Fred Phelps, of the Westbro "GOD HATES FAGS" church, dying

Democrats and left wingers made sure that Phelps and Westboro would be free to disrupt the funerals of fallen Military heroes as long as they could make political points out of it while Bush was president. Strangely enough the disruptions pretty much faded away when Obama was elected.

No, actually, it was the First Amendment that protected WBC’s right to engage in free expression absent unwarranted interference by the state.
Will vets and gays picket the bastard's funeral?

That'd be a laugh.
The Republican asshole doesn't even explain what he thinks is hypocritical.

Leftist idiot has to have it explained to him. Funny. Thanks for that. :lol:
Nonsensical statements always need to be explained.

So how about explaining it so I can knock the shit out of your argument?

Liberal Democrats constantly spout tolerance while demonstrating in actuality a profound lack of tolerance. Phelps is an extreme example of this hypocrisy, but an example nonetheless.

But he, if you simply call me a Republican yet again, that'll certainly prove you case...:doubt:
Okay, he's dead.

As much as I despised the man, maybe we could all show a little class and let at least Nate mourn him without flooding the internets with hatred.

Wanna really hurt the Phelpsies and at the same time respect Nate some?

Then totally ignore the Phelpsies from here to eternity. Cuz they don't deserve any better and they are interminable attention whores.
His troops will whine like bitches when his funeral is mass-picketed.

If it isn't? Then there is NO God.
Nah, Teh Gays have too much class to do the same thing that they decried him doing.

Plus, who wants to spend money to go to Kansas?
[ame=]Gay Pride 2008, San Francisco, Civic Center, June 29 2008 - YouTube[/ame]

Class lol
Will vets and gays picket the bastard's funeral?

That'd be a laugh.

itd be funnier if they just showed up to make sure the bastid was good and truly dead.:eusa_pray:

Works for me... as long as vets turn up in uniform and gays turn up dressed in a ballet tutu.
Something colourful will do nicely.

That'll give the daft fucker a good send off and, bonus, some of his idiot mates might well have a heart attack and join him in the hole.

By the way, on an entirely separate point, do you know any gay necrophiliacs? :D
Democrats and left wingers made sure that Phelps and Westboro would be free to disrupt the funerals of fallen Military heroes as long as they could make political points out of it while Bush was president. Strangely enough the disruptions pretty much faded away when Obama was elected.

no they didnt you fucking retard.

Corrected that headline for ya.

From your link:

Phelps was himself an occasional candidate. In the Kansas Democratic U.S. Senate primary in 1992, Phelps got 31% of the vote...

Another Democrat hypocrite. Color me shocked...

this is just sad.
Phelps is like Hitler. He is his own entity, not left or right, but universally hated.
you are one sad hack.
Leftist idiot has to have it explained to him. Funny. Thanks for that. :lol:
Nonsensical statements always need to be explained.

So how about explaining it so I can knock the shit out of your argument?

Liberal Democrats constantly spout tolerance while demonstrating in actuality a profound lack of tolerance. Phelps is an extreme example of this hypocrisy, but an example nonetheless.

But he, if you simply call me a Republican yet again, that'll certainly prove you case...:doubt:

he swings and misses trying to make this issue into a political football. Dude just shut up, turn off your computer, throw it out the window and shut up.
Your " i know whats right and best and thus my opinion is the correct one" is tiring and well, done by better people on here.

Anyways throw out your computer, and then go get a MRI done. You might need to be wearing a helmet.
I hope a heap of gay people turn up at his funeral and piss on his grave.

Yes, he's dead. Now it's between him and God. I hope you all remember this, and not lend him or his tactics any credence by making such statements as "good I hope people picket his funeral or piss on his grave!" or something along those lines.
"Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster...for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”

-Friedrich Nietzsche
I hope a heap of gay people turn up at his funeral and piss on his grave.

Yes, he's dead. Now it's between him and God. I hope you all remember this, and not lend him or his tactics any credence by making such statements as "good I hope people picket his funeral or piss on his grave!" or something along those lines.
"Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster...for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”

-Friedrich Nietzsche

The people he hated won't picket his funeral because they have more respect than he ever had in life.

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