Fred Phelps, of the Westbro "GOD HATES FAGS" church, dying

Corrected that headline for ya.

From your link:

Phelps was himself an occasional candidate. In the Kansas Democratic U.S. Senate primary in 1992, Phelps got 31% of the vote...

Another Democrat hypocrite. Color me shocked...

Thanks for sharing
The Republican asshole doesn't even explain what he thinks is hypocritical.

Corrected that headline for ya.

From your link:

Phelps was himself an occasional candidate. In the Kansas Democratic U.S. Senate primary in 1992, Phelps got 31% of the vote...

Another Democrat hypocrite. Color me shocked...
^^^^ Another Republican asshole. Color me shocked.

Truth hurts, eh?

And I'm NOT a Republican.

But...thanks for sharing.
Fred Phelps was a real life Jake Starkey.

He was not what he claimed to be. His purpose was to defame Christians by engaging in outrageous behavior that the left could then smear all Christians with.

Though never even reaching a membership of 50, Rdean and Rightwinger portray all 2.5 billion Christians in the world by the Westborough Baptist view. This was the goal of Phelps all along, to smear Christians through his disgusting acts.


To what, Herr Goebbels?

To proof Jake or Dean did what you said they did.
Democrats and left wingers made sure that Phelps and Westboro would be free to disrupt the funerals of fallen Military heroes as long as they could make political points out of it while Bush was president. Strangely enough the disruptions pretty much faded away when Obama was elected.
No, there isn't really an issue to discuss about this. I just thought that people would want to know so that they can break out the champagne....:booze:

Ex-Westboro Baptist Church Leader Fred Phelps is Finally Dying

gosh, I'm a little torn by this.

parts of me wants bikers, vets and flaming gays to show up at his funeral to give those vile fucks a taste of what they caused.

another part of me wants them to spend tons of money and security and no one shows.

aside from that, I wish no pain in the remainder of his life, eternity is a long time and hell is hot
One thing about Phelps.....

He united both Liberals and Conservatives in agreeing he was a scumbag by offending gays, soldiers and veterans
Did that a-hole die? Been away for several days, burying bodies.

It's too bad that that rat bastard found someone to put dirt on his corpse.
Democrats and left wingers made sure that Phelps and Westboro would be free to disrupt the funerals of fallen Military heroes as long as they could make political points out of it while Bush was president. Strangely enough the disruptions pretty much faded away when Obama was elected.

Democrats and Left-Wingers had absolutely nothing to do with Fred Phelps, they wanted nothing to do with him, just like most of the Righties. The Westboro Baptist church is UNIVERSALLY despised, or have you not noticed that? Just trying to fling shit to see what sticks, eh?
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Did that a-hole die? Been away for several days, burying bodies.

It's too bad that that rat bastard found someone to put dirt on his corpse.

The person willing to put dirt on his corpse is a sinner and will go to hell......

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