them. That, dementia aside, Joe Biden and/or Kamala Harris really are the best choice for the country.
Given a chance to do it all again, they would.
As the swamp is slowly drained, before 2022 we must look into this Fifth Column in our midst. Nice normal people we like, maybe even love, who committed treason. The mind reels.

Meanwhile, Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA leftists are demanding Nuremburg-like trials for Trump supporters.and re-education of 75 million Trump voters. They are in the habit of telegraphing their every move, even if it seems veiled. You can count on it happening if they succeed. The people who supported the theft, did it because they believe they’ll be spared in the coming “Purge.”
This has become the great battle for the Republic, our Constitution and our freedom.
To be ruled by petty tyrants and dictators who use our tax dollars to rig elections on a massive scale would mean we are nothing but their serfs.
If it goes hot, so be it. The corruption of the aristocracy was what started the Revolution in the first place.
I repeat the following;
Just as MacDonald (Pierce) predicted in the "Turner Diaries".
The "Turner Diaries" depicts a violent revolution in the United States which leads to ultimately a race war, the overthrow of the federal government and nuclear war.
"The TurnerDiaries is the book proponents of "multiculturalism" and the New World Order have tried desperately to ban from bookstores, so that ordinary Americans won't be able to read it. Too many things predicted in the book have been coming true, they believe, and they're afraid that if more people read the book the rest of it also may come true".
And all paid off by Soros, right? And Chavez isn't dead. He faked his death so he could come out of hiding just to screw Trump. Got it.
Breaking! Deep State operatives have turned Ted Nugent, James Woods, Kid Rock, Jon Voight & Scott Baio! They're now in the Biden camp! Thank God, what would we have done without them!?
The Dems thought the normal cheating procedures along with the voting software designed to alter results would be enough and there would no be enough actual evidence to incite a national uprising if they managed to win.
Once it became clear they had to go nuclear on the fraud, they had to know it would leave too much evidence to overlook this time.
The natural consequence in a country founded on freedom & faith would be mass unrest, possible leading to violence if the evidence is overwhelming.
This was going to lead to chaos & they didn't care.
Thanks Dems!

So, I assume that you just consider Raffensperger to be a Dem now?
So now it's the election judges.
It's everyone to those mucks.
The "kitchen sink" approach.
The dems cheated...and the supreme court will recognize it.....the media does not certify our elections pal.....
What if the courts tell you to pound sand, and that you've been conned.

Will you accept that?
I will accept it only after an audit of ballots is done...but the Dems don't want to do that....the court may have to order it done....anything short of that will not convince me this election wasn't stolen....
You are out of your tiny brainwashed little minds period none of your phony scandals have gone anywhere in the real world and you're disrespect for our great institutions like our election commission and volunteer workers is disgusting. You better start a revolution and get yourself killed by the local constabulary. You're basically treasonous. In the entire world only addicts to GOP propaganda are as off the wall as you are.
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