Free College Education

Lots of things are called free that are paid for by someone.
Only by brain-washed idiots that don't understand how the real world works......

TANSTAFL stupid ass.

No, actually, it's pretty clear to everyone what government subsidized means. "Free" is nothing more than a euphemism and it confuses nobody.

The government isn't doing the subsidizing. Apparently free confuses you. You don't understand the meaning of the word.
Nothing is free,dumbass. Take your semantics and stick them up your ass

Still word playing.

Taxes, free college is paid for via taxes.

Personally, outside of community or some trade schools I think that is an expensive proposition. However, if college graduates could volunteer some amount of time for the 2 years after college that could help offset the cost.

But, how are you going to have a conversation about this? You're stuck on the four letter F word.

Then it's not free if mandated taxes are used to pay for it.

I hear the argument that using taxes to provide "free" college is a good investment. Bullshit. If someone else's kid going to college is such a good investment, why isn't it a good enough investment for the kid's parents to make on the kid's behalf?

Or better yet, the kid has to invest in himself/herself by paying for their own college education.


I've asked those that support the "free college" plan what happens if the one receiving the "investment" doesn't graduate. Can't seem to get an answer.

What happened when you flunked the 8th grade?

What happened when you actually provided something to yourself instead of expecting someone else to do it for you? Wait, that has yet to happen.
There is no such thing as "free" college education, someone is paying for it

You're an idiot. Lots of things are called free that are paid for by someone.

It's still not free, idiot. Your very own comment proves it.Sweet jeebus you're a dumb deer

If you knew anything, you'd know that Bernie Sanders is calling for tuition free college at certain schools.

That is not a misnomer. If you apply to a college were there is no tuition charge, your tuition is zero. Tuition free.

Get it?

Ah! So it's not free, it's TUITION FREE. That's not what the OP said. You just moved the goalposts.

There is no such thing as "free" college education, someone is paying for it

You're an idiot. Lots of things are called free that are paid for by someone.

It's still not free, idiot. Your very own comment proves it.Sweet jeebus you're a dumb deer

Bernie Sanders acknowledges the cost and has the plan to pay for it:

    The cost of this $75 billion a year plan is fully paid for by imposing a tax of a fraction of a percent on Wall Street speculators who nearly destroyed the economy seven years ago. More than 1,000 economists have endorsed a tax on Wall Street speculation and today some 40 countries throughout the world have imposed a similar tax including Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, and China. If the taxpayers of this country could bailout Wall Street in 2008, we can make public colleges and universities tuition free and debt free throughout the country.

So Uncle Bernie admits he's not promoting free college education but rather one that is paid for by someone other than the students with money confiscated from "EVIL CAPITALISTS" who "nearly destroyed the economy seven years ago."

If Uncle Bernie can admit the education won't be free, why can't you? I mean, it's HIS plan.

I'm the one who posted the clarification, dumbass.

Bolshevik Bernie seems to think someone that isn't a kid's parent should do more for the kid than the parent. Typical socialist.
Liberals think that those of us that aren't a kid's parent should do more in the way of educating the kid than the kid's own parents should do.

Really? I am sure you believe I am a liberal.

I don't want or need your fucking money to educate my kids. Matter of fact, I don't need your fucking money for ANYTHING.

We clear?
Liberals think that those of us that aren't a kid's parent should do more in the way of educating the kid than the kid's own parents should do.

Really? I am sure you believe I am a liberal.

I don't want or need your fucking money to educate my kids. Matter of fact, I don't need your fucking money for ANYTHING.

We clear?

I believe Liberals think those that aren't a kid's parent should do more than the kid's parent.

We clear, son?
I believe Liberals think those that aren't a kid's parent should do more than the kid's parent.

Read what I said you stupid fuck. I am a liberal. Don't need or want your fucking money to educate my kids.

If your parents had bothered to see that you had become educated, you wouldnt make such a fucking fool of yourself on a message board. So what happened to your education? Didn't they have the money? Boy.
I believe Liberals think those that aren't a kid's parent should do more than the kid's parent.

Read what I said you stupid fuck. I am a liberal. Don't need or want your fucking money to educate my kids.

If your parents had bothered to see that you had become educated, you wouldnt make such a fucking fool of yourself on a message board. So what happened to your education? Didn't they have the money? Boy.

You're a Liberal piece of shit. One exception doesn't change that Liberals as a group want others to educate a kids when the kid's own parents won't do it.

I'm far more educated than you can fathom, son. I'm sorry, but your high school diploma doesn't make you educated. If you weren't such a dumbass, you'd recognize that. That you admit to being a Liberal proves you aren't educated. Anyone that would vote skin color thinking it's a qualification for President shows he isn't educated.
Conservatives want educational opportunity to be directly proportionate to wealth (or lack of it).

You have no clue what cons want (or pretty much anything else for that matter) and while some are served by their daddy's money most higher ed ops are a direct result of the student's merits and talents.

Damn, you really are as dim and dishonest as your posts make you appear.
Conservatives want educational opportunity to be directly proportionate to wealth (or lack of it).

You have no clue what cons want (or pretty much anything else for that matter) and while some are served by their daddy's money most higher ed ops are a direct result of the student's merits and talents.

Damn, you really are as dim and dishonest as your posts make you appear.

It's clear that conservatives generally oppose any socialistic program that makes college more affordable for lower income Americans.
Conservatives want educational opportunity to be directly proportionate to wealth (or lack of it).

You have no clue what cons want (or pretty much anything else for that matter) and while some are served by their daddy's money most higher ed ops are a direct result of the student's merits and talents.

Damn, you really are as dim and dishonest as your posts make you appear.

It's clear that conservatives generally oppose any socialistic program that makes college more affordable for lower income Americans.

It's clear you think people who aren't a kid's parent should do more for the kid that his/her own parent.

I support those like you thinking someone should go to college that can't afford it finding all of them you want to go and paying their tuition from your pocket. If you truly care about them going, it's the ONLY way you can prove you do. Thinking someone else should be taxed proves nothing other than you are the typical bleeding heart.
Conservatives want educational opportunity to be directly proportionate to wealth (or lack of it).

You have no clue what cons want (or pretty much anything else for that matter) and while some are served by their daddy's money most higher ed ops are a direct result of the student's merits and talents.

Damn, you really are as dim and dishonest as your posts make you appear.

It's clear that conservatives generally oppose any socialistic program that makes college more affordable for lower income Americans.

The problem is, the government has driven up the cost of higher education by throwing a gazillion dollars at education via the student loan program.
Conservatives want educational opportunity to be directly proportionate to wealth (or lack of it).

You have no clue what cons want (or pretty much anything else for that matter) and while some are served by their daddy's money most higher ed ops are a direct result of the student's merits and talents.

Damn, you really are as dim and dishonest as your posts make you appear.

It's clear that conservatives generally oppose any socialistic program that makes college more affordable for lower income Americans.

The problem is, the government has driven up the cost of higher education by throwing a gazillion dollars at education via the student loan program.
That is not totally wrong. The question is how can we "get" education to students without the physical infrastructure of traditional four year schools.
This country is based on a hard work, pay your own way ethic. It's in our genetics regardless if you're a liberal or conservative. WE ARE NOT EUROPE--we loath socialism and those that represent it, like Bernie Sanders.

We understand that the more government spends the more it stifles the ingenuity & motivation of the private sector. The more money government takes out of the private sector to FEED the unmotivated in this country the more it deters the motivated--to open their own business's, to grow their own business, and to hire employees. which is the backbone of the economy in this country.

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.
Conservatives want educational opportunity to be directly proportionate to wealth (or lack of it).

You have no clue what cons want (or pretty much anything else for that matter) and while some are served by their daddy's money most higher ed ops are a direct result of the student's merits and talents.

Damn, you really are as dim and dishonest as your posts make you appear.

It's clear that conservatives generally oppose any socialistic program that makes college more affordable for lower income Americans.

The problem is, the government has driven up the cost of higher education by throwing a gazillion dollars at education via the student loan program.
That is not totally wrong. The question is how can we "get" education to students without the physical infrastructure of traditional four year schools.

That may be part of the problem, but what will really lower education costs, is when these high priced college's start losing students to more affordable community college's and trade schools, and then and only then will they start lowering their tuition in order to compete. It's not rocket science

And as long as we have millennials that go to these high end universities and college's to take underwater basking weaving classes--(a degree that won't buy a cup of coffee) nothing is going to get those prices down.

If you are not absolutely certain of what career field you want to enter, and what career field you can actually get you a JOB in after you're done, then don't go to COLLEGE, and don't let anyone talk you into it. Look into apprentice programs (on the job training) electrician, plumbers, heating and air conditioning, auto mechanics, auto body shops, dental assistant training, construction, heavy equipment operator etc. All service orientated, there is no outsourcing with these type jobs. There are all kinds of different trades, that pay very well, that do NOT require a college education. You just have to willing to show up, learn and work hard.

On both hands I can count Bachelor's degrees, where they couldn't find a JOB in their degree field that are now working in low paying jobs, like McDonald's & Walmart. And you can easily accomplish that with a high school diploma.

I also know people who worked their way through college, by working in part time jobs to pay for their tuition. One is a Judge now. He has no student loan debt because he worked all the way through college. It's tough, but it can be done. If you're just going for a bachelor's degree today, it might work in some fields like nursing, but in other fields expect to go for a Master or PHD in order to get a job in that field.
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This country is based on a hard work, pay your own way ethic. It's in our genetics regardless if you're a liberal or conservative. WE ARE NOT EUROPE--we loath socialism and those that represent it, like Bernie Sanders.

Actually this country is based on huge government giveaways of free land.

And no we don't loathe socialism.
I want free truck driving school...refrigeration school...AC school...those pay just as much as a college degree and in some cases more. That is how America will revive the middle-class. We will Truck drive it through the roof.
There is no such thing as "free" college education, someone is paying for it

You're an idiot. Lots of things are called free that are paid for by someone.

It's still not free, idiot. Your very own comment proves it.Sweet jeebus you're a dumb deer

If you knew anything, you'd know that Bernie Sanders is calling for tuition free college at certain schools.

That is not a misnomer. If you apply to a college were there is no tuition charge, your tuition is zero. Tuition free.

Get it?

Do you have the name of a tuition free college?

Berea College

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