Fred Phelps, of the Westbro "GOD HATES FAGS" church, dying

I hope a heap of gay people turn up at his funeral and piss on his grave.

Yes, he's dead. Now it's between him and God. I hope you all remember this, and not lend him or his tactics any credence by making such statements as "good I hope people picket his funeral or piss on his grave!" or something along those lines.
"Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster...for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”

-Friedrich Nietzsche

Gee, guy, I 'm just not seeing how you are so upset about this guy.

Because unlike you guys who try to dress your homophobia up in a nice suit of "sancity of marriage" and "religious freedom", he was pretty upfront about his irrational hatred.

The honesty was kind of refreshing. You all hate gays because you think dude on dude sex is icky and it makes your Imaginary Friend in the Sky Mad (because it makes you mad, not because you actually have a friend in the sky.)
Statement by his son;

Fred Phelps is now the past. The present and the future are for the living. Unfortunately, Fred’s ideas have not died with him, but live on, not just among the members of Westboro Baptist Church, but among the many communities and small minds that refuse to recognize the equality and humanity of our brothers and sisters on this small planet we share. I will mourn his passing, not for the man he was, but for the man he could have been. I deeply mourn the grief and pain felt by my family members denied their right to visit him in his final days. They deserved the right to finally have closure to decades of rejection, and that was stolen from them.

Even more, I mourn the ongoing injustices against the LGBT community, the unfortunate target of his 23 year campaign of hate. His life impacted many outside the walls of the WBC compound, uniting us across all spectrums of orientation and belief as we realized our strength lies in our commonalities, and not our differences. How many times have communities risen up together in a united wall against the harassment of my family? Differences have been set aside for that cause, tremendous and loving joint efforts mobilized within hours… and because of that, I ask this of everyone — let his death mean something. Let every mention of his name and of his church be a constant reminder of the tremendous good we are all capable of doing in our communities.

The lessons of my father were not unique to him, nor will this be the last we hear of his words, which are echoed from pulpits as close as other churches in Topeka, Kansas, where WBC headquarters remain, and as far away as Uganda. Let’s end the support of hateful and divisive teachings describing the LGBT community as “less than”, “sinful”, or “abnormal.” Embrace the LGBT community as our equals, our true brothers and sisters, by promoting equal rights for everyone, without exception. My father was a man of action, and I implore us all to embrace that small portion of his faulty legacy by doing the same.
this is just sad.
Phelps is like Hitler. He is his own entity, not left or right, but universally hated.
you are one sad hack.

Phelps killed 7 million innocent people?

Did not know that. Thanks for the insight.

You were saying something about sad??? :cuckoo:
Nonsensical statements always need to be explained.

So how about explaining it so I can knock the shit out of your argument?

Liberal Democrats constantly spout tolerance while demonstrating in actuality a profound lack of tolerance. Phelps is an extreme example of this hypocrisy, but an example nonetheless.

But he, if you simply call me a Republican yet again, that'll certainly prove you case...:doubt:

he swings and misses trying to make this issue into a political football. Dude just shut up, turn off your computer, throw it out the window and shut up.
Your " i know whats right and best and thus my opinion is the correct one" is tiring and well, done by better people on here.

Anyways throw out your computer, and then go get a MRI done. You might need to be wearing a helmet.

Yes, we can all see how much it burns your ass that he was a Democrat. But I'm sure if he had run for office as a Republican, you wouldn't have mentioned it. :doubt:

Whatever you say asshole...
Liberal Democrats constantly spout tolerance while demonstrating in actuality a profound lack of tolerance. Phelps is an extreme example of this hypocrisy, but an example nonetheless.

But he, if you simply call me a Republican yet again, that'll certainly prove you case...:doubt:

he swings and misses trying to make this issue into a political football. Dude just shut up, turn off your computer, throw it out the window and shut up.
Your " i know whats right and best and thus my opinion is the correct one" is tiring and well, done by better people on here.

Anyways throw out your computer, and then go get a MRI done. You might need to be wearing a helmet.

Yes, we can all see how much it burns your ass that he was a Democrat. But I'm sure if he had run for office as a Republican, you wouldn't have mentioned it. :doubt:

Whatever you say asshole...

Liberal Democrats constantly spout tolerance while demonstrating in actuality a profound lack of tolerance. Phelps is an extreme example of this hypocrisy, but an example nonetheless.

But he, if you simply call me a Republican yet again, that'll certainly prove you case...:doubt:

he swings and misses trying to make this issue into a political football. Dude just shut up, turn off your computer, throw it out the window and shut up.
Your " i know whats right and best and thus my opinion is the correct one" is tiring and well, done by better people on here.

Anyways throw out your computer, and then go get a MRI done. You might need to be wearing a helmet.

Yes, we can all see how much it burns your ass that he was a Democrat. But I'm sure if he had run for office as a Republican, you wouldn't have mentioned it. :doubt:

Whatever you say asshole...

It really doesn't burn my ass at all. It's expected from people like you. This is what happens when every moron has an Internet connection. We have to deal with your stupidity
this is just sad.
Phelps is like Hitler. He is his own entity, not left or right, but universally hated.
you are one sad hack.

Phelps killed 7 million innocent people?

Did not know that. Thanks for the insight.

You were saying something about sad??? :cuckoo:
Typical you don't get the point. This is what happens when education fails someone.

Typical you resort to Godwin's Law when you have nothing to back up your bullshit. :lol:
he swings and misses trying to make this issue into a political football. Dude just shut up, turn off your computer, throw it out the window and shut up.
Your " i know whats right and best and thus my opinion is the correct one" is tiring and well, done by better people on here.

Anyways throw out your computer, and then go get a MRI done. You might need to be wearing a helmet.

Yes, we can all see how much it burns your ass that he was a Democrat. But I'm sure if he had run for office as a Republican, you wouldn't have mentioned it. :doubt:

Whatever you say asshole...

It really doesn't burn my ass at all. It's expected from people like you. This is what happens when every moron has an Internet connection. We have to deal with your stupidity

Thanks for proving my point. Priceless! :lol::lol::lol:
Westboro went to protest a Lorde concert for their first protest since Fred's passing.

This is what they were met with.


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Phelps killed 7 million innocent people?

Did not know that. Thanks for the insight.

You were saying something about sad??? :cuckoo:
Typical you don't get the point. This is what happens when education fails someone.

Typical you resort to Godwin's Law when you have nothing to back up your bullshit. :lol:

I wasn't saying he was a hitler. I was saying he is hated like Hitler where everyone hates him.
God wins law doesn't apply here dipshit.
Yes, we can all see how much it burns your ass that he was a Democrat. But I'm sure if he had run for office as a Republican, you wouldn't have mentioned it. :doubt:

Whatever you say asshole...

It really doesn't burn my ass at all. It's expected from people like you. This is what happens when every moron has an Internet connection. We have to deal with your stupidity

Thanks for proving my point. Priceless! :lol::lol::lol:

You don't have a point that much is clear.
Here's the reality:

The so-called "Christians" who 'hate the sin, but love the sinner' are just watered down versions of Phelps.

And they better Goddamned know it.
Westboro went to protest a Lorde concert for their first protest since Fred's passing.

This is what they were met with.

very cool.

some know who their enemies are and who their friends are.....some boobody dont
Here's the reality:

The so-called "Christians" who 'hate the sin, but love the sinner' are just watered down versions of Phelps.

And they better Goddamned know it.

Phelps was a fraud. His purpose was to give people like Haznonuts fodder to hate with. Phelps was a life long democrat who wanted to smear Christians by portraying them as hate filled lunatics.

Tina Fey did a skit to smear Sarah Palin - and EVERY LAST fucktarded leftist in this forum is convinced that Palin said she could see Russia from her house. In the same way, Phelps put on a hate filled skit that EVERY LAST fucktarded leftist is convinced describes 2.3 billion Christians.
hating is why I could not believe in Christianity.

I was five when I figured it out

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