Free school meals for all kids in Wales to start in September

If you means test it you just create a layer of bureaucracy that is expensive and inefficient. Far better to promote comradeship like this.
Comradeship. That's where the better off kids get to make fun of whoever is stupid or destitute enough to actually eat the school lunches. It works the same way here.
All students MUST eat what the school provides whether they want it or not. Students who had better at home still got breakfast at school. Students whose parents gave them money for the food trucks still will be in the food line for school lunch.

This will end up just like Moo obama's lunch program. Meal after meal will be dumped in the garbage. Millions of dollars will be wasted. I detest these forced programs.
Well the whole of the UK offered some of the primary school classes just lunch a couple of years ago. Everyone got it free though possibly you could still bring sandwiches. I think what started this was the government at last learning that children do not do well academically if they are hungry and I think it was a success. Of course it also took away the stigma for those who always got free lunches. Again not sure but I think there was the option of bringing a packed lunch. I know my grand daughter has always wanted that. A tiny amount on the tax of the wealthy and all kids can think of their work rather than feel dizzy with hunger. I cannot see anything wrong as long as the food was good and I think that has also improved a lot recently..
Well the whole of the UK offered some of the primary school classes just lunch a couple of years ago. Everyone got it free though possibly you could still bring sandwiches. I think what started this was the government at last learning that children do not do well academically if they are hungry and I think it was a success. Of course it also took away the stigma for those who always got free lunches. Again not sure but I think there was the option of bringing a packed lunch. I know my grand daughter has always wanted that. A tiny amount on the tax of the wealthy and all kids can think of their work rather than feel dizzy with hunger. I cannot see anything wrong as long as the food was good and I think that has also improved a lot recently..
It just good business. We invest lots of money in education. Whats the point if the kids are too hungry to learn ?
Well the whole of the UK offered some of the primary school classes just lunch a couple of years ago. Everyone got it free though possibly you could still bring sandwiches. I think what started this was the government at last learning that children do not do well academically if they are hungry and I think it was a success. Of course it also took away the stigma for those who always got free lunches. Again not sure but I think there was the option of bringing a packed lunch. I know my grand daughter has always wanted that. A tiny amount on the tax of the wealthy and all kids can think of their work rather than feel dizzy with hunger. I cannot see anything wrong as long as the food was good and I think that has also improved a lot recently..
It really doesn't take away the stigma for those who got the free lunch and really needed it. Those that took the mandated lunch and threw it away then bought something else still mocked the poor kids who ate the slop. Remember Moo Obama's healthy lunch program?
Have you ever been in a school cafeteria watching kids eat? The hungry eat.
Let them eat school lunches!

I agree with the idea of school lunches being without charging the cost to students, in public schools. Hungry children will not learn. They are certainly not "no cost," because nothing is. But given that we force children to attend school, and tax their parents so hard that it is almost impossible for them to afford sending their kids to private school, they are legally a captive audience. Forced into involuntary servitude, by those who see an enforceable societal benefit to them being educated and indoctrinated. Even the most callous master of the old south fed their slaves to keep them working. Public school should do the same.

That does not at all justify what Michelle's program of making school lunches unpalatable has done to them. In the seventies, the lunches were delicious four-star feasts compared to today's dry and tasteless nutrition.

I would change your statement to "The hungry enough eat." I've seen many children through away many lunches when classes stated at 8:05 AM and they did not get lunch until 12:25. Four hours and twenty minutes of fasting and sitting still, and you think they are not hungry?

I often ask them, "aren't you hungry?" The answer: "I'll eat when I get home."

Keep in mind that if a student did not bring a lunch, they are forced to go through the line and forced to get one "entre," one vegetable, one fruit or juice and one milk. Then they are required to sit at the table until they are granted permission to get up and throw the food away.

The latest at my school is "no sharing!" So kids who do like the school lunches, or who are hungry enough to eat anything, are not allowed to eat the unwanted lunches of other students not so hungry. Nope! Into the trash they go, lest a random Department of Ag inspector catch them.

I'm sure that makes sense to somebody.
Calling it "free" is a very poor way to communicate the significance of such a program.
Its free at the point of delivery. The kids domt get charged. Everybody knowa that it has to be paid for. Its a popular policy apart from with the conservatives. But they dont count in Wales..
My Mother made me two lunch sacks when I was in 6th grade. One for me and one for a guy that used to hide in the closet eating other kids food. His family was very poor. He developed software later on in life and made millions. Every kid needs a hand up.
So the other mother was a dead beat, and your mom had to keep the other kid from kicking your ass, i understand how she felt.
Its free at the point of delivery. The kids domt get charged. Everybody knowa that it has to be paid for. Its a popular policy apart from with the conservatives. But they dont count in Wales..
The recipients deserve to know that it has value and what it is aimed at achieving, as well as acknowledging from whom it comes.
The forced food lunch program throws 580,000 pounds of food from school lunches in the garbage every year. Some districts use composting for the unwanted food. Force feeding is a waste of time, money and certainly effort.

Stop it. Just stop.
The forced food lunch program throws 580,000 pounds of food from school lunches in the garbage every year. Some districts use composting for the unwanted food. Force feeding is a waste of time, money and certainly effort.

Stop it. Just stop.
Well it does give farmers a good paying job and then those politicians go to those farmers and demand their vote.

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