Free College Education

I want free truck driving school...refrigeration school...AC school...those pay just as much as a college degree and in some cases more. That is how America will revive the middle-class. We will Truck drive it through the roof.

Truck driving school is available from my local community and technical college for less than $5000 and the loans can be repaid after you get a job.

One of the largest home AC companies here hire people and provide the training.
Truck driving school is available from my local community and technical college for less than $5000 and the loans can be repaid after you get a job.

One of the largest home AC companies here hire people and provide the training.

So do transportation companies. They will not only train you and get you licensed, but they will pay you while you learn.

Of course that's too much to ask of many unemployed Americans; to stay off of dope, learn a new career, and never having to worry about working for the rest of your life, so now transportation companies are bringing in foreigners to do the job. They come here not knowing the language nor how to read road signs, and terrible drivers to boot.

About two or three times a year, I have a foreign driver run up to me begging me to back in his trailer. I refuse, but assist while he does it himself. I swear I don't know how they get a CDL in this country.



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Conservatives want educational opportunity to be directly proportionate to wealth (or lack of it).

You have no clue what cons want (or pretty much anything else for that matter) and while some are served by their daddy's money most higher ed ops are a direct result of the student's merits and talents.

Damn, you really are as dim and dishonest as your posts make you appear.

It's clear that conservatives generally oppose any socialistic program that makes college more affordable for lower income Americans.

It's clear you think people who aren't a kid's parent should do more for the kid that his/her own parent.

I support those like you thinking someone should go to college that can't afford it finding all of them you want to go and paying their tuition from your pocket. If you truly care about them going, it's the ONLY way you can prove you do. Thinking someone else should be taxed proves nothing other than you are the typical bleeding heart.

Americans are falling further and further behind the rest of the first world in education, and a large part of the reason why is that only the children of the rich are getting a good education.

The children of the poor struggle with fewer resources, underpaid teachers, and crumbling buildings. And then you wonder why they aren't able to pull themselves out of poverty.

Businesses are looking for well educated work forces as the technological age advances, and more and more, those work forces are found in Europe and Asia.
Americans are falling further and further behind the rest of the first world in education, and a large part of the reason why is that only the children of the rich are getting a good education.

The children of the poor struggle with fewer resources, underpaid teachers, and crumbling buildings. And then you wonder why they aren't able to pull themselves out of poverty.

Businesses are looking for well educated work forces as the technological age advances, and more and more, those work forces are found in Europe and Asia.

Yet the US spends more per capita than any other industrialized nation in the world on primary education and has little to show for it.

Better buildings have nothing to do with learning. Better paid teachers the same. Money is not the problem. The problem is that in public sector schools, parents are not involved with their children's education. They don't care because they are not paying out-of-pocket for it; society does. Therefore it's the problem of government and not the parents.

Poorer areas do not have the fancy school buildings, but poorer areas do have more out-of-wedlock birth rates. Single parent homes are directly proportional with poverty. Yet some think that money is the answer.
It would be a violation of my neighbor's rights for me to take his money and use it to pay for someone's college education. Since it would be wrong for me to do, I can't ask anyone else to do it on my behalf, including people in the government.
There is no such thing as "free" college education, someone is paying for it

You're an idiot. Lots of things are called free that are paid for by someone.

It's still not free, idiot. Your very own comment proves it.Sweet jeebus you're a dumb deer

If you knew anything, you'd know that Bernie Sanders is calling for tuition free college at certain schools.

That is not a misnomer. If you apply to a college were there is no tuition charge, your tuition is zero. Tuition free.

Get it?

Do you have the name of a tuition free college?

Berea College

Thank you.

"Berea was founded by Protestant Christians. It maintains a Christian identity separate from any particular denomination. The college's motto, "God has made of one blood all peoples of the earth", is taken from Acts 17:26. One General Studies course is focused on Christian faith, as every student is required to take an Understandings of Christianity course. In an effort to be sensitive to the diverse preferences and experiences of students and faculty, these courses are designed to be taught with respect for the unique spiritual journey of each individual, regardless of religious identification."
The idea of free education is a plausible way to capture the imagination of potential College students. But maybe that should be limited to "subjects" that could benefit the Country in terms of economic growth. The disciplines of Engineering and the Sciences (and all sub divisions of these subjects) would warrant full support of the Government and US companies. Of course failure to complete the degree course successfully would require the student to pay back all their past tuition fees; nothing is that free !!!

Great way to start out our future leaders. Teach them that they aren't responsible for their own bills, someone else is
Conservatives want educational opportunity to be directly proportionate to wealth (or lack of it).

You have no clue what cons want (or pretty much anything else for that matter) and while some are served by their daddy's money most higher ed ops are a direct result of the student's merits and talents.

Damn, you really are as dim and dishonest as your posts make you appear.

It's clear that conservatives generally oppose any socialistic program that makes college more affordable for lower income Americans.

It's clear you think people who aren't a kid's parent should do more for the kid that his/her own parent.

I support those like you thinking someone should go to college that can't afford it finding all of them you want to go and paying their tuition from your pocket. If you truly care about them going, it's the ONLY way you can prove you do. Thinking someone else should be taxed proves nothing other than you are the typical bleeding heart.

Americans are falling further and further behind the rest of the first world in education, and a large part of the reason why is that only the children of the rich are getting a good education.

The children of the poor struggle with fewer resources, underpaid teachers, and crumbling buildings. And then you wonder why they aren't able to pull themselves out of poverty.

Businesses are looking for well educated work forces as the technological age advances, and more and more, those work forces are found in Europe and Asia.

I'm not what people would consider rich but my oldest daughter is getting a good education at a private university and the youngest one, when she goes, will be provided the same. The ones doing the providing will be the only ones responsible for doing so. THEIR PARENTS.

In the school district where I live, the district spent $1 billion dollars building new schools in the last 10 years or so. We have over 50 elementary school, over 30 middle schools, and 16 high schools. In addition, we have multiple career centers connected with the high schools. The pay scale is based on a matrix and what a teacher makes is determined where the years of experience and level of education crosses on that matrix. That means the 10 year teacher with a Master's degree at the best performing school makes the same thing as the 10 year teacher with a Master's degree at the worst performing school.

While I believe teachers are underpaid, EVERY one of them knew what the pay was BEFORE they entered the profession. Per pupil spending is the same for every student within the district whether that student's personal situation is coming from the richest parents in the district or the poorest ones.
Conservatives want educational opportunity to be directly proportionate to wealth (or lack of it).

You have no clue what cons want (or pretty much anything else for that matter) and while some are served by their daddy's money most higher ed ops are a direct result of the student's merits and talents.

Damn, you really are as dim and dishonest as your posts make you appear.

It's clear that conservatives generally oppose any socialistic program that makes college more affordable for lower income Americans.

It's clear you think people who aren't a kid's parent should do more for the kid that his/her own parent.

I support those like you thinking someone should go to college that can't afford it finding all of them you want to go and paying their tuition from your pocket. If you truly care about them going, it's the ONLY way you can prove you do. Thinking someone else should be taxed proves nothing other than you are the typical bleeding heart.

Americans are falling further and further behind the rest of the first world in education, and a large part of the reason why is that only the children of the rich are getting a good education.

The children of the poor struggle with fewer resources, underpaid teachers, and crumbling buildings. And then you wonder why they aren't able to pull themselves out of poverty.

Businesses are looking for well educated work forces as the technological age advances, and more and more, those work forces are found in Europe and Asia.

I'm not what people would consider rich but my oldest daughter is getting a good education at a private university and the youngest one, when she goes, will be provided the same. The ones doing the providing will be the only ones responsible for doing so. THEIR PARENTS.

In the school district where I live, the district spent $1 billion dollars building new schools in the last 10 years or so. We have over 50 elementary school, over 30 middle schools, and 16 high schools. In addition, we have multiple career centers connected with the high schools. The pay scale is based on a matrix and what a teacher makes is determined where the years of experience and level of education crosses on that matrix. That means the 10 year teacher with a Master's degree at the best performing school makes the same thing as the 10 year teacher with a Master's degree at the worst performing school.

While I believe teachers are underpaid, EVERY one of them knew what the pay was BEFORE they entered the profession. Per pupil spending is the same for every student within the district whether that student's personal situation is coming from the richest parents in the district or the poorest ones.

The fact is those who make baseless claims like "Conservatives want educational opportunity to be directly proportionate to wealth or lack of it" (NYcacinner) or "Americans are falling further and further behind the rest of the first world in education, and a large part of the reason why is that only the children of the rich are getting a good education" (Dragonlady) are simply clueless haters.
You have no clue what cons want (or pretty much anything else for that matter) and while some are served by their daddy's money most higher ed ops are a direct result of the student's merits and talents.

Damn, you really are as dim and dishonest as your posts make you appear.

It's clear that conservatives generally oppose any socialistic program that makes college more affordable for lower income Americans.

It's clear you think people who aren't a kid's parent should do more for the kid that his/her own parent.

I support those like you thinking someone should go to college that can't afford it finding all of them you want to go and paying their tuition from your pocket. If you truly care about them going, it's the ONLY way you can prove you do. Thinking someone else should be taxed proves nothing other than you are the typical bleeding heart.

Americans are falling further and further behind the rest of the first world in education, and a large part of the reason why is that only the children of the rich are getting a good education.

The children of the poor struggle with fewer resources, underpaid teachers, and crumbling buildings. And then you wonder why they aren't able to pull themselves out of poverty.

Businesses are looking for well educated work forces as the technological age advances, and more and more, those work forces are found in Europe and Asia.

I'm not what people would consider rich but my oldest daughter is getting a good education at a private university and the youngest one, when she goes, will be provided the same. The ones doing the providing will be the only ones responsible for doing so. THEIR PARENTS.

In the school district where I live, the district spent $1 billion dollars building new schools in the last 10 years or so. We have over 50 elementary school, over 30 middle schools, and 16 high schools. In addition, we have multiple career centers connected with the high schools. The pay scale is based on a matrix and what a teacher makes is determined where the years of experience and level of education crosses on that matrix. That means the 10 year teacher with a Master's degree at the best performing school makes the same thing as the 10 year teacher with a Master's degree at the worst performing school.

While I believe teachers are underpaid, EVERY one of them knew what the pay was BEFORE they entered the profession. Per pupil spending is the same for every student within the district whether that student's personal situation is coming from the richest parents in the district or the poorest ones.

The fact is those who make baseless claims like "Conservatives want educational opportunity to be directly proportionate to wealth or lack of it" (NYcacinner) or "Americans are falling further and further behind the rest of the first world in education, and a large part of the reason why is that only the children of the rich are getting a good education" (Dragonlady) are simply clueless haters.

Morons like Dragonlady think someone such as myself not thinking that I should be required to do for a kid related to college costs what his/her own parents won't do means I hate education. If she cares so much about someone that isn't her kid getting college paid, there's an easy way for her to do it and both of us get what we want. Pay it on their behalf out of her own pocket.
This country is based on a hard work, pay your own way ethic. It's in our genetics regardless if you're a liberal or conservative. WE ARE NOT EUROPE--we loath socialism and those that represent it, like Bernie Sanders.

Actually this country is based on huge government giveaways of free land.

And no we don't loathe socialism.

WRONG we do hate socialism, otherwise Bernie wouldn't be behind Hillary Clinton by 3,720,322 votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

In comparison, Obama won the 2008 primary by a mere 41,622 votes.
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

The difference between 2008 and 2016 = A Socialist (Bernie Sanders) is in the race.

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."Winston Churchill

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Morons like Dragonlady think someone such as myself not thinking that I should be required to do for a kid related to college costs what his/her own parents won't do means I hate education. If she cares so much about someone that isn't her kid getting college paid, there's an easy way for her to do it and both of us get what we want. Pay it on their behalf out of her own pocket.

That's not the liberal way and you know it. The liberal way is if a liberal wants something--everybody should want the same thing.

If a liberal doesn't like McDonald's food, nobody should like McDonald's food.

If a liberal hates rich people, everybody should hate rich people.

If a liberal doesn't want to own a gun, nobody should be allowed to own a gun.

If a liberal dislikes cigars and cigarettes, nobody should smoke cigars and cigarettes.

If a liberal wants everybody to have better teachers, everybody should pay for better teachers.

If a liberal wants cleaner air and cleaner water, everybody has to pay for cleaner air and cleaner water.

If a liberal wants free college for kids, everybody should pay for free college for kids.

So you see, it doesn't matter what anybody else wants---it only matters what a liberal wants. And if a liberal really wants something, it takes a village.
Morons like Dragonlady think someone such as myself not thinking that I should be required to do for a kid related to college costs what his/her own parents won't do means I hate education. If she cares so much about someone that isn't her kid getting college paid, there's an easy way for her to do it and both of us get what we want. Pay it on their behalf out of her own pocket.

That's not the liberal way and you know it. The liberal way is if a liberal wants something--everybody should want the same thing.

If a liberal doesn't like McDonald's food, nobody should like McDonald's food.

If a liberal hates rich people, everybody should hate rich people.

If a liberal doesn't want to own a gun, nobody should be allowed to own a gun.

If a liberal dislikes cigars and cigarettes, nobody should smoke cigars and cigarettes.

If a liberal wants everybody to have better teachers, everybody should pay for better teachers.

If a liberal wants cleaner air and cleaner water, everybody has to pay for cleaner air and cleaner water.

If a liberal wants free college for kids, everybody should pay for free college for kids.

So you see, it doesn't matter what anybody else wants---it only matters what a liberal wants. And if a liberal really wants something, it takes a village.

It's not that Liberal believe everyone should want the same thing. Liberals believe everyone should do it their way whether someone wants it or not. They don't care what people want just that people do what Liberal tell them to do, all the while, claiming they believe in freedom and choice.
It's not that Liberal believe everyone should want the same thing. Liberals believe everyone should do it their way whether someone wants it or not. They don't care what people want just that people do what Liberal tell them to do, all the while, claiming they believe in freedom and choice.

Correct which is why I said "So you see, it doesn't matter what anybody else wants---it only matters what a liberal wants."

The thing about this college deal is....... you and I pay for this college out of our tax dollars. Then these kids graduate in their professions. Afterwards, you and I need a lawyer or Doctor or something. And when we get one, they charge us over $300.00 for a half hour of their time.

Wait a minute! Didn't I pay for your education, and now you're going to charge me ridiculous amounts of money for your services that I paid for you to learn????

Well.......yes. Because what have you done for me lately???

The thing is, once government pays for something, it's really not appreciated nor looked at as the taxpayers paying for something.
It's not that Liberal believe everyone should want the same thing. Liberals believe everyone should do it their way whether someone wants it or not. They don't care what people want just that people do what Liberal tell them to do, all the while, claiming they believe in freedom and choice.

Correct which is why I said "So you see, it doesn't matter what anybody else wants---it only matters what a liberal wants."

The thing about this college deal is....... you and I pay for this college out of our tax dollars. Then these kids graduate in their professions. Afterwards, you and I need a lawyer or Doctor or something. And when we get one, they charge us over $300.00 for a half hour of their time.

Wait a minute! Didn't I pay for your education, and now you're going to charge me ridiculous amounts of money for your services that I paid for you to learn????

Well.......yes. Because what have you done for me lately???

The thing is, once government pays for something, it's really not appreciated nor looked at as the taxpayers paying for something.

Another problem I have with the free education concept is that Liberals call it an investment for the future that everyone benefits from. Does that mean the kid's own parents, ones that didn't think their own kid was a good enough investment, will benefit from others paying for what they wouldn't do for their own? Typical Liberal illogical thinking.

If the kid's own parents don't think they're a good investment, I'm hard pressed to believe the kid is a good enough investment for me.
Who the hell needs a college tuition? There are no jobs to be had. College grads can't find jobs.
Another problem I have with the free education concept is that Liberals call it an investment for the future that everyone benefits from. Does that mean the kid's own parents, ones that didn't think their own kid was a good enough investment, will benefit from others paying for what they wouldn't do for their own? Typical Liberal illogical thinking.

If the kid's own parents don't think they're a good investment, I'm hard pressed to believe the kid is a good enough investment for me.

Correct, but college is an investment. An investment is where you use your money to buy something and expect to get that money back plus a profit down the road.

On average, kids who do have a college education make much more than those of us blue collar workers. They have lower unemployment and usually a wider selection of work.

If the government can force me to pay for somebody else's investment, why can't the government pay for mine?

Why can't the government give me money for stock purchases, real estate or even commodities? How about free money to open up a business?

Taxpayers should not be forced to pay for personal investments, and that includes college which is a personal investment.

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