Free College Education

Conservatives want educational opportunity to be directly proportionate to wealth (or lack of it).

Student loans have been around for decades.

And they strap poorer graduates often times with decades of debt.

Instead of loans, maybe they should work a full-time job along with going to school full-time at a community college. Take several jobs during the summer and saving every possible penny. Maybe they have to take a year off working several jobs, get a job painting houses.

If you want to continue to keep people in their places, sure.

I'd prefer to have low tuition education with available internships in their field of study either during or immediately following college. Holding off on getting a quality education doesn't help anyone.
I get plenty back, living in a more educated society. The same dynamic as funding public education now. And no, there is no guarantee I get anything back from social security, medicare, unemployment and other safety net programs. Then again, I don't think it's all about me.

I don't recall using the word "guarantee" in my statement. What I can guarantee you though is that unless you go to college, you will get nothing back by sending others to college.

As for living in a more educated society, we have plenty of educated kids now. In fact, we have record number of college graduates living with their parents because they can't find a job in the field they were educated in. There is no shortage of college graduates, only in specific fields that kids don't want to challenge because it's too hard.
I get plenty back, living in a more educated society. The same dynamic as funding public education now. And no, there is no guarantee I get anything back from social security, medicare, unemployment and other safety net programs. Then again, I don't think it's all about me.

I don't recall using the word "guarantee" in my statement. What I can guarantee you though is that unless you go to college, you will get nothing back by sending others to college.

As for living in a more educated society, we have plenty of educated kids now. In fact, we have record number of college graduates living with their parents because they can't find a job in the field they were educated in. There is no shortage of college graduates, only in specific fields that kids don't want to challenge because it's too hard.

If you don't have extended education in this country or the world in 2016 then you are fucked. You most likely will get nowhere in life and if the only thing holding kids back in an ever slipping away middle class is the cost of extended education then we need to do something about it.

To not displace some amount of the cost of college only keeps the poor in their place. Those HVAC units aren't going to repair themselves, you want an educated and trained populace.
If you want to continue to keep people in their places, sure.

I'd prefer to have low tuition education with available internships in their field of study either during or immediately following college. Holding off on getting a quality education doesn't help anyone.

How is making loans more difficult to obtain and students working for their education "keep people in their places"?

Internships are already available.

How does holding off on an education hurt anyone? I took a respite off from my education to get a different education and visit S.E. Asia. One of my best friends got her degree in education then toured Europe for two years on a bike. Another stayed with us while she was getting her masters, worked full time as a waitress in one of our nicer restaurants. In the Summer, she worked that job in the evenings and painted houses during the day.
If you want to continue to keep people in their places, sure.

I'd prefer to have low tuition education with available internships in their field of study either during or immediately following college. Holding off on getting a quality education doesn't help anyone.

How is making loans more difficult to obtain and students working for their education "keep people in their places"?

Internships are already available.

How does holding off on an education hurt anyone? I took a respite off from my education to get a different education and visit S.E. Asia. One of my best friends got her degree in education then toured Europe for two years on a bike. Another stayed with us while she was getting her masters, worked full time as a waitress in one of our nicer restaurants. In the Summer, she worked that job in the evenings and painted houses during the day.

The basic cost of a college education has gone up. Yes, internships are avaiable but they don't pay for your college education..sheesh.
Because if kids from the social castes you look down on are able to succeed, they'd be in competition for the same jobs as your kids. More to the point, it would give the lie to your side's favorite talking point about how "People are poor because they're lazy."

Now, do some more name-calling to show how "educated" you are.

The poor aren't necessarily poor because they are lazy, although Progressives have taught them that they can be lazy and be given a comfortable living from taxpayers.

If you want to continue to keep people in their places, sure.

I'd prefer to have low tuition education with available internships in their field of study either during or immediately following college. Holding off on getting a quality education doesn't help anyone.

How is making loans more difficult to obtain and students working for their education "keep people in their places"?

Internships are already available.

How does holding off on an education hurt anyone? I took a respite off from my education to get a different education and visit S.E. Asia. One of my best friends got her degree in education then toured Europe for two years on a bike. Another stayed with us while she was getting her masters, worked full time as a waitress in one of our nicer restaurants. In the Summer, she worked that job in the evenings and painted houses during the day.

The basic cost of a college education has gone up. Yes, internships are avaiable but they don't pay for your college education..sheesh.

There must be a lot of money for students to apply for Grants; ya don't have to repay a Grant...but students have to get off their lazy ass and get to work on it...research etc. not a one paragraph copied off the back cover of a Library Book!
The trouble with kids in our Society today is non-motivation, they like their social life more than taking college classes. When I see a young man or woman from another country who can't even speak English, apply for and get over $40,000 worth of Grants in this that accomplishment with while our kids do shit; something is wrong...ya can't say there is no money available.
They want something like College to be free...bullshit! Some people don't have kids in why the hell would they pay for someone else's kids? Bullshit!
Conservatives want educational opportunity to be directly proportionate to wealth (or lack of it).

Why is that, because the only way a liberal knows how to get something if by getting it from other taxpayers?

What's wrong with a kid getting out of school and working for a couple of years, save his or her money, and pay for college themselves? You don't have to enroll in college right at the age of 18. You can enroll at the age of 23, 24, 25, or whenever.

I agree.

In addition, how many kids coming out of high school know what they want to be when they "grow up"?
The basic cost of a college education has gone up. Yes, internships are avaiable [available] but they don't pay for your college education..sheesh.

Internships aren't intended to pay for college.

You also failed to answer the two, very, very simple questions. I'll post them again for your convenience.

How is making loans more difficult to obtain and students working for their education "keep people in their places"?

How does holding off on an education hurt anyone?
Ah, the old "if the government didn't bleed us to death with taxes, we'd give more to charity" argument. Knew that wouldn't take long.

Some of us can do both. Others just whine.

Not really, as you know, Democrats and Progressives contribute far less to charities than do Republicans and Conservatives.

Progressives believe in having the government forcibly remove money from citizens and then have government decide who is to get that money.
There is no such thing as "free" college education, someone is paying for it

You're an idiot. Lots of things are called free that are paid for by someone.

It's still not free, idiot. Your very own comment proves it.Sweet jeebus you're a dumb deer

If you knew anything, you'd know that Bernie Sanders is calling for tuition free college at certain schools.

That is not a misnomer. If you apply to a college were there is no tuition charge, your tuition is zero. Tuition free.

Get it?

Yes, tuition free at ALL STATE SCHOOLS. No, the tuition is not free, it is picked from my pocket or others. Free will have no value to the student.

Do you have the name of a tuition free college?

Yes, College of the Ozarks.
It's a stupid idea. If it were smart, why not start at 16? Let a kid earn enough to pay for the last 2 years of high school.

Sure, a kid can do that if they are thinking well ahead of time. Let them get a part-time job after school and work full-time during the summer to save for college. Good thinking on you part.

While you insist on keeping the minimum wage as low as possible because, as you say,

after all it's just kids working minimum wage jobs and what the fuck do they need money for?

No shit Sherlock I know it's not free, gub'mint worshiping assholes like to call it FREE so they can deceive clueless sheeple into thinking that money grows on trees while at the same time engaging in vote buying with other peoples money.

If the conversation were honest AT ALL the word "free" would never be brought into it but again honesty isn't something the gub'mint worshipers are capable of.

Conservatives have the damnedest ways of rationalizing their greed.

You assholes are the ones wanting free shit.

Actually, I'd have to pay for others to go to college, medicare, social security and unemployment insurance and I'm totally fine with it.
Mail your check to the Treasury and STFU then.

Nope, it's a group project and the winners get to decide.
Bullshit. Send your money. You said you wouldn't mind. Prove it. Just leave the rest of us the fuck alone.
There is no such thing as "free" college education, someone is paying for it

You're an idiot. Lots of things are called free that are paid for by someone.

It's still not free, idiot. Your very own comment proves it.Sweet jeebus you're a dumb deer

If you knew anything, you'd know that Bernie Sanders is calling for tuition free college at certain schools.

That is not a misnomer. If you apply to a college were there is no tuition charge, your tuition is zero. Tuition free.

Get it?

Yes, tuition free at ALL STATE SCHOOLS. No, the tuition is not free, it is picked from my pocket or others. Free will have no value to the student.

Do you have the name of a tuition free college?

Yes, College of the Ozarks.

Thank you. A Christian college that has the following academic requirements.

"Students should be in the top half of their graduating class with a preferred high school gpa of 3.0 and obtain our preferred score of 20 on the ACT (the College requires the ACT with Writing) or a 950 on the SAT. We pay particular attention not only to these factors, but also to the types of courses taken in high school and their levels of difficulty. It is to your advantage to have above average grades, especially in English classes. The College provides a scholarship for tuition to every student admitted; it is important that the College invest its resources in students who have a track record of success in their academic experiences."
If you don't have extended education in this country or the world in 2016 then you are fucked. You most likely will get nowhere in life and if the only thing holding kids back in an ever slipping away middle class is the cost of extended education then we need to do something about it.

To not displace some amount of the cost of college only keeps the poor in their place. Those HVAC units aren't going to repair themselves, you want an educated and trained populace.

We have an educated and trained populace now. My niece graduated college over three years ago, and she's still a waitress.

The problem is that many kids today don't want to do any physical work like install or repair HVAC. Sure, they will do physical work if they just get out of high school or drop out, but if they're going to get extended training, they don't want to do physical work.

This is besides the fact that there are several ways to get an advanced education as discussed, it's just that it's too hard that way, yet people do it all the time. That applies to poor kids, middle-class kids, and even upper-class kids. Nobody is discriminated against.
Conservatives have the damnedest ways of rationalizing their greed.

You assholes are the ones wanting free shit.

Actually, I'd have to pay for others to go to college, medicare, social security and unemployment insurance and I'm totally fine with it.
Mail your check to the Treasury and STFU then.

Nope, it's a group project and the winners get to decide.
Bullshit. Send your money. You said you wouldn't mind. Prove it. Just leave the rest of us the fuck alone.

Another on board for making the rich richer and the poor poorer.
I get plenty back, living in a more educated society. The same dynamic as funding public education now. And no, there is no guarantee I get anything back from social security, medicare, unemployment and other safety net programs. Then again, I don't think it's all about me.

I don't recall using the word "guarantee" in my statement. What I can guarantee you though is that unless you go to college, you will get nothing back by sending others to college.

As for living in a more educated society, we have plenty of educated kids now. In fact, we have record number of college graduates living with their parents because they can't find a job in the field they were educated in. There is no shortage of college graduates, only in specific fields that kids don't want to challenge because it's too hard.

If you don't have extended education in this country or the world in 2016 then you are fucked. You most likely will get nowhere in life and if the only thing holding kids back in an ever slipping away middle class is the cost of extended education then we need to do something about it.

To not displace some amount of the cost of college only keeps the poor in their place. Those HVAC units aren't going to repair themselves, you want an educated and trained populace.

Feel free to displace any amount you want for anyone you want. Just use your money to do it.
You assholes are the ones wanting free shit.

Actually, I'd have to pay for others to go to college, medicare, social security and unemployment insurance and I'm totally fine with it.
Mail your check to the Treasury and STFU then.

Nope, it's a group project and the winners get to decide.
Bullshit. Send your money. You said you wouldn't mind. Prove it. Just leave the rest of us the fuck alone.

Another on board for making the rich richer and the poor poorer.

Says another one on the board that thinks someone that isn't a kid's parent should do for the kid what the kid's own parent won't do for him/her.

You bleeding hearts keep calling it an investment. Tell me why if a kid's own parents won't invest in him/her it's such a good investment for those of us that aren't that kid's parents.
Conservatives want educational opportunity to be directly proportionate to wealth (or lack of it).

Liberals think that those of us that aren't a kid's parent should do more in the way of educating the kid than the kid's own parents should do.

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