Freaking country is in the shit hole and what does Obama do.. Picks NCAA basketball

Freaking country is in the shit hole and what does Obama do.. Picks NCAA basketball
You'd prefer he was drunkenly stumbling-around on some broken-down hog-farm, down in Crawford, Texas, huh??

From "Ode to the Shaman"

"Give a black man a rope, he'll wanna be a cowboy
give it to a white man, he'll prolly tie a noose
you give a red man just a strand and he'll make you understand...."
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"Excuse us, everyone. This dickhead got started on his vacation a lil' too early."

"Hail, YEAH.....wuz a big, giant TURKEY....swooped-right-down and TOOK MY HORSEY! I SEEN it!!! Went out THAT way!!!!

Indeed, if only Bush had picked basketball games, instead of playing Cowboys & Muslims with our troops.

Shows he's in touch with the people. Where are Mitt's picks? Might make him seem human. I'm afraid nothing much could help Newt or Rick on that score. :cool:

I would be surprised if Mitt had ever watched a basketball game, let alone be able to name a top ten College Basketball team

And why would that be important? I dont follow college basketball. So i guess im not human now? Good to know.

"....'n, then....'n, then....he slammed me to the ground....'n dragged me over that way....biggest goddamned chipmunk I ever seen!!!!"
Bush set records for time off during his presidency while a war was going on.

the president is a human and is entitled to have a bit of personal time.
Shows he's in touch with the people. Where are Mitt's picks? Might make him seem human. I'm afraid nothing much could help Newt or Rick on that score. :cool:

I would be surprised if Mitt had ever watched a basketball game, let alone be able to name a top ten College Basketball team

And why would that be important? I dont follow college basketball. So i guess im not human now? Good to know.

March Madness is a national obsession

So I guess your humanity is in question
I don't give a rats ass about watching sports either, but realize that most do and respect their right to do so.

Call be Abbynormal and proud of it :D
I love it how the right makes a big deal out of nothing. And the hypocricy! For example, remember when Palin suggested the Queen was the political leader of England? She didn't know they had a Prime Minister? Can you imagine if Biden were so stupid?

Or if Biden or Obama pulled any of the stuff Chaney and Bush pulled, can you image the stink the GOP would have made? Oh boy!

Or if Obama had a 9-11 happen on his watch. Can you imagine the big deal they GOP would make? Remember their excuse for Bush? We haven't been hit SINCE 9-11. Would they be so gracious to Obama?

Notice they didn't say a peep when Bush turned Clintons surplus into a deficit?

Bush cut wood in Crawford Texas. Obama takes a 15 minute break to fill out his bracket and you guys make a big deal about it. Hacks.

the only one here making a big deal out of nothing is you usual....
Banish all forms of political campains and electioneering untill 60 days before the election and have a public debate forum instead of the advertising sound bite frenzy fucking joke of a system/circus we have now.

i will go for this point....

"....'n, the neighbors keep tellin' me they're strays from MY snipe-herd....wanderin' over on their property.....'n I ain't seen a damned one, YET!!"

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